Record of Chaos

Chapter 938: Xu Mi is desperate and ethereal, Lingxiao's secret palace decides fate

   (938 Xu Mi is desperate and hopeless, Lingxiao secret palace decides fate)

   This is because in addition to the lower and middle levels of the Lingxiao Palace, there is an upper level that is unattainable for all the devas without the surname Hao.

   The upper floor is exclusively occupied by the veteran of the surname Hao. Only the Hao people of pure blood can enter if they have enough cultivation base and merits.

   Everything that is submitted to the Hao Emperor for decision, in fact, must be jointly agreed by all the Hao Clan elders.

   Contrary to the appearance, the palace of Lingxiao is wider and wider as it goes up. Going up to the top, called Diding, only Hao Di himself can reach that place.

   Every day finally ends the extremely long early dynasty, and Emperor Hao will come to Diding alone. He no longer needs to practice, what he needs is sentiment.

  Diding is the top of the earth. Even with huge mana support, the entire Kilitian and even Xumi Mountain could not be lifted higher. Because there is no support on it.

   And this extremely different from the blessed land of ordinary immortals, in fact, there is only an uninhabited and uninhabited desert, and the only tree in the desert.

   Emperor Hao just sits under this tree, looking at the sky and meditating. Except for a azure blue sky, there is not even a bit of mist in the sky. But since the sky is still there, it means there is a higher realm.

   It is said that Shizu once attained Taoism under this tree, and finally attained Nirvana, escaped from this world of dwellings, and merged into the boundless vanity. He also described the grand scenery above the ground.

   Emperor Hao longed for it, so he ordered someone to move the tree from the lower realm.

   When every cultivator of the Human Realm formed his pill, he had the opportunity to see the empty sky. But Hao Di can't. Because Emperor Hao is a deity. The cultivation base of Tianren exists from birth, he has never experienced the formation of alchemy.

   If the heavenly man is a Xudan monk, then he is born with Xudan. If the heavens and humans are the Purple Mansion and the Golden Pill, they also have the Purple Mansion and the Golden Pill at birth.

   It is very difficult for a man to cultivate, and he often has no progress in his cultivation throughout his life. This is because Tianrenshouyuan is so long and has fun all day long, so naturally there is no intention to cultivate.

   It is actually extremely rare for a diligent celestial person like Hao Di and Hao Ming to see.

  From the end of the early dynasty until the sun is shining, it is almost equivalent to a mortal feeling for fifty to sixty years, and he will meditate here.

   Once the sun sets and the stars are shining, he will turn his mind and come to "Hao Ting".

   Hao Ting is the most important existence in the upper layer of the Lingxiao Palace. It is not actually a real place, but a top-secret meeting place constructed by the spirit of all the Hao clan elders.

   Every day when the sun goes down, all the Hao Clan elders who practice enlightenment in the upper level will release divine consciousness fluctuations, which are intertwined in the upper level like five-color streamers, and finally transformed into a magnificent "Hao Ting".

   Hao Ting is different from the Tian Ting located on the middle floor. It is not the brilliant and brilliant style, but a huge, heavy, and gloomy stone hall.

   There is no exit or entrance here. The completely enclosed environment symbolizes that no one except the Hao clan elders can get in.

   The lights in the hall were dim and crowded with people. The appearance and costumes of each figure are blurred, as if they are a bunch of original bright paint, mixed together, all become ugly grayish brown.

   Hao Di himself is the only one with bright dress and clear appearance. He was sitting in the center, surrounded by hard and cold seats carved out of a circle of rock. There are blurred figures on the seats.

   "Continue to discuss the previous topic."

   The discussion is discussed by Hao Ting, but Hao Di decides what to discuss. They have discussed the last issue for three nights, which is as long as the human world for nearly 500 years, but the discussion has not yet been completed.

  The question is whether to temporarily ban the ascension path of the monks in Dongsheng Shenzhou?

   The matter originated from the recent news that there were two Dongsheng Shenzhou female celestial beings who were awarded the "Fengxian Evil", but disappeared after ascending, and even suspected to have gone to Qin Zunyang who had been hidden for many years.

   And Qin Zunyang, this person, has been agreed to be involved in the Gomang Heavenly Kingdom, which was extinguished one hundred thousand years ago, and belongs to the heinous generation!

   It doesn't matter if this matter is not investigated, it is found that the reason why the ancient family was able to obtain two seals of immortality was actually a bribe to the emissary. Not only that, but Gu Yuanli, the elder of the ancient family, had already absconded and his whereabouts were unknown.

   Except for the missing Gu Yuanli, the envoy of the immortals and the entire Dufengshan Ancient Family have gone to Zhuxiantai. Even some big brothers from Dufengshan have been implicated in jail.

   The aftermath of this matter is not over yet. Someone from the middle level started to ban the ascension of the Dongsheng Shenzhou monks to prevent this from happening again.

   This matter is not difficult for Heavenly Court. The ascension must be awarded by the Heavenly Court to issue a seal of immortality to ascend, so just don't issue it. Since then, the ascetics of Dongsheng Shenzhou can only stay on the ground, no matter how high they are.

   The difficulty is that this matter has to be discussed by Hao Ting, and all of them can be finalized. But various problems are involved.

  My disciple is still in Dongsheng Shenzhou, can't he fly up after being banned?

   There are still many people from the Hao family’s sin line in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Have these people treated the human world all their lives?

   In the past years, other continents Lu Feisheng immortals also disappeared, why didn't they be blocked?

   Because of the missing two people, the entire continent of Ascension was banned. Is it because of choking?

   The number of black and heavy seats in the Hao Ting has been increasing since the completion of the Lingxiao Palace, and currently there are about 10,000.

   Any meeting is that the more people the topic is, the easier it is to spread, and the longer it takes. It is not easy for dozens of people to get a fully unified opinion on a problem, let alone tens of thousands of people?

   And Hao Ting is different from ordinary meetings. As long as one person is speaking, the remaining 10,000 people can clearly hear his spiritual thoughts. At this time, no one else can interrupt.

   Wait until his speech is other people can speak to refute. And whoever gets the right to speak, there is also a long queue.

   If every veteran hadn't grabbed the microphone, he would never give up. He would definitely queue up to the end of the day until he had said what he wanted to say.

   Although it is said that the communication of divine mind is much faster than the real speaking, it is time-consuming that mortals can't imagine.

   More than 10,000 people, even if no one rebuts, the time it takes for each person to say what they want is not a small number.

   And everyone who speaks will attract hundreds of people to refute, and those who refute will be refuted by more people, just like an endless chain reaction.

   Most of the time, Emperor Hao sat in the middle, watching the disputes among the elders. Under the extremely long discussion, everyone's thoughts will eventually become unified.

   Fortunately, this matter has been discussed for hundreds of years, and this time it is indeed coming to an end. It is more than ten years in the human world that has finally been determined.

   Finally, Emperor Hao's spirit came out.

   "This matter is finalized, until this Chaos and Heavenly Tribulation, the way to the ascent of Dongsheng Shenzhou will be blocked!"

   At this point, it is finally fast. Tomorrow morning, this matter will be written as an imperial edict and promulgated by Emperor Hao. In the future, there will never be any Fengxian edict sent to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

   "Then let's start the next topic." Hao Di swept through his divine thoughts, and couldn't help but frown. This is another topic related to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

   He didn't want to spend several consecutive topics on Dongsheng Shenzhou. But this is related to the arrival of Chaos and Heavenly Tribulation, and he can't neglect it.

   "The fairy envoy of the Lower Realm asked for orders to flatten a Xuanmen sect named Cuiyu Palace on the Qingxiao Mountain of the Dongsheng Shenzhou Houtu Dynasty with thunder. What do you think?"

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