Record of Chaos

Chapter 972: 1 cavity obsessively contemplates the homeland, 2 dream spirits are for reconstruction

   (972 perseveres in thinking about the homeland, two dream spirits are for reconstruction)

   Now the opportunity has finally arrived. He stood up.

   There was a creaking sound from his body that hadn't moved for a long time, and the silt that had accumulated from the fallen leaves for many years fell to the ground along with the newly fallen leaves.

   After completing all the preparations over the years, he sat quietly under this giant tree. Anyway, the surrounding area is the area of ​​the Demon Emperor Palace, and no one from the Kino Department will come here.

   The fallen leaves in the past few years have buried him in a small mound. As a tree person, he can get nourishment directly from the soil and from the fairy tree without eating or drinking, and continue to cultivate himself.

   Now that he finally stood up, he clearly felt that his body was stronger, but his body was lighter.

   This shows that his realm has been further improved, maybe he has already entered the threshold of Jindan Sanhua.

   Tree people can achieve Sanhua without the need for Sanhua medicine. However, the Sanhua of the Treant is slightly different from the Sanhua of other demons and humans.

  The golden core monks of other races, there is a clear boundary between the double flower and the three flower, and it can only be achieved by breaking the boundary.

  The improvement of the Shuren's realm lies in the continuous enhancement of the physical body. This is a gradual and non-abrupt process. So where is the boundary between double flower and triple flower, no one can tell.

   But it doesn’t matter, he is already very strong now. Especially the combat power he can really display is more than what he looks like on the surface.

   He shook off the mud from his body, revealing a body like a dead wood. But a new sprout sprouts from this body immediately, which grows up quickly.

   After a while, the new branch that grew up walked down from him and became a well-proportioned woman with a charming face and long dark yellow hair.

   This woman was Huang Luoyin who lost her body after failing to attack Muluo years ago.

   She had been attached to a man's dream for many years and almost forgot that she was a woman. But after meeting Muluo's body, she yearned for her body, so she tried hard to become a woman again.

   This transition has been almost completed so far. It's just that she's a little bit too hard in her speech and demeanor, and she looks a bit delicate and pretentious.

   "You can't let her run again this time." In order to emphasize that she is a woman, she deliberately whispered to Karaki Rong.

   Another sturdy man sprouted from the dead wood. He is the raccoon family Jindan elder Wei Wushao many years ago.

   The three formed an alliance after the fiasco of the Unknown Rift. Huang Luoying and Wei Wushao both lost their physical bodies, so they both rested in the dreams of Withered Wood Rong to recover and cultivate.

  Theoretically, a tree man can't dream. If Shuren took the initiative to incorporate the dream raccoon into his sea of ​​consciousness, it would be different. Because the dream raccoon lives in one's own consciousness, dreams will also occur.

   It is these three people who work together, and their cultivation realm will advance by leaps and bounds in these years. In fact, the realm of these three people has touched the threshold of Jindan Sanhua.

   Withered Wood Rong’s infinite sprouting doppelganger art can provide sustenance to the two dream raccoons at any time, allowing them to move freely.

   is just that the clone of Dead Wood Rong is different from Rong Qianzi. It can only be used temporarily and cannot be maintained for a long time.

   Even so, they can display the strength of three Sanhua monks in a short time!

   Moreover, the clone belongs to him, and the soul is also the dream spirit in his soul, so the Demon Emperor Palace does not reject these two people.

   "Don't worry, as long as you do what I say, there is nothing wrong this time."

   Withered Wood Rong didn't say much, the three of them walked into the tree cave together and formally entered the Demon Emperor Hall.

   All the materials and utensils needed to lay down the trap were prepared and secretly stored in the Demon Emperor Hall many years ago.

   It’s just that once many of these materials are opened for use, there is a time limit and they are expired and discarded. Therefore, he could only wait for Mu Hua's side to confirm that Muluo was coming, before he could officially start decorating.

   And this arrangement also takes some time. This had to rely on Mu Hua's people to destroy the teleportation formation, and it would take Muluo at least two hours.

   After waiting for two hours, Muluo was unable to fly. The imperial decree came out, waiting for Mu Hua and others to get rid of Mu Luo's mother Mu Huang and others in the Mu Luo department, the other party would no longer have any hope of comeback.

   What's even more wonderful is that at that time, the Magnolia was still "alive", but the spirit in the body was no longer the original Magnolia, but Huang Luoying, the dream spirit.

   Huang Luoyin will go to Jinzhou Cuiyu Peak, find the current tree emperor, and easily bring the young tree emperor into control!

   The entrance to the Demon Emperor Palace seems to be a tree hole as small as an ant's nest on a huge nodule, and it is impossible for normal people to enter or leave. But at this time the three people stepped in one after another.

   Like Longmu, the fairy tree has the ability to transform space. As long as you approach or enter the fairy tree, you can hardly tell which space is bigger and smaller, and which is inside and outside.

   All three of them were regarded as Minister Kino with the permission to enter the Demon Emperor Hall, Old Wither, so they could enter smoothly.

Inside    is a dark passage, surrounded by ancient woods exuding agarwood, quiet and silent. At the end is a quiet room similar to a concierge, which is said to be the place where the tree emperor meditation practice The three figures disappeared on the wooden wall of the quiet room, and then appeared in a completely dark but extremely empty, all around I don't know how many miles in a huge space.

   Withered Wood Rong took out a green night pearl and threw it into the air. It slowly floated up. The green light spread out, and four huge wooden gods appeared in the darkness.

   Except for the four statues and an altar, there is still absolute darkness all around, as if there is nothing but nothing.

   These four are four generations of tree emperors. The four statues besieged the city for a half circle, facing the altar. This arrangement obviously has only four seats. If there is a fifth-generation tree emperor, that position can't be placed.

  The statues of the tree emperors in the past were not carved by anyone, but after the tree emperor died, if the tree core of the tree emperor is sent here, it will be absorbed by the fairy tree and a statue will grow.

  Because the idea of ​​the remnant souls of the tree king is manifested on the fairy tree, the tree people can use certain methods to arouse these remnant souls, and the tree king statue will make a sound. It's just that they will only repeatedly express their will before death, and will not have any new ideas.

   Wood came to the Demon Emperor Hall with the tree core of the tree. The priest of the tree clan summoned the remnant soul of the tree and declared that he was the son of the tree king and inherited the throne.

   Withered Wood Rong, as one of the tree priests, even thought that when the tree clan collapsed, he only prepared the position of the tree emperor for four generations. Because the reign of the four generations of tree emperors is long enough to wait for the chaos to happen.

   The fourth generation of Kino died, and the fifth generation ascended the throne. This was completely an accident. It was this accident that led him to assist the tree emperor to gather the will of all beings in the world, and his plan to rebuild the world with the first jade of the chaotic origin and to stabilize the chaos and the tribulation led to a great accident.

  All he has to do now is to erase the accident of history and get back on track again!

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