? Everyone from the Tang family left, making all the monks present at the Xuanyu Sect and Shisong Sect feel happy.

To be able to force away the Tang family members without any damage was something that no one could have imagined before. The Tang family is no weaker than either of the two sects.

If there were any ancestors from the late Tang family, even if Xuanyu Sect and Shisong Sect were united, they would never dare to come here so blatantly to intimidate the Tang family.

Looking at the hundreds of storage rings piled on the stone ground in front of them, the monks from the two sects naturally smiled.

"Ah, no, someone dares to rob."

Just when everyone was about to step forward and count the life-buying spiritual stones handed over by the Tang family, a sudden shout came from Ji Xinghai's mouth.

At the same time, two yellow rays of light danced rapidly with his hands and suddenly shot towards a certain direction on one side.

The monks who were here at this moment were all people who were above the Chengdan realm. As Ji Xinghai shouted, everyone became cautious almost at the same time. They activated the combined attack array and sacrificed their respective magic weapons.

Those who dare to steal it secretly in front of five gathering monks will naturally be strong.

Amidst the two roars, Ji Xinghai's two attacks, although hasty but containing majestic energy, were blocked by two spiritual sword lights that also showed huge power.

"Giggle, I think I have hidden it very well, but I didn't expect that you would still notice it. It seems that although Daoist Ji has not broken through the bottleneck in the late stage of aggregation at this moment, I think it is not far away."

Following a burst of giggles from the female cultivators, a figure appeared on the scene.

This female cultivator has a graceful figure and a slender figure. If you just listen to her voice and look at her back, you will definitely think that she is a beautiful female cultivator who is no more than thirty years old. But if you see its appearance, you will be disappointed.

Because this female cultivator's face was covered with pustules, and she looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

What made the monks from the two major sects present even more horrified was that the cultivation of this female cultivator had actually reached the late stage of convergence.

"Are you Fairy Sikong Yining?"

Suddenly seeing the female cultivator appear, the old man surnamed Fan from Shisongmen couldn't help but exclaimed, and his expression suddenly changed at the same time. The dignified ancestor of Shisongmen suddenly showed a deep fear in his eyes.


Unexpectedly, there are still people here who can recognize this fairy. This is a strange thing, this fairy has never been on the ice island before. How can you know this? Have you ever entered the Wanling Valley, our clan’s holy land, and soaked in Qinglong Pond?”

The female cultivator chuckled. Although her face was still ugly, there was a hint of charm in her laughter, which made people feel that her face was no longer ugly. Its sound is like the tinkling of silver bells, which is really nice to hear.

Looking at the old man surnamed Fan who cried out in surprise, the female cultivator's eyes flickered, like two sharp flashes of light.

Although he just glanced at the old man surnamed Fan, the old man felt a chill all over his body. It was as if the temperature of the air around him suddenly dropped a lot.

"It is natural that the fairy has never known Fan. When Fan was still in the late stage of infant transformation, he followed the master to the noble holy land. Although he failed to break through the Cave of Ten Thousand Immortals, he was also captured by the noble after the master's intercession. The elder allowed me to enter Qinglong Pond, and it was at that time that I met the fairy."

The old man surnamed Fan is still in the early stage of aggregation. As soon as the magic power in his body moves, the discomfort disappears immediately. The strange expression and the fearful look in his eyes were restored in an instant.

He cupped his fists at the female cultivator who was two to three hundred feet away, and spoke respectfully, but not politely.

After hearing what the two said, the expressions of the two to three thousand monks present suddenly changed almost at the same time. There was even more fear in everyone's eyes.

Even Ji Xinghai, who was in the middle stage of the aggregation, couldn't help but shrink his eyes and secretly thought something bad.

Wanling Valley has nothing to do with the Wanling Mountains here.

It is the name of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley of the three major forces on Icefield Island. The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is the name behind the human monks, and the people of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons themselves call it the Valley of Ten Thousand Spirits.

The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is a demon clan force, and there is a demon cultivator in the realm of the gods. Although there is only one person, its power is not comparable to the other two major human clan forces.

There are hundreds of demon cultivators in the clan who have the realm of aggregation or demon beasts that cannot transform. And there are countless demon cultivators in the Huaying realm.

Because one-third of the Ice Island Island is occupied by the demon clan, and Ten Thousand Spirits Valley is the holy land of the demon clan.

As long as it is a demon cultivator on the Ice Island, it must be controlled by the Valley of All Spirits.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Valley is huge in power, it will never frighten the thousands of monks present at this time. The reason why everyone looked frightened was probably because the female cultivator standing in front of them had an extraordinary background. She is the only daughter of the demon cultivator who lives in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

There are only three spiritual monks on the Ice Island. This demon princess is someone no one dares to mess with no matter where she is on the Ice Island.

Icefield Island monks, let alone dare to kill the female cultivator in front of them, even if they hurt her even a little, whether they will still be alive when the time comes depends on God's will.

Facing such an untouchable female cultivator, the thousands of cultivators from Xuanyu Sect and Shisong Sect were all uneasy and unsure of how to solve the problem before them.

"The fact that you are able to enter our clan's holy land and are allowed to enter Qinglong Pond shows that your master has a close relationship with our clan. I am not an unreasonable person. I just heard that there are tens of billions of spiritual stones here." , that’s good, I’ll take half of it, and you can wait for the rest to be distributed among others.”

After looking at the people in front of them who looked fearful but vigilant, their eyes finally fell on the five leading monks. After looking at the monk surnamed Fan, the female cultivator said this.

Although Fairy Sikong is from the demon clan, she has a very smart mind.

If we could suddenly snatch him into his arms just now, we could naturally use powerful means to stay away. But at this time, he was faced with a combined attack formation composed of several gathering monks and hundreds of infant transformation monks. She was also worried.

Although the monks in the late stage of aggregation are much stronger than the monks in the middle stage of aggregation.

But there is absolutely no huge difference between a monk who has transformed into an infant and a monk who has transformed into an infant in the middle stage. The monks in the late stage of transforming into infants can already sense the energy of heaven and earth. Although the mana in their bodies is still the energy of spiritual energy, there are already signs of transformation.

This sign is that the mana in the body has become more pure and majestic. The same amount of mana is much more powerful than the mana of a monk in the middle stage of transforming into an infant.

Although there is also a gap between the monks in the late stage of convergence and the monks in the middle stage of convergence in terms of the purity and majesty of their magic power, they no longer have that huge presence.

Under such circumstances, Fairy Sikong did not dare to push the people in front of her too much even if she had support behind her.

"Hahaha, I heard that there are spirit stones here that can be divided. How can we, the Jia brothers, fall behind? As the saying goes, those who see it get half of it, so count my share of Langxiao Lake,"

Just as Fairy Sikong finished speaking, a sudden unbridled laughter rolled from a distance. As the words rang out, an extremely weak escaping light came to the scene.



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