Record of Chaos

Chapter 212: The geniuses compete for the first place

   Among the girls who admired Tang Su the most, there was a woman wearing a pale red half-arm outside a pale yellow dress, but her eyes were not eager at all, but rather reserved. Especially when facing the eyes of those infatuated juniors, they showed a look of disdain and sympathy.

   She has a graceful and tall figure, beautiful face, and cold eyes, but she can't hide a trace of pride in her heart. When everyone's eyes were on Tang Su, she didn't need to stand on her toes and look up. Because she was standing next to Tang Su.

   Her name is Xu Wan, and she is also from Yao. Xu's surname is the same as Tang's surname. Originally native, some people married the Yao ethnic group, which allowed the descendants to acquire the Yao ethnic identity. Among the Yao people, only the four major surnames of Hao Kong and Shigu are the true inner surnames inherited by the Yao people. Those of these four surnames must be Yao people.

   Even so, her identity as a Yao clan is enough to make her look down upon the crowd. More importantly, she and Tang Su happened to be in the same courtyard as Tang Su. Moreover, she has the cultivation base of the fifth layer of foundation building, and the other three in Wuyuan are all fish belly of the first layer of foundation building.

   As soon as Tang Su entered the Jade Palace, he was sent by Xingtang to the Five Elements Guard Station of Guaofeng. Therefore, there is not much contact with his fellows in the hospital. But as soon as he came back, Xu Wan could not help standing with him.

   Everyone also thinks that only Xu Wan, who is also a Yao, and is extremely talented, is worthy of being a pair with Tang Su. She herself, of course, thinks so.

   After the sudden change of heaven and earth, she was glad that she was still with Tang Su. Tang Su was carrying that big copper sword and a snow-white silk robe, which was now dyed red in the red light that filled the world. Xu Wan was naturally beside him, and a sense of security emerged spontaneously.

   "You three," Tang Su glanced at the three Wu Yuan brothers who were on the opposite side of the building, "Use Escape Jane yourself. Otherwise, I will use this sword to give you a ride."

   These words made the three triumphant guys who thought the first one was already in hand because they had entered the Self-Birth Monument as the brother of the same Wu Yuan as Tang Su, and their smiles were frozen on their faces. Even Xu Wan stayed for a while, but she didn't make any comments, just bit her lip quietly.

   "Brother, we..."

   "You have no value." Tang Su said coldly, "Go out obediently, don't drag me down, it's the only useful thing you can do."

   Two younger brothers and one younger sister were speechless. In fact, although these three people have only one foundation, most of the disciples in this first-level Wuyuan are also one foundation. They are actually quite good at this level of cultivation.

   But Tang Su's eyes flashed sharply, and they left the self-birth monument by themselves. Apart from the personal bottom in this game and their bad reputation, there was no special loss. If Tang Su personally draws his sword to "send" them, it will inevitably be disabled.

   All three urged Escape Jane obediently. Three strands of soul breath flew around like a fish in the air. Xu Wan stepped back thoughtfully, then watched the three wisps of soul fly obediently into Tang Su's escape slip.

   On the high-altitude monument in the distance, it was obvious that the three names quickly fell to the bottom of the list, turned gray, and had frozen.

   It’s just that although the names of these three people are frozen, not all the numbers after them are zero. According to the order of the three people's withdrawal, the soul breath is transferred in their escape slips, which are zero, one and two respectively.

   And Tang Su's name suddenly flashed, and the number behind it became three. Yin Bai's name immediately topped the list, particularly conspicuous in the blood-red world.

   He didn't look at the leaderboard. For him, when he came to the sect of Cuiyu Palace, he came to take the first place. If he is not number one, that is the real anomaly. He couldn't tolerate that even for a short time, his name was mixed up with those ordinary people.

   Xu Wan quietly moved closer to Tang Su, and she even reached out her hand slightly. It seemed that as long as Tang Su took it naturally, they would walk hand in hand and grow old together.

But Tang Su just turned around, flicked his sleeves, and said coldly: "Follow me closely. You can do whatever I tell you to do. I didn't let you do anything. Otherwise, You are the same as them."

   Xu Wan was stunned for a while, an unknown fire burst into his heart. She has lived among the wealthy since she was a child, and there are countless admirers wherever she goes, where she has been treated like this! But under the pressure of Tang Su's aura, she bit her vermilion lip again and followed behind without saying a word.

   This place is a vast and boundless desert, with undulating sand dunes everywhere, the sky is blood red, and I don’t know what murderous intent is lurking. Although they had brought enough bigudan before setting off, they would not die of thirst and starvation. But without Tang Su, she didn't even know where to go.

   Tang Su did not rush to set off. A light flashed in his hand, and Xu Wan saw something. It was a jade slip, but it was not a fleeing slip. But it was a jade slip of Xingtang magic eye with a light blue light glowing with countless light spots moving on it!

   There is no special route at all in the battle of the Self-Born Monument. In the end, who gets the first place is entirely determined by the ranking on the monument. The only way to improve the ranking is to collect more soul breath and hunt more opponents.

   But the monument is far away from the boundary, and the people are scattered far away. So how to find opponents is a big problem. And even if you can find an opponent, if your opponent is stronger than yourself, wouldn't it be a home to die?

   With the jade slip of the law eye in hand, the situation is very different. The location of all the people can be seen at a glance. Just pick opponents who are weaker than yourself.

   Dharma Eye Jade Slips were originally only available for advanced envoys of Gu Wentian level. But the Battle of the Self-Birth Monument itself does not prohibit the carrying of magic weapons. So someone brought Tang Su in. Although it was unfair to other outer disciples, it couldn't be said to be a violation.

   Tang Su took the jade slip from the eyes of the magic eye back to the fairy lotus, threw a wooden kite into the air, then waved his hand and jumped onto the wooden kite with Xu Wan, and fluttered away.

   Three days later, the rankings on the Zisheng Tablet are constantly changing. Only the first place has not changed, and Tang Su has always topped the list.

  Tang Su, ranked number one, has collected as many as one hundred soul breaths!

   In the first three days, more than one hundred people have been eliminated. Although the Zisheng Tablet Lijie has a vast area, there are still many encounters between these five courtyards. In most cases, once encountered, the strong team will immediately take action and force the weak team out.

   But this kind of battle is only a minority. Among the more than one hundred disciples who were eliminated from the game, eighty to ninety were killed by Tang Su! In just three days, he would kill more than 30 people every day on average!

   What's more terrifying is that no one knows where he is, and no one knows when he will come to the door. He always hides in the dark, using pure swordsmanship to make quick shots, stabbing his opponents into serious injuries, forcing them to use Escape to escape immediately. All the Wu Yuans summed up a countermeasure: If Tang Su appears, the only way is to spread out and flee. It is possible that another two people will survive. Otherwise, the entire army will be wiped out.

   They are walking in a dense forest. At the same time, the number of soul breath they absorbed was always zero. Along the way, they occasionally encounter other Wuyuan. But with Song Ruhai and Mu Mu, the two masters who built the foundation with four layers, plus the three juniors who built the foundation with three layers, the average Wu Yuan didn't dare to provoke them at all, and they all fled when they met.

   They don't chase, they just move in one direction.

   "Could it be that we," Mumu followed them stupidly for another three days, and glanced at the list in the sky that always remained at the same position, which gave Tang Su the boundless beauty, "Do you really intend to make a move?"

   In the past six days, five to six hundred people have been eliminated, and more than nine hundred people remain on the list. Tang Su is still at the top of the list, and the soul breath he has absorbed has more than 300 strands. Moreover, the list showed that the number of his soul breath has been continuously rising, it is simply killing people, and the momentum is unimaginable.

   In addition, hundreds of disciples have been hunted, and some of them are not weak. Ranked second is Liu Hui, the genius of this year's Wu Yuan, second only to Tang Su. Liu Hui didn't have a magic eye jade slip in his hands, but he would kill every enemy. After six days, the soul breath he collected had reached more than 60 strands. Everyone can see that the amount of soul breath he collected has been steadily increasing, as if holding back a lot of energy and Tang Su is going to be divided.

   Ranked third is Du Li, a registered disciple of Huichunyuan. The increase in the number of Soul Breath of the Wu Yuan is strange, not one by one, but suddenly from zero to more than 30.

   But the top three perverted Wu Yuan has not yet met each other. Obviously, the outcome of the battle between the two strongest is unpredictable. UU reading www. uukanshu. If com takes care of those weak teams first, even if it loses to the strong team later, the scores already obtained will not drop, and it can also ensure its own ranking on the list. But once they are eliminated directly from a strong team, they are very likely to be at the bottom.

   So the strong teams are carefully avoiding each other. Especially Tang Su had the jade slips with magic eyes in his hands, and the positions of all his opponents could be seen at a glance, and they would never be against other abnormal Wu Yuan.

   As for the Gouzhu Wuyuan, he always stayed in the large area with the largest number of people, all of them zero. This disappointed Wood a bit. The victorious Huang Lu was even more depressed. But Song Ruhai always walked in front with Gou Zhu calmly. She just wanted to be a lady and smarter, so she followed Song Ruhai calmly.

   Their strength is in the entire first-level wuyuan. Although they are not as good as Tang Su, who is ranked first, they are enough to compete with Liu Hui who is ranked second. Wood wants to kill the Quartet as soon as he enters, at least for the top three. After all, once ranked in the top five in the Wuyuan ranking battle, the resources that will be obtained in the future are not comparable to those of the five.

   He didn't care about this at first, as long as he could eat in Cuiyu Palace, he would be content. But he is now obsessed with Wuxia, and Wuxia has planted him a dream of becoming a leader, which makes him ambitious. Although he had always acted according to the arrangements of the seniors, he couldn't bear it now.

"We don't need to do it at all." Huzhu smiled, touched the wooden head and said, "Think about it, if Tang Su defeated everyone, and finally we killed Tang Su, who was the first one? ?"

   Mu Mu tilted his head and thought for a long time, and finally woke up: "It's us!"

   "So," said with a shrewd smile, "We don't need to do it, we just have to wait for Tang Su to come and kill him."

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