Record of Chaos

Chapter 383: Gu Zhongyou went to the demon world, and Leng Lingqiu followed his teacher to the west

   In the Battle of the Dark Night King, Gu Zhongyou hardly made any effort to fight the ghost owl. Instead, he secretly killed Su Mu, the deputy elder of the Demon Hall, and sent Hong Ye into the ghost world.

   If this matter comes out, he would be a genuine betrayal of the sect. Fortunately, he was extremely concealed, no one knew at all except Hong Ye. Hong Ye was given a demon blood contract by him again, completely controlled in the palm of his hand.

   As for the three battlefields of Yumozhuyuan, Changye Town, and Night Blind Mountain, he was absent. He explained that he was ordered by Mo Shengshou to visit Bone Eagle Peak and was trapped in the weird space under Bone Eagle Peak.

   Bone Eagle Peak has the Ghost Howling Realm, and there is a blood-devouring and God-holding Array in the realm. Later, it collapsed. This matter has been recognized by the Five Elements Sect. Therefore, it is reasonable that he was trapped in the formation and was lucky to come to the conclusion. Mo Shengchou himself also testified about the fact that Mo Shengchou asked him to visit Bone Eagle Peak. Zongmen did not suspect that he would go to him.

   Instead, he used the imitation of the universe treasure plate to calculate that the target of the ghost owl was Bone Eagle Peak, which made him credited with a great achievement. It was based on his calculation that Mo Shengchou set up an ambush in Yeblin Mountain and killed five of the seven ghost owls in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, in the end, the resurrection of the Night King was not prevented.

   After the Battle of the Dark Night King, he did not immediately return to Yuntian City, but returned to the Five Elements Zong altar in the same state for investigation. At this time, he was planning to find a name to go to the demon world. Of course, he had used imitation treasures to deduct it a long time ago, and this reason will soon be delivered.

The ghost owl suddenly attacked Yeblin Mountain. Tens of thousands of mortals in Changye Town were killed and injured. The Five Elements Sect and the nearby families of people who cultivated large and small sects also lost hundreds of monks, and destroyed the treasures of a Ghost Howling Palace. Maybe just forget it, otherwise what's the face.

   But it is impossible for the Five Elements Sect to fight the demon world because of this. Although many tribes in the demon world are chaotic, once the human forces enter the demon world, they will face an attack like stabbing a hornet's nest. Even though the Five Elements Sect is one of the five major sects of the human world, it will not touch this mold.

   Since violence is not good, the only way is to talk. It is impossible for the ghost owls to surrender themselves. Only the Five Elements Sect can send envoys to go deep into the demon world and negotiate with the tribes of the demon world, threatening or exchanging certain interests to force the Ghost Owl Ten Thousand Valley Tribe to make a gesture and compensate.

   The post of messenger is obviously thankless and risky. Although there are a lot of babes in the Demon Realm, you still have to enjoy life? How easy is it to take people to find a lot of trouble for the monster race and force others to bow their heads for compensation? It's not bad to be back alive.

   Just when the elders were pushing three and four obstacles, Gu Zhongyou stood up and was willing to take on the matter. This immediately caused a sensation in the upper level of the Five Elements Sect. Under the praise, naturally no one would rob him.

   But he also took the opportunity to make a few requests. One is money. This time the Five Elements Sect is of course reasonable, but when did the demons make sense? What he has to do is to use the benefits to manage the various tribes of the demon race, and let them unite to put pressure on the ghost owl. So money is indispensable, and the money has to be paid by the sect.

  Second, he can't go alone, he needs to accept a few disciples to walk with him. He thinks that ordinary people cannot be trusted, only two people can be used.

   The two people he appointed happened to be the useless people in their respective divisions who had been helplessly approaching to give up. Gu Zhongyou wanted to collect garbage, and others couldn't ask for it. One of them is Leng Lingqiu.

   Gu Zhongyou will serve as the visiting demon envoy, and the visit to the Demon Realm Ten Thousand Flowing Valley is simple and cold.

   "If you are willing to worship me as a teacher, I will take you to the demon world to find Wu Yu. In fact, Wu Yu is still there, but he has already acquired the memory of the Night King."

   Leng Lingqiu was tangled inwardly. She must go to the demon world. It's just that the Demon Realm is an impossible place. Even if she has the identity of an envoy, she is very dangerous. If she does not have the identity of an envoy, she will die without life.

   If you go to the demon world as a disciple of the visiting demon ambassador, and use Gu Zhongyou's purple mansion strength as the backing, it will be much safer. There is at least a 90% chance of meeting Wu Yu successfully.

   But it didn't take long for her eyes to dim. What if I saw Wu Yu? Is he the Night King at this time, or is he Wu Yu before?

As if he could see through Leng Lingqiu's mind at a glance, Gu Zhongyou smiled and said: "Wu Yu did not die, only the memory of the Dark Night King. You think he is Wu Yu now, he is Wu Yu. Ruo. When he is the Night King, he is the Night King.

   "You want to cut off the memory of the Night King in his mind, as long as he is willing, it is not impossible. But even if he does not do this, he is still Wu Yu to you, and this will not change.

   "If you doubt in your heart, why not see it with your own eyes?"

   Gu Naka shoots a seductive color from his eyes.

   I must go to the Demon Realm and ask this person personally who he is now. She had already made this determination. It's just that she still couldn't make up her mind with this strange-eyed Gu Zhongyou. What kind of purpose does he have to recognize himself? Things in the world are not profitable and cannot be early.

   "I'm going to the Demon Realm. But Elder Gu, what the younger generation does not know is that the seniors are deliberate and want to take me to the Demon Realm. What is the purpose?"

"It's very simple." Gu Zhongyou narrowed his old eyes. "Since I have gone to the Ghost Owl tribe to find the face of Zongmen, if I don't have any chips in my hand, I will die in vain? I want to say that the Dark Night King has any weaknesses. , You are his only weakness. With you help me, I am at least 70% sure to get justice from the Ten Thousand Stream Valley."

   "Me? The elder joked. I'm just a disciple of Zhuji. The Night King is an ancient power. How can I become his weakness?"

   "Because the Dark Night King is not only the Dark Night King, he is also your Taoist companion-Wu Yu." Gu Zhongyou's narrowed eyes flashed with mysterious light.

   Gu Zhongyu said this, and what he thought was another matter. He must try to control the Night King, form an alliance with the ancient family, and jointly fight for the power of the demon world! Now that the Dark Night King is Wu Yu, Leng Lingqiu, his Taoist companion, is of course his necessary pawn.

   "Do you want him to become the Demon King forever, or revert to Wu Yu, with his heart in the human world? It all depends on you." Gu Zhongyou laughed.

   Three days later, Leng Lingqiu moved out of Xiushuiyuan permanently, and at the same time left Shuideyuan. Wu Xiuxian practiced in retreat, and she didn't even see her farewell. Promoted to Inner Sect Tianjiao, and officially became a disciple of Xiushui Garden, like a dream, passing away with the wind, and never returning.

   Wu Xiuxian suggested in a letter to Jin Lin that she should be expelled from the sect, but this is just a tacit understanding of all parties. After Gu Yuntang Gu Zhongyou accepted her as a disciple, the matter ceased. Shui Deyuan was unable to expel a disciple of Gu Yuntang from the sect.

   Although Leng Lingqiu is still a disciple of the Inner Sect, he no longer belongs to the Shuide Yuan, one of the five inner gates, but to the Ancient Yuntang. Even if Gu Zhongyou went to the Demon Realm, she would not be able to return to the Shui Deyuan, but would go to the ancient house of Yuntian City to practice.

   The reason why Leng Lingqiu was willing to worship Gu Zhongyu as a teacher, besides being able to go to the demon world to retrieve Wu Yu, Gu Zhongyu also gave her other benefits. One of them is to help her build her pill.

  Pill formation requires nearly a million pure Yang Pills. In fact, it is not really necessary to use so many pure Yang Pills, but the few foreign medicines necessary for Dan formation are extremely expensive. The reason for the high cost is that some raw materials are only produced in the monster world.

   If she and Gu Zhongyu go on a visit to the demon world, it would be much easier to obtain these foreign medicines.

She was discouraged because of Wu Yu, and almost lost Dao Xin, but now she has determination in her heart and plans to go to the Demon Realm to retrieve Wu Yu, but Xiang Dao's heart is After all, she has cultivated as Yue. Higher, the greater the hope of success. Although she is still far from Jin Dan, she can take a step further.

   Gu Zhongyou did not stay in the Five Elements Zong altar of Tongzhou for too long. By this year, that is, on the 15th day of the first month of the 27th year of Kun Yuan, he packed up and set off.

   It just fell a heavy snow, the whole Five Elements Sect was covered by heavy snow, and the world was white. The air is full of refreshing scent of ice and snow. This made Leng Lingqiu feel a little more relaxed.

   The flying boat that Gu Zhongyou prepared was not too big, just a few meters long. There were three small quiet rooms in the cabin, just enough for three people to travel together. At this time, Leng Lingqiu was already sitting in his quiet room in the cabin, but the flying boat had not taken off. Hearing Gu Zhongyou said that he accepted another disciple, and there were three people in this trip, including her. The man came a little later, and they had to wait a little longer.

   Three people in one boat, representing the Five Elements Sect, went to the demon world to retrieve tens of thousands of lives from the ghost owl family. Leng Lingqiu thought about this task and found it difficult, not knowing when he would return.

   opened the window and saw that there was a creamy snow outside the door. The thick snow presses on the dense woods in the distance, like a lot of snow houses. With the sound of squeaky stepping on the snow, a tall and burly figure, carrying a fur coat and a hat, stepped on the snow. Leng Lingqiu couldn't help but frowned.

   "It turned out to be him?"

   Leng Lingqiu discovered at this time that the other disciple that Gu Zhongyou had received was a fool, Ouyang Fan. This made her feel irritable. But she was unable to attack. After all, she really has no reason to interfere with Gu Zhongyou, now she is her master, who is going to recruit disciples.

   After a short while, a brainstorm lifted the flying boat into the air. Leng Lingqiu saw the heavy snow flying outside the window, which quickly turned into countless white lines flying from front to back.

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