Record of Chaos

Chapter 409: 1 Lake is warm in spring and moonlight, 0 feet are cold

   Goujiu knows when she talks to herself that this nymphomaniac is going out in the middle of the night and I don’t know which lover she is dating. But this matter had nothing to do with him, so naturally he was not interested, so he controlled the Lan Han puppet to the door and squeezed it gently into the door, without making a sound, he squeezed out easily.

   Outside Xiao Di's bedroom is a short corridor. At the end of the corridor is a small room with a narrow single bed. Xiao Lin'er, Xiao Di's close maid, was asleep and snoring. She didn't notice the Lan Han puppet slipping over.

   Outside the gate is a small courtyard. In the courtyard is a pool of spring water, and there is a rockery in the pool. It is still at night now, only the lanterns hanging under the eaves are reflected in the water, as if even the koi in the pool are asleep.

   The blue cold puppet continued to sneak out of the courtyard. There are also restrictions around Xiao Di's small courtyard. Desperate has the power of the eye, and it is clear to these restrictions. The layout can be considered meticulous, but fortunately, the main thing is to prevent foreign enemies from entering, not to prevent people from going out.

   Even so, Goujiu still has to carefully manipulate the blue cold puppet, and can't touch those warning prohibitions. Otherwise, the alarm bells in the entire courtyard would be unsightly.

   After leaving the courtyard, the atrium of Xiao's house outside was extremely large. The first thing he saw was a ginkgo forest. The Xiao Mansion is quite large, and this road is also coming. However, it was also in the middle of the night. Xiao Di and Xiao Lin'er were both seriously injured and carried him in without paying attention to the surrounding environment.

   Outside the ginkgo forest, there is another piece of water as wide as a hundred steps. I don’t know if it is a lake or a river. The bright moon hangs on the water, and there seems to be a unique boat on the water.

   But Gouji took a closer look with the eyes of the puppet, and it was not a real boat, but an island built of stones. If you want to come to this kind of moonlight and breezy night, you must enjoy the waterscape on the pavilion of the stone boat attic.

   The water is quite wide, but there is no bridge here. Only a series of stone piers allowed one person to walk onto the stone boat. There is a stone bridge leading to the other side of the stone boat.

   It is not easy to get around this water surface, even if there is a way to cross it, it is not sure. When he was taken up, he was staggered and seemed to have passed this stone pier. He controlled the puppet to leap into the water gently.

   A soft thud broke the silence of the night. But there were koi flapping in the water, and no one noticed it. After the blue cold octopus entered the water, it moved more quickly, just like a fish, and instantly followed the stone pier under the stone boat.

   came out of the water to take a look, and he couldn't help but let out a soft cry. In the backyard in the middle of the night, beside the stone table on the deck of the stone ship, there was a young man who was wearing a brightly colored brocade robe, looking nervously at the direction of Xiaodi courtyard.

   "Xiao Jian, it's been a quarter of an hour by the time you agreed. Why hasn't she come yet? Could something happen?"

   The voice was hoarse and dull, but it did not come from this young man, but from the attic of the stone ship. Lan Han Ling Puppet looked in that direction, only to see that the attic had three floors, and the windows on the second and third floors were all black holes. No one could be seen, but there was a faint coercion from the attic.

   This person tried his best to hide his breath, but he didn't use voice transmission, but directly talked to Xiao Jian who was sitting on the first floor in a low voice. This is because voice transmission in this densely restricted house is easy to be detected by the house formation, causing the alarm.

   The two talked in a low voice on the empty lake, thinking that no one could hear it. But none of them thought that there would be an octopus eavesdropping in the lake.

"Don't worry." Xiao Jian, who was sitting at the stone table, was obviously nervous and nervous, but tried to pretend to be confident and replied in a low voice, "My sister has to dress up for a long time every time she comes out. It's common to be late. Master, you want to take that thing this time, is it really foolproof?"

   "Hmph, I don't know how to write the word miss. It's you kid, just make me less trouble!" Although the voice of that person was suppressed very low, the pressure of the demonstration remained unabated. Sitting Xiao Jian immediately lowered his head and said no more.

   Gouzhuo's heart shook, and it seems that Xiao Di's cousin was the one who came out to date. And this date is obviously not simple. I don't know what this person wants to come and get, is it a company with him?

   He was hesitating whether to notify Xiao Di, but at this time he heard a sound of footsteps approaching from far away, and two women hurriedly approached. The one in front carrying a lantern is the maid Xiao Lin'er. The slender young lady in the back wearing a dark silk skirt was the eldest lady of the Xiao family, Xiao Di.

   When the two reached the water's edge, Xiao Di asked Xiao Lin'er to wait at the water's edge with a lantern, and walked onto the stone pier road by himself. Not far out, I saw a man faintly sitting at the table with his head down under the bright moon.

   She stranded her hair nervously, checked her outfit again, approached carefully from behind, excitedly thinking about giving him a surprise. Tipping to three steps away, she suddenly heard a soft noise from the attic.

   Before she could raise her head, she already felt an inexplicable breath descend from the sky, quietly coming to her back. Then a strange weapon that was cold and sharp like iron clamp pinched her neck from behind, making her unable to make a sound.

   A hoarse voice fell into her ears: "Miss Xiao, your life and death are between your thoughts. If you cooperate well, I will keep you safe."

   Xiao Di was still immersed in joy for the last moment, but this moment was like falling into an ice cellar, trembling all over. The neck was firmly stuck in a circle of sharp strange blades from back to front, and he couldn't say anything, and he didn't dare to move at all. The coercion revealed by the other party was unfathomable and unclear. He could break his neck with a thought.

   At this time, the person sitting at the stone table raised his head. What really shocked Xiao Di was that this person was his cousin Xiao Jian, whom he had admired for many years! It's just that his eyes flickered at this time, trying to avoid his own eyes, looking restless.

   "Brother Jian?" Xiao Di's mind was in confusion. Why would I be arrested in my own house? Why was my cousin close in front of him, and he clearly saw what happened to him as he didn't?

   "It's your turn to play." Baizu Feitian didn't speak to Xiao Di, but said to Xiao Jian, "Now ask Xiao Sutian for something like that. As long as the things get in my hands, the Xiao family will be yours."

   Xiao Jian was already nervous and trembling all over. Their plan was to first capture Xiao Di as a threat to Xiao Sufeng, and then he would go to see Xiao Sufeng in the middle of the night, wait for an opportunity to make a plot, and control the entire Xiao family.

   Although Xiao Jian helped him open the nursing home and let him in, it was still not so easy to plot against Xiao Sufeng. Xiao Jian could only lead him into the Xiao family compound. Xiao Sufeng's living room has another inner courtyard, even the younger generations like Xiao Jian and Xiao Di can't enter and leave at will.

   Even if he could enter, he would be even stronger than his strength of flying to the sky with the realm of Master Sufeng. Being on the opponent's turf again, banning dense coverage and storming the inner courtyard, he has no chance of winning at all.

   It is much more certain that Xiao Jian will make a secret calculation. After all, he is Xiao Sufeng's You can just find an excuse to go in, Xiao Sufeng will definitely not be guarded. Suddenly at that time, even if it failed, there was still a hostage like Xiao Di. Xiao Sufeng regards women as fate, and once this card is played, he will obediently submit.

   Even so, Xiao Jian still feels sifting through chaff. It was simple to think about, but it was his turn to actually do it, and he still couldn't take this step forward in the face of the uncle who was born with a powerful deterrent to him.

   But thinking that my mysterious master promised him, as long as he can get the thing in Xiao Sufeng's hand, he can become the lord of the Xiao family, and he will never feel like being under the fence anymore. With this thought, his heart was full, and he was about to step towards the inner courtyard where Xiao Sufeng lived. Hundred-footed Feitian suddenly slapped his head and said:

"Wait. There is still an outsider caught in the secret room in Xiao Di's room. I think about it, just in case, while the other party is not prepared, it is better to take care of this person first. Otherwise, it will be a variable after all. Your master I don't want to capsize in the gutter."

   After saying that his left hand quickly touched the back of Xiao Di's head, Xiao Di suddenly passed out. He hugged Xiao Di horizontally, stretched out a strand of Xiao Di's forehead hair under the moonlight, and couldn't help sighing:

   "It's worthy of being a human being, who is born with such a perfect human body. It is a pity that both the client Xiao Sufeng and this girl must die, otherwise I really want to stay and be a close handmaid."

   The two walked across Shidun Road, and Xiao Lin'er was waiting holding a lantern. Seeing Xiao Di being hugged horizontally in the hands of a skinny man in black, she was not surprised. Instead, she respectfully made a fortune and called out cordially, "Brother Jian."

Xiao Jian waved his hand, pointed forward, and said, "Lead the way, let's deal with the hidden man in the secret room first." Xiao Lin'er nodded and led the two hurried to Xiao Di's small courtyard. Zhu's hiding place came.

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