Record of Chaos

Chapter 173: Reunion on the Lakeshore

   scream, struggle, split...

   In just a few breaths, it is hard to say what Huangquan has experienced. For her, the experience of these few breaths is almost longer than her life for thousands of years.

Under the obsession of resolutely not accepting the control of the hook pig’s soul mark, she almost launched the craziest move: to re-separate the fused primordial spirit, trying to "cut off" the soul mark left by the hook pig. .

   This is no different from using a knife to cut everything in half. The endless pain almost fainted herself.

   But her soul really split again. An almost independent Huang Lu, like a **** flesh from a person's body, was reborn. It's just that Huang Lu and Huang Quan, these two are still like Siamese babies, closely connected to a certain extent. With the last few knives, Huang Quan could no longer cut them down.

   This also has the will to hook pigs in it. In any case, the soul mark of hooking pigs on her primordial spirit is equivalent to a magic weapon controlled by the opponent at will. Although the huge gap in the power of divine consciousness makes this control weak, it still exists.

   Gouzhu was not polite in this, and took the opportunity to support Huang Lu to the upper position. He also understood roughly what happened in Huang Lu's body.

   Huang Lu's eyes changed constantly. Sometimes frightened, sometimes anxious, sometimes excited, sometimes calm. Sometimes she seemed to change back to that innocent girl, and sometimes she regained the Huangquan Huangquan that once dominated the world.

   Finally, she calmed down, and the blue light in her eyes disappeared. All her sweat was wiped out by the lake.

   Gouzhu stared into her eyes.

   "Are you Huang Lu or Huang Quan?"

   he asked carefully.

"Don't look, you stupid pig!" Women, the most difficult creatures in the world, have a kind of fascinating self-confidence, that is, of course, the men around them can see through themselves at a glance, otherwise they are indifferent or indifferent. It was hopelessly stupid.

   The next day, under the cliff under the back of the snow-white carp, the dawn followed the cool breeze through the dense woods. A seductive female nun dressed in aqua blue jacket and light yellow pleated skirt raised her head in a weed that was deeper than a human. A pair of bright eyes looked around quickly, but the eyebrows were full of doubts.

   "No one actually took the bait?" Her Zhu lip lightly said, as if to herself. Looking at her dress, she turned out to be a female disciple of Shuiyue'an that rolled down a cliff.

"If I'm not mistaken, these people are probably not here to compete for the seat of the so-called royal division. There must be some important opportunity in the belly of the carp, on the top of the human-devil mountain. That's why they will ignore these flags. Continue to wait. It makes no sense."

Next to    there appeared a short but strong middle-aged man. The man wore a gray preaching gown that was very common in this third continent. But what is strange is that there is almost no vitality in this person's whole body, instead, a creepy chill is constantly leaking from the robe.

   What's weirder is his face. Although it was the face of a thin middle-aged man with a beard, the skin that was supposed to be flesh-colored is now completely composed of ice cubes that are transparent like crystals.

   As for the original hair, eyebrows and beard, they are all pure white snow flakes directly on the ice.

   This person's appearance, if restored to its original color, will be exactly the same as Yin Wanzhen on the second floor. He was also the Yin Wanzhen who had obtained the phantom of Xuanbing from the Soul Wound Sword after his body exploded with the Yanyang Fiery Fire Sword.

   Yin Wanzhen relied on this Soul Injury Sword to survive, so naturally he had to make Lan Ruoshuang, the master of the Soul Injury Sword, his master.

   And this seductive woman is Lan Ruoshuang after disguising herself. After listening to Yin Wanzhen's thoughts, she nodded slightly. Yin Wanzhen made a move, and immediately six cultivators like Xuanbing came out of the tree shadow.

   These people simply bowed their hands to him, then turned into a virtual mist, flew into Lan Ruoshuang's soul wound sword and disappeared.

   Lan Ruoshuang made seals on his hands and muttered the magic trick. Quartet aura fluctuates. There was a strange wave of spiritual power in this dense forest. Six flags, five green and one black, appeared among the dense branches of a towering tree.

   In this lush forest, under the mottled shadows of the trees, there is an enchantment formation constructed with five green wooden flags and a Xuanshui flag as the pivot.

   This formation is not a defensive formation. With the extremely sharp aura fluctuations when withdrawing from the formation, no one can feel that this is a fierce killing formation. It's like a huge trap for catching animals. It was a large piece of land hollowed out, and underneath it was filled with sharpened wooden thorns. As long as the beast stepped on and fell down, it would be seriously injured if it didn't die.

   As soon as Lan Ruoshuang appeared on this third continent, he landed in Nanzhou Shuiyue Temple, and became a core disciple when he mixed into Shuiyue Temple. It was a hard journey, and it was also the instructor who went straight to this man's magic mountain.

   has the Soul Wound Sword in her hand, if she can obtain the third layer of formation inheritance, she will have a better chance of winning a place in the ranking battle that is about to be held.

   She has always tempted those disciples who win the dragon view with her beauty. Unexpectedly, they would encounter the Sudden Dragon Temple and the Da people suddenly joining forces, and they were caught off guard on the impossible Jedi in the belly of the carp, almost completely wiped out.

   But she had already concentrated all the flags of the team in her hands. So in a blink of an eye, the female disciple of the same sect died three deaths and one teleportation, which had little effect on herself. She immediately fell down the cliff together and activated Teleport Jane.

   She is not interested in teleporting out the human demon mountain. As soon as the teleportation jade slip started, she herself immediately moved away from the teleportation array. In this way, everyone in the big formation could only feel that the teleportation was activated, but didn't know that she hadn't left at all.

   With the Soul Injury Sword, she has no shortage of manpower at all. She immediately summoned Yin Wanzhen and other monk Xuanbing from the Soul Injury Sword, and set the trap with the six-sided flag in her hand. According to her original idea, the outcome of this assessment is determined by the number of flags captured. Since the opponent thought Shuiyue'an was annihilated, it was impossible for them not to come to obtain these formation flags.

   As long as the other party comes, he will fall into the trap set by her, and if he does not die, he will be hit hard.

   But to her surprise, day and night passed, nothing happened here.

   "It seems that I must go to the White Dragon Maw by myself."

   Lan Ruoshuang looked at the Xiongguan at the end of the snow-white cliff.

"With the power of the Soul Injury Sword, it is not a problem to break the ban." Yin Wanzhen reminded behind, "but now the Da Clan and the Xuntian Huozhou who are seeking truth are teaming up, the power cannot be underestimated. This pass is passed. Although important, is it really worth the junior's risk?"

   "Whether it's worth talking about, but when will it not be possible to withdraw? Now that you have arrived here, you might as well wait and see. Isn't there a team of nonsense? I am very optimistic about them."

   It was early in the morning, and there was a blood-red sunrise on the east. She seemed to see the morning breeze mingled with an invisible murderous intent, sweeping by.

   Not long ago, under the hanging lake. Despite the Xuanshui Banner body, it took Gouzhu and Huang Lu almost a night to avoid the intricate undercurrents at the bottom of the lake and return to the surface. It was already bright at this time.

   "There seems to be someone by the lake."

   "Of course, my brother, I knew they would not care about me."

   Gouzhu recognized at a glance that his back was facing the lake, one tall and one fat, it was the figure of Song Ruhai and Mu Mu. These two guys have long taken off their robes and returned to their normal attire as a disciple of the Jade Jade Palace. The two of them sat beside a small mound, lit a fire, and grilled some prey for the disaster relief, and the meat was overflowing.

The wood gnawed a bite of the meat, then tore a large piece off, lowered his head in front of the mound, and said, "Brother Gou, I won’t forget you naturally. Don’t have any grudges! The water is too deep. I can’t catch you. We can only sit here and wait until you are willing to come up. If you don’t come up again, we can only keep this tomb and burn some paper money for you year after year."

   There is a piece of wood standing on this The "Tomb of Brother Gouzhu" is respectfully engraved on it.

   "Huh, who said I can't float up?" Gou Zhu suddenly jumped out and shouted, frightening both the wood and Song Ruhai.

After    Gouzhu and Huang Lu were hit by artillery fire, the group fled to the lake with the live cat. They also tried to get into the water to find the hook pig, but the hanging lake was too big and deep, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. After Song Ruhai and Mu Mu tried for a few days, neither of them had a magic weapon to avoid water, so they gave up helplessly.

   But they didn't leave either, thinking that this man drowned in the lake. As long as he was not burned to ashes by the artillery fire, and soaked in water for a long time, the corpse would usually float to the surface. They have long since stopped looking for the idea of ​​spreading the exercises. They just look around this lake day by day to see if there is anything floating on the water.

  Only the nineteenth insisted that the hook pig was not dead. After all, she is the puppet of Gouzhu, and although the master connection on her body is extremely dim, it still exists.

   She ignores Song Ruhai and Mu Mu's dissuasion, and is attached to the groundwater every day. The nineteenth book is a body made of fairy tree marrow, which can be raised naturally in the water, and will not drown when submerged. She tied a lot of stones on her hands and feet, and sank directly into the bottom of the lake to search. It's just that the lake is too big and deep, and she can't observe the current like Lu Ming, and she does everything in order. She had to rely on her feelings to groped at the bottom of the lake day after day, just like this for a month, and she had the spirit of vowing not to stop turning the entire lake over.

   She just didn't expect that when she returned to the shore of the lake this time, she could still see her master standing in front of her intact.

   Her nose was sour, she immediately rushed over, no matter who was wet, rushed into the arms of the hook pig, hugged tightly, and started crying without saying a word.

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