Record of Chaos

Chapter 292: The treasure map is as clear as a mirror, and the mind is as deep as the sea

   What Xing Ziming said in the message is exactly the discovery of the entrance of this Minglu Yingzang. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is necessary to dig as soon as possible. At this time, some of the elders of the Purple Mansion of the Five Elements Zong Shui Deyuan were in retreat, some were dispatched for important matters, and they were unable to dispatch manpower for a while. So let Su Lang, the hall master of the Purple Mansion, rush to the dark cave to help discover this treasure.

   personally unearthed a hidden treasure, the benefits are self-evident. Although most of the treasures and jade slips in the infant treasure must be handed over to the Five Elements Sect in the end, the excavators left a few handy items. As long as they are not too excessive, no one will question them as usual.

   And don't look at the large number of people in the Shuideyuan in the Mingxue, the monks below the Purple Mansion are coolies, and they don't know what they are digging. Among the disciples of the Five Elements Sect in Yuntian City, only he and Xing Ziming, two priests from the Purple Mansion, are qualified to know the existence of Yingzang.

   Therefore, Xing Ziming is unwilling to wait for more Zifu monks from the Five Elements Sect to divide the spoils, and it is very reasonable that he would rather take him to "dig" first.

   But I really want to go there alone, Su Lang always feels vaguely disturbed, feeling that the whole thing is strange.

   The Five Elements Sect has been looking for this infant treasure for hundreds of years. Why hasn't it been found for hundreds of years, but it happened at this time? It was the critical moment when his wife, Wang Shuhua, attacked the disciples of Cuiyu Palace and formed Liangzi with others, and the Wang family was suddenly destroyed.

Although in the struggle a hundred years ago, the Su family seized the right to operate this teleportation formation from the ancient family. Since then, the power has flourished, from the unknown family, occupying half of the cloud and sky city in one fell swoop, but it has also forged with the powerful ancient family. Liangzi. The sinister and vicious ancient clan has been trying to regain the territory.

   If you say recklessly, the superficial Su family is definitely not the opponent of the ancient family. They rely on the backstage of the Five Elements School. It was someone in the Five Elements Sect who strongly supported him, and he was cautious, not revealing the slightest flaw, and has not been caught in any way, so he has stuck to this day. So even if the Wang family was destroyed, he insisted that he didn't take action, just didn't want to get involved in the disaster caused by his wife.

   At this time, Xing Ziming came to ask him to dig for treasure? Su Lang couldn't believe that this happened so coincidental.

   He poured a trace of spiritual thought into the jade slip. After a while, the jade slip shined brightly. The phantom of a skinny old man with white beard and dark complexion appeared. It was Xing Ziming, the elder of the Purple House of the Five Elements Sect.

   This person has sharp eyes and a cold face. When he saw Su Lang, he said coldly, "Why can't Hall Master Su believe in the old man?"

   Su Lang replied neither humble nor overbearing: "That Minglu Yingzang has been missing for at least four hundred years, right. Elder Xing is sure to find it? This is not a trivial matter, and I have to be more cautious."

   "Huh, in fact, the old man is not clear about this matter. It is true or not, please ask Hall Master Su and related people to understand it face to face." After speaking, Xing Ziming also held the jade slip in his hand and poured a ray of spiritual thought into it.

   A shadow of a person appeared. This time Su Lang was shocked. This middle-aged Taoist wearing a blue brocade robe and a Yanyue jade crown is not his enemy, Gu Zhongyou? Gu Zhongyou's face was calm, instead, he respectfully became an inspector.

   Su Lang's face changed drastically, and he angered Xing Ziming, saying: "Elder Xing, things in the dark cave are top secret of my Five Elements Sect. What do you mean by involving the ancient monks in coming in?"

   Su Lang knew that Xing Zi and Gu Zhongyou were acquainted with each other in the morning. Although Gu Zhongyou also practiced Taoism in the Five Elements Sect, he has already been a teacher now. The ancient family is not the next clan of the Five Elements Sect, at most it can be regarded as a closely related family.

   A hundred years ago, the ancient family fought for the right to operate the meditation cave. The three elders of the ancient clan knew the existence of Yingzang, but they had all made a vow not to leak it out and not to interfere in it. It is estimated that Xing Ziming claimed that Yingzang had been discovered, but he privately involved the people of the ancient family to divide the spoils. This is definitely a rebellious move!

   But for Su Lang, he was even more worried that Xing Ziming would join forces with the Gu family to squeeze out the power of his Su family out of Yuntian City. Therefore, the two people appeared in the jade slip at the same time, and the warning signs in his heart immediately rose to the extreme.

Xing Ziming sighed and said: "It seems that Hall Master Su still can't let go of the grievances of the past. This time it is not what the old man wanted to involve the ancient monks. It is just that the entrance to the Yingzang was not discovered by the old man himself. It is the old brother. Contributed to this sect."

   "Oh, there is such a thing?" Su Lang was shocked at first, then he was unbelieving. He glanced at Gu Zhongyou, "My sect has been digging in the dark cave for hundreds of years. Since your ancient family knows where the entrance is, why don't you contribute it as soon as possible? You have to wait until today, so that my Five Elements Sect spends countless amounts of money here?"

   Gu Zhongyou did not directly answer his question, but smiled and said: "Does Hall Master Su know who first discovered the infant treasure in this cave?"

   Su Lang knew about this. This is no secret to everyone who knows the existence of this baby hideout. This Xuanyinming acupoint, including Yingzang, was first discovered more than 500 years ago by Qin Zunyang, a disciple of the Five Elements School. It's just that although he got some benefits from this infant treasure, he didn't fully excavate it, but sealed it again.

   Afterwards, Qin Zunyang rebelled and set up another school on Cuiyu Peak, and soon afterwards he soared away. This secret cave was occupied by the Five Elements Sect.

   This is not a fair and honest thing, so the Five Elements Zong has not been announced. The Jade Palace also seemed completely ignorant of this matter, and no one ever mentioned it. As for the specific location of Yingzang, it was also unknown when Qin Zunyang soared.

   "How about knowing?"

"Seven years ago, my ancient monk participated in a battle with the Soul Sect in Wushang Mountain. At that time, I was fighting for the core of a tree demon... In fact, this demon is closely related to Qin Zunyang and is one of Qin Zunyang’s close friends in the demon world. After the war, some relics fell into the hands of our clan. One of the jade slips had a seal on it and could not be unlocked. Recently, a genius child from my ancient family, the extremely good jade slip, was sealed. Give it a try. Next, it happened to be unzipped. In this jade slip, there is a detailed map of the Minglu Yingzang discovered by Qin Zunyang back then..."

   "Huh, your ancient family has always been far-reaching to the city. Since you have this picture in hand, you must keep it by yourself, so how can you contribute it!" Su Lang still didn't believe it.

Gu Zhongyou seemed to have expected that he would think so, and smiled indifferently, and replied: "What's the point of being unable to dig even though there are thousands of strange treasures? This dark cave is the important place of the upper sect, and my ancient monks cannot enter it. Talking about how to claim treasure according to the picture? It is better to contribute to the Shangzong, in exchange for some benefits.

"If it is late and the news leaks out, my ancient family is not guilty, but I am guilty of it. Even if the last sect does not threaten me to surrender this picture, I am afraid that other forces in the Xuanmen might not be coveted, right? Hall Master Su If you don’t believe me, why don’t you view this brief yourself?"

   After speaking, he flicked his hand and threw a streamer. Su Lang took it in his hand, it was still a phantom. But like jade slips, there is not much difference between virtual images and real objects. He penetrated into the divine sense and immediately saw an extremely complicated map.

  Mingxue, starving to death on the bottom of the lake, all details are clearly visible. The entire bottom of the lake turned out to be a huge earth line formation. If no one touches it, nothing will happen. But once someone excavates and touches, the infantile change in it will be moved away by the earth.

   No wonder the Five Elements Sect has been digging and digging in the east and west for hundreds of years.

   According to the design of this formation, if you dig down from the east, it will move to the west. You dig down from the west, and it moves back to the east. Unless you can dig a hole in the bottom of the lake together, there is no way for it to escape. But the manpower and material resources consumed in that way are sky-high, and no one can afford it.

   This map is not a simple map, even the enchantment spirits in all formations have detailed standards. With this picture in hand, there is no need to dig at all, and a few people can enter with a little bit of soil escape.

   is not only the entrance, but also the numerous organs, traps, restrictions, and even the location of the treasure in the baby's acupoint, all of which are clearly marked in the picture. No wonder Xing Ziming believes in this thing. With Su Lang's familiarity with the terrain of this dark cave, he knew that it was almost impossible to forge this map.

   This not only involves geography, but also those high-level institutional restrictions that cannot be arranged unless it reaches the realm of Yuan Ying.

   If there is no such picture, it would be extremely dangerous for the masters of the Purple Mansion to rush in. At that time, I am afraid that the Five Elements Sect can only find a bunch of Five Elements Sect elders who are proficient in prohibition, and analyze them layer by layer. I don't know how long it will take to get in.

   But with this picture in they can easily enter. No wonder Xing Ziming couldn't wait to call him.

  The rules of the Five Elements Sect, to discover high-value secrets, two or more elders must enter at the same time, and both parties will write down the process of the excavation with jade pictures, otherwise they will be embezzled.

   If Xing Ziming now handed in the jade slips, he might not benefit from it. But urging Sulang with the two of them to enter together in an emergency, not only did not violate the rules of the sect, but also can get a lot of benefits, why not do it.

   Su Lang threw the jade slip back to Gu Zhongyou. This matter is so ironclad here that he doesn't believe it anymore.

   The only thing he worried about was that the three of them entered Yingzang together. Xing Ziming and Gu Zhongyou suddenly joined hands to attack him. The ancient family must not want to kill him all the time.

   But as the head of the Five Elements Sect, he is of the same level as the elder. Xing Ziming and Gu Zhongyou joined forces to make some small actions, such as stabbing his family Wang Shuhua's frame of the Cuiyu Palace disciple to the top, it is still possible. But if the two men killed him together, he didn't believe it.

   After all, the Five Elements sect has strict rules. Small infighting can be tolerated. If you connect with outsiders to murder the elders, it is an intolerable crime of treason. As for Wang Shuhua's murder of the disciple of the Cuiyu Palace, it was a trivial matter, and it would never be possible for the above to seize this incident and take away his identity as the hall master of Yun Tiantang.

   He thought about it again, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He nodded to Xing Ziming: "When and where?"

   Xing Ziming said: "At 0:00 tomorrow night. As for the location, I will pass it to you through the jade slip. This matter is extremely important, so please don’t disclose it."

   Su Lang nodded slightly. He immediately saw a mark on the map of Mingxue among the jade slips, and knew that this was the meeting place for tomorrow night.

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