Record of Chaos

Chapter 202: 9 Dragon is hard to shake the mysterious tree

   From the monstrous big wave, there were waves of dragons, nine slender dragon shadows, like a string of water beads shot from the tip of a wolf, roaring out, with scales flying.

   "On behalf of the guard, I have something to say!" After Su Xuanbi sensed that Qian Yan was easily punished by his sect, he killed him angrily. What he saw was murderous in the sky, he couldn't help but stayed, and then he changed his tone.

   He is just an elder, he is still a temporary replacement. Acting elders are only temporary elders in charge of deacon disciples. Without the prestige of the elders, there is no right to participate in the decision in the presbytery. When he saw the head, he was going to bow down.

   But his subordinate was killed on the spot, especially Qian Yan, a shrewd old man, he couldn't swallow this bad breath. Qian Yan's cultivation level is average, but he is good at making money. Since he took over as acting elder, Qian Yan has given him many offerings. Suddenly now, his pocket was about to deflate a big chunk.

   Lian Ping wanted to kill Gu Wentian, of course he was on Gu Wentian's side. Without Gui Xuanyin's strong support, he couldn't sit down in the position of acting elder of the treasure treasure. But do you want to shoot?

  He is the four colors of Xu Dan, high is not low. He is not sure if he can block the full blow of the Xu Dan Qi-color Lian Ping's "Nine Dragons Howl" if he joins forces with Gu Wentian. After hesitating for a while, he held back and did not make a move, just shouting as if to persuade him to show his position.

   "Huh!" There was a cold snort in the air, and I didn't know if it was dissatisfaction with Lian Ping or shrinking in contempt for Su Xuanbi. Together with this hum, a piercing cold air immediately filled the world, and everyone couldn't help but shrank.

   In front of Gu Wentian, who was dumbfounded, a pitch-black tree grew from root to leaf. The huge canopy is like a **** umbrella, covering Gu Wentian in it.

   As soon as this tree appeared, it began to frantically absorb any trace of Yang in the air. The air of Xuanyin condenses into dense fog from the tree crown, which flows down like a waterfall. Wherever he went, the water vapor in the air solidified and instantly formed an ice wall.

   The spread of the nine spatial cracks set off by the roaring Kowloon in the sky, after touching this extremely hard ice wall, unexpectedly slowed down. There was a creaking sound on the ice wall, and the cold air and the cracks in the shattered space were colliding violently under the cover of the dense fog.

   Lian Ping cursed secretly: "The old immortal, come so fast." She stopped looking at the fierce battle in the air. Gui Xuanyin is called Master Xuanyin, and his realm is as high as the four qi of the Purple Mansion, which is only one qi worse than the five qi of the Purple Mansion who is in charge of Lianling. Since he is here, Gu Wentian is destined to escape.

   The cold air itself cannot stop the extension of the space crack. But all the souls floating in the air will be frozen and crystallized by the cold air, and the spatial cracks spread to these hard substances, just like the waves hitting the rocks, and they are somewhat blocked. Of course, the Xuan Yin mask formed by Gui Xuan Yin with the power of the Purple Mansion could not be broken through by Lian Ping in the virtual core realm.

   Xuanyin Master relied on this unparalleled ancient Xuanyin tree to cross the world and prop up the line of Xingtang in the Jade Palace, which is almost independent of Danyang Pavilion.

   Xingtang elder, in the Jade Palace is second only to the master. Even if you meet the head in person, you will see it as a courtesy, not kneeling or worshiping. What's more, his strength is much higher than Lian Ping. When Lian Ling was still there, Lian Ping certainly did not fear him. But now that Lian Ling is not there and she is supporting her independently, she feels rather weak.

   The shadow mask collapsed with the Nine Dragons Xiaohai and disappeared without a trace. Gui Xuanyin's strength is just right, no more than no more. But the world did not return to peace, but was filled with the pressure of the Master of the Purple Mansion.

   A male cultivator can be called a master when he arrives in Zifu, and a female cultivator is a saint. The vitality of Dongsheng Shenzhou was dim, and the monks' lifespan was quite limited. Even the Purple Mansion is only one hundred and fifty years old. The longest life extension is only two hundred. Gui Xuanyin is already over 130 years old. If he can't prolong his life, he will soon enter the stage of qi decline and dissipate. There is no hope for Jin Dan in this life.

   But in the Jade Palace, without the Biluo Saintess, Master Xuanyin is still unparalleled.

   This person is dressed in a black robe, and his face is also covered with black cloth, as if he is a tall phantom in the dark, but the power is so oppressive that everyone can't breathe.

   Gu Wentian and Su Xuanbi stood beside him. The Xingtang and Treasure Cave have always been his sphere of influence.

   In his most prosperous period, he was the elder of the Xingtang, the second brother Wang Xuanfeng, the third brother He Xuanzhen was the elder of the Zhenchuan Academy, and the fourth brother Bai Xuanmiao was the elder of the inner courtyard. His five courtyards accounted for half of the eight sections of Cuiyu Palace's fifth courtyard, second hall, and one cave. Only the younger brother Chen Xuanfang remained, who had always been a true disciple.

   He did not expect the situation to change suddenly. Wang Xuanfeng, He Xuanzhen, Bai Xuanmiao, and Chen Xuanfang were killed in one battle, leaving him with only one lonely family.

   Fortunately, the other party has also disappeared, and now the forces of the two sides are fairly balanced. Even his side has the upper hand.

   Baicaotang and Huichunyuan are all grass-roots, so they don’t easily stand in line. There is also an elder Chuan Gong who has been in retreat for many years and does not ask about world affairs. Now the one who really followed Danyang Pavilion Lianping with all his heart, now only the outer courtyard remains.

  Ghost Xuanyin stood in Longxi and glanced at the mess on the ground. One Tibetan treasure disciple and one Xingtang disciple died, and four outer disciples were unconscious. Huang Lu naturally didn't dare to escape far, nor did she dare to participate in such a collision that far exceeded her strength, obediently hiding behind Lian Ping.

   "Sir, do you have to explain the death of these people?" Gui Xuanyin's face was buried behind the veil, and his expression was not visible. However, the coercion of the divine consciousness is like the endless blue waves, one wave does not retreat, another wave comes, overlaps, and unscrupulously presses towards Lianping.

   Lian Ping snorted: "You have a lot of people, and it makes sense to have a hard fist. What you say is what you say, I will give you a ghost!"

   She doesn't even care about them. Anyway, he is acting on behalf of the guard, unless all the elders unanimously impeach him, even the Xingtang elders will not be able to pull himself off. And although she didn't kill Gu Wentian today, she had already taken advantage of killing a Tibetan treasure disciple and a Xingtang disciple to come to Liwei.

  Gui Xuanyin forgot to glance at Huang Lu behind Lian Ping, and a few unconscious outside disciples.

   "Since the master guard can't explain, this seat, as the elder of the Xingtang, can only take down everyone here except the guard, and go to the Xingtang for questioning."

   Although he can't take the guard, there is no problem taking everyone else.

   "Dare you!" Although under the weight of Gui Xuanyin's divine consciousness, Lian Ping was still furious. Song Ruhai, Mu Mu, and Murong Qing are all disciples she chose. Gui Xuanyin wanted to deliberately sweep her face.

   At this time, another pressure from the Purple Mansion came from outside the valley and stood on Lian Ping's side. Although not as strong as Gui Xuanyin's coercion, it is like water seeping through the sand, slender and thin, pushing forward steadily. The two powers of the Purple Mansion impacted each other, forcing Su Xuanbi and Gu Wentian to back up two steps, leaving only Lian Ping and Gui Xuanyin still facing each other.

   Huang Lu breathed a sigh of relief. Except for Lian Ling, there are only two Masters in the Purple Mansion of Cuiyu Palace, one is the elder of Xingtang Gui Xuanyin, and the other is the elder of the Foreign Court Huo Yun. Now that everyone is here, it depends on whether both parties really want to do it.

   "The two or the following have committed the crime and offended the guardian. Shouldn't they deserve to die? Gu Wentian, I want to ask, what kind of heinous crime my disciple in the outer courtyard has committed, so that you use the soul search technique?"

  Huo Yun, the elder of the Foreign Dean, walked out from behind Lian Ping and pointed his finger at the fainting Gouzhu on the ground. Although there is no obvious injury from the outside, with the keen consciousness of a few cultivators above the virtual pill, you can feel the chaotic fluctuations in this person's divine consciousness, and it is the effect of the soul search pill.

   Huo Yun's question caused Gui Xuanyin's expression to change. As the elder of the Xingtang, he has always regarded himself as a mountain of law enforcement. If Gu Wentian's external disciple used soul search technique to be true, he would at least abolish Gu Wentian's cultivation base if he wanted to severely punish him. But Gu Wentian is his most proud disciple, and also Gu Tianjiao. This incident not only offends foreign aid, but also threatens his own inheritance. Is this going to push him on the road to nowhere?

  Gui Xuanyin's face became extremely cloudy. If he is helpless, he will start on the spot and kill the opponent on the spot, he will not hesitate!

   Even if he is the Four Qi, he is not sure about Huo Yun and Lian Ping. As long as Huo Yun drags him down to give Lian Ping a chance to return to Danyang Pavilion and control the Jade Palace formation, he will have no chance again. When the time comes, he will be the rebel who deceives the master and destroys the ancestor.

   But Gu Wentian had calmed down from the shock of fighting against Lian Ping, and once again returned to Gu Jing Wubo's indifferent appearance.

   "Elder Huo made a serious statement," he replied with a sneer, "This person has only taken the soul search pill and has not been subjected to the soul search technique. Otherwise, how can he sleep here?"

   "Oh?" Huo Yun didn't expect that he would defend this way, "If you weren't going to use the soul search technique on him, what is the use of the soul search pill for him? Can the soul search pill cure illnesses?"

   Gu Wentian didn't panic, smiled sullenly, and said, "I didn't feed him this pill. I am the Xingtang emissary, so how can I have such a vicious pill on my body?"

   "Gu Wentian, the shamelessness of your Xingtang line is an eye-opener every time!" Lian Ping and Xingtang line have long been out of control, and they can't argue with each other, and they hold back the endless evil spirit. If it wasn't for the boss of Gui Xuanyin who stood here, she really couldn't beat her, she would go straight up and smash Gu Wentian's body into pieces.

   Huo Yun also chuckled and said, "Gu Wentian, are you a three-year-old child in the circle here? Since you didn't feed this soul search pill, could it be that he couldn't eat it himself?"

   Gu Wentian replied with a serious face: "Elder Huo really knows the details."

Then he pointed a finger at Gouzhu and said: "This boy was originally a thief on Bluestone Street. He was a vicious and gangster. After being captured by me today, in order to slander my disciples, he even swallowed the soul search pill. This is a good calculation."

   "You!" Lian Ping was flushed with anger, and she couldn't speak for a while.

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