Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3182 The appearance of the late stage of trance

Standing on the speeding car, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed and he was speechless for a moment.

During their escape this time, the two of them were extremely careful. They kept flying without stopping at any islands, and they never met anyone.

Almost whenever they encountered a gathering of people, they would quickly avoid it thousands of miles away.

The two of them thought that since they were so far away from the Ice Island, they should be very safe. But when they thought that the three infant transformation cultivators they met had the image memories of three of them, it was understandable that they were shocked.

At this moment, Qin Fengming really couldn't imagine what kind of existence Shouxian Mountain was.

"I don't know which Taoist friend came to my Konghuan Island and captured my Konghuan Island monk. Please show up to see me." A very ethereal voice suddenly sounded, and a rapid yellow light came from the huge island in the distance. After a few flashes, they arrived two or three miles away from Qin Fengming.

The man was of medium build and not very old, only over fifty years old. Judging from his appearance, he was somewhat similar to the middle-aged monk who was captured. Cultivation is already at the peak of aggregation.

"It seems that this man is the father of this middle-aged monk. I will capture him, and then we will escape immediately." Fang Liang's lips moved slightly, and when he secretly transmitted the message, his figure had disappeared from the speeding car. trace.

With the fluctuation, a black mist emerged from above the head of the aggregation monk who was looking alert. The mist swept across and suddenly shrouded from top to bottom.

"Ah, no!" A cry came out, and a ball of yellow light suddenly appeared on the spot.

A ghastly ghost claw suddenly appeared in front of Huang Mang just as the Cultivating Cultivator exclaimed. Without any stagnation, it sank directly into Huang Mang.

"Hey, you are actually practicing demonic techniques, and you are actually used to the magical power of tribulation."

With a soft cry, Fang Liang suddenly appeared on the scene, holding a severed arm in his right hand. The yellow light flashed, and a figure appeared somewhere dozens of feet away.

The face of the man in his fifties was pale, and one of his left arms had disappeared. His eyes were fixed on Fang Liang who had appeared, his look of horror still not dissipated.

When he saw Fang Liang's specific cultivation level, his face changed even more with shock: "You are a person in the realm of the gods! Ah, you are the one who put a reward on his capture."

A cry of surprise rang out from his mouth, and the old man who had lost an arm suddenly roared out a cry containing extremely majestic spiritual power. The sound wave swept across and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The old man was also a very clever person. When he saw the face of the young man in front of him clearly, he had already recognized Fang Liang's appearance. He was one of the three monks for whom the island leader offered a reward for investigation.

Facing a monk in the realm of theosophy, his first thought was not to escape immediately, but to directly use the secret technique and shout out his voice quickly.

This place is only a few hundred miles away from Konghuan Island. With all his strength, using the magic power in his body to shout, his voice can be heard by the monks stationed on the island in a matter of seconds. As long as they can hold on for a few breaths, one of the three island owners will definitely show up.

What the old man thought was extremely correct. When he shouted, a monk immediately heard the old man's words, and then several transmission notes were fired into a tall hall on Konghuan Island.

Qin Fengming, who was standing in the speeding car, never thought that this old man at the top of the mountain had such extraordinary methods and could escape from Fang Liang's full attack.

He was thousands of feet away from the old man, and even if he tried to attack at this moment, it would be difficult to stop the old man's rapid shouting.

After his spiritual consciousness was released, Qin Fengming was no longer in a hurry to do anything.

"Hmph, I wanted to capture you alive, but it seems I don't need it now." A black mist rolled over his body, and the broken arm in Fang Liang's hand suddenly fell down like ashes.

Following Fang Liang's cold snort, a black light suddenly flashed out.

A scream suddenly came out of the mouth of the old man guarded by Huang Mang. A sharp blade flashing with cold light suddenly entered the old man's Danhai. With a flash,

Flying out from his back and circling rapidly, the old man's body was immediately chopped into a pile of minced meat.

A group of black mist emerged, completely enveloping a group of spirits enveloped by the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

An extremely strange situation suddenly unfolded. The old man's soul, which was originally enveloped by the power of the laws of heaven and earth, was about to be directly absorbed into the void and exiled to the land of the netherworld.

But under the sweeping black mist, the power of the laws of heaven and earth was dashed away by the mist. The old man's spirit, protected by the black ghost mist, fell into Fang Liang's hands.

With a hand, a small tower appeared in his hand, and a cloud of gray mist swept across, and the old man's soul was sucked into it by the small tower.

Qin Fengming, who was standing among the clouds, looked shocked as Fang Liang used his methods to capture and kill the old man.

As for the souls of fallen monks, Qin Fengming certainly had the means to completely disintegrate them before they were sent to the netherworld by the laws of heaven and earth, but when it came to being able to capture the souls unharmed, he did not think he had such means.

The soul of a monk is very mysterious. If the monk leaves the body on his own, it can stay in the air for a long time. However, if it emerges from the body after being killed, it will be quickly absorbed into the netherworld by the laws of heaven and earth. Although the monks were able to intercept and kill through secret techniques, it was definitely not as easy as Fang Liang.

Fang Liang could easily snatch the monk's soul before it was introduced into the Netherworld by the laws of heaven and earth. If you think about it, only a monk with the body of a monster can do this.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, let's go quickly, the three spiritual cultivators have appeared."

Just when Fang Liang killed the old man at the top of the gathering and collected his soul into the Tower of Ten Thousand Souls, Qin Fengming's words also resounded on the spot.

As his words rang out, the five-colored escaping light shot up and turned into streaks of light that flew away.

Of course, Qin Fengming was not worried that Fang Liang would stay and fight with the three theosophy monks. When it comes to fear of death, Fang Liang is even more afraid of death than him. Although Fang Liang is a monster and has extremely powerful methods, he only has one life. Unlike Qin Fengming, Dan Ying can use teleportation to escape far away.

Although he took action to kill the old man, Fang Liang's spiritual consciousness had naturally enveloped Konghuan Island in the distance.

When the three escaping lights appeared, he knew that three spiritual cultivators had appeared.

The sudden appearance of three spiritual cultivators at the same time was a huge surprise to them. As an island owner, naturally he will not be vigilant all the time. Even if something big happens, it will be reported level by level, and finally it will reach the ears of the island owner.

According to Fang Liang and Qin Fengming's assumptions, the two of them would have fled far away at such a time.

Five rays of escaping light flashed, and in a few breaths, they moved away from Konghuan Island and shot onto the vast sea.

Facing the joint pursuit of two early stage cultivators and a late stage cultivator, Qin Fengming and Fang Liang had no intention of fighting with the three people behind them.

But the two of them also understood that it was definitely not an easy task to get rid of the pursuit of the late-stage spiritual monk. Whether they could escape was unknown.

What Qin Fengming wanted to do at this time was to stay away from Konghuan Island, and then try to get rid of the people in the later stage.

Half an hour later, one of the three monks who were chasing after him had already landed several miles behind Qin Fengming and Fang Liang. In just a few seconds, the attack would definitely hit their bodies.

Crisis once again struck Qin Fengming and Fang Liang.

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