Record of Chaos

Chapter 348: Umbrella Optimus Prime, the villain's impaction machine

   Although the place where the hook is located is very close to the water column, it is not within reach. According to the estimation, there is almost one day's walk.

   They are neither willing to use flying magic weapons nor to move quickly. Fengxueyuan not only consumes pure Yang Pill, but also consumes the true energy of the person who moves it. The true qi is consumed, and there is no aura to spit out and replenish, so you can only continue to consume the pill. Regardless of whether the pill is pure Yang Dan or Bigu Dan, it consumes a little less.

   Rather than running madly for a while, it’s actually not much faster. It’s better to pass quickly and reduce consumption.

   After the alliance, the two teams gathered together to reach the number of eight people, all walking in the water. Although it didn't motivate the true spirit, the walking speed was actually much faster than that of a mortal. Listening to the sound of water in front of me, I feel that the water column will be visible in more than half a day.

   Other teams also appear from time to time. Some people impatiently drove the flying magic weapon, while others rushed all the way through the water. After just a few hours, they all ran out of true qi, and had to stop to replenish their true qi, but in the end they were surpassed by those who did not move forward.

   Although there are fast and slow, everyone's mind is the same. I have been trapped here for three years, and everyone can't wait to get to the exit in one step.

   At this time, the crowd gathered more and more, and the sound transmission was still going on, but the content transmitted was a little different from the original one.

   "Not good! I heard that although they found the exit, some of the people who went first have already sealed the exit, and later people are prohibited from entering."

   "Why are they?"

   "I heard that several teams of the Five Elements Zongmen joined forces to prohibit other disciples from the next sect from approaching."

   "Come over and take a look, maybe you will never get out again later!"

   Various bad news came. Especially when I heard that several teams of the Five Elements Sect had joined forces to stop other teams, the news made everyone angry. Everyone is equally anxious and wants to go out alive. Why do they harm others and disadvantage themselves?

   Although the five teams of the Five Elements Sect are powerful, there are 40 or 50 teams here. If they offend all the other teams in the next sect, everyone else can join hands to crush them to pieces.

   Being disturbed by these news from time to time, Zhao Chong, who was originally calm, couldn't help but speed up quietly.

   After walking for most of the day, Goujiu unexpectedly felt that the sky was lit up.

   In fact, the only light source in the entire world is that huge water column. Therefore, the closer you are to the water column, the stronger the light. But this is also the reason why he stayed in the dark for three whole years and adapted to the dark long ago. In fact, the water column brought in a little light from the outside from the cave that fell.

   It's a pity that although the light from this hole can be seen, there is only one repeating path following the light, and it will never reach the hole where they came in. This point, he has tried many times after entering. For this, thousands of pure Yang Pills were wasted.

   In addition to the sound transmission that still exists from time to time, the rumbling sound of water also came over. At this time, Gou Zhuo finally saw the water curtain hanging in the gray mist, like a white water curtain.

   He had seen this scene at the top of Cuiyu Peak, beside Danyang Pavilion. He climbed up there, and once again encountered the fairy-like Lian Ling in Zi Yun Hot Spring. It's a pity that memories feel a little far away now. No matter what he thinks of, there seems to be a layer of dust in between.

   Alas, I really don’t know if I can go back alive.

   approached a little bit closer, only to find out that there was a circle of people around the place where the huge waterfall fell. At least hundreds of people have arrived here.

   Under the waterfall, someone set up a huge magical artifact, which looked like a huge black umbrella. Although the giant umbrella looks weak, when you look closely, it is obvious that there is a strong water lingering force lingering on it. Moreover, it has an array of its own, and the power of water escape is not maintained by manpower or pill, but by the force of the impact of water.

   The huge water column fell on the umbrella, and was blocked by the force of the water escape. It spread out, forming a huge semicircular water ball in the air, and then continued to torrent down, turning into a huge water curtain.

   Although the water curtain is extremely fast, it rushes to the ground, but it washes away the water. Therefore, within a hundred steps around the giant umbrella, the ground current pushes outwards at extreme speed, but it is not deep, only the depth of the ankle.

   But after a hundred steps away, the fierce water rushed up a wall of water, half a person high.

   All the people who came here crossed the water wall and stood around the water curtain under the huge umbrella. Although the water curtain is extremely fast, it is as transparent as a thin gauze curtain, and everything inside is unobstructed. But no one can easily pass through this water curtain.

  Because the power of water escape flows along the water under that huge umbrella, anyone who approaches this water curtain can feel a strong obstruction. The closer you get, the stronger the force.

   But the very center under the huge umbrella is now a big hole with a radius of several meters. Obviously, this hole does not exist naturally, but was dug here over the past three years. There is still light flashing from the entrance of the cave, but from this angle, no one can see what is going on inside.

   Many people stood outside the cave. The headed man wore an exquisite gray silk robe, with a black jade armor on the outside, and a black jade moon crown on his head. His face was like jade, and he was very handsome. He was exactly the Shui Deyuan under the Five Elements Sect. Elite disciple Wu Yu.

   The coercion of this person is not low, although it is not as good as Zhao Chong, but it is only one line behind, and it is already the realm of the seventh level of perfection. But what was even more frightening was that behind him was a woman who seemed to follow him. She was dressed in a white dress, elegant as a orchid, and her expression was as clear as snow. The spirit wave from her body had reached the realm of the initial stage of the nine-layer foundation. It is Leng Lingqiu, a genius woman from Shuideyuan.

   Leng Lingqiu leaned back ten steps away, but half-sitting was a more terrifying burly man who had already built the foundation of nine great achievements and had a half-step virtual pill. This person held a golden sword, but lowered his head low-key, but from time to time he looked up at Leng Lingqiu. This person is the first elite of the Five Elements Sect, the lunatic Ouyang Fan!

   Wherever Wu Yu goes, Leng Lingqiu will follow. The distance between the two is never more than three steps. What is even more strange is that no matter where Leng Lingqiu goes, the strong man Ouyang Fan behind her will stand up and follow wherever she is, keeping a distance of ten steps, and then sit down obediently. The three people maintained a strange linkage like this.

   Wu Yu seemed extremely impatient with Ouyang Fan, and cast cold disgusting eyes from time to time. But Ouyang Fan is like a stone, never caring, only moving closely with Leng Lingqiu's position.

   In fact, Wu Yu's strength is not enough to convince the public among the Five Elements Sect disciples. Some people admire Ouyang Fan more; there are not a few people who admire Leng Lingqiu. But seeing Leng Lingqiu and Ouyang Fan obediently following Wu Yu's actions, these people probably understood what they should do.

   The five teams of the Five Elements Sect, now naturally regard Wu Yu as the only leader. All actions depend on his look.

   "It turns out that the key to this is directly under the water column!" Gouzhu suddenly realized.

   Actually, a long time ago, he also thought that since the key to this formation is not in the sky or in all directions, it is likely to be underground. Especially under the water column is the most suspicious. He also went to explore under the water column.

   The huge amount of river water above his head rushed down from a very high place, and he could not stand under the huge momentum. Hastily probed, and found no mystery, so he could only give up.

   Even if he found something at the time, he definitely couldn't hold on for a few breaths under the impact of such a violent current, let alone dig through the hard rock and dug a big hole.

   This is a natural defense formation: bury the formation in the ground under the impact of heavy water for protection, so that it is difficult for others to even know where the formation is.

   It is that the disciples of the Shuitokuin Temple have the huge umbrella that can use the water power to form a formation to block the water, and open the waterfall flow, but they have obtained the first prerequisite for digging there. Then they have a team from the Tude Academy, and they must have various earth-digging tools. It is not that difficult to dig through the rock.

   As for calling everyone here, they must have done it. This is definitely not out of good intentions, but what obstacles they encounter, they can't open it with their own strength, and they will be exchanged for everyone. In fact, there were not only the disciples of the Five Elements Sect in the water curtain at this time, and some of the disciples of the next sect who arrived earlier did indeed enter the water curtain.

   I just don’t know why the people of the Five Elements Sect suddenly changed their minds. A steady stream of experienced disciples rushed over, but none of them could enter the scope of this water curtain.

   The sound of water is huge here, but there is no problem with the sound transmission through the water curtain. Soon someone asked unfairly:

   "It was your voice transmission that made us come, why didn't you let us in?"

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