Record of Chaos

Chapter 391: Run into the alleys in the night

   This kind of aquatic people who broke into the city alone wearing a short coat, Lu Hao had already decided that this person must be the so-called "wild clan".

  In the demon world, almost all clan demon come from the family. The remaining wild monsters are stubborn savage monsters, like wild beasts to the clan monsters. But sometimes there are wild monsters who suddenly become enlightened, tired of the jungle where the weak eat the flesh, and yearn for the mundane life like the clan monster.

   These wild monsters will try to turn into humans, put on a crown, and come to the city. Naturally, there is no tribe or family behind them, but they generally have a small family. Of course, these families will not be recognized by the clan demons, so they are called wild clan.

   If a demon clan tribe is annihilated, and there are some remnants, it will not be recognized by other clan tribes, and it will degenerate into a wild clan. This is the case with the herring tribe of Nanpo Lake.

   slaughter wild clan is one of the entertainment projects that clan demons love. Killing wild tribes is no different from hunting wild beasts. Not only can they prove their bravery, but the wild family is much richer than ordinary wild monsters alone, and they get more from hunting.

  The members of the wild family generally have close blood relations. Taking some of them as hostages, intimidating others, and then killing them one by one, watching them see their relatives being slaughtered but unable to rescue their pain is exactly what the Young City Lord wants to do right now.

   Soon he found the inn where the other party lived in Wuhan Alley. A stretch of here is the dwellings of Liangjiecheng. Now in the middle of the night, the moon hangs high and the doors of every house are closed.

   The so-called inn is actually a family. It's just that there are surplus rooms that are rented out to merchants.

The houses of these residents in Liangjiecheng are just the opposite of the tall, majestic, square and square business buildings. There is a continuous stretch of almost purple stones piled up randomly, shaped like a column made of stones, but there are a few on it. The hole is used as the window, and the stone is piled up spirally as the corridor and balcony.

   He was looking for the person, and he lived on the second floor of a column.

   The area north of the city is a famous slum area, and even if they kill it here, they don’t care about it. His only concern is to chase people away. He glanced at Haoli who was coming with him and said:

   "Sniff it first, lest you run away later."

   Haoli brought another silver-manded porcupine clan. The two quietly approached to the downwind position in the night, closed their eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then ran back.

   "This smell," Haoli not only has an extremely sensitive sense of smell, but also has a strong ability to remember the smell. "It really smells like a herring monster. But this smell seems a bit familiar..."

   "Oh? When did you smell it?"

"I remember!" Haoli suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "Last year the tribe went to the border to collect pearl jujubes and once passed a lake. Some people said that there was a fish monster in the lake and we all left by detour. This It's the smell of the lake on the human body."

   "Blood Lake?" Lu Hao frowned. The wild monsters in the blood lake are real. They are generally reluctant to provoke. But this also makes sense. This person is likely to be the descendant of that wild monster, who ran into the city to impersonate the clan monster.

   Although they are unwilling to provoke such high-level wild monsters, it doesn't matter to kill one of its descendants in the city. Even with the strength of the Transforming Demon, it would never be possible to kill Two Realms City. Even if he did come, he would just die by himself.

  The body of the Transfiguration Demon is all treasures, especially the beast core, but it is very valuable. Lu Hao even moved to catch the person, and then lured the transforming demon to come and hunt him in one fell swoop.

   "The three of you, wait on the roofs of the three buildings next to that building. Once this kid escapes, you will besiege together."

   Lu Hao fingered the three following younger brothers. After they got the order, they all jumped up the wall like ghosts under the night, and instantly lurked on the roofs of the surrounding three places. Just wait for others to do it.

   "You two, kick in. He will definitely escape from that window," Lu Hao pointed with his finger. Outside that window is a long and narrow corridor made of piled open-air stones.

   "The two of Hao Shao and I were there to ambush. Once we do, everyone surrounds us together. You can live or die, but it's better to get alive. The princess just lurks and interferes with the other party's voice transmission."

   After Lu Hao gave a proper explanation, everyone was ready to do it. He himself and Haoli left and right, lurking in the corridor outside the window.

   This window can be accessed by one person. But the stone wall is very thick, and both of them have secret techniques to suppress their own breath, and the other party must not feel the two of them in the room. When this person came out of the window and felt them, it was already late.

   Lu Hao had a small light blue octopus that was crystal clear as amber on his hand. It was covered with blue spots. The eight claws clung to his five fingers flexibly, and his two big eyes shone like black pearls.

   His blue ring crystal seal is the best entanglement, and it is highly poisonous. Once the opponent came out of this window and was entangled by its eight arms, he would definitely not be able to break free.


When    first saw the two approaching the inn, he thought they were just thieves passing by accidentally. But after a while, he saw several dark shadows sneaking under the moonlight, and he realized that this must be for him.

   I was incognito, came from a long distance, and never revealed his wealth, why suddenly someone wanted to deal with myself? Could it be a mistake, someone made a mistake?

   Looking back, he was not completely without wealth. His own purple key corresponds to a pill seed worth 1,500 taels of blood spirit stone. And that pill seed has disappeared somehow. Thinking about it this way, to deal with this group of people, it is very likely that the broken house is behind them.

   This is a shock to Goujiu. Duanli Baoshe is a well-known business name in the entire Xuanmen cultivation world. The strength is probably no less than the five sects of Middle-earth. If they deliberately want to deal with themselves, it would be very dangerous to be alone.

   Fortunately, it’s only a hundred miles away from the Valley of Blood, just within the range of the sound transmission jade slip and the big teleportation talisman. If Lian Ling came to rescue immediately after receiving the transmission, he would still have a lot of vitality.

   But if he teleported back to the blood valley immediately using the big teleport symbol, it would not work. It takes a while for the big teleport symbol to activate, and strong spatial fluctuations cannot be hidden. The opponent will take the opportunity to destroy, and 90% will fail to transmit.

   He immediately transmitted to Lian Ling: "Master, the place where you told me to pick up my things is not authentic! I don't want to pay for the things that I swallowed, and instead send someone to kill me, help!"

After    several times of help, he glanced out the window. In the past, the psychic fluctuations sent by the sound transmission jade slip shot directly into the sky. But this time, there was a strange ripple in the sky outside the window.

   The sound transmission jade slip can transmit the sound for about a hundred miles, and the shooting spirit does not have a fixed direction, but shoots all around at the same time, which was originally extremely weak. Not to mention mortals, even Xudan Taoists may not be able to detect it.

   But the hook has the power of eyes, so I noticed this. There seemed to be a large invisible net like a water film unfolding in the air, intercepting his voice transmission.

   Not only that, but there was also a very subtle and strange psychic that came back along the path of his own sound transmission, as if injected into his own sound transmission jade slip.

   "Where the wild monsters come from, they don’t know whether they live or die. Hurry up and throw the things you shouldn’t take on the ground, and the immortal deity will leave you a way to survive. Otherwise, let you know what life is better than death!"

   This weird sound transmission keeps drifting out of the sound transmission jade slips. The voice is neither male nor female. It is weird and sharp, and the tone is cold. It is extremely uncomfortable to hear it. I can't help but want to drop my fairy lotus and run away.

   "What kind of magic can be used to disturb people's minds by using Sound Transmission Jane?"

   Fortunately, I followed Miao Qizhong and Tong Yao to learn the resistance of spiritism. I had already experienced these confusing techniques for a long time, and they were not too messy to resist.

   He immediately woke up, took out the jade slip that was completely out of his arms and pinched it with his hand. The jade slip suddenly shattered, and the strange sound transmission from the jade slip stopped. Only after such a tossing, he was temporarily unable to contact Lian Ling and Huang Lu on the blood lake.

   The sound transmission jade slip is not uncommon. You can buy a Xuan Yin Pill or a coin of Blood Spirit Stone in the Xuan Men shop. As long as the other party does not change the jade slip at the same time, he can still use the new jade slip to contact them.

   Just after a short while, there was a bang, and the door was kicked and flew into the house. Two big men in black wearing ghost masks walked in side by side, each holding a weapon, releasing a blood pressure, both of which were intermediary spirit beast level monsters.

   After the two people came in, they were taken aback. The room is not big, it can be said that it is unobstructed. Their eyes swept across the four corners of the room, and there was no one in their eyes. The paper window sash closed tightly and there was no movement at all.

   Is there no one in the room? However, they could clearly feel that each other's breath was in the room. This invisible fear instantly enveloped their hearts.

   One of them turned his head back suddenly, shouting: "Where to escape!" He only saw a corner of the clothes at the top of the door, and the other party disappeared instantly.

   Gouzhu was clearly seen from the dark eyes. Two demon repairs came in from the front door, and two demon repairs were guarding outside the window, obviously waiting for him to ambush when he escaped from the window. Where can he make the other party do what he wants?

   He had already performed light work and jumped, and he put his back on the wall, and his body was firmly attached to the wall above the gate.

   He couldn't perform this trick when he was a thief. After possessing Xuanmen True Qi, it is easy to make many difficult movements that were unimaginable before. If there is a chance to re-emerge, he feels that he has the opportunity to become a generation of thief.

   After the two demons rushed into the room, the first thing they saw was that there was no one on either side of the door, and then the room was inside. Gouzhu was on the wall above their heads at that time, but they didn't look up, and then rushed into the room.

   Gouzhu didn't want to entangle them in the room. He was close to the wall like a gecko. He turned over at the door, before he touched the ground, and then turned out the door, leaving the two demon cultivators still stupidly staying in the house.

   It was late at night outside the gate, although it was March in the spring, the mountain city was cold at midnight. The thin clouds in the sky cover the moon, but cannot cover the dark and frosty moonlight. The mountain breeze hit from behind, and Gouji jumped with the wind, and silently crossed the gap between the two buildings about ten feet wide like a cat.

On the roof opposite to   , there was also a demon repairing sword waiting. But he saw a black shadow flashing under the moonlight in front of him, and an extremely cold palm wind reached his chest!

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