Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5129 Courtyard Palace

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Hearing Qin Fengming's words, Yi Ao and Zheng Yiqiu were immediately shocked. However, when they heard the second half of Qin Fengming's words, their expressions suddenly showed a gloomy meaning at the same time.

The two of them had made it clear to Qin Fengming before that the three of them would share the proceeds equally, but now Qin Fengming actually wanted the four of them to share it equally. How could this not make the two of them who were in the leading position of this treasure hunt dissatisfied.

"What? Don't the two fellow Taoists agree? It's okay if they don't agree. Then the next two fellow Taoists can enter the cave first. Qin will not ask the two fellow Taoists for anything they get. For a period of one year, one year After that, if Master Qin and his disciples enter again, it will depend on their own methods."

Qin Fengming saw the expressions of the two people, smiled slightly, and then continued to speak.

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's words, Yi Ao and Zheng Yiqiu's expressions changed again. Letting the two of them enter the cave ahead is tantamount to letting them die.

Just the stone gate in front of them was beyond the ability of the two of them to break through. There is no doubt that there are forbidden dangers in the cave.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is serious. The fact that we were able to find this treasure place so quickly this time can be said to be due to the efforts of Daoist Yilian alone. It is also Daoist Yilian who deserves the most credit for breaking down this stone gate. The four of us are the most responsible." There is no problem at all if we split it equally.”

Yi Ao's expression only changed slightly, and he immediately spoke very politely and agreed with Qin Fengming's words.

After hearing what Yi Ao said, Qin Fengming glanced at the two of them without any change in his expression. Although he didn't have any expectations for the treasures in this place, he couldn't treat his disciples badly.

"Okay, let's explore this cave together and see what the ancient cultivators left here?" Qin Fengming said no more words, and with a flash of his body, he entered the stone gate.

The three of them filed in without any further delay.

This is a very tall and broad cave. It is extremely dark inside. The cave is winding and twisting toward the depths of the mountain. The stone walls of the cave were smooth, and although there were no signs of cuts with knives or axes, Qin Fengming could tell that this place was opened by man.

Standing in the cave, Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness slowly released, and a sense of vigilance surged in his heart.

Because as soon as Shi entered the cave, he sensed a very gloomy and cold aura, which was very similar to the aura of Yi Ao and others.

"Why is there such a strong ghost atmosphere here? Fellow Daoist Qin should be more careful.


People who practice the Ghost Dao Kung Fu are naturally very familiar with this kind of aura, so the expressions of Yi Ao and the other three people all darkened, and they spoke urgently.

After standing for a long time with a cup of tea, Qin Fengming moved and slowly walked forward.

Although it was dark, his spiritual consciousness was able to extend out, and at the same time, the magic plate in his hand was constantly stimulating. Therefore, Qin Fengming was not too worried about the restrictions in the cave.

The steps moved forward slowly, and no one of the four moved forward in a hurry.

Although the cave was winding and winding, it was not far away. After just three turns, a tall and vast cave appeared in front of the four of them.

It is not correct to say that it is a cave, because there is a courtyard in this cave that is thousands of feet wide. In the courtyard, a tall palace stands in it.

This courtyard was built in an extremely grand manner, with tall walls surrounding it. The walls were several feet high and made of bluestone, and the edges of the walls were made of some kind of black rock. There are murals carved on the walls, and the murals show very terrifying ghosts from the underworld.

One after another, ghosts jumped up on the wall and looked around suddenly, as if they were alive.

And on top of a tall courtyard wall, a tall courtyard gate stands. There are stone steps connecting the courtyard gate.

Looking at the tall palace in the courtyard from a distance, all four of them were shocked by the luxury of the palace. The tall palace in the courtyard has carved beams and painted pillars, and various strange crystal stones with strange fluorescence are inlaid on it. Just looking at it from a distance gives people a sense of grandeur, majesty, and incomparable solemnity.

The sudden appearance of such a palace in this dark cave made the four of them stunned for a moment, and a feeling of chilling fear emerged in their hearts.

Because all four of them could see clearly that above the tall courtyard gate, there were two big characters with a faint green light: Ghost Tomb.

The cave was vast and there was no sound at all, but all four of them felt an oppressive aura enveloping their bodies.

The four of them stood for two cups of tea before Qin Fengming said: "It seems that this palace is the real place where treasures are hidden. I just don't know how to explain this ghost tomb."

Naturally, the four cultivators would not be really afraid of ghosts from the underworld. But when I suddenly saw such a palace here, I still felt a little trembling in my heart.

The three of them looked at each other with unknown meaning in their eyes.

"No matter what is strange in this courtyard palace, we still have to go in and take a look." After a long time, Yi Ao said with a solemn expression.

Zheng Yiqiu's facial muscles were tense, looking a little ferocious, and he echoed sternly.

The two of them finally arrived here after decades of preparation. Facing the treasure place, there was no reason not to enter.

"Okay, let's go up and take a look." Qin Fengming's eyes flickered, he agreed, and in a flash, he headed directly towards the courtyard.

Without encountering any obstruction, the four of them arrived at the stone steps in front of the gate of the Gao Courtyard.

"These two statues seem to be the bull-headed and horse-faced statues from the underworld. It is unique to have two stone statues standing at the entrance of the courtyard to protect the door."

Looking at the two statues that were two feet high standing under the stone steps of the courtyard gate, Qin Fengming frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

"According to rumors, the Yinsi Niutou and Horse Face are soul-seducing envoys who can capture the souls of the world. It's really strange that they are used to guard the courtyard here. But they are seducing souls, and we have stopped using them long ago. It belongs to the category of living souls, even if it is a ghost, it cannot easily seduce our souls."

Looking at the two statues facing him, Yi Ao said slowly.

There is something strange here. In fact, even if everyone is a cultivator, they can't help but feel fear. Because the rumors about the Yinsi Ghost Mansion are very widespread, there are many rumors whether in the mortal world or in the world of immortals.

But no matter in the mortal world or the world of cultivators, no one has truly entered the ghost palace of the underworld.

"Hmph, no matter what the bull-headed and horse-faced house is, or the haunted tomb and shady house, since we have found this place, we will break in and investigate." Zheng Yiqiu said with a ferocious look on his face and a cold snort in his mouth.

Although his words were fierce, everyone knew in their hearts that Zheng Yiqiu was actually a little scared.

This courtyard is inherently weird. There are some ghostly auras emitting in the courtyard. These ghostly auras are very similar to the auras released by the techniques they practice.

This alone is enough to make people feel fearful of this courtyard.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, is there anything wrong with these two statues?" Yi Ao looked at the two statues with gloomy eyes for a moment, then turned to Qin Fengming and asked.

As a great monk in the late stage of Ghost Lord, he inspected the two statues with his spiritual sense and did not feel anything wrong. But he was still worried.

"This statue doesn't have any forbidden aura at such a close distance, which means it shouldn't have any restrictions. However, Qin can't tell whether it has any other weird features."

Qin Fengming looked at the Dharma plate in his hand with serious eyes. However, seeing that there was no difference at all on the Dharma plate, he made this judgment.

After studying this magic plate for the past few days, he knew that its efficacy was extremely extraordinary. It could be said to be extremely sensitive to the breath of runes and spells. As long as the breath appeared, it could not escape its induction.

"There are no restrictions on the statue. There should be restrictions on the courtyard gate." Looking past the statue, Yi Ao looked at the tall courtyard door above the stone steps and asked again.

Being able to arrange the existence of the tough stone gate, it is impossible for the courtyard here to be without restrictions.

Although he couldn't sense the forbidden aura emanating, he didn't believe there was no restriction here.

However, what surprised the three of them was that Qin Fengming replied happily: "There are no restrictions on the gates and walls of this courtyard."

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's firm words, the expressions of all three people changed, with disbelief in their eyes.

The three of them all looked at the Dharma plate in Qin Fengming's hand. Although they didn't know what the Dharma plate was, the three of them also knew that this Dharma plate had always been in Qin Fengming's hand. Qin Fengming would test it with the Dharma plate wherever it went.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, does this Dharma plate have any restrictions that cannot be sensed?" Yi Ao frowned and said slowly.

He didn't believe that there were no restrictions in the palace courtyard, so he asked this question.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, Qin is absolutely sure whether there are any restrictions on the walls of this courtyard gate. Qin's judgment of whether there are restrictions is not just based on the Dharma plate in his hand." Qin Fengming was very sure.

Seeing Qin Fengming's unquestioning words, Yi Ao no longer showed any hesitation on his face: "Since there are no restrictions around the courtyard, let's enter the courtyard and take a look."

Regarding the ban, if Qin Fengming was not on hand, they would definitely attack and test it directly. However, after seeing Qin Fengming's achievements in banning, they were very convinced of Qin Fengming's words.

Before Qin Fengming could move, Yi Ao had already reached the gate of the tall courtyard in a flash.

Seeing Yi Ao rushing ahead without hesitation, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed slightly. But in just a moment, Qin Fengming knew what Yi Ao meant.

His move was naturally not to grab the treasure first, but to show Qin Fengming that they had great trust in Qin Fengming.

This move is naturally something that Yi Ao and Zheng Yiqiu can do. Because the two of them believed that they were not Qin Fengming's enemies alone, they showed no hostility towards Qin Fengming and had considerable trust. This was the basis for the two of them to gain a foothold at this moment.

Yi Ao stretched out his hand and gently touched the tall courtyard door.

Everyone watched with bated breath, but no one said anything.

As Yi Ao's strength surged, the tall and thick grand door slowly opened in front of everyone with a crisp creaking sound.

"There really are no restrictions here." Yi Ao's eyes relaxed and he turned around to greet everyone.

Qin Fengming nodded, moved, and slowly came to the door. Looking intently into the courtyard, although it was pitch dark, everyone could clearly see the reality in the courtyard.

The courtyard is paved with square stones. Except for the tall palace in the distance, there is no decoration in the entire courtyard.

"There is no forbidden aura in this courtyard either, but this courtyard looks a bit difficult to understand, so you still have to be careful." After staying for a moment, Qin Fengming said with a slight frown on his brows.

He couldn't sense any forbidden aura, but he felt some strange fluctuations in his heart.

"Since there is no restriction, we will enter it." This time, Zheng Yiqiu spoke first. As soon as the words came out, the figure was already walking towards the courtyard gate.

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