Record of Chaos

Chapter 531: The sky is full of flying rocks, it's hard to count, cut the brain and shoot the

   Goujiu finally climbed to the top. Above the peak of the passage is a cloud of white spiritual light composed of empty teleportation array. The moment he touched the white light, he was involved in the teleportation array. After an earth-shaking turbulence, he appeared above the sea of ​​fire.

   The sea of ​​fire no longer exists. After the boundless sea of ​​flames lost the restraint of their inspiration, they scattered everywhere, melting nearby rocks, and then flowing into the cracks in the rocks below. There was only one huge pit with many remnants of solidified lava.

   There used to be countless huge stone pillars erected in the sea of ​​fire, each one as high as thousands of feet, but now they no longer stay in the huge pit, but float above the head.

   The entire fire pit became open, directly exposed in the air. The rock formation above the sea of ​​fire, from here to the Hall of Breathing, has completely disintegrated into countless fragments. It is dragged by the spirit to float in the air like a chaotic flock of crows, flying around and colliding with each other, emitting flashes and thunder.

   The most conspicuous fragments are hundreds of huge pillars, floating slowly in the air, colliding with each other from time to time. At the same time, the huge crater in the sea of ​​fire continued to grow. All the rocks on the ground are constantly cracking into pieces and flying into the air.

   After coming out of the teleportation formation, he did not fall into the huge pit, but floated in the air like the rocks. The gravity here has disappeared. Although his wind can't support himself to fly, he can barely move himself in this place without gravity, but there is no problem, but the speed is not fast.

   Those huge pillars still emit strong spirit waves, affecting countless spirit lines in the big array. They are not ordinary stone pillars, nor are they just part of the boundless forbidden sea of ​​flames, but the pillars of the entire enveloping formation. Just like the dragon wood pillar he used when setting up the formation.

   In addition to flying debris, the sky is also full of terrifying spatial vortexes, like many terrifying tornadoes entangled in the air that are so huge to make people feel palpable. As for the more than sixty cultivators who had successfully built the foundation, they had long since been shattered by these fragments or swallowed into those spatial vortices and disappeared.

Although    Gouzhu still has body protection infuriating energy, it can only defend against some gravel with a slower movement speed. If he was hit head-on by a fist-sized flying stone that was extremely fast, the power was no less than an attack from a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and he could not be able to resist it.

   Fortunately, his eyes can be calculated as a chance. If the fragments within a hundred steps around the body fall into his eyes, he will calculate in advance and avoid it in advance. What's helpless is that there are so many fragments in the sky. After a little calculation, he feels dizzy and it is impossible to exhaust all possibilities.

   A huge stone pillar is slowly approaching. This stone pillar helped him stop a lot of bombardment and made his mind sober. He immediately urged Feng Dun to fly to the stone pillar with Lian Ling on his back. The two fell into a huge gap in the stone pillar. It is relatively safe here.

   But safety is only relative. From time to time, rubble still fell near them, making a loud noise. Moreover, the inside of this big pillar is constantly cracking like an earthquake, chipping and floating away one by one. It's just that the speed is much slower than that of the ordinary loam rock outside.

   These stone pillars are actually huge formations built under the Breathing Hall, originally the pillars of the great formations. The big formation continued to collapse, and these formations were still trapped by the spirit, so they did not immediately turn into fragments, and their movement was much slower than other stones.

   Looking at the sky full of inspirational lines, a strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind. These lines of inspiration bound the huge stone pillar, and at the same time, it was full of strength like a tight bowstring. If it can change the direction of some of the spiritual lines, it is possible to eject the entire stone pillar like a bow and arrow.

   It seems that flying humans might want to change the spiritual line that implicates this huge stone pillar, but he is not out of nowhere. He has the dragon wood pillar that can affect the spatial intelligence. If it is placed in a key position, it can be like a lever, affecting the whole world with a slight force.

   But the consequences of all this are still unpredictable. The entire stone pillar is a thousand feet tall and has a diameter of ten feet. Such a behemoth, once it is ejected by the heaven and the earth, its power is earth-shattering, and no one knows what will happen.

   Judging from the setting of this large array of spirits, these stone pillars are also made of soil rock. The earth souls in them have been strangled to death, and they are no longer the real breathing soil. As long as they are separated from the large breathing formation, they will turn into a pile of ordinary fine sand. Desperate hope is that this large pile of soft fine sand will let her and Lian Ling land safely.

   But this is far from what he can calculate. Not to mention that he doesn't have the power of heart formation, the invisible places are convenient and impossible to calculate. Even if he has, this sky full of billions of dollars is affected by countless inspirations at any time, his mind can't accommodate anyway, and it is impossible to exhaust all the possibilities one by one.

   If the huge stone pillar under his feet ejects according to his predetermined trajectory, there will be no gravel to stop it. But if flying rocks all over the sky happened to smash him to death, this kind of danger would be unpredictable. The other thing is what will happen after leaving the Sealed Breath Array, that is really all by fate.

   He hesitated about this. It's just that time is not waiting. Once the huge stone pillar under his feet disintegrated completely, they would have no place to stand. There are no giants between the sky and the earth, and he can only count the sky full of rubble, and it will definitely die.

   "Why, don't you dare to do it?" Lian Ling was still connected to his mind, he could detect his obvious hesitation. At this time, the huge stone pillar under their feet was crackling like a burning bamboo, bursting in danger.

   "My spiritual knowledge can't be regarded as this brilliant idea! But I don't want us to die here!"

While    Gouzhu was speaking, his divine consciousness was still running wildly. In his mind is a huge chess board, and the sky full of rocks are chess pieces.

   Of course he can abandon some scraps and only include those large enough stones. But this chessboard is still huge, forming a complicated and boundless game.

   He uses a large array of spirits as his bow, and this giant stone pillar as an arrow, which has greatly simplified the situation, enabling him to find a way out of this chaotic and impending chess game.

   But is this path feasible? Can he and Lian Ling get out alive? He can't count the ending anyway. Even a 70% or 80% result cannot be calculated.

   And this game is still evolving wildly, every moment after that it will be more complicated than it is now. He clearly knew that with his spiritual knowledge, the speed of calculation was not as fast as the speed at which this chess game became more chaotic. It can be said that every moment he thinks, he gets closer to his death. But he just couldn't get out as if he had fallen into a quagmire. The deeper he sank, the more he couldn't make up his mind.

   Lian Ling reminded him calmly: "Human power can't calculate destiny. You only need to do your best, and the rest is your own way. If you have to calculate completely, you will be dead."

   Gouzhu was awakened by this from the crazy deduction calculation.

   His whole body was surging with real energy, and the white sky in the air flashed through the sky, and four large yellow dragon wood pillars appeared in the air, crossing each other, forming the shape of two scissors, and cutting them in the air. An invisible line of inspiration in the air broke off and flew away.

   The reason why this huge stone pillar moved slowly was precisely because it was caught between two inspirations, like a long arrow stuck between two extremely tough bowstrings, shaking slowly all the time. Now one of the bowstrings was cut off with the force of the dragon wood's air escape, and the other bowstring immediately showed great power and suddenly bounced.

Even if it is just such a simple shot, in which direction it is aimed, whether it can avoid those space storms flying around in the air, and avoid as many rocks in the air as possible, it all depends on the order of cutting the spiritual line and the line he calculated. The time is now.

   He felt the huge stone pillar under him move with a bang, and immediately clung to the crack on the surface of the stone pillar with Lian Ling. A shocking force came from the stone pillar, and the entire huge stone pillar suddenly ejected into the air!

   The stone pillar accelerated to an incredible speed almost instantly. The rocks flying in the sky were originally flocks of crows, but now they suddenly turned into a galloping rainstorm. All the rubble turned into a black line in the air, slamming on the huge stone pillar that speeded up extremely fiercely.

   It's relatively easy to avoid those eye-catching space storms. The only thing that can't be calculated is these rocks. The entire big column was attacked by this torrential rain, and in an instant, fires and dust were everywhere, and the booming noises continued.

   Houzhu blocked the Meteorite Dingfang Inkstone in front, but there were still countless rock fragments flying through the gap, cutting through his back like a sharp blade. He protected Lian Ling under his body, with a tender body that was soft and boneless on the one hand, and a cold lingchi with a thousand swords on the other!

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