Record of Chaos

Chapter 178: Ten Thousand Bulls rushed to the original array

   "Don't look for it. Here, all magic weapons and immortal lotus will disappear. True Qi can't get out of the body, and no spells can be used, whether it's magic weapons or supernatural powers."

   Huang Lu stopped the wood that wanted to find his treasured bow everywhere. At this time, Gouzhu also found that his dark fire sword, and even the three fairy lotuses with magic weapons disappeared. He is now unarmed.

   Song Ruhai’s Shenhuo Cauldron, and the nineteenth ink bucket, which never left his hand, went around the same.

   "Don't worry, your magic weapon has not been lost. It's just that you have been isolated by the Mangyuan Wanjo Formation." Huang Lu said.

   From then on, she frantically searched Huang Quan's memory, trying to find a way to break the formation. However, nothing was achieved. But in the depths of memory, she met Huang Quan.

   "Haha, you don't want to be the plaything of that arrogant and ignorant boy." Huang Quan smiled triumphantly, "Let me dominate this physical body for a moment, and I will break it."

   "Huh, do you think I will be the last time?" Huang Lu replied coldly, and suddenly her face turned into that kind of weird smile, "Anyway, it's not just me who became a plaything."

   "Come out!" There was a low roar at this moment, almost overwhelming the roar of cow hooves all around. A giant Da ethnic man with a naked upper body, showing rock-like muscles and bronze skin, his head covered with braids, and countless colorful cloth strips tied to his lower body, flashed out from behind the boy.

   A thick finger pointed at Song Ruhai, the tallest and strongest in the opposing team. His eyes were blood-red, like a beast about to eat people.

   Da people live on the grasslands for a long time and live on nomads. Almost everyone is born with physical training, strong physique, strong in spirit and infinite strength. But their research on the battle technique is far worse than the Jing people in Zhongzhou.

   Even so, the wizards of the Da people still have a kind of formation, and this is the only formation that the Da people can use, that is, this "mangyuan ten thousand hoof formation".

   Once inside this formation, all magic weapons and even weapons are isolated outside the formation. True Qi can't get out of the body, and the divine consciousness is suppressed by the formation, so any supernatural powers out of the body can't be used. Here, only real physical power can participate in the duel.

   This was originally an enchantment formed by the priests of the Dazu for a fair duel. Later, the Da people discovered that they were naturally strong, and if they used this battle against foreigners, they would often take advantage of them. Therefore, this formation has become a way to deal with foreigners in wartime.

The power of heaven and earth envelops the big formation, especially Song Ruhai. Under this pressure, he had to step forward and walked like a puppet to the center of the clearing, facing the place that was so high. , The stature has also strengthened a large circle of Dazu fierce men.

   This power of divine consciousness did not come from these Da people, but was collected by the Da people since ancient times in worshipping the heaven and earth. It was originally the power of divine consciousness in this big formation, and it originally belonged to Huangquan. But when Huang Lu entered this formation, her spiritual sense was just cut off by this large formation. She couldn't think of a way to contact the heaven and earth spiritual sense outside the formation.

   Huang Quan may have a way to do it, but Huang Lu would never dare to let her take control of the body, otherwise it might be completely possible for her to swallow herself.

   Seeing Song Ruhai moving forward inexplicably, Wood and Hooked Pig couldn't help but tried to stop them, but they were both blocked by an invisible force of divine consciousness. This power seems to come from the heavens and the earth, and it cannot be resisted at all!

   Song Ruhai and the Da people who are as strong as a cow stood together in the center of the circle. The center of the circle was surrounded by an indescribable force, and the others could only watch and could not set foot.

"In this reckless original formation, the opponent's challenge cannot be rejected. Once rejected, one's own consciousness will be imprinted on the opponent's soul breath by this great formation. This soul mark is so strong that you can become the opponent's slave." Huang Quan Reluctantly said, "The winner is the master and the loser is the slave. This is the iron rule of survival for the Da people."

   These Dazu people are not only one. The other four people emerged from the herd of beasts one after another, all dressed up and in similar shapes, all standing like huge black copper pillars behind the boy. The young man stared at Huang Lu's face with an incredible gaze, as if he was appreciating his new female slave.

   Actually, he wanted to be the first to challenge Huang Lu. The others are all dirt to him. There is another woman in the opposing team with extraordinary appearance, but he has no interest in this kind of light-hearted girl.

   As for that nasty hook pig, you can keep it for the end and torture slowly.

   But challenging women is too shameful for the Da people. It's not that they don't like female slaves, but it's just a bonus after they defeat the other man. Among the three men on the other side, either short or thin, and only the tall and burly Song Ruhai could slightly catch their eyes.

"Yinshan Man, Heba, I asked for advice!" The man twisted his hands together and made a strange gesture. Although these words were polite, they sounded like a roar, deafening, and almost forced Song Ruhai back a few steps. . .

   "Song Ruhai of the Song Family of Jinzhou!" Song Ruhai was also not shy. Use both hands. The strict tutoring of the Song family is not vegetarian. He has been practicing fighting art since he was a child. Although the opponent's physique is obviously stronger than him, the Song family's fighting skills are more than four or two. He may not have no chance to win.

   The two had just notified the name, Song Ruhai immediately felt a strong wind before him. Looking up, it was neither a fist nor a leg, but the huge face of the Da people, like a heavy copper hammer, smashing at his face!

Song Ruhai didn't panic. He lowered to the left, avoiding the heavy blow, and swiftly flashed to Heba's right side, then his right hand turned into a knife, and he struck the Dazu's bare back. .

   Heba was hitting his head with all his strength, and the force was moving forward, plus Song Ruhai's slash in the back, it was the force of the force. With his heavy figure, as long as one staggered and fell to the ground, he couldn't get up for a while. At that time, Song Ruhai put him on the ground and beat him wildly, and the opponent lost.

   Song Ruhai slashed the opponent's back with this hand, and only heard a muffled sound. He only felt that he had hit a huge copper pillar. Contrary to what he had imagined, the other party didn't stagger at all, and didn't move.

   Heba stopped, and he let out a roar, fisted with his right hand and swept away, without any tactics at all, hitting his tightly protected right arm directly.

   He suddenly felt an unstoppable force straight through the meridians, and the bones of his whole body were squeaking like a wooden building in the wind. Fortunately, his Song family's body protection method spreads this power evenly throughout the body, so as not to completely crush his right arm. Even so, he felt like he was going to fall apart, flew up lightly, and then landed heavily on the grass.

   As he crashed to the ground, there was another strong wind. It was this seemingly cumbersome Dazu person who moved so swiftly that he bent his knees and changed his squatting posture. A straight fist with his right hand, like a thick and unstoppable black wind, came straight to Song Ruhai's nose.

   Although Song Ruhai was beaten blindly, he knew that if the punch really landed on the tip of his nose, he would have to punch his head through. Under the instinctive reaction of survival, he exhausted all his strength and rolled to the right. Hearing a puff, the man's giant fist hit the grass, and the mud was smashed into a big hole. The entire ground was smashed and bounced.

   Song Ruhai was stunned. Before he could continue to react, he felt that his neck was grabbed by a left hand like iron tongs. The big hand slammed his throat directly, making him completely unable to breathe. He desperately broke the big hand with his hand, feeling completely like a cold iron pillar, unable to move at all.

   There was a big movement at this time, and the round-shaped power suddenly withdrew. It seems that Mangharajin himself has a judgment on the outcome of the duel. Once the victory has been judged, the power of the duel field's restrictions suddenly relaxed, but it did not disappear, but turned into the power of divine consciousness and directly injected into the sea of ​​consciousness of the loser.

Dazu Heba also released his stood up and laughed wildly, then stepped back and shouted: "Too weak! Too weak! You Jing people, you are not enough to fight! "

  Heba is also the first time to leave the grassland of Beizhou, and is not familiar with the geography of Jingliguo. He didn't know that Jinzhou was not in the third continent, so he regarded Song Ru as a Jing clan.

   Although not enough to fight, but he did not hurt the killer. The Da people do not indiscriminately kill their slaves. Because the number of slaves is a sign of their status. What's more, foreign slaves are more valuable than ordinary slaves.

   Song Ruhai looked weird and stood up, but he did not go to Gouzhu and the others, but to the Da people.

   "Boss..." Muko called out quickly.

   Song Ruhai turned around, his eyes seemed to be infinitely tangled, and his brows frowned. However, he still kept walking, following in the footsteps of the Da people and standing behind the young man.

"No need to call him, he is already that master's slave!" Huang Lu's eyes showed infinite anxiety and panic, "It's useless to call him, unless, unless..." She couldn't even think of anything herself. Way to come.

  In the world of the Dar people, it is often impossible to take back a slave. The Da people have the power to kill slaves. If you want to take a slave forcibly, even if the master is defeated, he may put his slave to death before yielding.

   "Come out! I want to challenge you!" Before everyone in the ride had reacted, Gouzhu yelled, and pointed his finger at the proud young man. This is the only way he can think of!

   He has no chance of winning against those five brawny men. But since this is a "fair" duel field, the opponent can challenge Song Ruhai, and he can also pick the weakest of the opponents!

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