Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2689 Soul Sacrifice

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"Fellow Daoist Qin, actually captured this ghost cultivator alive from the crowd,"

Looking at the young monk who suddenly appeared beside him, Master Brown Tiger's expression was no better than that of the thousands of ghost cultivators standing in the distance.

If it weren't for the fact that Qin Fengming was holding a ghost cultivator that had completely condensed into a human body at this moment, and had just seen Qin Fengming take action with his own eyes, Master Brown Tiger would have thought that the young cultivator next to him had never moved his body at all.

Qin Fengming's move took only a few breaths.

In this place shrouded in red mist, Master Brown Tiger, although he has a fast movement, he also believes that it is absolutely impossible to be as flexible as Qin Fengming, who can come and go as fast as a lightning bolt.

Qin Fengming, who had restored his righteous skills, used Xuanwei Shangqing Jue with all his strength, which was a magical power that had strong restraint on ghost monsters. In this mist, it also had little restriction.

Not to mention that he had already recovered his aggregation cultivation at this time, even when he was at the peak of Transforming Infants, Qin Fengming would not show much embarrassment if he had to capture and kill more than a dozen Ghost Lord monks in front of him.

Qin Fengming just nodded slightly to Master Brown Tiger, and with a move of his hands, a burst of energy entered the body of the old man named Shou.

"Why, how do fellow Taoists feel at this time? Do you still think Qin is seeking death?"

As a burst of energy entered his body, the old man who was imprisoned by Qin Fengming's strange methods immediately woke up.

"You actually have the aura of a true soul that only we can have. Could it be that you are the one arranged by Master Gui Luo to take care of you?"

The old man woke up. Although there seemed to be a look of fear in his eyes, it quickly disappeared and was replaced by a look of surprise.

After hearing the old man's words, Qin Fengming was slightly startled, and immediately understood that the true soul aura he meant was the true ghost aura in his body.

There is not much real ghost aura on Qin Fengming's body, and it can only be detected by close-range sensing. Although the old man at the top of the ghost king has been imprisoned with his own magic power at this time, the power of his spiritual consciousness is still there, so he can sense the faint aura on Qin Fengming's body. Really ghostly scent. Naturally, he would not explain anything about this.

Just seeing that this ghost cultivator was still so calm at this time, Qin Fengming also felt a little moved in his heart.

"Lord Gui Luo, could it be that you have entered the Immortal Relics Land this time?

There is another ghost gathering cultivator who cannot participate,"

Through his understanding of the Soul Disaster, Qin Fengming knew that the Land of Immortal Relics lacked cultivation resources, and even ghost cultivators gathered in the Domain of Shadows would generally never come to the Land of Immortal Relics. And those low-level ghosts and ghosts are just used as cannon fodder, and they don't care whether they live or die.

Hearing the ghost cultivator in front of him actually address an adult, with Qin Fengming's understanding of the ghost world, he naturally knew that he must be addressing a gathering ghost cultivator.

"You have said this. It seems that you are not a monk from my realm of ghosts. Yes, the person in charge of this matter is a Master of Judgment. No matter how hard you resist this time, you can't stop our clan from entering the Immortal Relics." Land. The cannon fodder that appeared previously is only one-tenth of the number of spirits that will enter the Immortal Heritage Land this time.

If you obediently retreat from this place and get out of the way, maybe Lord Guiluo will spare your life. Otherwise, the day Lord Guiluo shows up, you will die here. "

The old ghost cultivator looked at Qin Fengming, and the expression on his face became fierce. It seemed that he was not captured by Qin Fengming at this time, but was giving orders to the two immortals Qin Fengming.

If hundreds of millions of ghosts suddenly appeared, Qin Fengming certainly knew that it would be a disaster for everyone present.

Seeing the contempt and threatening gaze of the old man in front of him, Qin Fengming didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Friend Brown, have you ever heard that hundreds of millions of ghosts invaded the Immortal Relics Land before?" Qin Fengming glanced at the dozen or so ghost king monks who were making a commotion in the distance. Qin Fengming ignored it. His lips moved slightly and he opened his mouth to transmit the message from Master Brown Tiger.

"Soul sacrifice, are you saying that it's time for soul sacrifice again?"

Master Brown Tiger did not answer Qin Fengming's words, but his expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed with extremely frightened expression on his face.

"Finally, there is someone who understands. Yes, this is the period of soul sacrifice. According to previous practice, as long as you voluntarily abandon tens of millions of mortals, you can avoid the danger of being annihilated. Even if you want to resist, it will be in vain. It’s just a fall. In the end, he will still be massacred by our army.”

The old ghost cultivator looked at Master Brown Tiger with a look of disdain on his face. His expression was calm and there was no longer any fear.

"What is the soul sacrifice? Please explain it to my fellow Taoist."

Qin Fengming's heart sank when he heard the conversation between the two and the change in Master Brown Tiger's appearance. However, he had no idea about the soul sacrifice that the two men were talking about.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, Brown doesn't know much about the soul sacrifice. He just heard that our Immortal Relic Land was invaded by hundreds of millions of ghosts tens of thousands of years ago. That soul disaster caused the monks of the Immortal Relic Land to Almost all were lost, and the mortals lost ten to twenty million. Although the clan was not wiped out, the number of monks and mortals who survived was less than half of the original number. Since then, there has been a theory of soul sacrifice. But what is the purpose of soul sacrifice? What it is, there is no way of knowing.”

Master Brown Tiger did not transmit the message, but spoke directly. There was also a hint of uneasiness in his words.

There are hundreds of millions of ghosts. Even Qin Fengming felt his scalp numb when he heard this.

With so many ghosts suddenly appearing at the same time, even a small number of ghost commanders, ghost kings and ghost cultivators among them are enough to break through the 360-wall clearing formation in an instant.

The reason why the 360 ​​wall clearing array just now was able to kill tens of millions of ghosts was probably because the ghosts did not appear at the same time, but flew out of the cracks one after another, which gave the array a certain amount of time to react.

Hundreds of millions of ghosts poured out at the same time. No matter how powerful the magic circle was, there was no way it could withstand the attacks of so many ghosts. The ants will kill the elephant, this is definitely not an alarmist statement.

Mortals, of course, are nothing in the eyes of monks, but if tens of millions of mortals are allowed to die in front of them, it will definitely leave indelible flaws in everyone's minds. You must know that everyone is from the Land of Immortal Heritage, so the monks who were born in the Land of Immortal Heritage will naturally do their best to resist the soul disaster.

Although Qin Fengming was not a monk in the Land of Immortal Relics, but he knew that such a thing was about to happen, he could not help but be frightened in his heart.

"It is really dangerous for hundreds of millions of ghosts to appear in the land of immortal heritage. However, this place is hundreds of millions of miles away from the five main cities. It will not be a short time for those low-level ghosts to arrive. It can be done. If you struggle with it, you may not be unable to win. This fellow ghost cultivator, I wonder if you can tell me what the ultimate goal of the soul sacrifice is?"

"Hmph, it is really wishful thinking to rely on the monks in the Immortal Relic Land to resist our army. In order to prepare for this soul sacrifice, our clan has spent thousands of years. Not to mention the magic circles and monks around us. Even if it's several times more, there's no way I can resist. As for the purpose of the soul sacrifice, don't say I don't know, I just know it. Do you think I will tell you to wait?"

Following Qin Fengming's words, the old man's face turned grim and he spoke sternly.

Facing the opponent's hand, the old man no longer had any fear. A majestic look. \u003c!--End of chapter content--\u003e

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