
() "Ah, damn it!" A loud shout came out of Huanyun's mouth, who was using all his strength to attack Cai Feiguang with his spells.

When he thought that his attack was enough to kill Cai Feiguang, he never thought that there would be someone hiding under the ground and launching a sneak attack.

The distance between the two sides is too close, and the Xuanling monk's attack can be said to be immediate as long as he takes action.

Although Huanyun was already alert when the sudden change on the ground below began, he could only let out a sudden shout, and was already swept over his body by a red train.

The ice crystals wrapped around Huanyun's body did not hinder the red horse in the slightest.

The extremely hard and cold ice crystals seemed to be just bubbles under the stimulation of red Pi Lian. They burst one after another when Pi Lian touched them slightly.

The red light of the red horse suddenly appeared, like a flash of lightning. As soon as it flashed from the sand, it had already drawn the handsome young man in the air into it.

A ball of blood splashed out, followed by a cry of pain.

And just as the screams of pain resounded, the blue ice crystals that had spread over hundreds of feet suddenly flashed with blue light, and a huge roar exploded on the spot.

A terrifying and majestic energy explosion suddenly appeared, a huge energy impact that could collapse the mountain peak suddenly appeared, and a huge space crack suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Waves of icy hurricanes swept through, immediately intertwined with the energy of the explosion in the air.

Three figures flashed out, suddenly shooting out from the terrifying energy of the explosion. In a rapid flash, they immediately retreated several miles away.

"I admire Fellow Taoist Huanjun's ability very much. He can do it at such a close distance.

He was able to evade Junior Brother Yu Chi Lian's attack. Fellow Taoist can be said to be the first person. "The figure flashed, and Cai Feiguang appeared and spoke loudly to a man covered in blood more than ten miles away.

At this moment, Cai Feiguang had no injuries on his body, but his aura was extremely scattered and his face looked pale.

It was obvious that he himself had been greatly affected by the explosion just now.

"It turns out that this person is the old demon Huanyun. No wonder he was able to escape and ascend to heaven despite Yu's calculations, and at the same time detonated the secret energy. It's really amazing, but also a pity."

The figure on the other side flashed, and Yu Yuan's figure appeared in mid-air.

At this time, Yu Yuan's aura was somewhat agitated, but it was not too scattered. When the ice crystal formed by the secret technique exploded, he was the least affected among the three because there were not many ice crystals around him.

The powerful words he spoke of were naturally referring to the old demon Huanyun's methods.

Being able to escape from the secret sneak attack technique that he had always used as his trump card was something he had never thought of.

That attack was extremely sharp and rapid, and the most terrifying thing was that it was almost immune to the five elements' attacks.

As long as it is not intercepted by a physical magic weapon, his red attack can be said to be able to penetrate directly and no one can stop it.

However, despite his careful planning, he and Cai Feiguang designed to guide Huan Yun into a trap, and launched a surprise attack, but he was still able to let the opponent escape, and detonated the sky full of ice crystals created by his own magical power.

Such a method really impressed Yu Yuan.

The pity he mentioned was that he was naturally disappointed that he could not kill such a powerful being.

Such a terrifying powerful person, now that he has a grudge against him, cannot kill him or capture him and set up imprisonment methods. This is definitely not a good thing for everyone in Gale Wind City.

And if the other party is also a very moody person, it is even more dangerous.

If the other party is deliberately trying to deal with everyone in Gale Wind City, then I really don’t know how many people will die in the hands of the other party.

"You are not Yu Ming. Huan Mou heard that Yu Ming has a sibling whose cultivation reached the peak of Xuanling more than a thousand years ago. I guess he is you?"

With energy all over his body, the handsome young monk waved his hand to stop the injury to his broken left arm. He looked at the emerging figure with cold eyes, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke decisively.

In that critical moment, Huanyun had no chance to dodge the attack from the red horse.

However, he was a very special person after all. In a flash of his body, he still avoided the key parts of his body and let the terrifying red sword hit his arm.

Enduring the severe pain of breaking his arm, Huanyun forced himself to detonate the ice crystal.

Amidst the explosive impact of the terrifying soul energy and the five elements' vitality, he calmly avoided the sneak attack's second attack.

Looking at Yu Yuan who appeared, Huanyun narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of who this person was.

Although the Lingxiang Realm is extremely vast, the existence of Xuanling Peak is still limited. No matter who advances to the realm of Xuanling, it can be said that they will be known by all the great masters.

Because there are specialized organizations that collect and sell this kind of things.

At this moment, when she saw Xuanling Peak, who was very similar to Yu Ming, appearing in front of her, Huanyun immediately thought of this person's identity.

"Yes, it's Yu. I heard that you are looking for my brother. My brother is chatting with three seniors and doesn't have time to come. So what can I say? The same goes for Yu." Yu Yuan slowly stepped forward. , said in his mouth.

"Hmph, you are thinking too simple when you want to lie to Huan. Yu Ming does not dare to show up, which further shows that he has something to do and does not dare to face Huan. No matter how you cover it up, you can't even think that Huan will believe it. Today you are powerful, Huan It’s hard to get something back from me, and when Huan Mou recovers from his injury, he will come to Gale City again to ask for it.”

The young monk snorted coldly, looked at Yu Yuan who was approaching slowly, and then shot away in the distance. The sound resounded, coming from afar.

Looking at an illusory figure speeding far away, Cai Feiguang's eyes suddenly became serious.

"City Lord Cai, this Huanyun's method is so powerful that not one person can defeat it. But I don't know what happened and why I got into trouble with this person." Yu Yuan's face also showed a gloomy look, and with a flash of his body, he When Cai Feiguang approached, he whispered.

Yu Yuan didn't know what happened, but he was told by Gale City to come to help.

He had never seen Huan Yun. As soon as he came nearby, he saw a powerful being using terrifying techniques to surround Cai Feiguang. Then he quickly sent a message and decided to launch a sneak attack with Cai Feiguang.

As for why such a powerful monk fought with the city lord, he had no idea.

"This matter is a long story, let's go back to Gale City first." Seeing Huanyun disappear, Cai Feiguang's heart sank, and after sending a message, he turned around and headed towards the city gate.

Yu Yuan nodded and followed suit.

The vast area where the heaven and earth had changed suddenly and the vitality energy was surging suddenly became quiet. The frightened monks in the distance slowly approached the gate of Gale Wind City again.

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