Record of Chaos

Chapter 279: Quicksand offering blood, Styx crosses the sky

"Wang Canghuang, as long as you remove this guardian formation and let my people come in and search for it. No matter whether the person I'm looking for is in your courtyard or not, I promise to spare you Wang Clan and never hurt anyone, you Can you see?"

   Muluo saw the old man and suddenly changed her mind about killing people directly. She didn't have any compassion. The Wang family and her have no deep hatred. Although she doesn't care about the lives of these people, she is not a bloodthirsty person. It doesn't matter if she kills these people, she just needs to find that one.

   Wang Cang's face with yellow and dark spots and sunken cheeks showed an extremely stubborn look. He didn't answer Muluo's question, but stared, his dry lips cracked and his old yellow teeth were exposed, and he uttered two words fiercely:

   "Blood Sacrifice!"

   Muluo quickly cut across Wang Canghuang's neck with a sword. But it was too late. Wang Canghuang's blood flowed all over the place, but it did not flow into a pool, but into the talismanic marks on the slabs of the ground.

   Every inch of the ground of the Wang family was engraved with this weird talisman. Most people don't know what these are. They just think that they are patterns used to decorate the floor. But at this time, everyone was surprised to find that the floor of the whole house was brilliant, emitting a terrible attraction, and everyone was firmly attracted to the floor.

   The suction is getting stronger and stronger, it is like turning everyone into a part of the house. After a while, although there were no wounds on the body, everyone found that the blood in their body was being pulled strongly through the skin and seeping into the stone slab on the ground.

   Blood ran on the ground, embedded in the deep runes, forming scary runes everywhere.

   But the really scary thing is that each of them is not dead, but can't move. I can only watch these talismans continue to draw their own blood, not knowing when it will end.

   Wanjun Quicksand Array, which had been exhausted to less than one-tenth of its original size, was suddenly injected with vitality and became stronger again. And the quicksand, which was originally colorless and invisible, has gradually become red.

   The quicksand array originally had only ideas but no entities. But since the members of the Wang clan had a blood sacrifice, they had exchanged their vitality for an entity.

   Small red sand grains spread all over the sky, covering the mansion of the king, like a huge red grinding disc, and began to spin up gradually and began to grind!

   The five elders who turned into trees stopped their attack. The quicksand formation at this time is no longer a defensive formation. It is a huge grinding disc, with red sand as the entity, continuously grinding, layer by layer, grinding the entire mansion to pieces.

   Starting from the top of the roof, there are trees that have grown for a hundred years, and then the tiles on the roof...the ground is ground down, and everything can't escape this terrible grinding.

   Before his death, Wang Canghuang was not thinking about preserving the lives of the whole family, but to carry out a blood sacrifice at the cost of the whole family, and die with the invading green-haired woman in front of him! As for the people outside, he can no longer take care of them.

   As long as the opponent can be left alone, it is good to hold the opponent's pace a little.

   The dryads outside recovered one after another. Now their master Muluo was trapped in the quicksand formation of this blood sacrifice alone. But no one was worried, and no one rushed to the rescue.

   For them, if Muluo can't handle it here, then they are not qualified to be their master.

   Muluo is standing in the center of this red storm.

   "Directly use blood to infuse the vitality formation?" She sneered coldly. That kind of formation that awakens the spirit of heaven and earth is more difficult for her. Because the tree spirit always fights with energy and blood, it is always difficult to control the spirit. But Wang Cang's yellow blood sacrifice to the whole clan wanted to die with her, it was extremely stupid in her eyes.

   What about blood sacrifice to the royal family? The vitality of all the hundreds of people in the Wang family combined is not as powerful as her own. Although she is only a young woman in the tree clan, she is over a thousand years old.

   Her long green hair floated to the sky, getting longer and longer. In an instant, countless green hairs filled the entire sky, forming a green cloud, and almost endless vitality burst out from this green cloud.

   The storm of **** wild sand was also contaminated by this vitality, turning from red to green.

   After a while, the storm subsided. But those red sand grains have now become green sand like tiny emeralds, floating in the air. Muluo spread out her palms, and the fine green sand began to gather in her palms as she wished. In the end it became a green ball like emerald.

   This is actually a treasure of blood sacrifice. It was Wang Cang who laid down the magic circle and cultivated on this dark cave for a hundred years, and then sacrificed most of the vitality of hundreds of people with blood, and then was wiped out by Muluo with even more powerful vitality. A green sand bead made only by his own soul.

   This thing still has the power of quicksand, and it is crystal clear, making Muluo love it.

   At this time, the Wanjun Quicksand Array no longer exists. The cracked leaves and needles of morning glory vines spread rapidly, instantly covering the entire remnant of the palace. Many people in the Wang’s House still had residual vitality, but they were all killed by the poisonous needle spit out from the morning glory, and none survived.

   Muluo took the bleeding compass and looked from left to right. The pointer always only wanted the ruins of a demolished attic. She walked around the ruins, and the pointer was very clear, but at a glance, there was nothing, and there was no spiritual fluctuation.

   "Elder Ye, what formation is this again?" Muluo frowned and asked.

"This is not a formation. As the old man guessed, there should be an invisible space crack here! The person we were looking for was hidden in this space crack by the Wang family. But where does the crack lead? It’s impossible to detect if there is any danger on that end."

   "Follow me in." Muluo didn't think much about it, she moved her hand directly, and she was the first to walk into the crack in the space. Danger? She has never feared any danger.

   Of course, the six tree elders did not dare to neglect, they all followed in one after another.


   Gouzhu cursed Yun Tiantian and Bai Xuanjue, while killing blood among the hungry ghosts, ran all the way.

   His Xuan Yin real fire made the hungry ghost extremely frightened. So he once used the Dark Fire Sword as a torch, so that groups of hungry ghosts did not dare to get close. Although the hungry ghosts did not dare to approach him, they always formed a ten-step circle. Wherever he went, their encircled circle followed.

   "Is this the little master of eating set?" Goujiu was extremely annoyed. He also tried to ignite the real fire of Xuanyin and burn the hungry ghosts who had been burned to death. But what made him stunned was that many hungry ghosts were burned all over, and some of their bodies were burned in half. But after a blast of profound Yin wind blew, they recovered at a speed that was bizarrely visible to the naked eye.

   Hungry Ghost Dao is tortured by karma, no matter how severe the body is damaged, as long as it is not dead, it will be completely repaired in the wind of Xuan Yin unless the evil karma is eliminated. It is precisely because there are so many mysterious winds in this dark cave that it attracts countless hungry ghosts.

The wind of Xuanyin in the   ming acupoint is almost endless. On the contrary, it consumes a lot of qi to manipulate Xuanyin's real fire. Half an hour later, he was still stuck in this stone forest, not even going out for a mile.

"Instead of this, it is better to rely on hand-to-hand combat, maybe you can make a way out..." Looking at the square in a vast shadow ~ Fortunately, in his insight, the nineteenth and Huang Lu All in the same direction. If he can play the nineteenth round first, the pressure can be reduced a lot.

   He put out the true fire of Xuan Yin, and the surrounding area suddenly became dark. The countless hungry ghosts around were startled, and then rushed over like a mad dog.

  You are not welcome, and you perform light work with one step, and dance the Dark Fire Sword in your hand, separating the heads of countless hungry ghosts along the way, cutting the flesh and blood, and killing a **** way!

   Fortunately, although these hungry ghosts are much stronger than mortals, and the speed of running wildly is not slow, they are far inferior to his feats. He quickly shot out from the dense ghost pile and ran straight to the open land. The hungry ghosts around quickly reduced, and gradually disappeared.

  The ghost crowd did not disappear, but the speed was not as fast as him, so he was far behind him. At this time, Gou Zhuo finally got a little free time and was able to sit down cross-legged, holding a Pure Yang Pill and a Profound Yin Pill in the palms of his left and right hands to replenish the true energy in his body.

   But not long after, the hungry ghosts swarmed up again, and he could only run away again. In this way, the cycle continued, and he didn't know whether he had been running for one or two days. He was really exhausted and could not see.

   At this time, his eyes were suddenly bright, it turned out to be a big river!

   I don't know where this river comes from or where it is going. It is vast and vast, and it is tens of miles wide. In this dark blue dark cave, the whole river is as pitch black as ink, but it rushes away like a tens of thousands of horses, and its momentum is no less than the famous river on the ground.

   "Could it be that this is the legendary Styx?" At this time, the hungry ghosts who were chasing after him had already rushed behind him. Gou Zhu took a long breath, held the water-repelling bead from the hanging water lake into his mouth, and then jumped and jumped directly into the turbulent Styx.

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