Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3494 Take full action

Qin Fengming's expression also changed slightly as he faced the hot fireballs that were rapidly attacking in all directions.

The power of each of these dazzling red fireballs, which are extremely hot, is almost as powerful as the attack power of a monk in the early stage of spiritual connection.

Such a horrific attack shocked him greatly.

The imitation spirit treasure of the God Emperor's Seal in his hand can exert power at this time. Although it has the strength to fight with a person in the middle stage of divine connection, the realm of each strange beast is only in the early stage of divine attainment.

But Dang Ke's imitation spirit treasure, with its nine fire dragons, can attack with all its strength and can compete with the full-strength strike of a monk in the middle stage of theosophy. Nine fire dragons with such strength can be regarded as the existence of nine fire dragons in the early stage of divine connection.

Such a terrifying imitation spiritual treasure is obviously much more powerful than the Divine Emperor's Seal.

Although the Divine Emperor's Seal may not be damaged by the other party in a fight between the two, it is certain that they will be at a disadvantage.

With just such a replica of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, Dang Ke can surpass most of the monks on the Earth Ranking.

But Qin Fengming seemed to have a feeling in his heart that this imitation spirit treasure was not all Dang Ke's trump card. He must have more powerful means than this imitation spirit treasure.

Thinking rapidly in his heart, Qin Fengming clenched his teeth and his eyes immediately turned cold.

His hands quickly made a seal, and in a moment, the energy of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles suddenly violently displayed. As the white mist rolled violently, the majestic energy of heaven and earth quickly gathered towards the place where the Four Elephant Sword Formation was located.

All around, waves of frightening wind whistles came from afar.

Thick clouds rolled in the sky, and lightning flashes that were two cents thicker than before were quickly shuttled through the thick clouds. Waves of more deafening thunder roared, and violent hurricanes that were even more terrifying and huge than before swept through. In the middle, huge sharp wind blades exceeding ten feet suddenly appeared.

The power displayed by the Four Elephant Sword Formation at this moment was significantly higher than before.

A hurricane swept across the sky and covered the sun; under the flash of thick electric arcs, sharp silver swords wrapped in electric light shot down from the clouds in the sky; the blades turned into huge sound waves flashed; the clouds rolled In the middle, there are even more sharp blades on display.

All attacks swarmed from all directions and headed towards the red fireballs.

In an instant, terrifying explosive energy swept up, and strong winds that could almost collapse the mountain peaks suddenly appeared, making the mist-covered Four Elephant Sword Formation involuntarily reveal a large area of ​​emptiness.

Explosions sounded, and powerful fireballs comparable to those of the Theosophy monks shot out hundreds of feet, but they were still blocked by the shadows of swords and daggers all over the sky. Finally, their energy weakened and they disappeared from the scene.

In the huge sword formation, an open space with a radius of nearly seven to eight hundred feet was suddenly revealed.

Nine fire dragons roared, and a huge fire ball mask stood in the center of the empty land.

There was no mist or wind howling around, but a thousand feet away, the Four-Elephant Sword Formation was still operating at its best, and its attacks showed no sign of stopping.

Faced with such a situation, even Dang Ke couldn't help but raise his brows.

The imitation spirit treasure of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield is indeed powerful in both defense and attack, but it is still an imitation. If the other party is a magic weapon, even if it is an equally powerful imitation spirit treasure, Dang Ke will have full control over it. The treasure will imprison the method treasure.

In the end, whether it's refining or destroying, it won't be too surprising.

But at this moment, he was facing a sword formation that was more powerful than he had imagined. If you want to break this kind of sword formation that is set up with magic weapons, unless you use a powerful attack that exceeds the power of the sword formation, you can only find the magic weapon that set up the sword formation and use powerful means to destroy it.

Dang Ke has extraordinary means, but it is difficult for him to make any achievements in the magic circle. If he wanted to break the sword formation, he felt that he was helpless at this moment.

As the saying goes, one family is happy and the other is sad. Dang Ke's heart is heavy at this moment, and he is quickly thinking about how to escape.

But Qin Fengming was smiling all over his face.

When he used the Four-Elephant Sword Formation to deal with Hai Ming, it was easily destroyed by it, which made him feel that the sword formation did not have much power after being re-refined.

But this battle gave him renewed confidence in the sword formation.

Qin Fengming was convinced that Dang Ke's imitation spirit treasure would be difficult to defeat even Lin Yu's powerful blade attack. If several attacks fail to achieve success, Lin Yu will have no choice but to escape.

Although this imitation of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield cannot be said to be proud of the Sancaitang ranking, most of the monks will definitely find it difficult to defeat this powerful thing. They bow their heads and admit defeat. I guess there are many of them.

Only five natal magic weapons were able to resist such a powerful imitation, which naturally made Qin Fengming's joy difficult to suppress.

"This imitation of yours probably doesn't have a more powerful attack. Now, it's time for Qin to come up with some tricks and let fellow Taoist people try it."

His eyes flashed slightly, and Qin Fengming's aura suddenly appeared. A majestic energy surged, and he already held a red and blue sword in his hand.

This sword is completely red and blue, but the sword body is covered with colorful rays of light. A hot and cold aura circulated in the glow, appearing very powerful and extraordinary.

"If you want to use this magic weapon to break through this imitation of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, you are far from having the ability." Suddenly hearing Qin Fengming's voice and seeing the red and blue sword reappear, Dang Ke's eyes were cold and he said coldly. .

He did not believe that the opponent's methods alone could break through the powerful defensive power of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier that many Earth Ranking monks were afraid of.

The several-foot-long sword blade trembled rapidly in Qin Fengming's hand, and suddenly a dazzling light shone, and slender silver threads suddenly appeared, flashing in the air, forming a huge silver thread, towards a fire dragon wrapped in red flames Go away with the hood up.

The silver screen flashed and suddenly disappeared. When it emerged again, it was already in front of the fire dragon.

Silver light flashed, and the fire dragon was immediately enveloped in a huge silver mesh that was several feet tall.

The huge silk screen flashed and flashed past the huge fire dragon's body. The silver light flashed, still moving forward.

"Boom!" There was a roar, and the huge silk screen directly touched the wall of the huge fire ball.

A ball of silver light flashed, and the huge silk screen was immediately swallowed up by a huge ball of hot fire. What made Qin Fengming look happy was that as the giant silver net disappeared, balls of fist-sized flames also separated from the giant fire ball.

The huge fire dragon from before also became fragmented and turned into pieces of fire.

Although the Xuanwei Qingyan Sword's ten thousand soul-melting blow did not come close to Dang Ke, it could obviously have some restraint effect on the imitation spirit treasure in front of him.

"I want to get rid of this imitation spiritual treasure of the Party, let's have a dream."

A gloomy word was spoken, and the body of the fire dragon was cut into pieces by the silver mesh. The fallen flames suddenly flew up again, and after rapid fusion, an indistinguishable fire dragon reappeared between the two of them. before.

It seemed as if Qin Fengming's powerful attack just now had no merit at all. ,,. )

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