Record of Chaos

Chapter 953: In the time slot of God acting, the devil will destroy the mundane

   (953 during the time slot of God acting, the devil extinguishes the common world)

   When Song Ruhai felt that it was all dark and cold, in the eyes of Gochug, it was a quiet white.

   Only Song Ruhai stood still in the center with some horror on his face, motionless, as if time had suddenly stopped.

   In his eyes, the causal soul silk that spread to the whole body and also to the square space still exists, and the complex root system shaped like a certain plant spreads around.

   It's just that these extremely thin roots became more and more blurred under the white light of the surroundings, and disappeared quickly after not far away.

   It seems that time has stopped, but it is not. This is a magic technique that the **** of the Nine Refinements of the Goblin has achieved after he reaches the first flower of the golden core, called "the time slot of the gods."

Once the    God acting time slot is used, his spiritual consciousness will run extremely fast, much faster than others.

   This process takes almost no time, and the world is as static, where he can meditate until the end of the spell maintenance. It's as if he rehearsed everything in the gap of time.

   The things he sees here are only concrete representations of foreign objects in his sea of ​​knowledge. The process of his rehearsal here will not directly affect reality. But this gave him enough time to consider the enemy's technique.

   Every time he faced an enemy in the past, he had prepared the strategy for the entire battle at the beginning of the battle. Therefore, there are not many opportunities to use the magical time slot. But this time is different, and the choice is particularly difficult.

   A ray of blue light flashed across the snow-white **** acting world. He was wearing a bicolor skirt with a pale blue diamond pattern and better than armor. Lian Ling, with a delicate face and black hair, hanging shoulders walked out of it.

   Whenever things are difficult to decide, he calls out this master and Taoist companion to decide. This has become his habit.

   "If it were me, then I would give him a happy one with one sword, and everything would be cleansed in samsara."

  Lian Ling took a closer look at Song Ruhai's condition. The blood and soul roots of the Song family grow in the depths of his soul, and the roots of cause and effect are involved everywhere, full of his soul.

   In this case, let's not say whether you have the ability to uproot this thing, even if it does, how can we uproot this closely related thing without hurting his soul?

   Even if it is pulled out, even if a trace of cause and effect remains, it may still grow into a big tree in the future, without even noticing it. Killing him now is the best chance.

   Although the eighteenth generation heir gong was bought from Xijia, it was actually modified and created by evil and originated from the soul cultivation method of the Spiritual Origin School.

   Soul Xiu's defenses against himself are generally very fragile, but he is very good at confusing the opponent's consciousness to hide himself.

   Song Ruhai has reached this stage and is already the soul cultivator of the Golden Core Shuanghua. It would have been impossible for him to be controlled so easily by the mysterious cold air.

   But he was eager to find Song Lan, and thought that the goblin had been restrained by his shadow-making form, so he missed it carelessly.

   And now he has stopped for a moment under the siege of Xuan Ming's cold air. Using this moment, there is a way to kill him.

   As long as he dies and his soul enters into reincarnation, the power of the sea of ​​karma and the power of reincarnation are enough to purify everything. Even if the world is inextricably linked with cause and effect, it is guaranteed to wash you white and return to the beginning of nothing.

   If you don't kill him, as long as this moment of obstruction passes, he will disappear completely, and with the power of his golden core double flower, I don't know what will happen.

   Cuiyu Palace is undergoing joint attacks from the court, sea monsters, Yin Yang Sect, Soul Sect, and Xi Jia, and the situation is in danger. At this time, another Song family monster with golden core and double flowers came out and made trouble inside, adding fuel to the fire.

   shook his head in entanglement, "I have already sworn that I can never watch a brother die again."

   Before this, he had never rejected Lian Ling's suggestion, but this time, he couldn't help scratching his head fiercely, as if he was about to grab a handful of hair abruptly.

   The snow-white world around him seemed to have been splashed with ink, and was instantly blackened. The roaring sound of water was all around.

   Under the faint oil lamp, his cross-legged feet gradually heavier, revealing a tightly locked mortal fetter.

   And the figure of Song Ruhai who was opposite him was suddenly distorted and transformed, and his gaze was somewhat cramped, somewhat horrified, and somewhat expectant.

   Chen Xuanfang, who is a bit chubby, is like a black bear in the dark night forest, muttering: "Soul ghost, three souls out of the body!" Then he took a palm and landed on the opposite eye.

   The eyes that were facing each other immediately seemed to hang themselves, a pair of facing eyes suddenly protruded, the veins on the head violently, and the tongue was also spit out.

   In fact, in the consciousness of deceit, when the eyes die, I have the expectation of becoming a fairy disciple in my heart. Maybe it is not that painful.

   But now he returned to the scene and watched again, but he felt that his heart had already understood at that moment, and the pain was extreme!

   Gouzhu wanted to jump up to save him, but he couldn't move a single move. He felt like his heart was strangled by a knife.

   is like a nightmare, no matter what it was, it will deepen every time it recollects. If things go on like this, the content will become more and more terrifying, and it has become his demons.

   When he achieved the Golden Core, there was still a more terrible suppression of Beimingyou Cave, so that his inner demons did not interfere with him for the time being. But this thought gets stronger and stronger, and sooner or later it will become his biggest obstacle.

   Fortunately, he is not the only one in this world of God Transfer. After the blue light swept through like lightning, the world returned to a pure white with nothing, only Lian Ling and him were still there.

   At this time, I was sweating profusely, still trembling slightly, and my heart was full of lingering fears.

   Lian Ling walked over to him, stretched out his slender fingers, combed the hair that was messed up by him with his hand, and slicked again.

   "Do you know why the geniuses, like the ghost Xuanyin, Tang Su, and Song Ruhai, have all fallen into the barrier, but you have never fallen into the barrier before, do you even know what the barrier is?"

   Gouzhu shook his head: "Isn't my aptitude not enough to be enchanted?"

  Lian Ling couldn't help but cover his mouth with a smile, and said, "Where is such a good thing? It's not because of your bad but the longevity ascension has never been your obsession.

  "They have excellent qualifications and are expected to live forever. But when they grow up obsessively, they will abandon everything for it, and if there is no joy other than longevity, they will be demonized.

  "The ancestor's notes said that the Taoism of the Lingyuanzong emphasized the practice of entering the world, and it was natural.

   "In the generations of Yin Yang Sect, Soul Sect, and Five Elements Sect, they cut off the commonplace in order to ascend. This may seem simple, but it is actually easier to get into demons."

   The fragrance of Lian Ling's body lingers in the illusion of God shift following her words. Gouzhu suddenly remembered the scene when he first saw him on the promenade of the lotus pond.

   It's just that he was in a dangerous situation at that time, and his identity was different from that of Tianyuan, so he didn't have time to watch it carefully.

   Now the beauty is in front of me. Snow face with black hair, ice muscle and jade bone, quiet eyes like springs, crimson lips like snow, very real and very close.

   He couldn't help but stroke her long hair and hugged her into his arms. Lian Ling leaned on her right shoulder and whispered in his ear: "You know the obsession in your own heart."

   Gouzhu nodded and said: "I think that longevity is also to have you, and this group of fellow brothers. Everyone is happy in this green hills and green waters every day."

   "If you can't live forever, are you afraid of reincarnation?"

   "If I can't reincarnate, I won't be reincarnated. If I have to reincarnate, rebirth thousands of times, I will find you again after all."

   He wants to live long to enjoy his eyes. If one says to throw away everything for longevity, this longevity is meaningless to him. Therefore, there is no magic barrier in his heart, and he will never be enchanted.

   For him, it would be the best if he could solve Song Ruhai's demon barrier and save the crisis in the Jade Palace. If this thing cannot be done, and the same goes to extinction, then we will see you again after thousands of lifetimes!

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