Record of Chaos

Chapter 149: Examination room under the giant mountain

     Song Ruhai has long heard of the great power of the judges in this assessment. But the entire assessment process will be screened outside the Human Devil Mountain, and all spectators can see it. He must argue in time and remind the referee not to be unfair.

Lu Mingpi smiled and said without a smile: "I only heard that the Royal Formation Academy's assessment is outside of the Human Devil Mountain, and there is no way to hurt people. I have never heard that I can't even say anything? I just want to see this one. The beauty of the Hu Ren formation did not hurt anyone. Everyone in the same class, the first time I met, I just want to get to know each other, what's the sin?"

   At this time, the wood was already in flames, and he was about to go up to do it with his axe, and was forcibly held by Song Ruhai.

   There was a wave of fluctuations in the entire array, and it seemed that the referees were arguing. Not long after, a burst of sound transmission spread all over the large array:

"The Yello Ting team went out of the mountain to hurt people with a sword. It violated the assessment rules. It should have been eliminated. The referee Nian Yello Ting participated in the assessment of the court for the first time. It is excusable. The special net opened one side and only deprived the Xuanshui flag. Four sides, the other four teams can each get one side. If you don’t obey, you will be ejected from the examination room!"

As soon as   's words fell, Gouzhu, Song Ruhai, Mu Mu, and the Xuanshui flag on the nineteenth hand had turned into streamer and disappeared, and instantly appeared in the hands of the other four teams.

   Luming faced Qin Xi with a flattering smile on his face. Qin Xi was surprised. A few words and a small action of this person actually deprived a team of four flags! You know that if all five flags are lost, they will be eliminated on the spot!

   Immediately after the large array, continue to spread the voice: "The rules of the assessment will be announced below. If there is a violation, the referee will determine the punishment as appropriate.

"First: Within the human-devil mountain, any method can be used to compete for twenty-five battle flags. There will be casualties in the competition, and you are at your own risk! Anyone can teleport out the human-devil mountain at any time to avoid casualties. Outside the human-devil mountain, it is strictly forbidden to attack each other. Fight!

  "Second: Each team has a maximum of five people. If the team loses all flags, they will be automatically sent out of the magic mountain and eliminated immediately.

  "Third: If everyone in the team teleports out of the Demon Mountain, the team will be eliminated no matter how many flags they hold. The last team remaining in the Demon Mountain immediately wins.

  "Fourth: The assessment time is on the 30th. It starts at noon today and ends at noon on the 30th. At the end of the day, the team with the most flags remaining in the Human Devil Mountain wins.

   "Fifth: All the winning teams immediately become the Royal Division!"

   Song Ruhai and other five people looked at each other. It turned out that the referee team left them with a flag, which just kept them from being eliminated. Probably the rules have not been announced yet, it is too unreasonable to eliminate them directly.

   But the way of the game is to fight for the flag. Now they only have one side left, and every other team has six sides. It can be said that they only have one breath left.

   The twists and turns when he first entered the arena, in fact, Lu Ming, who was looking for truth, took advantage of their ignorance of the rules and directly gave them a black hand. It's too late to understand now.

"Isn't it just grabbing the flag?" Song Ruhai's face turned black, and the wood was angry, but Gouzhu was not annoyed. "Fighting, killing, looting, like robbers, is the least interesting. Didn't it mean that you can use any means? When you get to the Human Devil Mountain, I will steal you clean!"

   "Human Demon Mountain is obviously just a cloud of mist, how could they possibly enter?" A spectator asked on the steps.

"In fact, they are just being transported to a barren mountain and ridge. They are not really fighting on this cloud and fog. Otherwise, the battle will be fierce, and the pond fish will be harmed. The more than 800,000 people in Fenglu City will be hurt by accident. "Someone answered.

   There was a flash of light as expected, and these people disappeared in place. When they reappeared, their surroundings had changed, and they were under a barren mountain.

   This is a real giant mountain, standing so majestic, it almost occupies half of the view of the sky, and the entire sky is darkened. Standing in front of this mountain, everyone only felt a black shadow pressing in front of them, and they were inexplicably frightened.

   The spectators saw the projection of the enchantment formation above the Royal Formation, and even so, they were shocked.

   "Where is such a huge mountain? This is probably not the third continent, right?"

   "Where do you know how big the third continent is? What's more, there are countless fairy islands overseas. It is said that there is Mount Sumeru in the sea, which is as high as 100,000 miles, and can reach the heaven. Maybe this is it." Someone replied vividly.

   "Wait, I found that Song Ruhai, a non-human team, is not only five people!"

"How is this possible?"

   "There are five people, but, look behind them, and there is a cat following!"

   When they entered, the white cat was already behind them. Although there were many spectators, almost all of them stared directly at the peculiar Song Ruhai, as well as the two graceful Hu women. Everyone ignored the white that was almost mixed with the steps and squares in the same color. Cat.

   "This is not surprising. The rules only say that each team has a maximum of five people. It does not say that these people cannot bring pets."

   Gouzhu stood directly at the foot of this mountain, only to truly feel the terribleness of this huge mountain. The pressure from this huge mountain alone is enough to make mortals immobile with fear.

   The whole mountain is black. It's not that there is no vegetation on this mountain, but that the mountain is so huge that it almost obscured the sky for half a day in front of him, and the sun happened to be on the side that was obscured.

   There is a solid foot of the mountain in front of him. The earthy yellow rocks are piled with thick red soil, and there are lush vegetation growing on the red soil. Behind him, there was a cloud of gray mist that couldn't tell the difference between nothingness and reality, and it was hazy, which not only made people unable to distinguish distance and distance, but also unpredictable whether it was true or not.

   No one dared to go there, no one knows whether it will be engulfed by the gray mist between reality and illusion.

   What's even stranger is the sky here. Compared with the black and pressed mountain, the sky is brighter, but it is not pure blue or gray, but a hazy color, like a brightly colored beautiful embroidery, turned into a layer of clouds.

The hook pig gathered his eyes and looked at it. On the curtain of the day, it seemed that you could see mirror-like lakes, black mountains, roads spreading like veins, square cities, maze-like streets and pavilions, and even An ant-black crowd.

   is like Fenglu City, Zhongzhou, the entire third continent has shrunk, turned into colorful cloud paintings, and pasted on the sky!

   Gouzhu was stunned by the huge mountain in front of him, but he didn't notice it for a while, and he had an extra jade slip in his hand.

   There is a simple teleport symbol on the jade slip. He only needs a trace of real energy to be injected, and this teleportation charm will send him back to the White Jade Square in the Royal Array.

   In addition, there is a map in the jade slip, which includes the entire huge mountain of human beings. Twenty-five light spots of different colors flickered on the map. These light spots are very close at this moment.

   Obviously, this is the position of the twenty-five front flag.

  Because the assessment method is to compete for the formation flag, as long as there is this jade slip, you can always find the formation flag. Don't worry about someone hiding the formation flag and making it impossible to find it.

   "I'll give you this flag." Huang Lu threw the Xuanshui flag to Gouzhu. She is completely a mortal now, holding the Xuanshui flag in her hand is of no use.

   In fact, not only the Xuanshui flag in her hand, but also eighteen universal nails and eight seven-inch pivots, she gave Hook Zhu all the magic weapons she could control.

   is locked by the shackles of the fairy, she can't control any formation at all. If they participate in this assessment in this state, they have no chance of winning. Although Houzhu knows some formations and has the ability to deduct the formations, but the two sides fight the formations, there is no time for him to slowly deduct them.

   Therefore, in order to have a glimmer of hope for this assessment, Huang Lu did not hesitate to pay a heavy price: he imprinted the mark of Hook Zhu's soul breath on her spiritual sense!

   In this way, her spiritual knowledge is like a magic weapon for hooking a pig. Although Gouzhu cannot control her divine sense at any time, all her formations and formations in her divine sense can be used at any time!

   She has always held an extremely contemptuous attitude towards Gouzhu. For her, this person is just a rascal who has lived to this day with a loyal maid. Sometimes he likes to steal a bit of money. If she can choose, she is willing to cooperate with Song Ruhai and even Mu Mu.

   But the strange thing is that Song Ruhai and Mu Mu's spirit are far less powerful than Gouzhu.

   Divine consciousness can be said to be the cultivation base of the soul. But divine consciousness is not equivalent to primordial spirit. Divine consciousness can only be produced by relying on the flesh. Once the physical body is lost, the divine consciousness immediately falls into nothingness. The soul has nothing to do with the body. As long as the soul is still there, the soul is there.

  The five major sects of Dongsheng Except for the spiritual source sect, they all have their own expertise. Yin Yang Zong cultivates Qi, Five Elements Zong cultivates device, Extreme Wu Zong cultivates body, Soul Zong cultivates Yuanshen.

   Cuiyu Palace, as the next sect of the Five Elements Sect, is not very good at the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. Although generally as the cultivation realm improves, the power of divine consciousness also increases, but there is no inevitable connection between the two. There are also some monks with very high levels of spiritual consciousness that are weak, and vice versa.

   Gouzhu didn't know if he had been a thief since he was a child or he had been a puppet with the Saint Biluo, but his divine consciousness was very powerful. So powerful that Huang Lu is very satisfied.

   If the powerful divine consciousness is not used to perceive the world and control the formation, it is of no use.

  Especially the magic weapon of the formation, which is fundamentally different from the general magic weapon. The greater the power of a general magic weapon, the stronger the true energy required to urge its power. Therefore, even if a monk with a low cultivation level uses a high-level magic weapon, he cannot exert his original power.

   As long as the formation is laid down, it only needs a trace of infuriating spirit to control it! The stronger the divine consciousness, the more formations that can be controlled at the same time, and it has almost nothing to do with the cultivator's own cultivation.

   Gouzhu's own cultivation base is not bad. It should be no problem to control eighteen Universe Spikes, plus eight seven-inch pivots to form the formation. It's just the method of array formation that must be obtained from Huang Lu's divine consciousness.

   Of course, in addition to their preparation, the other four teams that came to participate in the assessment are all from the big faction with infinite background. It is obviously impossible for them not to prepare more bottom methods.

   Five teams appeared at the foot of the mountain almost at the same time, and they all gathered in a clearing less than half a mile away. The atmosphere immediately became so stiff that even the air seemed to freeze.

   Here, the assessment has officially started. Between them, they are all enemies!

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