Record of Chaos

Chapter 234: Farewell to sister 1

   After consuming the blood-devouring Jidan, the merits skyrocketed instantly, and the cultivator's xinxing would also be disturbed. No matter how good the character is usually, there will be a sense of violence in my heart at this time who wants to try to kill with this newly added merit. Just like a new casting of a sword, I want to try.

   If there is no interference at this time, and calmly meditate, after a few days, the abnormal feeling will gradually ease and return to the original heart. But with Xia Wang Haoqi here, he would naturally not let this opportunity go. First of all, he threw out the big prize of finding Haozheng and betraying his brothers, stimulating this group of people. Next, he began to provoke verbally.

   Since these disciples were divided into two in the Zisheng Tablet, one side belonged to the Xing Gang, and the other belonged to the Rejuvenation League. In just a few days, several death battles had long since forged inexplicable hatred. Many people saw that their fellow seniors were killed by weapons and magic weapons, and had no time to escape. There were also some seniors who were inexplicably killed in the realm, and they couldn't help but count on each other. The two sides were in the same situation, and this wave of people all took the Blood Devouring Pill, Hao Qi didn't spend much tongue, so everyone was excited.

   "It turns out that this is called Haozheng, who is encouraging the Rejuvenation League to kill us!"

   "With so many people dead, I can't just leave it alone!"

   "We will kill as many as we die!"

   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

   soon became a shout of killing. Originally the Rejuvenation League had far more people than them, and without Tang Su's leadership, these people did not dare to challenge easily. But now these people's merits have soared, and the blink of an eye to build six and five foundations is everywhere, and people's hearts are swelling, and they can't wait. Soon this group of people surged toward the boundary of the Rejuvenation League so aggressively.

   Although Tang Su faintly felt that the situation was not right, it was too late to stop it. Moreover, the Outer Court originally wanted to slaughter these disciples who were loyal to the Xingtang line. Now that His Royal Highness King Yun is still treating his body in his own way, killing against killing, killing against massacre, he has nothing to say.

  The task that Gu Wentian gave him was to conquer the elite disciples who were dissatisfied in the Wuyuan at this level and make them return to the Xingtang. Now he wants to live up to his mission. He didn't care about how many deaths and injuries there would be.

   In the refraction array, Hao Zheng watched this group of beast-like fellow monks walking by his side through a layer of glass. Of course he understood that this was his brother Haoqi's method. The only goal of the other party is himself. This made him worry that he was still in the forest to treat Du Li who was injured in the same door.

   This woman has a beautiful appearance, graceful demeanor, and gentle as water, which makes him feel pity when I see her. If the Rejuvenation League is under siege, can she and those injured colleagues survive?

   In fact, as the King of Cloud, he learned how to govern the country by benevolence for all people, not by pity for one person. Pity one person will bring harm to all the people, and those who pity the people will not spare their lives. Do not hesitate oneself, do not hesitate any one of these people.

   In the past, Emperor Xuan Chong collected his thousands of favorites with Concubine Mu. As a result, political affairs were ruined, rebellions arose, and national power collapsed. This is an example of pitying one person and causing harm to all people.

   Although he enjoys the wealth and power of the world, there has never been a young woman like this who suddenly took him to hug him in the air at the moment of his death, and personally fed a life-saving pill into his lips.

   With a move in his heart, he felt that what he had learned throughout his life would almost be shattered, and he might not be able to accomplish it in the future.

   The reason why he immediately decided to leave the Rejuvenation League was because he knew his brother's methods. Since Haoqi had to deal with himself, he would definitely make frequent scheming, which might harm Du Li. Unexpectedly, now seeing her about to be under siege, he is hiding like a mouse and dare not go out.

   Although he blamed himself, he still did not move.

  Who called him just a mortal, now it's just to die. Even if Haoqi gets his head, does anyone know what he will do next? Maybe take advantage of the trend to eliminate all the remaining dissidents. In any case, he would never do if his destiny should be sent to others.

   The current plan, I am afraid that only when Huang Lu sets up the teleportation array, he sends these people out and sends the wood to the root cave, where the battle of the self-generation monument is completely ended, is the most correct way to solve the siege!


   Near Dousheng Valley, Lian Ping is monitoring the safety of King Yun. At this time, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky in the distance. She turned her head to look, but in the direction of the root cave, a green lightning burst out, which was fleeting. But this lightning flashed, and the entire Lijie seemed to be affected, and it shook slightly.

   "How is it possible that the root cave has been opened for inheritance?"

   As a monk Xudan, she has been here more than once in this self-life monument. She is also quite familiar with the fluctuations caused by the opening of the inheritance of the Zisheng Hall in the root cave. It's just that in the past, this celestial phenomenon was only possible after the first place on the self-life monument was determined. But now the controversy over the self-born stele is far from over, why did the root cave open?

   She immediately thought that Patriarch’s arrangement is absolutely impossible for her to go wrong. Since the facts are wrong, it may only be caused by someone. She thought of Gu Wentian first.

   Gu Wentian is the only Xudan monk who has entered the Self-Life Monument besides her. If you want to start with Genku, it is definitely impossible for ordinary foundation-building disciples. That might be Gu Wentian.

   She has a big warning sign. Does Gu Wentian want to steal the longevity inheritance? It stands to reason that the Longevity Kungfu will only be passed on to the inheritors of the first place on the self-life monument and the blood of the tree king. Has this guy prepared any unknown means?

   Thinking of this, Lian Ping could no longer sit still. The root cave is one of the foundations for the existence of the Jade Palace. Without the Root Cave, there would be no "Qingmu Longevity Skill". This skill cannot be passed down by master and apprentice, the only inheritance can only come from the root cave. There is absolutely no room for loss here.

   Even if the root cave is not bad, it is absolutely unacceptable for Gu Wentian, the villain to obtain the inheritance of longevity!

   It's a pity that she still has to watch King Yun here, and she has no skills for a while.

   But she struggled a bit, and felt that the difference of the root cave is more important than the safety of the cloud king. Because this may directly involve the most important inheritance of the entire sect of Cuiyu Palace. If this inheritance is broken, the Jade Palace will no longer be the Jade Palace.

  The King of Cloud is in the Dousheng Valley, and among them there are only Zhuji disciples, and there are Ganren such as Goujiu, Song Ruhai, and Muju to protect him. Since there is no threat from Gu Wentian, his danger is actually not great. Even if something happened, King Yun, who seemed to be afraid of death, would surely urge Jane to escape in time. When he was sent to the Huichunyuan, Huo Yun would naturally respond.

   On the other hand, the abnormal change in this cave made her wish that Gu Wentian was at work. Because this is a godsend opportunity to cut this person off. Last time she had a chance to kill this person in one fell swoop, but was destroyed by Ghost Xuanyin. Now in the self-life monument, Gui Xuanyin, the master of the Purple Mansion, could not enter. It would not take much time to deal with an opponent with two colors of virtual pill with her perfect strength. At that time, she should have time to return to protect King Yun.

   Determined, she immediately took the wind and flew towards the root cave without hiding her whereabouts.

   Just under a big tree not far from her, Lian Ling was sitting and resting, but apart from the shackles, no one in this world could see her naturally invisible heavenly body of Shu Luolan.

   But her physical body was wounded, unable to breathe in her spiritual energy, and naturally she couldn't practice. Nowadays, if the zhenqi in her body is used up a little, it will be less, unless she can't recover in Ziyun Hot so she sits here and calms her mind, so as to minimize the consumption of her body.

   Genku's abnormal movement, she and Lian Ping also felt it at the same time.

   But regarding this matter, she was not so heartbroken with Lian Ping. Root Cave is a place where Qin Zunyang personally arranged to pass on merit. Everything is determined by the will of the Patriarch, even if outsiders want to destroy it, they will definitely not be able to overcome this soaring mighty sky.

   Even if someone stole the inheritance of "Aoki Longevity Kung", it doesn't really matter. The exercise is natural, and those who are predestined get it. Why bother about whether others have learned or not? Whether oneself can achieve the great road is the key.

   It is the safety of King Yun, which is more important to her. Once King Yun really died here, it would definitely be a big blow to Jade Palace.

   Lian Ling sighed. My sister is still so careless. Seeing that she didn't even think about it, she drove the wind to escape and went straight to the root cave, completely leaving King Yun aside.

   Regarding the fight with Xingtang, this sister is still too eager to win, and it is easy to fall into other people's eyes instead.

   After a little consideration, she decided to stay and take care of King Yun. But for my younger sister, she can't let her take risks so easily.

   With a flick of the rhombohedral slender jade finger, an almost invisible stream of light, with a ray of his own spirit, cut through the sky only in a moment, and hit the younger sister in Feida. But Lian Ping still didn't realize it.

   This ray of spiritual thought is attached to Lian Ping. Although he does not have the five senses, Lian Ling can always feel the emotional changes of his sister because of this. Once there is a crisis warning, she will immediately rush to rescue. A mere ten miles away, for her Purple Mansion saint, it only takes a few breaths to reach her.

   After finishing this matter, she continued to sit here, waiting for Gouzhu and King Yun to break out in this Dousheng Valley.

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