Record of Chaos

Chapter 467: The heroes gather in the Lingshen Garden, and the apes fought fiercely against the roc

   Although it is said that this continent covers a vast area of ​​thousands of miles, the distribution of spiritual energy is different. In particular, the middle-grade and top-grade demon ginseng are almost all distributed within a hundred li radius of the core where the aura is most concentrated, which is the location of the ginseng garden.

   The purpose of teleportation in the Dengtian Temple was originally in the Lingshen Garden. Just because of the terrestrial change, there have been some deviations.

   But the people who sent into this continent, except for some zombies sent by black armor to collect demon ginseng in remote areas, almost all came along this spiritually rich land that was sensed by the gods. The same goes for Lin Meier's dragging.

   Flying hundreds of miles forward, Lin Meier finally approached this area. Probably because the Sealed Breath Array was better preserved in this area, and gravity gradually recovered. The world is much quieter. Most of the flying rocks in the sky have fallen to the ground.

   A slightly flat area appeared before her eyes, and the sky was dark, like a night sky full of clouds. The sun is as dim as the moon, with light penetrating through the clouds and hanging in the air.

   her wings stretched forward, she had stopped falling to the ground, taking advantage of the momentum, she threw it to the ground. After tumbling on the ground for a while, Xian stopped, let out one last scream, and then fell silent.

   Lin Meier received the silver chain, and did not return the shame, but received it from her own fairy lotus without changing her face.

   Gouzhu has been hitting big and small rocks along the way, and now he has a broken head and a bruised face. Seeing him like this, after all the grievances he had led as a dog had been reported, Lin Meier instantly regained her identity as a spiritual pet.

   "Hey, my master's brother is suffering." She approached her with amorous feelings and applied hemostatic medicine to the head of the hook to stop the bleeding, showing care in her eyes. He glanced at her in horror, "Isn't this what you did?"

   "Brother master, what do you say, it is the slave's duty to take you to fly."

   "I'd better go by myself." Goujiu was already unable to complain. But since the gravity has recovered in this area, he can walk on his own, and it is not a problem even to control the Phoenix-blooded kite, so he no longer needs to be hung in the air to fly a kite.

   "Brother Master, wait a minute. There are people in front. When they have played enough here, we will go over again and we won't make a trip to this muddy water."

   This soil rock can absorb aura, and it seems to have a similar effect to the dry spirit iron marrow. The scope of the divine consciousness of the two of them became smaller, and it was only a few miles away that they realized that someone was fighting in front of them.

   Fortunately, gravity is normal in this area, so there is no need to worry about being blown away by another strong wind. The two of them lay on the black soil rock, carefully peeping at the surging ideas ahead, two groups of people are fighting hard.

   One of them is the six-headed demon world spirit ape, one or two heads higher than ordinary people, and the figure is as big as a hill. Gou Zhuo was shocked when he saw these menacing guys in the Dengtian Temple, but he felt a real sense of horror when he saw them take action.

   Among the six races of the Demon Realm, the Spirit Ape Clan is similar to the Treant, and they all use their powerful flesh to kill all over the world. But relatively speaking, the treant is strong in its deep roots, and insists on Qingshan's unrelenting defense. The spirit ape is focused on flexibility, and the power of impact is exploding.

The ape monsters wear black bronze armor, but they simply protect their chests and backs. Their huge arms are covered with thick brocade-like black hairs. They wield a giant axe and a sledgehammer, almost completely destroying the mountain. The brute force of the broken tablet made another group of people unable to lift their heads.

   The number of opponents is dominant, there are eight people. But they have different ideas and magic weapons, and they are not of the same race. Compared with the stormy offensive of the ling apes, they were much weaker, and they were hammered into meat sauce before they could react.

Among them was a delicate woman in a purple dress, who screamed at the moment of crisis: "Let's infuse infuriating energy together!" Unfolding her body with a light red silk, a red semi-circular arc light shaped like a rainbow suddenly formed, and the eight of them All covered.

   The heavy hammers of the spirit apes hit this arc, originally like tearing paper into it. But the eight people inside reacted and worked together, and the red rainbow immediately became bright and solid, and instead bounced the attack of the ape monsters.

   The demon apes thumped like a drum, but this rainbow strike was faltering and did not immediately collapse. The woman in purple said loudly:

"Dear fellow daoists, I am a disciple of the Inner Sect of the Yin Yang Sect's Xia Caiyun Temple. I only look for a middle and lower grade demon spirit ginseng pill as an experience, and I have no intention of competing with you for the top grade demon spirit ginseng. Although some of my colleagues come from all sects , But it is also the intention. Please let us go, we must stay away from the Lingshen Garden."

   They are small disciples and casual cultivators of the human race. They didn't have the chance to get a recommendation letter, but like the gossip, they got it through various channels and got mixed in, thinking that they could compete fairly with those big disciples.

   I didn't expect that as soon as they came in, they would be specially taken care of by all the disciples of the great demon realm.

A spirit ape headed by    screamed, and retorted reluctantly: "This demon ginseng meeting is originally exclusive to the five races and four sects, and the fascinating quit obediently, otherwise you will be hammered to death!"

The face of the woman in    Caiyun'an changed, her face showing resentment. Although they are from different sects and are not in unison, they are more in number than the other, and both sides have completed the foundation and perfection. There is really no reason to be scared by the other and run away.

   "Huh, it's too pressing, please don't keep your hands!"

   "Obviously we also hold recommendation letters, why are they exclusive?"

   These people were first beaten by these monsters, and then considering that they were in the monster world, the spirit apes were famous and unwilling to offend, so they were more eager to avoid war.

   I didn't expect that these spirit apes were not just giving them a predicament. If they had to force them to withdraw from the ginseng garden, they could no longer bear it.

   There were five of this group of people desperately supporting the Red Rainbow of the Caiyunan Sister, and the other three had their own tricks and displayed their magic weapons. The three-line streamer flew towards a spirit ape in front of him.

   Only three booms were heard, and the top of the ape's head exploded continuously, bursting out a three-color flower. Although he didn't burst his head, the corners of his eyebrows were torn open several times.

He never seemed to have thought that Xiao Xiao, in their eyes, dared to counterattack. He was furious, opened his mouth with fangs, and screamed, calling all the spirit apes to the red rainbow on the side of human repair even more violently. Smashed the past.

   It is not this ape demon who is really shocked, but these people repaired. They are all monks who have built the foundation to perfection, and there is no realm difference from these monsters. The three of them work together to attack the vital point of a demon ape, not to mention a single blow, at least it will be a serious injury, but it is only a slight injury if you don't want it?

"Not good," if the female sister of Caiyun'an who fully used the defensive arc has realized, "Xishangyan has the effect of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, as well as our out-of-body true qi and magic treasures. The power is at least It has been weakened by 30%. Those demon apes rely on the power of the flesh, but they are not affected much."

  As soon as she said this, the expressions of everyone under the red rainbow changed a little. Some people have already shown retreat in their eyes.

   But on another thought, they have eight people, and subtracting 30% of their strength is equivalent to having more than five people. There are only six demon apes. Although there is a little gap, but the difference is not far.

   They were able to get the letter of recommendation, and they paid a huge price. How can they be willing to come back empty-handed when they are forced?

   Even if he had to fail, the idea of ​​life and death was sent out, so why bother to retreat? Their eyes flickered each had their own thoughts, but their fighting spirit gradually ignited. One of them said:

"We first stabilize our defense, and then free up the hands of the five people. With one blow together, we should be able to kill a spirit ape. At that time, the balance of victory and defeat will inevitably tilt towards us, even if we wipe out this group of monsters. Possibly. It’s just that you must not retain your strength anymore!"

   Everyone agrees. But although the idea is good, the reality is not that simple. It is inevitable that there will be a dispute about who is attacking who is defending and who is listening to orders. At this time, the attack of the ape was even more fierce, and the entire red rainbow was hit like a candle in the wind.

   At this time, an empty inspiration flashed in the sky, revealing two handsome men wearing black and white Tai Chi robes, wearing lotus jade crowns, holding floating dust and carrying swords on their backs.

   The two stood on a flying kite of the Yin-Yang sect, looking at the fighting technique below, with hesitation in their eyes, as if they had not seen the situation clearly.

   At this time, the sister of the Caiyun Temple under the red rainbow was overjoyed. She recognized these two people at a glance that they were the disciples of the Yin Yang School. The Yin-Yang Sect is not only the same sect, but also their upper sect, which can be regarded as half of the same sect.

   The situation is at odds with each other. If you join these two Yin-Yang sect disciples, they will have an overwhelming advantage. So she kept calling: "Senior Brother Shangzong help!"

Two Onmyoji disciples heard the call, and one of them said to the other: "Master asked us to gather with the brigade as soon as possible. We seem to have gone the wrong way. The world is chaotic, the spirit is suppressed, and there are so many idle people. Why is it easy to find a messy aura?"

   Another person said: "Then follow the rules agreed by the sects this time and send them off."

   After speaking, the two of them pinched their tactics, and saw one black and one hundred two sharp sword lights, shooting like lightning at the defensive red rainbow that the man cultivated!

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