Record of Chaos

Chapter 157: Life and death

     If you talk about illusion, then the entire power transmission tower, and each layer of the power transmission tower, is one illusory world after another. At least from the real world outside, it is just a tree shaped like a nine-story pagoda.

   But there are some real existences in the illusory world.

   For example, Park Laojiu on the first floor is a character who has lived until now five hundred years ago. Nineteenth, she was a puppet made by Pu Laojiu using the resin and pith of the fairy tree, and she dangled in front of him every day. The second layer of Yuanying Great Demon Wen Ruxue, she is a grass from the polar ice field.

   Huang Lu, is she a real existence, or is she just a phantom in this illusory world?

   This caused Gouzhu into a struggle. The Aoki True Qi in his body is surging like a tide, and he can activate the Aoki Repair Technique to regenerate his body at any time.

   Although a fire destroyed his skin and flesh, his internal organs are still under the protection of the body guard's true energy. As long as his green wood repair technique works, although it takes a little time, it will be able to regenerate the skin and flesh sooner or later.

   However, the charred woman who is closely attached to herself behind her body is full of Aoki innocence. The vitality is still fading quickly, and within a day or two, she will definitely die.

   Save people first, or save yourself first?

   If he saves herself first, Huang Lu will undoubtedly die within two days. If he rescues Huang Lu first, his own vitality will also fade away, and he doesn't even know whether the Aoki zhenqi in his body is enough to support two people to recover together.

   "This **** woman, it seems to have taken me down!"

   Gouzhu thought angrily. Regardless of whether she is illusory or not, she is now truly sticking to her back. Both their skins and flesh were burnt into coke, and their backs and chests were glued together, forming a dark crust.

   Their lungs and hearts live next to each other so that he can clearly feel that each other's heartbeat and breathing are failing bit by bit. This feeling can't distinguish between illusion and reality.

   What he owes this person is a gift. He fell on the third floor, and when he was about to starve to death, it was the woman who gave him a meal of rice cakes and flatbreads to make him full. But he also repaid. In Qulian County, he didn't risk his death to rescue this woman, she might have become a corpse demon.

   Gouzhu is a thief of loyalty after all.

   "Forget it, I will make sure that she does not die first, as for whether she can live or not, it doesn't matter. Let her stay for a few days, and then I will come back to save myself."

   He made a decision that the Aoki Restoration Technique began to operate, and Aoki's true energy was like a tide, through the charred hard shell, into the remaining life form behind him.

   Gouzhu did not expect that this technique requires extremely high spiritual consciousness. Once activated, he immediately enters concentration and enters the state of selflessness, and everything is no longer under his own control.

   Zhen Qi is an aura controlled by the fusion of divine consciousness, so once an outsider enters the body, it will be strongly resisted by his divine consciousness. It was originally impossible to repair someone else's body with the green wood repair technique of the hook pig. But Huang Lu's divine consciousness had already imprinted the gouzhu's soul breath, like a magic weapon for recognizing the Lord, and did not resist the subject's true energy.

   After this zhenqi entered the body, her heartbeat that was getting weaker and weaker turned out to be like a drum, beating fiercely.

   Her almost dried blood absorbed vitality from Aoki Zhenqi and started to speed up. The flesh and blood remaining in the body forcibly absorb surrounding nutrients, grow and differentiate. It didn't take long for the divine consciousness in his brain to recover. She actually opened her eyes.

   Her eyelids have long lost their elasticity. With a light turn of his eyes, his scorched eyelids fell off, revealing a pair of scary whites in the darkness. Of course she couldn't see anything except the darkness.

   But she can feel the miserable condition of her whole body. For a woman, there is nothing more terrifying than disfigurement. But now, there is nothing in her body that is not destroyed.

The scene of    falling on the lake, and then being hit by the gunfire of the Hengtian gunfire, thrashed in her mind repeatedly, as if she had not left the burning fire so far.

   The person in front of her kept injecting a kind of vitality into her body, maintaining the operation of this remnant body. Some flesh and blood still carry sensitive nerves, growing around like sprouting. This did not make her feel lucky, but rather terrified.

   "Let me die!" She spoke to this man with all her strength. She really wanted to die, not to survive like a ghost like this, and she didn't want this person to waste her true energy.

   This person did not reply. He is fully operating a peculiar exercise method that brings vitality through a kind of true qi, keeping his whole body in motion, and is still being constantly repaired.

   He seemed to have entered a state of selflessness, he could not hear any sound, nor felt any feeling.

   His own body was also scorched, and the two of them stuck together, stuck motionless in two smooth rocks. From the outside, these are two scorched corpses, without a trace of anger.

   Huang Lu's heart suddenly moved. This person is not just saving her, he seems to be sacrificing himself. He can use this kind of vitality on himself first, there is no need to run this kind of exercise on her.

   This unreasonable person, why do you want to do this, why do you want to save me, just because I gave you a bowl of rice to eat?

   has already been fired like this, can't you let me die cleanly?

   Once a person dies and reincarnates, it is really easy. What demon army is raging, what dojo is destroyed, what inheritance of Chongxuan view is really ridiculous, and it has nothing to do with me ever since.

   It happened that this inexplicable man, little by little, was injected with vitality, like an inextricable hand, holding her on the road to death.

   She really doesn't have any good feelings about this wretched, thug-eyed person who likes to take advantage from time to time. But why do you owe him again and again, to the point where it is never clear?

   But she couldn't refuse. This kind of bizarre restoration method would be fine if she silently endured it. If it is a little resistance, this technique may go crazy, and the two will be killed together. It doesn't matter if she is dead, she really pulls the person who wants to save herself off the back, it can't be justified.

   She hesitated, and decided not to struggle anymore.

   She can only take it silently, day after day, just like that, I don’t know how many days have passed.

   Every day, the flesh and blood in her body grows in this scorched body, sometimes like a sharp knife cut her body. Although she wants to scream, she can't shout. Sometimes, like all insects scratching her heart, itching so much, making her almost crazy.

   I'm not crazy, it's a miracle.

   I don't know if I got used to it gradually, or if the pain finally faded. After not knowing how long, her body finally became more relaxed day by day.

  Severe pain and itchiness are constantly diminishing. She even thought she might already be able to move. She moved her finger lightly.

   In the past, although some of her muscles returned to normal, as long as she moved gently and the muscles involved the skin on her body, there would be lightning-like sharp pain immediately.

   But this time, she heard a click, and the burnt hard shell on her finger cracked like an eggshell, and then she was stroked away by the water.

   The skin of this finger directly touches the water at the bottom of the lake, and it feels extremely soft and cold.

   In the next few days, all parts of her body shed their shells like this, like a butterfly breaking through a cocoon. This peculiar restoration technique almost completely reproduced a new body in her charred body, just like a new life.

   She carefully broke free of the remaining dark hard shell, peeling off little by little. She is no longer worried about hurting herself, but she is worried about hurting the hook pig that is still in the black shell.

   The remnant shell on her head is like a helmet, and it seems that her entire skull has been reborn. The original skull was squeezed out of the body. She freed her hands and took off the remnant shell. A long silver needle was nailed to the remnant shell and was pulled out.

   "A Thousand Miles of Soul Needle!"

   Huang Lu hated this thing. If it weren't for it, she wouldn't have shackled herself into immortal fetters, would not fall into this lake, let alone experience this life and death torture.

   But now, she broke through the cocoon in the dark and became a butterfly, finally free.

   Now that her scorched hair has returned to its original shape, it is softer as water than before.

   Instead, the body has been wiped away from the traces of countless years, and the skin of the whole body is as smooth as jade, like a baby. The violent water rushed past, but the Xuanshui flag surrounded by it changed its strength and became as light as a touch.

   She was naked in the soft and cold abyssal water, feeling extremely relaxed and comfortable.

   The real energy in the sea of ​​qi is surging, it is obvious that it is no longer the second layer of foundation construction, but the strength of the third layer of foundation construction!

   She has stayed in the second layer of Zhuji for many years, but it's not that she can't break through. It's the formation technique of the formation master, which does not require high Qi refining realm. She spends too much energy on the formation and spiritual consciousness.

   This way of destroying the physical body and rebirth may be one of the shortcuts to refining Qi, but the requirements are too high. First of all, you must destroy yourself and die, and then you will also need a huge amount of Aoki Zhenqi, plus the magical technique that makes people settled as soon as it turns.

  At this moment, it seemed that she had become the master of this dark lake bottom.

   It is reasonable to say that the improvement of the Qi refining realm has no effect on the spiritual consciousness. Without absorbing the divine consciousness of others, divine consciousness cannot be improved.

   But her spiritual consciousness has obviously become stronger. This may not be the effect of absorbing other people's spiritual thoughts, but that something that originally existed in the sea of ​​her consciousness began to awaken.

   Although she could not see anything in the almost absolute darkness, her spiritual consciousness was miraculously transparent. Every inch of her skin, every hair on her skin, seemed to be an eye, feeling every minute flow of the deep lake water at the bottom of the lake, and the tiny sounds they made when they hit the smooth stone walls.

   Countless such subtle sensations are gathered in the divine consciousness, which constitutes the entire shape of the cave at the bottom of the lake, and is reflected in her sea of ​​consciousness.

  The golden light is flourishing on the wall of supernatural knowledge. The "Three Arrays" shone on the cliff. Originally, she had lost a lot of spiritual thoughts when she imparted a part of the "Three Formations Sutra" to Gouzhu. This handwriting has been dimmed a lot, but now it has been brighter.

   Gouzhu’s body is still scorched but this rebirth technique is still working and hasn't stopped. After Huang Lu was completely reborn, this technique began to repair the hook pig's body.

   "If this goes on for more than ten days, maybe he can come back to life from this black shell." Huang Lu muttered to herself. The most important thing now is to ensure that these ten days are safe and sound.

   Huang Lu's consciousness swept across, and she found that there were three immortal lotuses stuck outside the black shell of the hook pig.

   These immortal lotuses seem to be made of leaves only, and they are extremely weak. The time inside them is stagnant, which also makes them invade by fire and water. Because the stagnant time cannot change anything.

   Huang Lu gently took off the three immortals. If she could find the formation of Qiankun Yiqi nails in the fairy lotus, she might be able to lay down a guardian formation. There may be some daily necessities in Xianhe, she wants to find a piece of clothing to wear, or a bigu Dan to restore her strength.

   "The petty ghost! The immortal lotus has a soul mark."

   Gouzhu seems to have only built the second base, but the aura of the soul seal is so strong that she has now built the third base and is completely immobile.

   She couldn't take out any items. In desperation, she tied three fairy lotuses to her long hair and walked out of the cave.

   She hopes that this place is safe enough to spend more than ten days before Gouzhu wakes up.

   Outside the cave is a vast expanse of black, even if you look up, you can’t see a trace of light. But her spiritual sense can feel the majestic and majestic mountains beneath her feet. The countless howling water currents above, like a hurricane, whizzed silently in the darkness.

   But in the absolute darkness, a ray of light suddenly came.

   There was a needle-like crisis from this ray of light, which stung her consciousness and made her suddenly alert.

someone is coming.

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