"Rumble!~~" Suddenly, over a vast area with steep mountain peaks, a deafening roar suddenly exploded into the void.

This roar came very suddenly, and there was no warning at all before the roar.

The roar resounded, and the three monks sitting cross-legged nearby suddenly raised their heads. There was no surprise or fear on their faces, but they all showed great anticipation.

"Stab!" A huge sound of cracking silk resounded throughout the world, and a huge gap suddenly opened in the originally dark void.

A fierce hurricane was wrapped with thick arcs of electricity, and suddenly burst out from the cracks, like electric pythons covered in fluorescent light, flying downwards.

The hurricane in the void roared like a blade, and the icy air filled the sky with the power of space. Like a vast ocean, it covered the mountains and the earth, and the peaks were instantly submerged.

The sound of the void suddenly sounded, and the three people below did not hesitate at all. They stood up one after another and ran quickly towards the distance before the hurricane swept across the sky.

"I was not asked to wait here in vain. As expected, space cracks will appear here after a while. I hope Qin Danjun did not fall into the virtual realm and return here through the appearance of space cracks this time."

The three figures stopped in the distance, feeling the majestic Yin Qi energy that was familiar but could not be absorbed and refined swept across. The three monks' eyes flickered, and their faces were full of expectation.

These three monks were none other than Saint Qingkui, Hegu, and Xingbu.

At this time, the three True Demon Realm Mahayana's eyes were shining, staring closely at the huge space crack in the distance, looking forward to the young monk who was trapped in the void outside the territory to reappear here.

Of course, what the three of them are looking forward to most is the fixed astrolabe that also enters the virtual realm.

The three people's eyes were intense and unblinking, as if they were afraid of missing something.

Time passed, and the three of them felt anxious. It felt like the days passed by, as if the flow of time had slowed down and became extremely long.

"That's the figure of a monk!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise resounded amid the raging hurricane. Amid the exclamations, three figures moved rapidly, flying in the direction of a monk figure that suddenly shot out from the void.

That figure was naturally Qin Fengming who came from the Dragon Prison space.

Flying out from the space channel,

Although Qin Fengming also has scars on his body, they are far different from when he first entered the dragon prison space, and they are not considered injuries at all.

Holding the fluorescent purple stick in his arms, a majestic aura that was infinitely more powerful than before spread around him, greatly resisting the power of the blade-like hurricane, and it was extremely difficult to damage Qin Fengming's body too much.

As soon as his body left the space passage, Qin Fengming immediately felt happy. This was really the place where the dragon fell.

Qin Fengming's face suddenly darkened as he quickly scanned with his consciousness. He also noticed three figures flying in from a distance.

Although he did not see the appearance of the three people clearly, he knew that the purpose of these three people staying here was naturally him.

After waving his hand and putting away the stick in his hand, Qin Fengming stopped in a small valley in a flash. He waved his hand and changed into a set of robes. He looked at the direction in which the three monks were coming and did not leave again.

"Qin Danjun is fine, it's really gratifying." Before the three figures approached, He Gu's words were already heard quickly.

"It turned out to be the three seniors Qingkui. The three seniors were so patient that they have been waiting here for Qin. I wonder how long it has been since Qin left the place where the dragon fell?"

The three people arrived quickly, Qin Fengming frowned secretly, cupped his fists and said.

"Qin Danjun, don't you know how long has passed?" Saint Xingbu frowned and asked with a thought in his heart.

These top beings in the three realms have extremely clear minds. Just from Qin Fengming's words, he instantly had questions.

"Qin was swallowed up by the space crack this time. He entered a dark space without the sun, moon and stars, and could not sense the specific time." Qin Fengming nodded and told some truth.

"It turns out that it has been nearly ten years since Qin Danjun left here. It seems that every ten years, a space passage will appear in this place that penetrates the space where Danjun entered. I don't know where Danjun is in that space. Is there anything to gain?”

Hegu nodded and made a judgment that was not very reliable.

This place must be connected to the Dragon Prison space, and they will connect with each other every once in a while. It's just that the time apart will definitely not be ten years, but a very long time.

Based on Qin Fengming's judgment, it would take a hundred years or more for that space crack to gather the energy of a space channel that could connect the two places, even in the real ghost world.

"It turns out that ten years have passed..." Qin Fengming felt a strange feeling in his heart and murmured in his mouth.

"Qin Danjun, the fixed astrolabe should have been obtained by Danjun." Seeing that Qin Fengming did not answer, Xing Bu asked directly.

"Hahaha... This must be Lord Qin Fengming. Lord Qin Dan has indeed returned to the real ghost world safely."

As soon as Xing Bu finished speaking, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly resounded across the sky and earth in the distance. Although there was a strong wind, the laughter still reached Qin Fengming's ears clearly.

As the laughter suddenly started, two blurry figures in the distance flashed in the violent hurricane. They were very fast, just a flash, and then stopped in front of everyone.

"It turns out that the two holy masters have not left." The figure stopped, and Hegu said with a slight frown.

"I'm Tierpo, this is Fairy Yingyue. I heard that Lord Qin Dan was trapped in a crack in the virtual realm, so I came here to have a look. I just didn't know how to open the space channel and save Lord Dan from danger, so I have been waiting here. Lord Qin Dan With deep blessings, it is reasonable to get out of trouble safely.”

Holy Lord Nirvana spoke first, showing no sign of the power of the No. 1 Lord of the Real Ghost Realm, and was quite polite to Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming's heart was beating wildly. Holy Lord Tiangpo and Holy Lord Yingyue, these were the top beings in the real ghost world, did not expect that they would also be here waiting for him.

The top Mahayana among the two major interfaces is here. Even if Qin Fengming wants to leave with the fixed astrolabe, it is probably impossible.

"I've met the two senior Holy Lords, so I'm sorry to worry about you." Qin Fengming was unhappy, but his expression was not strange. He cupped his fists in greeting and looked very calm.

"This is a famous and dangerous place in our real ghost world. Since ancient times, very few people have been willing to go in and out. Very few people know about the dangers of this place. I wonder where Qin Danjun was transported by the space hurricane? What kind of danger did he encounter?" Holy Lord Yingyue When he opened his mouth, he did not ask about the astrolabe, but planned to learn more about Qin Fengming's experience.

Qin Fengming did not have a good impression of Yingyue Holy Lord, because he knew that the Qianhun Palace where this Holy Lord was located was fighting with the Bitao Palace, and Bing'er was in the Bitao Palace at the moment.

Although he was unhappy in his heart, Qin Fengming did not show up and said directly: "The space is dark, the same as the atmosphere here, and contains rich Yin energy, but it cannot be absorbed for cultivation. The whole space is filled with vast sea water, which cannot be blasted. Pass through the barrier and escape. Do the two Holy Masters know the name of a senior named Xiaoyou?"

After Qin Fengming spoke, he immediately looked at the two Holy Masters, Tiang Po and Ying Yue.

"What? You said you saw a man named Xiaoyou in that space?"

What shocked and astonished Qin Fengming was that before the two holy masters could speak, Holy Lord Qingkui's expression suddenly changed and he spoke hastily.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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