Record of Chaos

Chapter 176: Dragonmaw 1 Palace Locked Demon

   Huang Lu looked back, everyone was blocked from the prohibition formed by the gray mist. Not only were they unable to enter, but even the sound of shouting at her could not be transmitted into the gray mist. But her mumbling was not blocked at all, and Gouzhu could hear them clearly.

   This muddy water mist does not have a trace of attack power, but it is excellent for defense. It is invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire, and even sound waves cannot invade.

  The difference from the pure sun wall is that the pure sun wall is the most rigid thing. If it is broken, it is destroyed. This muddy water mist is composed of Mizuki aura, even if it breaks strongly, it will recover by itself due to its strong toughness.

   Back then, she was placed in this fairy tree by Qin Zunyang, and she drew the essence from the fairy tree to cast her body, without a trace of true energy on her body, and any beast could swallow her. It was by borrowing Qin Zunyang's muddy water mist as a treasure of body protection that she survived in the environment where the world was born and all things competed.

   Afterwards, the great formation of Yuan was established, and the world was under her control, and the mist of muddy water was useless. She lived in the Dragonmaw Palace, and set the muddy water mist outside the palace as part of the palace guarding formation.

   She likes to be quiet, the muddy water is covered with mist, and the whole Dragonmaw Palace is dead silent, she can only hear her own heartbeat. There is a volcanic earthquake outside, and there is no sound coming in.

   But then she stopped living here alone. In each four years of reincarnation, she spent most of her time sitting on the throne of Jingli Palace, admired by all people. She is nostalgic for this kind of wealth and honor, and likes Yinggeyan dance. Only when the rebirth of reincarnation ends will one come to this magic mountain.

   She finally knew why the emperor of the Houtu Dynasty was so desperate to defend her throne, and for this reason, she even forced her to desperately desperately, leaving only a strand of soul parasitic in the world.

   I heard that the royal family are the survivors of the heavens. This has nothing to do with cultivation, but only about blood. She didn't believe it. What kind of destiny? It's all deceptive.

   Those Yao people are really the offspring of orphans from heaven and man? Anyway, celestial beings will not show up in the lower realms to testify, and mortals are even less likely to go to heaven to testify. They are just taller and more handsome. In terms of looks, Huang Quan does not look bad. Although this is the result of how much beauty she used to shape her body on her path of cultivation.

   Huang Quan is still her girlhood name. Later she felt that she was not domineering enough and changed her name to Huangquan.

   In this world, she is also called the emperor, and is admired by thousands of people.

  Moguo Anli is also part of this perfect world. If there were no demons, Jingli's pampered people would not respect her as the emperor honestly, and they don't know how many things will happen.

   This time, it was only the Mozu being used by outsiders to become the main force to break her big formation.

   But now she is neither Huang Quan nor Huang Quan, she is Huang Lu.

   Huang Lu was surprised secretly, and finally recovered from Huang Quan's memories. Although Huang Quan's soul was suppressed, she didn't seem to miss any chance. As long as she touches the scene slightly, she will immediately appear. She is still nostalgic for everything she created in the Third Continent.

   Huang Lu sighed, what is there to miss in this illusory world of reincarnation, she just wanted to leave safely.

   She stretched out her right hand, opened her palm, and read the magic trick. Immediately, the gray mist outside surged uneasily, and then gathered in her palm.

  Although this palace guarding formation has been broken long ago, and some people even carefully changed the palace's restrictions, this muddy water mist still imprints her soul aura, which is a magic weapon that she can control at will.

   The gray mist outside is getting lighter and lighter, and finally all gathered on her palm and turned into an egg-sized water ball. This water ball is not clearer than clear, but a cloud of opaque muddy water. Strangely maintained a spherical shape, floating in her palm.

   Huang Lu's lips opened, the water ball flew up and fell between her white teeth, drilled in, and disappeared.

   After the gray mist near here disappeared without a trace, the scene of Dragonmaw Palace became extremely clear. Hook the pigs and the others did not have any obstacles, and came straight over.

   They came together with five people and one cat, Gouzhu, Song Ruhai, Muko, Nineteenth and the fat cat.

   Gouzhu was actually forced by Huang Lu. If it weren't for not having the heart to watch her go to death, and fearing that he would be attacked by demonic energy, he would not come to death. However, he had already made up his mind. As long as he encountered danger that he couldn't deal with, he would be the first to erase his soul mark on Huang Lu Yuanshen, and then activate Teleport Jane to directly teleport himself out. Some people do it by themselves, and they can't help if they want to help.

   Song Ruhai and Mu Mu are moving forward and retreating together. They are brothers of the Wu Yuan. Since they encountered Mu Fei's attack in Qingyang Town, they have experienced so many lives and deaths, but they don't care about it again. Anyway, everyone is holding Teleport Jane in their hands.

   The most depressed cat. It's a dignified white tiger slaying, how could it become a brother with a fool like Gouzhu? Or is it an alliance?

   In fact, what it wants is very simple, it is a little fairy lotus. It got into Xianhe, and as long as someone took Xianhe out, he would be done. But this matter is extremely troublesome. It is easy to find a fairy lotus, but how can you make sure that the fairy lotus is taken out, and that it will be taken out after taking it out?

   Once it enters Xianhe, time stops for it. Nothing is under its control. Only Gouzhu is a little credible.

   At any rate, it still has a promise to Gouzhu to give him prosperity, a status of a righteous brother. It believes that this kid who looks very greedy for money will definitely release it for the big fortune it promised.

   So no matter if the hook pig wants to go into the water or the fire, it can only follow it, there is no better way.

   Only the nineteenth mind is the simplest. The owner is everything to her. When the master goes to heaven, she goes to heaven, and when the master goes to hell, she also goes to hell.

   Just like this, five people and one cat, the entire fictional Yerodine team, miraculously gathered. The gate of Dragonmaw Palace, which was piled up with yellow boulders full of vicissitudes of life, was like a huge mouth, as if it could swallow everything.

   Contrary to what Gouzhu expected, the inside and outside of Dragonmaw Palace gave him the feeling that there are no restrictions, even the door is directly open. Does this mean opening the door and stealing?

  Since Yelan attacked Yangshu on the top of the mountain, the Da people of the Yinshan School rushed to them again. People like Liu Muyang and Qin Xi who were seeking truth were all under the control of his Dinghunzhen. The top of the mountain is so steep that he can sit back and relax and wait for the destruction of Yangshu as long as he sends someone to close the pass. Now that the door was open, it was unreasonable, but it made him a little hairy, he couldn't help but stop, and he didn't even dare to go inside.

   Gouzhu stopped and stopped at the nineteenth, Song Ruhai and Mu Mu also held back. The cat snorted boredly while sitting on the ground.

   It just wants to wait for the collapse of the big formation. These people use Teleport to send it out. Before that, it will see the timing and get into the fairy lotus of Gouzhu.

   "You..." Gou Zhu looked at the huge open stone door, looked at the dark doorway inside, and asked anxiously, "Aren't you familiar with this place? Are you sure there will be no ambush?"

   Huang Lu raised her mouth mischievously and smiled mysteriously: "I don't know if there is an ambush. But this is the place where Emperor Huangquan lives. There should be a lot of treasures left by her."

   Hearing the treasure, Gouzhu's heart moved. Although he paid the tuition for this time, he has gained a lot.

  Four big dragon wood pillars, a heart-saving sword, and a bunch of Profound Yin Pills exchanged from Wen Ruxue are all good things that can be paid back.

   But on the third level, he really got nothing except for begging for some noodles in Huang Lu's place, eating and drinking for a few days, and having a fat cat with nothing.

The universe of Xunzhen Guan was nailed to the sky, and the strange liquid ball that had just gathered from the gray mist. They all seemed to be incredible magic weapons, but they were all taken away by Huang Lu, and nothing was given to him. Stay.

   But even if there is Huangquan’s legacy here, I’m afraid I don’t know how many times it has been searched by previous explorers. Moreover, when the door was opened, the Da people of the Yinshan School and the disciples of Xunzhen Guan had already taken the lead. Thinking of this, Gouzhu immediately felt fooled:

"Don't lie to me! If you really have something, the Da people will let it go? Not to mention the old ghost Liu Muyang. He is also a veteran handyman. UU reading" Gouzhu couldn't help but remember that he was in Qulianhou. When the mansion sneaked into the backyard, he and Liu Muyang met in a sedan chair.

"Hey," Huang Lu seemed to have pinpointed his habit, "There are always some real good things, only I know the real location. And this time...Anything counts for you, I will never Just shoot."

   After speaking, she ignored the hooked pig, and walked straight into the dark doorway.

   Now Gouzhu no longer hesitates, and boldly follows behind him.

   In this darkness, there is no trace of enemy's aura, no enemy's breath, and no restraint of aura fluctuations. Some are only as dark as a pool of night water, and their own footsteps echoing in the huge empty corridors and halls.

   There were no living creatures in this abandoned palace, not even a mouse. They were all blocked by muddy water mist.

   The invisible enemy is the most terrifying, and everyone is deeply disturbed.

   Wood took the wooden flying bow from his body, held the bow in his right hand, and drew an arrow from behind with his left hand and placed it on the bowstring. If there is any turbulence, he will go to that place first. With the power of the wooden flying bow, it is no problem to shoot directly through this thick wall of boulders.

   Song Ruhai held a ball of fire in his hand—it looked like a torch, but in fact the ball of fire came from his sacred fire cauldron. As long as there is danger, he will immediately summon the entire Shenhuo Cauldron.

   Gouzhu held his Darkfire Sword tightly in his hands, and the dim white light from the sword faintly illuminated the interior of this deep palace.

   Huang Lu's figure became a little fuzzy, and there was a gray mist around her. She had summoned the muddy water mist she had just received, in case of accident.

   The white cat walked at the end, its steps were completely silent, like a white ghost.

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