Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 326: Vulnerable to a single blow

Seeing that the little monk on the other side didn't even use a magical weapon to resist, the evil-faced Tutuo was overjoyed. This little monk turned out to be only talking big words. He thought that a five-element defensive talisman could stop two top-level spiritual weapons. He was really looking for death. [GUANM? Officialdom-Novel]

Just as Qin Fengming spoke, two spiritual weapons were already slashed on the colorful wall.

While the thousands of monks on the scene were dumbfounded, the two powerful top-level spiritual weapons were turned back. The five-element covering wall was filled with colored light. After shaking for a while, it regained its calmness.

Just when everyone from the Black Wind Sect or the Golden Talisman Sect breathed in and stood still, Qin Fengming smiled slightly and suddenly took action.

I saw his figure flickering, and an afterimage, heading towards the ugly-faced Toutuo. The two sides were already about 40 feet apart, but with Qin Fengming's full use of Biyun's Trace, it could be said that they traveled a distance of 20 feet in the blink of an eye.

The evil-faced Tutuo suddenly saw the opponent charging towards him and was shocked. He had never encountered such a fight before. Could it be that the other party wanted to fight me hand to hand but couldn't do it?

Although Qin Fengming was protected, his speed was still very fast.

A red light flew out of his hand. The speed is astonishing.

When he saw his opponent twenty feet away offering a spiritual weapon, the evil-faced Tutuo had already lost an inch. At this time, if he tried to recall the spiritual weapon to intercept it, it was already too late. He gritted his teeth and immediately poured his spiritual power into the spiritual shield in front of him, hoping to block the shockingly fast red light attack.

There was a soft sound of "duh".

The evil-faced Tutuo felt a flash of red light in front of him, and his body felt like needles pricking him. After a moment of pain, he slowly lost consciousness. After a moment, his body softened and he fell from the air to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the Black Wind Sect's foundation-building monks all stared with shock. The evil-faced Tutuo who was in the late stage of foundation building was killed by the monk in front of him who looked like he was only at the ninth level of Qi gathering stage. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you will believe it is true.

Not only the people from the Black Wind Sect were shocked, but also the foundation-building monks from the Golden Talisman Sect, who stared blankly with disbelief on their faces.

"Haha, this is what happens if you don't listen to Qin's orders. Who else among you will give it a try?" Qin Fengming pointed his finger, and a red light flew back into his sleeves. At the same time, he moved his body and took back the two spiritual weapons in the air. He looked around with a smile on his face, as if he was saying something extremely relaxing.

After Duan Yanfang woke up from the shock, his complexion turned sallow. After the battle just now, his biggest supporter was killed in the hands of the young man opposite him in an instant. This was really hard for him to accept. He was so fully prepared and spent hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones. , invited all the foundation-building monks nearby.

I originally wanted to succeed in the battle and retake the Luofeng Mountains that Black Wind Sect had lost, but I didn't want the other party to destroy the plan I had prepared for decades by just dispatching a monk. But now that he has reached this point and wants to abandon his weapons and surrender, he also knows that it will be difficult to gain a foothold in Quzhou in the future.

"Black Wind Sect disciples listen to the order. No matter how powerful the person opposite is, he is just one person. Everyone immediately takes action together and will definitely kill that kid."

Duan Yanfang was still very calm at this time. Although he was scared, he still made a very wise decision.

Everyone in the Black Wind Sect had been shocked by Qin Fengming's thunderous methods, and many people had lost all their fighting spirit. However, Duan Yanfang's lingering power was still there. Amidst his shouts, most of the monks sacrificed their magical weapons and faced the people in front of them together. Qin Fengming attacked.

"Humph, if you are looking for death, you can't blame Qin."

Qin Fengming stretched out his body and with a few shakes, he was out of the attack range of the Black Wind Sect.

When hundreds of magic weapons were chopped down, everyone in the Black Wind Sect suddenly lost sight of each other.

When he took a closer look, he discovered that the young monk had already arrived about twenty feet away from his array. The three elders who were originally standing with Duan Yanfang were frightened when they saw this. But they saw with their own eyes that the other party had a spiritual weapon that could be blocked by a spiritual shield.

Everyone, including Duan Yanfang, made secrets and fled.

Just when everyone wanted to escape, two huge black monsters suddenly appeared in front of them.

Several people were intercepted immediately. When everyone took a closer look, they discovered that they were actually two top-level fourth-level monsters, a black spider that was several feet long, and a purple-black centipede that was several feet long.

The fourth-level monsters are equivalent to the monks at the top of the Foundation Establishment. How can these monks who are in the early and middle stages of the Foundation Establishment be their opponents. At this time, Duan Yanfang no longer had the slightest idea of ​​fighting with the opponent. No matter how the opponent looked at him, he was doubtful about the ninth level of Qi Gathering Stage.

However, whether it is the spiritual weapon used or the spiritual beast driven by it, it can be judged that the opponent is definitely a monk in the foundation building stage, and must be at the peak level of foundation building. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to recover the fourth-level high-grade monster.

At this time, Duan Yanfang just wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible. This young monk was not something that the Black Wind Sect could deal with. But he also knew very well that his chances of success in escaping in front of a level four monster were really slim.

But the technique he practices is extremely special. It was passed down by the founder of the Black Wind Sect. It contains a magical escape technique that burns one's own essence and blood, and then casts a weird secret technique that can increase the speed to an incredible level. situation.

But at this time, Qin Fengming had already given the order to attack, and the two spiritual beasts spread out. With just one flying move, two of the Black Wind Sect's foundation-building monks were captured by black spiders, and one was killed by a purple-black centipede.

Looking at the elder who was killed by the centipede, his head was missing, and his head was being sucked by the huge mouthparts of the centipede beast. All the monks present were shocked by such a bloody scene. What's more, several female monks present began to vomit continuously.

Just when the two spiritual beasts were attacking the other monks, Duan Yanfang had already finished casting the spell. He looked at Qin Fengming, Du Tao and others fiercely, and said viciously: "Boy, don't be happy too early. You wait, I will not take this revenge." To repay an oath is not to be a human being.”

After saying this, I saw a lot of blood-colored thick mist emerging from his figure, wrapping his entire body in an instant, and then, in a flash, he disappeared strangely. Only an afterimage was left, heading southeast.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming was stunned. He has never seen such a weird and mysterious technique. With a wave of his hand, a Qi Condensing Talisman was attached to the centipede. At the same time, with a movement of his mind, the centipede's huge body swayed, its wings trembled, and it followed behind the afterimage, galloping after it.

Although its speed was not as fast as Duan Yanfang's, Duan Yanfang was still hiding under the cover of Qin Fengming's powerful consciousness.

Duan Yanfang's escape technique is so miraculous. Based on Qin Fengming's experience, it can be concluded that this escape technique must be extremely costly and cannot last long. As long as Duan Yanfang escapes from the spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building monk, he will definitely put away this weird escape technique.

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