Record of Chaos

Chapter 352: Diverging water dragon wood breaks the formation, and the wind and cloud demon slaught

   At this moment, Gou Zhuo suddenly felt a strange feeling.

   There was no aura in this space originally. All inspirations are caused by these monks casting spells or using magical weapons. But at the same time when the three cultivators were chopped up, he actually felt a wave of spiritual energy passing over. It was as if a giant beast that was always closed, suddenly opened its eyes.

   Those shattered corpses were washed out with blood and water, and they would have rushed directly to everyone's feet. But before arriving, he curiously resolved itself into a blood mist-like aura, which merged into the aura of the air.

   "What evil magic weapon cultivated in the Shui Deyuan can absorb flesh and blood!" Someone shouted fearfully.

   Immediately afterwards, the wave of spiritual energy that Goujiu felt disappeared, and together with the blood mist floating in the air, it disappeared completely, as if it had never existed.

   Most people think that this is the function of the water blooming umbrella. Huzhu doesn't think so. He clearly felt that the spirit wave did not come from the giant umbrella in front of him, but from the entire world here.

   And this kind of magic that can absorb flesh and blood is not the magic of the Five Elements School. The Five Elements Sect controls the five elements, but is not interested in magic techniques such as flesh and blood alone. The Soul Cult is proficient in this way. However, evil ways such as the Five Elements Sect and the Corpse Soul Sect are incompatible.

   Gouzhu looked back at Huang Lu. She stayed here deeply for three years and had already become decadent, but at this time, there was a glimmer of expression in her eyes.

   "You can see it too?" Gouji asked in a low voice, "What's weird in this world?"

   The look in Huang Lu's eyes was fleeting. For a formation division, the most feared thing is to see a dead object without any inspiration. There is nothing to do. Whenever there is a glimmer of inspiration, it means that this place can communicate with the world, and there is always hope to break through.

   But after this line of inspiration disappeared, her eyebrows were tightly closed again, and she shook her head and said, "Although there are weirdness, it is not something you and me can see through.

  "This piece of heaven and earth seems to be an ancient formation method recorded in the Three Formations Sutra, which can swallow the souls and bodies of the creatures in the formation for their own use.

  "But before it starts to swallow, we don't even feel its existence, let alone crack it.

   "If it is the palace lord or Huangquan's golden core divine consciousness, perhaps there is still some hope. We are far from being on the same level as the lord of the formation here."

   "Even if you can't break the world, what about the water curtain in front of you?"

Huang Lu glanced at the giant umbrella in front of her, and sneered: "This is a water flow formation. These idiots used brute force to break it. Of course, it is ugly to die. It is very difficult for you to completely break it. But the flow can be separated. Unstoppable, a small formation is placed to separate the water flow slightly, and it is not a problem to open a passageway."

   "Then you do it now."

   Huang Lu flashed her eyes, glanced sideways at him, stretched out her hand, and said, "Sniff, take your four fire sticks, I'll open this for you!"


   Hou Tu history books have been published. On the morning of November 20, Kunyuan 26th year, more than 10,000 ghost owls from the Wanliu Valley tribe suddenly invaded the border of the Yeblin Mountain, and the battle arose, which is known as the Battle of the Night King.

   In fact, before that, Mo Shengchou had already ordered the border to strengthen prevention. But eight years have passed since the fierce battle of the Blind Night Mountain. At that time, the Five Elements School didn't participate much. Even the monks who participated in that battle, most of them went back to the same state.

   Those who are stationed at this border now are either the children of the famous family who sent them to experience the gilding. Either it was a crime or offended someone, and was sent here to suffer. Regardless of whether it is a vigilant heart or combat experience, it is far worse than King Yun's army.

   In the early morning of November 20, the sky was clear and clear. In fact, for ghost owls, such a weather raid is not a good choice. Ghost owls are more suitable for night battles.

   But they can't control the time themselves, they must match the time when Zi Yan, Hong Ye and others captured Bone Eagle Peak. Only when they violently attack the border can they attract the guards of the Night Blind Mountain to move to the border.

   The disciples stationed at the border of the Five Elements Sect Hoeing Demon Hall still don't believe that anything special will happen. For them, the alarm has sounded countless times, but every day has passed so often. Until the black clouds appeared in the sky.

   "What is that?" Someone finally started to wonder.

   "Are they crows?" Sometimes they have seen flocks of crows flying across the border, but they are just ordinary crows, not monsters.

   "No, that's a group of ghost owls! Hurry up and open the restriction, the monsters invade!"

   Someone yelled. It didn't take long for them to see huge ghost owls, all over the world. When I looked up, I could only see black shadows flapping their wings all over the sky. The whole world is filled with the strange laughter of ghost owls like howling ghosts. This strange sound came in, and everyone felt an equally overwhelming sense of fear, as if their minds were entangled in a gust of wind.

   Then, there seemed to be some kind of small black object falling from the air extremely fast, which looked like a black rain. Countless sounds of breaking through the sky came roaring. When some people guarding the border finally realized that the black rain was actually black feathers, it was too late to escape.

  The feathers of the ghost owl are as thin as a sharp blade, and as hard as black iron. Falling on the body, the body protector's zhenqi couldn't resist, so he passed through the body. The strange thing is that after these black feathers landed, they naturally dissipated in the air, and flew to the ghost owl group in the air again. Therefore, the feathers on these ghost owls will not be lost.

  Only ghost owls of the spirit beast level can use black feather attacks. More exotic beasts are like hunting, one by one suddenly swooped down. After the sharp claws caught a man, they flew to a high place at high speed, and then released the two claws and dropped directly from the sky. Suddenly, there were screams and corpses everywhere.

   At this time, the Qianjin Ruiqi protection array on the border was also naturally activated. Countless golden lights were released from the border. When the ghost owls encounter this light, they are directly penetrated and fall from the air like a piece of paper. In a short while, the sky was like falling leaves, and the ground was blood flowing into rivers.

   But these dry gold spirits are not ubiquitous. For example, there is no place for people to pass through. Someone yelled wildly: "Hurry up and close the door!"

   Although Mo Shengchou ordered the border to be sealed off, he only temporarily banned the people from entering and leaving the border, and did not order the closing of the front door. Because the opening of these doors is not without cost.

   This array of doors is about tens of meters wide, once all raised, it is an indestructible pure sun array. Not to mention the ghost owls dominated by alien beasts, even if the Golden Core Demon comes to attack, it can stop a moment.

   "No, the formation has failed!"

   repeatedly tried to guard the door, and finally despaired. No matter how the squadron in his hand is urged, the huge gate is unresponsive. This is of course the result of Red Night using the hub to modify the prohibition. They didn't know it, but thought that the squadron had not been used for many years and had already failed.

"We're fucked!"

   "Not necessarily, fight to the death, waiting for help from the sect!"

   "Those who retreat without permission die!"

   Someone wanted to abandon the gate and flee, and soon the senior deacon who was crushed in the battle was slashed, and his head was in a different place. Seeing the blood flow all over the ground, everyone's minds were shocked, as if suddenly waking up from the chaos.

   "Fight to the end!"

   Everyone took out their weapons and magic weapons, forcibly gathered their courage, and swarmed from the gate towards the black pressure, like a group of ghost owls in a black hurricane, killing them.

  Despite the desperate resistance of the monks on the border, more and more ghost owls rushed into the battle, and eventually the line of defense on the border collapsed.

  The ghost owls who entered the country suddenly did not fly directly to the Night Blind Mountain. Instead, they flew in groups to the densely populated Changye Town ~ ~ Although most residents were warned, it was too late to escape.

   In fact, from the border to the place where the population gathers, the Five Elements Sect has long placed multiple prohibitions and protections, which were originally used to prevent the monsters from raids. However, Hongye has a frontline in his hands, and has long opened up these restrictions. Therefore, the flock of ghost owls that rushed fiercely was unstoppable as if they were in an uninhabited state.

   After a while, the sky above Changye Town was filled with ghosts and spirits. Countless ghost owls swooped down from the air, regardless of men, women, young or old, grabbed one and flew into the air. There were also some powerful claws that were torn in half.

   The entire sky above the long night town, where the blue sky was like a wash, turned into a vast expanse of darkness. Living people and flesh and blood continued to fall from the air, and the **** wind suddenly became a tragic **** on earth.

The goal of the    Ghost Owl tribe was Bone Eagle Peak on the Night Blind Mountain, but they did not go straight to Bone Eagle Peak, but slaughtered Changye Town. The slaughter of these humans is actually of little value to them.

   But the defense of the Night Blind Mountain is tight. Even if the gate cannot be closed, if thousands of monks guard the main gate, they will inevitably pay a heavy price if they want to take down the Night Blind Mountain. More importantly, time cannot wait.

   Therefore, their strategy is to massacre mortals in Changye Town, and to force the Demon Hall to mobilize the main force of the Night Blind Mountain to Changye Town to bring a decisive battle. After all, mortals suffered serious casualties, and whether it was the Five Elements Sect or even Emperor Kun Yuan, they had to endure a lot of pressure.

   Losing the Night Blind Mountain, to put it bluntly, is just a loss of income and face for the Five Elements Sect. But if hundreds of thousands of mortals were slaughtered, it would be a disaster for Emperor Kun Yuan to shake the foundation of people's hearts. If this happened, he would definitely have to find someone to carry this black pot pointed by the people.

   At that time, the Five Elements School, the Demon Hall, and the elder Mo Shengshou were the first to bear the brunt!

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