Record of Chaos

Chapter 372: Taishan crushes the feathers and blades, the **** pill hides away

   At this time, no matter who it is, even if he doesn't have the ability to smash his eyes, he can see the weirdness of this huge mountain, as well as the powerful **** spirit that is constantly pouring into Wu Yu's eyebrows.

   Wu Yu is surrounded by a strange force. The pressure of the divine consciousness exuding from his body is constantly rising, and the speed of progress is simply incredible.

   Leng Lingqiu was also shocked. She was most afraid of Wu Yu accepting the so-called Dark Night King's inheritance and accidents, and as a result, an accident happened.

   "That guy is not a human, but a ghost!" At this time, Zhao Chong, Ouyang Fan and others also stopped fighting each other and surrounded them. Zhao Chong pointed to the chunky black robe monk next to Wu Yu and shouted.

   Although Hei Ling'er looks like a human being, his body is not perfect. The cracked black robe revealed blades of iron feathers on his body. There are also two black feathers remaining on his forehead.

   Wu Yu and Hei Ling'er are surrounded by a hemispherical shield composed of dozens of sharp long feathers spinning wildly. Wu Yu stood still, while Hei Ling'er just sat cross-legged and pinched. He secretly smiled in his heart: "This Black Wind Whirling Blade Array is not easy for the Xudan people to repair. I see how the foundation-building cultivators came to die!"

   Goujiu shouted: "I don't think this monster has recovered its stability yet. Everyone quickly broke through the formation and killed Wu Yu. We still have a silver lining!"

Zhao Chong was about to reconcile, but saw Leng Lingqiu's Hengjian approaching the neck of the devil, and said coldly: "After breaking the formation, I will capture Wu Yu and leave it to the elders of the Five Elements Sect to deal with. Who of you dares to kill him? I will kill anyone!"

   "What a mad woman!" Goujiu screamed inwardly, but it was too late to argue with her. Instead of breaking this black strange formation, no one can do anything to Wu Yu, so she has to fool her, "You want to do whatever you want with him. But we have to work together to break this formation!"

   Leng Lingqiu nodded. Everyone was about to reveal their magic weapons, and Zhu Zhu had already taken out a dark inkstone:

"If we use magic weapons to break the formation, there is fire and water, but we restrain each other. My magic weapon is called Meteorite Dingfang Inkstone. As long as everyone injects true energy into it, this object will continue to increase in weight and its power will be concentrated in one place. , We can definitely break this formation."

   At this critical moment, no one has any objections. Gouzhu throws Dingfang's inkstone into the air, and everyone injects their true qi together. The black square meteorite quickly became huge, and the black wind whirlpool blades of Hei Ling slammed into the past!

   Ding Fang Yan concentrated on the power of Gouzhu, Huang Lu, Leng Lingqiu, Ouyang Fan, Zhao Chong, and Zhao Chong's three junior and junior younger brothers.

   Ouyang Fan and Leng Lingqiu both have nine foundations, and Zhao Chong also has eight foundations. The strength of all these people working together is at least equivalent to two black lings in the same color as a virtual pill. All the strength was sucked into the meteorite by Ding Fang Yan, really as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, pressing against Hei Ling'er's spiral blade formation.

   Ding Fang Yan met with the extremely fast-rotating black blade, and the flashing sparks and streamers shone all over the cave. The sharp and piercing sound of grinding flooded like a surge, and the others covered their ears and tried their best to endure it.

   After this huge heavy iron was suppressed, the Black Wind Whirling Blade Array really collapsed.

   Hei Ling'er's originally contemptuous face now also showed a look of horror. Once this collapse, he doesn't know what the Dark Night King will do, but he must be unable to escape the suppression of this strange iron block. Press down, you must be photographed into meat sauce!

   With a cruel heart, he bit the tip of his tongue and spouted a mouthful of blood. The blood sprayed onto the rotating black blade, and suddenly a black light flashed up like a fire, and the falling momentum of the meteorite Dingfang Yan could be resisted.

   Everyone's complexion changed. The strength of the meteorite set Fang Yan can not be taken back. Once bounced back by the opponent, it will inevitably bite itself back.

   What's more terrifying is that they are all working together. Once someone is timid and flees first, the backlash will act on the people behind, either death or injury. Therefore, as long as there is one person in this group who is greedy for life and fear of death, it will affect everyone.

   Fortunately, Gochu, Huang Lu, Leng Lingqiu, Ouyang Fan, Zhao Chong, and Zhao Chong’s three fellows, none of them withdrew their power. Instead, they all operated infuriating energy, all reaching the extreme!

   The sound of cracking came from the top of the black wind whirl blade array, watching this large array collapse...

   Wu Yu's eyes suddenly turned in the formation, becoming more agile. He glanced at the situation in the upper and lower quarters, the meteorite set on the top of his head, and the group of foundation-building monks in front of him, with disdainful eyes in his eyes.

   But when he saw the **** of nine refinements and the body of nine refinements in the crowd, his eyes were filled with fiery greed.

   His physical body died and was reborn dozens of times in this short period of time. If it hadn't been for the severe head decapitation, he would have already turned into the body of the real Golden Core Great Demon, but now it was just worthy of the Purple Mansion.

   But when dealing with the few foundation-building monks in front of him, he still strongly disdains. Hei Ling'er should have gotten everything done, but it was his turn to take the shot, which made him very dissatisfied.

  His eyes have completely returned to normal, and now they look no different from Wu Yu, except that there is a strong pressure from the Purple Mansion Dzogchen.

   Almost all the hundreds of young foundation-building monks in the Five Elements Sect and the next Sect have died. In the entire competition list, there are only five names left!

   Wuyu, Gouzhu, Ouyang Fan, Zhao Chong and Tang Su still exist. Wu Yu, Gouzhu, and Zhao Chong all survived because they reached the top of the Ghost Howling Palace. This is where the night king’s throne is. The place where all the officials worshipped was originally heavily guarded, but there were no restrictions placed around the throne.

   Ouyang Fan is the only one who lives here because of following Leng Lingqiu. No one knows whether the other four people in their team are dead or alive. As for Tang Su, he didn't know what life-saving magic weapon he had used to survive so far.

   The essence of these two hundred people was originally enough to directly push the Dark Night King to the realm of Jin Dan. But because Wu Yu was hit hard by an accident, he was one step away. At present, it is only the completion of the Purple Mansion, which is still a short line from the golden core.

   Not only that, but the instability of the soul, body, and soul caused by the resurrection just now is also a serious problem. Wu Yu's injury was like adding fuel to the fire. If he now casts mana at will, he may end up in a breakdown of the divine flesh.

   As Wu Yu, he is very clear about the situation after his resurrection. The support troops of the Five Elements Sect will come soon. At that time, if he had no Jin Dan cultivation base, it would not be enough to force the Five Elements Sect to withdraw from the Night Blind Mountain. Not only will he lose his foundation, he may also be besieged by the monks of the Five Elements School.

   All of this was originally planned by him and Qing Haifeng. Therefore, he had long given Qing Jifeng the secret recipe he had thought so hard, and let Qing Jifeng prepare the Nine Soul Calming Pill. As long as he takes this pill, he can stabilize the combination of the physical body, the soul and soul, and can also push up the first level, just reaching the early stage of the golden pill.

   "Nine Soul Concentration Pill, did you bring it?" The Night King finally spoke in his flesh. He also wanted to try this new body, he had been communicating with Hei Ling'er through voice transmission before.

   Hei Ling'er was desperately urging his whole body's true energy to confront the meteorite Dingfang Inkstone on the top of Mount Tai. But the Night King asked directly, how dare he not answer, resisting the pressure and reluctantly replied:

   "How dare the junior...have the trust of the king of defeat...that pill has been careful...keep it on the junior..."

   Although the situation is extremely urgent at this time, Hei Ling'er has not forgotten to count all the credit to himself. Naturally, he wouldn't mention that this pill had nothing to do with him, it was forcibly grabbed by black hands halfway through him.

   Dark Night King nodded, showing his approval: "Yes." But Hei Ling'er was obviously unable to give him medicine under the pressure. He swept his eyes to the others, and suddenly a black light flashed in his eyes, which disappeared in no time.

   The black light flashed, and the eyes of Goujiu, Huang Lu, Leng Lingqiu and others as if completely stunned. Hearing a loud bang, the giant shadow of Meteorite Ding’s Fang Yan quickly collapsed, turned into the size of a palm, and fell to the ground with a snap.

   Gouzhu and others were still in a daze, as if they had no idea what was happening. But the strength of this meteorite set Fang Yan's backlash was so strong. Everyone trembled, as if being hit hard, Huang Lu wowed out a mouthful of blood. However, Gouji, Leng Lingqiu and Ouyang Fan still stared blankly, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

   "Okay, give me your pill." The offensive of the Yan Tieding Fang Yan came to an uproar, and a group of foundation-building cultivators were all seriously injured. Hei Ling'er finally breathed a sigh of relief, and took the Heifeng Rotating Blade Formation away, and then touched the Nine Soul Concentration Pill he had been cautiously hiding on his chest.

   Unlike human monks, ghost owls generally do not use immortal lotus, but directly use their own crops for storage. Just like the immortal lotus cultivated by humans, starting from the realm of spirit beasts, the crop of ghost owls has a certain spatial power.

   But he didn't dare to put the nine soul calming pills into the crop without authorization. The crop storage is to be in and out of the mouth. This is the pill to be dedicated to the Night King. If he vomits out of his mouth and then contributes to the night king to eat, what kind of style is this?

   So after taking this pill from Hong Ye, he carefully wrapped it with a Jinpa and placed it next to his chest.

   Take out the pill, and the Night King can restore the golden core cultivation immediately after taking it. He must also become a well-deserved son of the ghost owl family! In fact, when he rushed to the Human World to participate in this war, he certainly came for benefits, but he didn't expect that the benefits would come so great that it made him tremble with excitement.

   He just put his trembling hand into his chest. But what is strange is that he touched it for a long time and didn't touch the Jinpa packet that was wrapped in a hard pill. Inside the pocket on the chest, is it empty?

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