Record of Chaos

Chapter 260: Heroes Competition 2 Boundary Monument

   The four masters of Hao Kong Shigu are all famous families who have passed on forever. Any one is deeply rooted. Even if the ancient clan of Yuntian City was only the weaker member of the ancient clan of Shenzhou, he could not be punishable by waiting. Especially the blood of the Gu family is implicated. Once the blood of the Gu family is involved, it will be a hornet's nest.

   But this ancient clan was too arrogant, and even persuaded the soul-moving sect and the Jade Palace to merge, causing both parties to suffer heavy casualties. They profited from the fisherman, obtained the core of the tree king, and then put their ideas on top of "Aoki Longevity".

   In fact, even Ling can bear these. Even if the entire Jade Palace fell into the hands of others, it didn't matter that she took her sister to go deep in the mountains and overseas to do a casual practice. But only the Gu family intends to use Lian Ping's body to transform it into a puppet to make a furnace for Gu Wentian, which is absolutely intolerable for her. Gu Wentian is only a forty-year-old Xudan monk, without the resources and support of the family behind it, it would be impossible to make such a plan.

   Evil must be eradicated. It is not enough to kill a Gu Wentian. Only by completely annihilating the upper-level power of the ancient clan in Yuntian City, and letting this branch of the ancient clan become the first-class mortal from then on, can there be no future troubles.

   If you want to say that the world is not afraid of the sky, there is only the Yaozu. If the tree demon came forward to destroy the ancient clan of Yuntian City, even if the entire ancient clan was furious, they would not dare to go deep into the demon world to avenge the tree clan. For humans, the demon world is a bottomless pit. Since ancient times, it is not that there has been no Meng Jun and fierce generals trying to conquer the demon world, but the consequence is not how serious the casualties are, but basically no one can come back alive.

  The demon world in the extreme south is too chaotic, and it is not suitable for the survival of Middle-earth humans. The human beings living there are all barbarians, and they are no different from wild animals.

   "Wait, you want to say, let me go to the Demon Realm?" Goujiu's face turned pale when he thought of this.

   "Don't worry, this is a serious matter, and I will go with you." Seeing a flash of inspiration in Lian Lingmei's eyes, Gouji no longer dared to have any objections. His master seems to have a special function. As long as I saw her eyes, I couldn't bear to refuse any request from her.

  Lian Ling’s plan looks on the surface, as long as the tree core is handed over to the tree clan, everything will be fine. It seems simple, but it is not. The ancients knew that Gu Wentian possessed this tree emperor's core, so they would have thought that this tree core had fallen into Lian Ping's hands. They colluded with Gui Xuanyin again, and they had a lot of eyes and ears in the Jade Palace, and they would try their best to search for the whereabouts of this tree core in the dark. As long as there is a little clue, they will desperately rush to seize the tree core to avoid future troubles.

   The two types of shemales have killed each other for thousands of years, and the blood and blood are full of enemies. Now in the Houtu Dynasty, anyone who connects with the demon world is a great crime of treason. If Lian Ling Tang and Huang Zhi sent someone to the Demon Realm to deliver this thing, not to mention that the Gu clan would desperately **** it, the Gui Xuan Yin and other Xingtang lines only needed to smell a little smell, and she could completely accuse her of colluding with other things. At that time, the court, the Shangzong, and the Gu family will attack her together. At that time, although she has the strength of the golden core, it is impossible to carry it hard.

   Moreover, the Xingtang line is also intricately rooted in the Jade Palace. I don’t know how many disciples of the outer sect and inner sect were secretly bought or coerced by the Xingtang line. Danyang Pavilion is heavily guarded, and she can barely keep the secret. Once out of Danyang Pavilion, she didn't know who she could trust.

   To do this, even in the Danyang Pavilion, she can completely trust only one person and one demon: one is deception. Because of the connection between souls and souls, she knows everything about delusion, so her trust has reached full marks. The other demon is Mu Fei. The tree king's core was taken out of Gu Wentian with his own hands, and he already knew about it. Besides, he was originally a monster. If he exposes himself, I don't know how many monks will hunt him down.

   But rushing to go to the demon world is also quite conspicuous. It's impossible not to be targeted. She needs a perfect reason to let Gouzhu go on this trip, and no one can see the strangeness.

   November is the time for the inner courtyard to recruit inner disciples. To punish, you only need to enter the inner door. According to the convention, those who enter the inner door for the first time must participate in the annual "battle of the deer" of the Five Elements School.

   Of course, the prey of the "Battle of the Deer" is not just the deer, but the monster. The monster race here does not only refer to monsters, but all non-human and alien species including alien beasts, spirit beasts, monster beasts and monsters.

   This is an inevitable experience held every year by the Five Elements Sect, including himself and all the new inner disciples of the next Sect. In addition to experience, it is also a ranking battle for all the next sects of the Five Elements Sect.

   There are dozens of small and large sects of the Five Elements Sect. The small ones have only five or six people, or a dozen or so; the big ones are like a jade palace with nearly ten thousand people. It is inevitable that there will be conflicts between these next sects for territory and resources. At this time, the Five Elements Sect has the ability to coordinate and judge. In principle, the Five Elements Sect will determine the distribution of territory and resources according to the ranking of the strength of each subordinate. This is the most convincing way.

   The outer disciples of each sect are actually just coolies and handymen, and the inner disciples are the main combat power. The strength of the inner disciple determines the strength of the main sect's combat power. It is obviously much more reasonable to determine the power ranking of each subordinate sect through the experience of a newcomer hunting demon hunter, which is obviously much more reasonable than letting them fight each other and recognize their respective strengths. Only with internal unity, the entire five-element sect and all the descendants can have the right to dialogue with other major sects.

   After each battle, the Five Elements Sect will give different rewards according to the ranking of each subordinate sect to show the sect’s support for these subordinate sects. Of course, there will always be only one team that ranks first in the battle, and that is the team of the Five Elements Sect!

   The two races of humans and monsters have been fighting for many years. For unknown years and months, a two boundary monument was erected in the extreme south of Yuzhou. Seen from the north, the word "Monster World" is on the stele. From the south, the word "human world" is on the monument. The two parties agreed that if a human crosses the south of this monument, and some alien crosses the north of this monument, both parties can kill it!

   Therefore, in the north of these two monuments, human monks killed monsters for nuclear purposes, or in the south of this monument, monsters feed on human women and children. Theoretically, they are all righteous, and both sides have no beaks.

   But the demon world is a gathering place for countless different species. There are countless different races, and they follow the law of survival of the weak and the strong, and the pressure of survival is extremely high. It is unavoidable that there are some weaker aliens who will risk crossing the two boundary monuments to thrive on the territory of the human race in order to survive.

   Therefore, the young monks of the human race also come to this place from time to time to bring "experience". On the one hand, you can experience the ruthless battle of survival in the natural world, temper your character, and on the other hand, you can obtain beast crystals and beast cores, why not do it.

   In addition to the Lingyuan sect, the five major sects have similar demon hunting battles in the two boundary monuments, but the time and place of each sect are deliberately staggered, and the well water does not violate the river. The battle of the Five Elements Sect is set in early winter, starting on November 15th, and the location is just north of the two boundary monuments, a famous mountain where aliens gather, night blind mountain!

   Although there are many different species in the Night Blind Mountain, most of them are of the level of alien beasts or spirit beasts, and monster beasts rarely appear. It's relatively safe to experience here. It's just that the closer to the two boundary monuments, the greater the possibility of encountering high-level aliens.

  Lian Ling's plan is not complicated. As long as the people such as Gouzhu, Muko and others come to this experience, Goku will hide the core of the tree emperor in the fairy lotus and Mu will carry Mufei's changed wooden bow on him. Once at the southern foot of the Night Blind Mountain, Mu Fei appeared and took the tree king's core across the two boundary monuments into the demon world, sent the tree king's core back to the tree clan, and exposed the truth about the ancient clan framed the four-generation tree king Muye. Just come to an end.

   Afterwards, the others had finished their experience, and returned safely, unconsciously. Next, the tree clan will inevitably send many masters to sneak into the Yuntian City to slay the ancient monks, but it is not about the Cuiyu Palace. They just need to shut off the fire across the bank. After all this tossing, even if the ancient clan of Yuntian City is immortal, it will definitely hurt their muscles and bones!

After explaining the matter, Lian Ling turned to Mu Fei and said, "After obtaining the tree king’s core, you have always hated me for not returning you to the demon world to avenge you. Now the opportunity has been given to you, and I hope that your tree clan will have revenge. It’s better to involve the innocent as little as possible."

   Mu Fei's eyes condensed, and he said, "I'm a tree of people. Since ancient times, my grievances and grievances are clear!" He is not afraid of hurting the innocent by mistake. Because every tree core carries the memory of this tree family. As long as they return to the tree clan, they have their own way to read the memories of the four generations of tree emperor Muye. At that time, who was the culprit of the king-killing, and how this tree core fell into the hands of the ancients, it will definitely be known to the world.

   But there is another thing in his mind. But he didn't want anyone to know.

   Once the memory of the tree emperor Muye is read, not only can he find out the king's feud, but also can confirm to all tree tribes that his new master, Muye, is the true heir to the throne of the tree emperor.

   Not only does he want to bring this tree core back to the demon world, he also plans to bring the wood through the two boundary monuments together. At that time, he will push the wood to the throne and restore the prosperity and glory of the tree clan in one fell swoop!

   And he will no longer be the blood purifying envoy who has been exiled for many years, but a person of the Demon Realm who is above 10,000 people.

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