Record of Chaos

Chapter 188: Silent Forest Trap Waiting for Thieves

  Under the boundless moonlight, the night sky is like a dark blue cold eyeball. And the bright full moon in the middle of the sky is exactly the pupil of this huge monster.

   On the edge of the Wuyuan Forest is a huge cliff. Standing on the cliff and looking down, Cuiyu Peak and the nearby large and small peaks are like huge groups of spirit beasts. The moonlight illuminates the backs of these beasts, expanding the terrifyingly vast space between the peaks.

   Gouzhu was in a daze here before. He envied those birds, who could easily travel through these huge spaces and swim unimpeded.

   But no bird can fly in the high sky near Cuiyu Peak. The seemingly empty space is densely covered with prohibitions. Any flying objects on the periphery were repelled or teleported away. If they break into the interior, the prohibition is full of murderous intent, and they must be broken into pieces.

   Wuyuanlin is surrounded by a wall, and the outer door is guarded by disciples who watch the night. Only this section has no walls, because this is a cliff with a cliff below.

   Even if it is a cliff, there are special restrictions on the cliff to prevent others from climbing at will. These prohibitions may not necessarily stop the masters, but the masters can hardly avoid triggering these prohibitions to alarm the disciples of night patrol at the outer door.

   But these bans on hooking pigs are useless.

   He took out a piece of topaz, which was stained with brown and black blood. He injected a little infuriating energy, and this thing immediately became bigger, turning into a huge strange eagle enough to carry five or six people. Its feathers shone like topaz scales, and its eyes were luminous, like red lanterns. The huge beak is like two sharp machetes joined together.

   This thing is not an ordinary flying kite. Flying kite is a famous flying weapon produced by the Five Elements School, mostly wooden, powered by pure Yang Dan. The quality of the wood flying kites varies, and most of them will be damaged in a short time. Gouzhu accidentally obtained this jade flying kite from Guaofeng, but it was not an ordinary flying magic weapon, but a superb magic weapon called Fengxueyuan.

   It is said that this thing must be made of yellow dragon jade, take a spoonful of phoenix blood, stain it on the jade, and then make it with the secret method of the Five Elements School. Although it is a magic weapon, it can only maintain itself intact by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and it still needs to use pure sun pill to drive it when flying. Otherwise, it won't be the only thing that can only live in ordinary goods.

   Gouzhu was simple at the time and didn't understand the value of this thing. Fortunately, Huang Lu knew almost everything after reading Huang Quan's memory, only to realize that this thing turned out to be a magic weapon.

   Gouzhu jumped on its back, the Phoenix-blooded kite immediately flapped its wings, and the huge figure quietly leaped up like a shadow, clinging to the cliff and descending towards the cliff.

   This pathway was also researched by Gouzhu. Although there are prohibitions on cliffs and high altitudes, there is nothing in the woods and low altitudes. So the bugs and birds on Cuiyu Peak can still fly around among the trees.

   As long as he tried his best to lower the flying kite, it was almost close to the treetops, and he would not touch any restrictions, and no one would even pay attention to the shadow that passed by like the wind on the dark forest.

   Just below the Cuiyu Peak, there is a deep black ravine, which is the valley of the dragon skeleton that Gouzhu is familiar with. Passing over the valley, he heard the familiar rumble of water again.

   There is deep yin here, which is most suitable for the growth of the underworld orchid. The hook pig collected the Phoenix-blooded kite, and stood at the bottom of the wet valley, half of his body buried in the overgrown weeds.

   There is still moonlight outside, and the moonlight here is only a line above the head. This line of moonlight fell near Longxi in the middle, and only here is still dimly visible. At that time, Biluo saint Lian Ling fell from the green dragon, and was washed here for nine deaths by the water.

   As for the dense forest next to Longxi, lush vegetation covers the sky, and there is not much sunshine even in the daytime, let alone this night. Gouzhu was surrounded by darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, but he felt particularly safe. He is a thief after all, and the dark night is the best protection from the thief.

   If it is daytime, people can see that many of the big trees here have died and their branches and leaves are withered, but the trunks have not fallen down yet, they have turned black, and they are covered with fungi. A corpse gas lingered everywhere.

   This is naturally a masterpiece left by Lian Ling when he taught Gouzhu half a year ago. Back then, even Ling didn't know the power of Underworld Wind, so he showed Gouzhu a note. As a result, most of the vegetation in the entire valley was exhausted and all died.

   Now half a year later, moss, weeds and vines have re-growth, but the dead trees have not recovered so quickly.

   This is a dead forest, which happens to be the most suitable for underworld orchid growth. Although Gouzhu was in complete darkness, he still relied on keen sense of consciousness to outline the appearance of this valley in the sea of ​​knowledge.

   Soon he reached the bottom of a big tree. Although he couldn't see anything in the darkness, he could still feel ten underworld orchids there. There is his soul breath on those underworld orchids, like his clone, connected with his divine consciousness. This allows him to easily find this place.

   Gouzhu sits in the grass, holding a fluttering Jidan in his palm. Then stimulated with infuriating energy. Suddenly, an underworld orchid disintegrated into a group of faint blue cold light according to his mind, and was sucked into Jidan under the control of his divine consciousness. This Kidan is like a sponge ball full of ink, becoming cold and dark, as heavy as a copper bead. Gouzhu satisfied this condensed Profound Yin Pill into the fairy lotus.

   One, two, the process went smoothly as usual. In a short while, ten heavy Xuan Yin Pills were already in hand. This is a thousand pure Yang Dan! The speed of collecting money is really incredible to him.

   Generally, the inner disciples of the Jade Jade Palace have to rely on their bodies to absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth Xuan Yin, and then condense Xuan Yin Dan. It takes nearly ten days to make one. Of course, with such condensing day by day, you can also expand your yin and yang qi sea over time, which is a compulsory course before forming a pill.

   But only the strange grass contained in the world, such as the underworld orchid, can dominately absorb vitality to condense the vitality of Xuan Yin. And because these underworld orchid seeds all have the soul breath of hooking pigs, he was spared the step of laborious practice.

  Biluo saint Lian Ling probably knew that if he wanted him to consolidate alchemy for five years, he had to have extraordinary methods to teach him such a vicious and domineering spirit seed.

   Take a rest, he was about to leave, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

   He got up and was about to lift his foot, when suddenly he tripped slightly. A strange vine that was as tough as a wire did not know when it had climbed onto the back of his instep. Then these things climbed up and quickly wrapped around his calf!

   Gouzhu's hairs stand upright. He has been to this deadly valley countless times. Except for the bushy plants and some insignificant animals, he had never seen anyone or other weird things.

   This place is too remote, and the road to the valley is extremely hidden. Coupled with the deep yin air here, which is beneficial and harmless to the Yang repairs in the Jade Palace, naturally few people come. Otherwise, when Chen Xuanfang conspired to assassinate Palace Master Lian Ling, he would not deliberately arrange the location here.

   But, today, there is an ambush here?

   Gouzhu felt regretful in his heart. He shouldn't give up his vigilance just because he is safe every night. But at this time it was too late to regret, this iron wire-like thing had wrapped his whole body. With a little effort, he immediately felt a tingling pain in his body. These wires are not only extremely tough, but also have sharp thorns.

   This is a a mere day time, someone carefully arranged a trap in the dead forest here, waiting for him, a fish, to come and get the bait. It's just that the person who set up this trap didn't expect him to be hooked so quickly.

   There is a towering tree in the Dragon Skeleton Valley, and I don’t know how old it is. Even if surrounded by ten people, he couldn't hold it. The middle of the tree trunk has long been decayed, and it has become a space that can accommodate three or four people like a cabin.

   This originally dark space, but now a dim night pearl is lit up. Dried fruits and a hint of wine are floating in the air.

   A linen cloth has been spread on the ground, and some dried fruit snacks are placed on it. There is also a small white wine bottle and a pair of wine glasses. The two outer disciples of the Jade Palace, one old and one young, were chatting and drinking slowly.

   On the gray robes of the two men, they both wear the golden ribbons of the treasure cave. They are two treasure disciples.

   The old man was gray-haired, and seemed to be at least sixty or seventy years old. The other is younger, but at least 30 or 40 years old.

   The rule of the Cuiyu Palace prohibits outer disciples from drinking in the sect. However, most of these old disciples have already been in the teacher, but they are hopeless. They are unwilling to leave the Jade Palace, and after passing the examination, they remain as various deacon disciples of the Jade Palace.

   Such as the deacon disciples of Chuan Gongyuan are Chuagong disciples, and the deacon disciples of Treasure Cave are treasure disciples. Most of these people are also outer disciples, but they are not restricted by the outer court. And many of them are old fried dough sticks, as long as they are not in the public they don't take the rules seriously.

   Although there is a faint light in this tree hole, there is a forbidden protection around it, no matter the fragrance, sound or light can leak outside.

   The two obviously stayed here for a whole day, and they were both dull enough. The disciple of the younger disciple complained: "It is said that the position of the treasure disciple is a fat man, why can't I see it at all? It was so easy to take the case, but I sat stupidly in this place where the bird does not shit. I don't know how long it will be guarded, and the ghost can't wait for one!"

The old man laughed and said, "This is the real fatness. One day is a thousand pure Yang Dan. If you think it is in our hands, you still need to drink such a tasteless one. Wine?"

"Is the harvest of Pure Yang Pill every day, whether it is good or bad, so accurate? Say as much as you want, and you can get it back?" This young disciple looked unbelieving, "Besides, this Dragon Skeleton Valley has been checked several times I didn't even find a single bird's feather. Is there a ghost for you and my brother to stay here?"

The old man shook his head and said, "There are ghosts in this place. Then the whole forest is dead. We will stay here for a few days. If we are rich, we will sit for two days and go back for business. Thing. Your boss, I will take you with me. Are you afraid that there is no fat man?"

   The young disciple smiled helplessly, and he didn't believe that he could wait for results in this deserted place. In fact, it didn't hurt him to stay for a few days, that is, it was too boring. Only then did he glance at the more than ten jade slips lined up on the ground. It was only then that he saw that there was a jade slip glowing red.

   "Brother Qian, this..." A strong sense of tension rushed into his mind, and he really didn't believe the facts in front of him for a while, "This is only the first day, is it really so fast that a fish will be hooked?"

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