Record of Chaos

Chapter 110: Dead door

     Gouzhu never believed that there were locks he couldn't open in this world. If a lock can't be opened, then there is no need for the lock to exist. Wouldn't it be easier to build a wall directly?

  The enchantment exists for the purpose of inspiring heaven and earth. If it is completely isolated from the world and there is no gap to drill, then the barrier will no longer exist.

   This is a slightly gentle **** with snow on the uphill. Gouzhu walked once, leaving many footprints on the snow. He stood on a high place and looked at it. These footprints were clearly connected end to end, forming a large circle.

   But as soon as he returned to this path that he had walked, a miracle appeared, and the footprints under his feet lined up in a straight line, going straight to the distance, almost endless.

   When he approached a certain area, the space was twisted unknowingly. It is obviously a circular road, after being twisted, it looks like a straight line. He walked on this "straight line" and would never get out.

   Once he left this circle and returned to a high place, looking down, the world had returned to normal. The path he saw was indeed a big circle.

   It's just a heavy snowfall. It didn't take long for his footprints to be filled in by the falling snow.

   "Brother Gou, it seems that you have discovered something?" Wood saw a bright color flashing in Gou Zhu's eyes. Before returning to their desperate situation, Gouzhu could find a way to get out. He couldn't accept this brother.

   "Is there a way to get out?" Song Ruhai also asked anxiously.

   As the Extreme Dark Grass merged into the Frost Sword, the bitter and cold poison on the big silver fir tree has gradually dissipated. The cold now is just ordinary ice cold. It is not a problem for these foundation-building monks.

   The wooden fairy lotus was taken by Yin Wanzhen, causing them to lose half of the bigudan. However, there are not many bigudan in the Lan Ruoshuang zone, and it is not impossible for them to run out of time until the fifth month.

   But what worries him is that in this big formation, even if time runs out, they can't get out. Lan Ruoshuang is an example. She has always had the fairy tree's teleportation array spirit power fluctuating, but it was blocked by the Eight Desolate Locking Dragon array.

   If this is the case, they might end up starving to death here. Even if the Power Transmission Tower reopened after the ranking battle, they would not be able to rescue other disciples who came here.

   Most of the disciples who come here to practice the exercises, obviously can't solve this lock dragon formation. Unless the elder of the foreign courtyard comes to rescue himself, there is still a little hope.

   But these people can't call reinforcements at all. Once they leave the second floor, they will lose their memory and forget about it. And there is no way to contact directly outside the tower.

   Four people have spent a few days here. Always helpless.

   Song Ruhai, Mu Mu, and Lan Ruoshuang stayed under a large rock. They meditated in places with a little wind and snow. Lan Ruoshuang's face was still pale, but she no longer needed a human back and was able to walk independently. She sat under the rock and watched the lower hook pig walking around on the lower flat ground.

   She found that although Gouzhu looked impetuous, sometimes he was extremely patient. He walked round and round in vain on the snow, drawing big circles one by one, like a mouse locked in a spherical cage. He couldn't get out no matter how he ran, but he ran happily, as if he was focused. Forget everything in this world.

  Looking at it this way, as long as this formation has a way to get out, he will definitely find it, just when it will be found.

   When he turned back, everyone felt hope.

   "Let’s make a snowman!"

   But he just said such a silly thing with a smile on his face.

   "Good!" Only the wood jumped up, stupidly happy.

   Jinzhou is south of the Gutong River and belongs to the affluent Jiangnan area in the thick soil dynasty occupying the fertile middle soil of Dongsheng Shenzhou. The climate here is mild and there is a lot of rainfall. But snow is very rare.

   Even in the coldest winter, it is rare to see a real heavy snow. That is to say, the little snow fell down, and before it had time to accumulate, it melted to the ground and was trampled into a pool of mud.

   The real heavy snow in Mumu’s memory was ten years ago. He was only four or five years old at that time. That year, the mountain was covered by heavy snow, and the whole mountain became a mass of suet. Although his parents were frowning, he had fun in the snow.

   Only now did he think that the heavy snow on the top of the big silver cedar tree is also a rare beauty.

The gameplay of the snowman designed by Gouzhu is very simple. The four of them are lined up, each one hundred steps apart. Then each walked down the mountain in a straight line as they thought. Every 30 steps, I stopped to build a snowman.

   It's not enough to make a circle. After walking a circle, change another place and continue walking.

   Gouzhu himself has walked countless circles here, and he found that the distribution of these large circles has a certain pattern. It's just that every time he was about to see the pattern, the traces he had walked before were covered by the new snow, which made him unable to confirm his thoughts for a long time.

   The heavy snow on the top of this mountain is like this forever. The accumulated snow was crushed into thick ice. The ice flowed along the mountain wall and turned into a protruding ice tongue. Finally, piece by piece fell from the edge to the big silver cedar tree, forming a bitter cold water lake.

   If there is a way to leave these traces, maybe he can see something. There is almost nothing on this mountain except ice and snow and rocks under the snow, and piled snow is the easiest way he thought of.

   After half an hour, everyone had piled a lot of snowdrifts, and they all found themselves back to the original point. Everyone stopped and was no longer in vain.

   The four returned to the high rock and looked at the ridiculous snowmen piled up below.

   Although part of the snow is buried, but you can still see these snowdrifts forming many large and small circles, each circle is almost perfect circle.

   Gouzhu’s conjecture was confirmed.

   "Did you see it? There!" Gouzhu pointed with his hand, and Song Ruhai also understood. The centers of the circles formed by them walking straight on the ground all surround a spot on the snow.

  The closer to this place, the smaller the circle they walked. The further away, the larger the circle they walk.

   Probably the closer you get there, the more distorted the space. The farther away, the more smooth the distortion.

   So this array is limited in size. As long as they leave that place far enough, they will not be affected. But it happened that this location blocked their way.

   "That's the eye!" Gou Zhu said with a smile, his heart filled with the joy of the successful theft.

   They couldn't go down the mountain, but they made it easier to go to the front.

  Because the stronger the distortion, the smaller the circle they make. Repeated attempts like this will always find the right way.

   The more subtle the distortion is, the more the circle they walk out of is huge. Several hours passed when I realized that I was going to change direction after walking all the way.

   Song Ruhai sacrificed a god-fire cauldron as high as a person, and swayed it directly to which position. Then several people walked straight towards the Shenhuo Cauldron.

   Any other direction space will be distorted, but they can constantly change their direction according to the position of the **** fire cauldron. I don't know how long it has hovered left, right, and right. After finally approaching a certain distance, this strange feeling of space distortion suddenly disappeared.

   There seems to be nothing unusual in this area, but everyone can feel a little sign of aura fluctuations coming from the ground.

   Song Ruhai set a fire to the gods and burned it, which directly melted this thick snow and ice layer, exposing the rocks under the ice and snow.

   said it was a rock. In fact, it was a big silver cedar tree, which has dried up and hardened for many years. After magnifying it, the texture felt almost like rock.

   A hole in the size of the mouth of the bowl is exposed on the rock, and the ice inside is frozen ~ ~ is bottomless. Obviously, something was inserted directly into the soil from here, buried in the ground not knowing how deep.

   Song Ruhai burned with the Shenhuo cauldron for a while, although the shallow rock was softened and turned red, it had no effect on the deep hole with the thickness of the bowl.

   He is a bit helpless. Although the fire of the Shenhuo Cauldron was powerful, it was not so powerful that it could burn through the rock of unknown depth.

   If there is a pure Yang Pill, you can use it to throw it into the hole to explode the rock, and then people will go down and explore. But there was no pure Yang Pill.

   "Let's dig up here." Gouzhu drew his sword and used it as a chisel. This kind of rock is not hard, and can be split bit by bit with a black iron wooden sword. His method works, but it is more troublesome. But in this trapped formation, they have more time.

   "Hmm, what can I dig below?" Mumu asked innocently.

   "Maybe it's a magic weapon!" Gou Zhu's eyes flashed seductively.

   "So what are you waiting for!"

   Mumu has rolled up his sleeves and plans to dig a big game. Song Ruhai could only smile bitterly. These people couldn't even escape, and they still wanted to dig out Baolai?

   Just digging out this thing, it is really possible to break the formation.

   Everyone sweated profusely for a while, and a timid female voice came in the wind: "Don't move it!"

   Everyone looked up, and there was a slender woman standing in the wind and snow. She was wearing a gray corset robe, tightly wrapped in a fur cloak, her face was pale, and her steps were a little staggering. She seemed to be coming from afar in the wind and snow, and the uncontrollable panic and fatigue in her eyes made people feel pity.

   "Don't move it..." She trembled and made an uncomfortable voice. But what she said made Gouzhu's heart tremble:

   "That formation is a dead door, if you touch it, you will die!"

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