Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5384 Energy Gathering

(This month Xu Zhen has to tutor his children to study, and the exam is coming soon, so there will be fewer updates, but he will try his best to ensure continuous updates. If you have any questions, you can add Xu Zhen vx: xuezhe


Energy surged and gathered from all directions. From a distance, it seemed that Qin Fengming was in a volcano gathering place that was accumulating energy and waiting for a large-scale eruption.

No one knows how much time has passed. There is no sun, moon or stars here, so I don’t know how much time it has been.

The energy of heaven and earth here is extremely rare. It will naturally take a certain amount of time to gather such a huge amount of energy.

Such majestic energy of heaven and earth gathered here, if Qin Fengming saw it soberly, he would definitely be shocked.

Because Qin Fengming had not encountered the majestic energy of heaven and earth at this time before. But seeing it in this strange place would shock Qin Fengming.

This is within the mist in the animal skin volume. It is really difficult to explain that such vast energy of heaven and earth can be gathered here.

However, Qin Fengming was not surprised at all at this moment, because he kept his eyes closed, his hands making secrets, and he was immersed in the deduction of the skills and could not leave.

What kind of situation that was, even Qin Fengming was afraid that it was hard to describe.

Because the moment he calmed down his mind and began to decompose the Xuanwei Shangqing Jue technique that he had studied countless times, he suddenly fell silent in a very strange state.

That state was very unspeakable, as if the place he was in was a strange space composed of runes and spells.

The runes floating in the air felt very familiar to him, as if he had sensed them and used them countless times before. It seemed that these runes were what he had in mind.

He was immersed in the runes and forgot his way home for a moment, nor did he remember why he was immersed in such a state.

Qin Fengming wandered among the runes happily, waving his hands, and the runes flashed one after another, and they immediately formed complex runes one after another as if they were very obedient.

Those runes changed into various shapes in the air, filling Qin Fengming's heart with a sense of joy.

Suddenly, a complex talisman flashing with fluorescence appeared in front of Qin Fengming. The talisman floated, exuding a strange fluorescence, and had a thick aura wrapped around it.

Seeing such a talisman, Qin Fengming subconsciously pointed at the talisman.

His original intention was naturally to break down these talismans that were not composed by his will, and then turn them into talismans composed by himself.

He thought very simply, thinking that he could break up the talisman by just waving his hand.

But when he used the method of decomposition to act on the talisman, Qin Fengming suddenly froze. The extremely stable talisman has not undergone any changes.

Those spells were extremely stable, and under Qin Fengming's spell, a powerful blocking force appeared on them.

Those spells are already very complete and are very closely integrated with each other. It has a very strong resistance to external interference.

Faced with such a talisman, Qin Fengming, who had always been resolute, did not let it drift away, but waved his hand to take it in front of him.

At this moment, he has become interested in these few complete talisman spells.

Talisman is a complete combination of powerful talisman spells that can manifest certain effects, and it is a very stable combination.

If Qin Fengming was awake at this moment, he would not have any thoughts about the existence of these charms.

Because he has studied these spells countless times, these spells are extremely stable and it is difficult to explore their roots. At the same time, the original function of these spells is to refine the energy of heaven and earth.

It is also the stable runes and spells that, when the monks absorb the energy of heaven and earth, can be stable in the impact of the majestic energy, and will not be dispersed by the energy of heaven and earth, thus causing flaws in the skills.

Qin Fengming at this time, of course, would not have such thoughts.

At this moment, he just wanted to break down this stable talisman, and then merge it into a new talisman himself. Even Qin Fengming himself didn't know why he did this.

Qin Fengming had a very mysterious thought in his heart at this time, which guided him to integrate the runes and spells around him. The thought seemed to be his own, but it seemed not.

And he is not disgusted with that kind of guidance, and seems to be very happy to be controlled by it. Following the guidance of nothingness seems to be the only way he can be satisfied.

At this time, the guidance was to ask him to decompose the stable spell in front of him.

Facing this stable spell, Qin Fengming devoted himself wholeheartedly to it. Ignore other runes and anything else.

What Qin Fengming didn't know was that while he was wandering in the world of runes and spells, the majestic energy of the world around him was still gathering.

At this time, the speed of energy gathering in the world has become very rapid.

The vast world is filled with the sound of non-stop howling winds. The mountains and forests in the distance were raging by strong winds.

This place, which originally could not sense much energy from heaven and earth, became full of energy at this time.

As time slowly passed, too much energy from heaven and earth condensed around Qin Fengming, and a sticky feeling appeared in the gathered energy.

These energies of heaven and earth, which were enough to frighten Xuanling monks, gathered together. Not only did they not dissipate, but they became more concentrated. In such a situation, no one can explain it, even if it is a Mahayana with many experienced people.

Without the powerful restraint, such thick and pure energy of heaven and earth would not gather in the open space. But now, although there is a breath of runes in the surrounding heaven and earth, there is no forbidden breath.

Not to mention that Mahayana didn't know the cause and effect when seeing this situation. Even if the God of Crossing the Underworld suddenly appeared on the spot at this moment, it would be difficult to explain what he saw in front of him.

Because at this time, in the main hall of Duming Palace, there were constant buzzing sounds. The energy in the entire hall was like a hurricane, pouring into the roll of animal skin on the wooden couch.

It's like that roll of animal skin is a bottomless pit, greedily absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

Even if the animal skin scroll appeared in such a situation, God Crossing the Underworld would not know it if he saw it. Because the spatial mist he set up, although mysterious, had no effect in absorbing the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

The God of Crossing the Underworld would be shocked when he saw such a situation happening at this moment.

Qin Fengming, who was wrapped in majestic energy, did not seem to be disturbed by the majestic energy gradually gathering around him. He closed his eyes and his mind was immersed in the deduction of the technique and never left.

As time passed, he had disintegrated several stable talismans. And under his thoughts, it was reintegrated into a new spell.

After floating in the void for a long time, Qin Fengming never encountered a spell he had never seen before, which made him stop in mid-air for a moment.

Suddenly, a violent energy aura suddenly emerged from around him, and the vast energy of heaven and earth suddenly wrapped around his body.

The majestic energy surged directly into Qin Fengming's body.

With almost no hesitation, runes of runes appeared in Qin Fengming's body, wrapping the majestic energy that was powerfully injected into his body, and then guided the majestic energy in a strange way, slowly traveling throughout his body...

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