Record of Chaos

Chapter 154: Falling into the hanging lake

     The scenes on the mountain of humans and demon, as seen by the eyes of every array master participating in the assessment, are mapped on the sky between the clouds. All the spectators are almost crazy.

   "They brought in a Hengtian Fireship!"

   "It is said that this thing only takes half an hour to fly, and it consumes no less than a thousand pure Yang Pills!"

   "You are only talking about flying. The Hengtian fire ship started with five thousand pure Yang Pills with one shot. It was really a cannon, and it was golden."

   "Although Xunzhen Guan has a solid foundation, it is not such a lavish one. Only the imperial court can afford such a heavy weapon."

   Someone also said with a gloomy face: "Xunzhen Guan is guilty of a capital crime. I just don't know what the court will do this time."

   Although the Hengtian Fireship was made by Xunzhengkan, the court had long established laws. Such heavy weapons, without the Privy Council’s military order, cannot be used casually by the army.

   A Xuanmen Taoist temple for a test, unexpectedly brought this thing into the Human Demon Mountain privately.

   At present, the Great Enemy Mozu, King Jingli still needs to find the truth and refine more Hengtian fireships, and it is impossible to punish according to the law.

   The referee team is always silent. There is no such thing as the impossibility to use the Hengtian Fireship in the Human Demon Mountain assessment rules of the Royal Array.

   Gouzhu, of course they don't know the situation outside, he is still racing at extreme speed.

   From the Hengtian Fireship in the distance, a creaking sound was heard, apparently turning its muzzle. Gouzhu even saw a red light emitting from the muzzle of a black hole on the side of the ship.

   Luming stood on the bow, half of his body was still bloody. His eyes were red, but his face showed a smug grin. The pure Yang Pill consumed by the Hengtian Fireship's flying and firing is massive, and it is extremely extravagant to use the Hengtian Fireboat's gunfire to attack several monks.

   But he can't stand it anymore. He can't stand the repeated frustrations in the hands of these weird humiliations. His patience has been endured to the extreme. Only by burning these guys to ashes can he vent his hatred!

   Liu Muyang and Qin Xi also stared at the approaching deer Ming dumbfounded. Although Liu Muyang was his uncle, their line did not have the qualifications to control the Hengtian Fireship. So they can only look up.

   Hengtian Fireship was originally their biggest trump card for seeking truth, but it was a pity that it was exposed so early.

   "Don't think that I will throw a rat tab with the flags. These flags are invincible in the five elements of the magic mountain. You will be burned to ashes by me, and the flags will stay dry."

   Luming while transmitting the sound, while holding the bow of the ship, aimed the muzzle at the two Xuanshui flags in the hands of Gouzhu marked on the jade slip.

   "And it's too late for you to leave the flag." He continued smiling, "Leave the flag, and I will kill you first!"

   Gouzhu is controlled in the air, exerting the jade eagle's speed to the extreme. But he knew that no matter how fast the eagle flew, the upper and lower sides were now empty. In any case, he would not be able to escape a sweep of the sky-high fireboat.

   If they are close to the ground and quickly fall into the dense forest on the mountain, although the Hengtian fireboat can burn a large area of ​​mountain forest to ashes in a flash, the terrain on the mountain is complicated, and they may not have a silver lining.

   But there is a big lake below, with thousands of hectares of blue waves, an open area without any shelter. Even if they fell directly into the lake now, they would inevitably be swept by gunfire before falling into the water.

   Gouzhu also thought about throwing away the flag. But Ling Qi will not immediately transfer ownership. The soul breath brand on it is still theirs, so it won't be judged by the big formation that they have lost all the flags.

   He let Song Ruhai's consciousness take over Yuying.

   Gouzhu looked down, extremely high and far away. The waves on the lake surface were blown up by the wind, and at this moment it seemed to be frozen. Under his eyes, he almost lost his judgment of space and direction. On the other side of the extremely wide and unmeasurable space, an endless wall of water was erected, enough to swallow everything and make his legs weaken involuntarily.

   "Fly all the way there." Gouzhu pointed to the dense forest by the lake in front, "We jumped down one after another and spread out as much as possible. Once we reach mid-air, we will use Teleport Jane!"

   Even if the transmission is urged, it takes about two breaths to successfully transmit. If they teleported on this eagle together, they would be swept to dust by the Hengtian Fireship.

   Everyone jumped off separately, dispersed, and swept through with one shot. There are always some people who can survive and teleport out before falling to the surface.

   "Then someone will die!" Song Ruhai hesitated a little, he was looking for a way for everyone to survive. Let him watch his brothers die, he couldn't accept it.

   Let’s talk about falling to the surface of the water at this height. If the transmission is a little slower, there will be a slight difference, and it will not be much different from directly landing.

   "Hurry up, there's no time!" Gou Zhu jumped up and jumped off the jade eagle.

   In fact, when he saw the red dot lit up, he had already made up his mind. He will never stay on this eagle and wait for death. He will definitely jump.

   As long as you jump, there is at least a 50% chance that the Hengtian Fireship will shell the jade eagle instead of those who jump. When the muzzle turned around, he might have fallen into the lake. This is worth a bet.

   On the day he fled from Qulian County, he saw the flames of the Feiyun Fleet sweeping across the sky, which was one of his most shocking memories in his life. But he must live!

   "Master!" The nineteenth shouted. She almost jumped out with Gouzhu and was caught by Song Ruhai behind her.

   It was only a moment. When I looked down on the nineteenth, I didn't see Gouzhu or Tianhu, but saw an earth-shattering fire roaring past.

   The dazzling red light radiated from this fire stream, and the world seemed to have turned into a huge lava. The heat wave rolled and even the space was distorted.

   The stream of fire also brought up a hot hurricane, and the air turned red because it was heated. The red hurricane roared past, and the jade eagle was like a fallen leaf that was rolled up on the edge of the hurricane and was blown to the horizon.

   Song Ruhai carefully grasped the direction of Yuying. They were not directly hit by artillery fire. Although he felt hot all over, as if his clothes and hair were about to burn, the jade eagle was still under his control.

   On the contrary, this hurricane has brought tremendous momentum. He adjusted the direction of the jade eagle's wings and took advantage of his strength to speed up his escape.

   It was the Gouzhu jumping off that attracted artillery fire, which brought a few of them alive! Gouzhu sacrificed himself for everyone! Thinking of this, his eyes were red and his heart was twisted. But Gouzhu just wanted to take a gamble.

   "You want to die yourself, why take me!" Huang Lu desperately hooked his neck behind Gouzhu, almost strangling him to death.

   Gouzhu only then remembered that a celestial chain had tied him to another person!

   "Who wants to take you!" Gouzhu's voice just fell, and there was a sea of ​​fire behind him. A violent hurricane swept past.

   When Luming was controlling the fire of the Hengtian fireboat, he was about to fire, but his target changed and it was divided into two.

   He didn't have time to think, so he naturally aimed the target in the middle of these two black spots!

   This is completely a conditioned reflex, he wants to kill this group of people too much. Especially the hook pig, he couldn't bear that this kid could dive and escape. But he couldn't spare the few lives left on the big eagle flying in the air.

  Aim at the middle of the two so that it is most likely to hit two targets at the same time.

   But it turned out that neither hits! He regrets that it is too late. The fierce fire dragon spurted out, just rushing to the space between the two targets. Using a giant cannon to hit mosquitoes is exactly this effect. If a shot misses, it will be difficult to move the muzzle to pursue it.

   The smile on Luming's face solidified, and once again changed to a face full of unwillingness and madness. He manipulated the muzzle to sweep up and down, and the sky was full of flames, but the two black spots had already disappeared. It is impossible to tell whether it turned to ashes in the flames or escaped by the wind.

   At this time, a distant sound of water reached his ears. On the slightly wrinkled lake surface like jasper, a white splash arose.

   He immediately turned the muzzle, and the flames rushed directly to the lake, in the middle of the white spray.

   The fire and water touched each other, and there was a huge storm. The entire huge lake was recessed, and a violent explosion was emitted from the lower end of the fire, which burst out like a huge white mushroom, and then turned into a dense white cloud.

   The entire big lake was covered by mist. There is a thick sweat between heaven and earth.

   "Burn you to death! Burn you to death!" Lu Ming issued a disheveled head, his eyes were blood red, and he frantically controlled the muzzle to emit flames continuously, and even the hull began to become hot.

   "Brother, let go! They are dead!" A calm junior came over to take the battle line and prevented Lu Ming from continuing his madness.

   The Hengtian Fireship is certainly powerful, but it is absolutely impossible to boil the vast Tianhu Lake. If it continues to burn like this, it will only consume their pure Yang Pill, and the Hengtian Fireship itself may catch fire.

   "Go down and look for it! Go down and look for it! To live to see people, to die to see corpses!" The look in Lu Ming's eyes was still extremely hideous.

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