Record of Chaos

Chapter 304: Blood refining, Bisha and chaotic stones, ice condensed white bear burst into shock

   It is not unreasonable for Han Mushui to use Rootless Cold Water again. This water is extraordinary, extremely cold. Wherever you go, all heat is absorbed, everything freezes. The tree demon and the like rely on the power of blood. As long as the blood is frozen, it is impossible to use it no matter what.

   Seeing that the Thousand-Year Dryad named Muluo was about to be frozen by the cold water, she did not panic, she also spit out a jade-green sphere with her mouth open.

   Those cold waters were so harsh, she knew it was amazing when she saw it. The Dryad has always used her body to fight her enemies, so as long as she touches the cold water with her body, she has to be frozen to life. But she also used the magic weapon of the human world to confront the enemy, that was different.

   After all, the magic weapon is not driven by Qi and blood, but by True Qi. This ice-cold thing was enough to restrain Lihuo's true qi, but the Mizuki zhenqi produced by Muluo's qi and blood had only a stagnant effect and had no restraint.

   I only heard the bang, and the emerald sphere burst open, turning into a cloud of sand and dust composed of countless green sand grains, hitting the rain of cold water.

   This thing is not something else, it is the Bisha Bead, a blood sacrifice magic treasure that was refined when Muluo destroyed the King's family.

  Any grain of sand hits a drop of cold water, and it immediately freezes and falls. But the rootless cold water also instantly evaporated and disappeared. The cold water was originally like this, as long as it hits any object that has a higher temperature than it, it will absorb the heat of the other party and evaporate instantly, and it will no longer exist.

   The rootless cold water that was originally used to confront the enemy, when you encounter these sand particles, you suffer a lot. After all, these grains of sand are almost endless, and no one knows how many. His rootless cold water is just a little gourd. He still condensed this gourd after more than ten years of retreat.

   Han Mushui hurriedly urged the technique of water escape, swept back those rootless cold water that had not yet encountered Bisha in the air, and received them again in the purple gourd. At the same time, he reversed the power of the imperial wind, his body stopped in the air, and then fluttered diagonally, disappearing again.

   Muluo did not stop attacking. Her emerald-like fine sand grains passed by like a storm. Countless grains of sand hit the rocks above Han Mushui's head, only to hear a series of sharp, ear-splitting sounds. The huge rock that was coming to the field was hit to pieces.

   It's just that after the rock was crushed, Han Mushui was not seen, and he hid somewhere among the rocks. But Muluo had already sensed his breath, and he couldn't even run far.

   The sandstorm flew into the air and began to spin, turning into a cloud of blue sand like a grinding disc. This millstone covered a hundred steps, and pressed down from the zenith.

   When the huge boulders on the ground touched the grinding disc, they immediately made a sharp sharpening sound, pulling out long sparks. In a short while, the entire spire was sharply polished!

  Han Mushui hid in the stone forest, and his heart was shocked. He originally watched this tree demon squander mana unscrupulously, and wanted to spend almost the power of the method before he shot himself. In this way, you can save your life as much as possible.

   But he did not expect that the other party's violence reached the extreme, and he planned to smooth all the chaotic stone forest within a hundred steps!

   If it were really crushed and ground down, he would naturally be ground to pieces. Although he half-stepped to the Purple Mansion, he was not a King Kong body.

   He wanted to hide himself and let the other party waste mana. But what he didn't expect was that although the tree demon's realm still remained in the four colors of Xudan, the mana was spurred by qi and blood, which was extremely long. Even if it was so consumed, he was not an opponent.

   Although he didn't want to lose his life in every possible way, he had to do his best. After all, he has a higher realm, and his mana is far superior to his opponent.

   Activating mana will cause his little lifespan to flow away. But if he could kill this tree monster within a few strokes, he would still be able to earn it back with his twenty years of life.

   How can I consume less of my mana and achieve great power? This requires a lot of thought.

   Seeing the black crushing horror grinding disc above his head grinding down, Han Mushui stretched out his right hand. Under the flickering of the cold light, his right hand was covered by a layer of blue ice crystals, and on each finger, a sharp claw was growing.

   "It seems that only you are sacrificed." Han Mushui's left hand pointed to the back of the ice bear's paw. Suddenly, the crampons seemed to be on fire, and a blue flame ignited. At the same time, an extremely strong icy air rose into the air, like a cloud of white mist. These white mists quickly condensed into the phantom of a white bear in the air.

   Muluo was standing in the center of the whirlwind sandstorm. Feeling strange, she turned her head to look.

   Fifty steps away, there was a ghost of a huge white bear several meters high. It was covered with snow-white hair and fat, like a snow-capped mountain. It opened its mouth and roared, exposing its mouth full of teeth, and spraying a lot of white mist.

   But what she saw in her eyes was an icy black bear, and the mist sprayed out was also black, much darker than the surrounding rock background.

   At the same time she looked at her, the blue sand in the sky also instantly changed direction, smashing against the giant bear like a torrential rain.

   Although the giant bear is a cloud of cold air, if countless blue sands pass through, it will take the cold air away, and it will no longer be able to freeze.

   But at this moment, with a bear roar, the boundless cold air gushes down, freezing the air into solid ice, instantly condensing it into a crystal-like mysterious ice dummy.

   It didn't stop, but on all fours, it rushed in the direction of Muluo, and it happened to collide with the Bisha flying over.

   With a series of crackling noises, the extremely hard bear body came through the torrential rain of Bisha.

   Han Mu Shui is a Qi Cultivator in the Purple Mansion, he is almost trying his best, and he does not hesitate to damage this magic weapon. The Bisha Storm spurred by Muluo's true energy was nothing but the strength of the four colors of Xu Dan. In contrast, the gap in strength is not so simple to bridge.

   Part of Bisha has penetrated the surface of the ice armor, but the ice bear cannot be stopped.

The ice bear rushed to Muluo in an instant, covered in blue fire, and when he lifted his right limb, the entire bear's paw suddenly became bigger. The five claws were like five meniscus falling from the sky, carrying an extremely cold wind. Grab it!

   Muluo didn't hide, the blood burned all over, the green blood penetrated from the skin, and it was quenched into the short sword in his hand, and infinite vitality rose in it. She didn't shrink back, swung her sword!

   The five-round silver crescent moon did not collide with the blue sword energy, but crossed.

   Muluo's long blue hair suddenly soared, like a leaning blue wave, instantly wrapping the five lines of cold light tightly. Then countless cold air burst out from it. Most of the defenses of this turquoise sea wave turned white.

   And the sword energy she cut hit the ice bear head-on. The ice bear wailed and exploded, forming a blue fireball.

   Magic weapon blew!

   In order to save his life as much as possible, Han Mu Shui planned to blew his magic weapon from the beginning. Anyway, the magic weapon is just a thing outside of the body, once one has no lifespan, it is destined to be something else. It is better to make the best use of your own assets than to make others cheaper.

   Muluo suddenly felt a burst of cold air rushing like mountains and seas. Although she never flinched and avoided, she really couldn't stand up this time. She was shaken up by the icy air wave. After flying several meters away, she crashed into a huge boulder.

   The place where she was located was a hundred meters in radius, and everything became pure white, everything froze, and even the stones were covered with hoarfrost, as if they had become ice.

   After the thousand-year-old demon fell, he didn't move anymore, but his breath was still there. It's just that she was breathing heavily, and UU reading was obviously hit hard.

   Han Mushui hiding in the dark did not immediately appear. He still stood still in place, holding his breath. It's just that his holding his breath cannot last long. For him, a quarter of an hour is already the limit.

   He finally came out of the dark. Now the outside is much brighter. Due to the coldness brought by the self-explosive ice bear claws, this area seemed to be in winter, as if it had just snowed, everything was covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost.

   Although his strength is obviously inferior to him after being injured, this tree monster is worthy of a thousand years of life. If it weren't for her disdain to use any tactics at all, and she didn't even dodge her own attacks, Han Mushui would not even be sure to take her down. But if the opponent has complete strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive.

   Han Mushui's frosted old face also smiled happily. What is the use of being proud of being a patriarch? What is the use of a thousand years of Taoism? It's not that he has to die here, and he will be at his mercy in the end.

   He will first dig out the tree core of the old demon and refine it. Then the little bastard. It is useless for him to refine the tree nucleus for more than ten years directly. But it can be used for other purposes.

   Han Mu Shui approached carefully. He still held his breath, hiding all his breath, taking care every step of the way. At this last moment, he didn't want to make any trouble.

   The woman was lying on the ground, her breath was already quite weak. Although not dead, it's not much different from death, right?

  Han Mushui's eyes showed a hideous color, and there was already a dark blue dagger in his hand. When he turned his finger, the tip of the blade was facing down, and he plunged straight into the middle of the old fairy's chest!

   After piercing to the end, his wrist shook and he almost dislocated. This sword was actually stuck on the rock and plunged straight into the rock. And the body of the Thousand-Year Tree Demon that he was thinking about has disappeared somehow?

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