Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4636 The test of artistic conception

The two of them walked up the steps of the altar in a slow and slow manner. They stagnated for a moment and stopped in front of the giant cauldron placed on the edge of the altar.

Looking at the giant cauldron that stood without any restraint, both of them had a sparkle in their eyes.

Although these giant cauldrons seem to have little effect, both of them understand that these giant cauldrons are not ordinary things. The value of any one piece is absolutely no less than that of a powerful magic weapon that exists at the Xuan level, or even more.

Yu Changtian, who had been attacked once, felt it deeply in his heart. His earlier attack seemed easy, but the reality was far from simple.

Within a distance of one to two hundred feet, his attack is enough to make even a being of the same level unable to resist. It can be said that physical injury is a sure thing. Even extermination is not impossible.

But it was such a powerful attack, and the giant cauldron easily wiped out the attack with just a flash of light. Such a terrifying giant cauldron really made Yu Changtian's heart tremble.

In the face of such a powerful treasure, it is impossible to say that the two people's hearts are calm and they cannot be greedy.

However, although the two of them were greedy, they did not dare to commit suicide directly like Qin Fengming.

Because the two of them do not have the same attainments as Qin Fengming in the rune pattern formation. After witnessing the terrifying power of the statue's restraint, the two of them just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, and did not want to face the tall statue of the Holy Ghost Killer again.

After just a pause, the two of them walked quickly and entered the cave under the tall statue one after another.

Before entering, Liyang Zhenren fell behind and looked at Yu Changtian who was walking forward and was instantly submerged in the fluorescent light. A sharp light suddenly flashed out in his eyes.

Qin Fengming's injury was either serious or minor. A lot of flesh and blood on his left arm and left ribs were chopped off, and the muscles and bones were exposed.

That is to say, Qin Fengming is quick to see opportunities and has strong bones and muscles. If it were the existence of Xuanling, it would be hard to say that it would be able to guarantee that the arm would continue to fold.

Although there is no Taoist injury, if it were any other monk, he would definitely have to practice in seclusion for several months or a year or two before he could fully recover as before. But Qin Fengming only closed his eyes and practiced for two months before he stopped.

It's not that his own physique is really stronger than all the mysterious beings, but that he directly used Wuzhi Baihua Ointment to heal his injuries.

In the world of immortality, even for a Mahayana being, it is hard to say that anyone would use Wuzhi Baihua Ointment to treat injuries like Qin Fengming's. For this kind of injury, just using one Aoki Blood Coagulating Pill is already very good.


If juniors want to challenge the Riyudian test, do they need to make any preparations? "Moving his body, Qin Fengming raised his fists in the direction of the sound transmission and said loudly.

"To recover so quickly, the healing thing on your body must be extremely extraordinary. Challenging the artistic conception of Riyu Temple can be done at any time as long as you are willing. Preparation is not required. When you follow this path and encounter a fork in the road, choose the left That way, you can enter the testing place.”

The sound transmission sounded quickly. Although the sound seemed far away, it was obvious that Qin Fengming's actions here could not escape the presence of the sound transmission.

It's just that Qin Fengming was very secretive when using Wuzhi Baihua Ointment, and did not let him determine what kind of ointment it was.

Qin Fengming said no more, swayed, and ran directly along the path.

After bypassing a mountain ridge and passing through a valley, a fork in the road appeared in front of them.

What made Qin Fengming stop immediately was that there was a thick mist on both paths of this fork in the road. The mist surges, and even if one's spiritual consciousness falls into it, it is difficult to detect anything inside.

However, there are stone monuments standing on both paths.

One stone tablet reads: "Secret Realm"; the other stone tablet reads: "Impression".

Qin Fengming did not hesitate, and walked toward the path marked "Impression" on the left.

As his figure swayed, he soon arrived at the place shrouded in thick fog. His body didn't stop at all, he directly touched the surging mist.

As soon as he entered the mist, Qin Fengming suddenly felt as if he had stepped on the air, and his body suddenly fell uncontrollably toward a bottomless pit below.

The wind roared in his ears, and his body fell from above like a boulder, falling straight down without any obstruction.

What suddenly shocked Qin Fengming was that he discovered that the majestic mana and soul energy in his body seemed to have been suddenly drained. Both mana and soul energy had disappeared.

Suddenly the feeling of being helpless came over him. Even though Qin Fengming was at the pinnacle of spiritual communication, his expression suddenly changed, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

But in this situation, no matter how Qin Fengming danced his arms or performed any martial arts skills, it was difficult to change his body's rapid fall.

The body shape is rapid and the speed is greatly increased.

Under such a situation, Qin Fengming was convinced that even if he had advanced cultivation, had many magical creatures on his body, and had a tough body, his body would only be shattered when he fell to the stone ground below.

At this time, he was just like a mortal. Except that his physical body was a little tougher, he really didn't look like a cultivator.

"A test of artistic conception, is this a test of artistic conception?" Qin Fengming's figure fell rapidly, blue light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes slowly became calmer.

Since this is a test of artistic conception, it naturally cannot be judged by common sense.

Artistic conception is a strange existence that is ethereal and difficult to touch. Naturally, Qin Fengming didn't know what kind of induction the artistic conception test here was.

However, it is not impossible to comprehend the Great Dao in this state of gravity imbalance.

Qin Fengming didn't think any more. He bent his knees and sat cross-legged while falling rapidly. Making secrets with both hands, he began to get rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, making the spiritual platform clear and clear.

As Qin Fengming fell into concentration, his body suddenly shook, and his figure suddenly seemed to touch the ground. The whistling wind around him suddenly stopped.

"Hey, the little guy's cultivation is only at the peak of divine connection, but his state of mind is so solid. I'm afraid that the realm of soul has reached the peak of Xuanzun. And it only took less than an hour to fall into concentration. This is At the peak of the Vientiane Palace, I’m afraid not many people can do it.”

A soft cry rang out, and the sound transmission entity was able to see Qin Fengming's current state.

But Qin Fengming couldn't hear the slightest bit of the voice-conveyed words.

At this time, he no longer paid attention to anything around him, and had abandoned all his senses. His heart felt empty, and a strange aura surrounded him.

The place where Qin Fengming was at this moment was not on the original path, but on a tall stone platform.

The stone platform was surrounded by mist, and a very strange aura filled the mist.

If Qin Fengming could open his eyes and look at it at this time, he would find that there are nine stone platforms standing around the stone platform where he is sitting cross-legged. The ten stone platforms are hidden in the mist, and their positions are scattered, as if they imply a very profound magic circle.

A series of mysterious runes slowly wandered in the mist, and when they met each other, a strange wave burst out.

Fluctuations flashed in the mist, like a leaf breaking through and falling into a pool of calm water, and extremely slight ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the water.

Waves of light filled the air, and when Qin Fengming's body touched the stone platform, a layer of strange fluorescence suddenly emerged.

The fluorescence flickers slightly and looks very illusory and erratic.

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