Record of Chaos

Chapter 545: In the past ten thousand years, now 1 piece of loose sand

  Lin Han has already left. Although Lin Meier's body has gradually recovered, the soul is still asleep. The nineteenth entered the period of degeneration, and the same could only sleep. In the Linwang Mansion, there seemed to be more people sleeping suddenly.

After    Gouzhu successfully formed a pill, he jumped directly to the three colors of the virtual pill because of the Yin-Yang double crystal pill seed and the effect of the non-imaginative pill. This has also brought a side effect, his realm is very unstable, as if he might fall at any time. He can't be lazy every day like before now, he must continue to cultivate hard to consolidate his cultivation, this can not be achieved in a few days.

   Under the action of his own stele, he spent three thousand taels of blood spirit stone plus a purple mansion slaughter arrow, and the wood finally raised the realm to the two-color virtual pill of physical cultivation without any danger.

   But even Ling will not use this shortcut anymore in a short time. One is that there are not enough blood spirit stones. Another, the nineteenth involvement in danger also shows that there are still some unexpected surprises.

   Huang Lu's cultivation base progressed faster or slower than that of Gouzhu and Mumu, and it had reached the late stage of Xudan tricolor. She basically doesn't need resources, just keep refining the golden core that Huang Quan gave her.

   But her physical cultivation is progressing too fast, but her spirit cannot keep up, and there is a danger of losing control. Fortunately, Gouzhu brought a lot of middle-grade demon spirit ginseng from the sealed breath formation this time. Lian Ling spent a lot of effort to refine these demon ginseng into spiritual liquid for her to take, and the effect was not bad.

   After the nineteenth accident, Lian Ling suddenly felt a little tired. In the past, when she was in Cuiyu Palace, she only needed to take care of Lian Ping's sister. The remaining hospitals and churches have their own elders in charge, and she does not need to intervene and is too lazy to intervene.

   But it was precisely because of this that Xingtang's line of influence was so powerful that they calculated the conspiracy and trickery on her.

   Now she has her own Bi Luo line, but the number of disciples to take care of has also increased dramatically. She also needs to continue to practice Golden Core to climb the upper realm, and she feels stretched in time and energy.

   Settle down on the nineteenth, supervising Gouzhu obediently went to the quiet room to practice alone. She entered the backyard of the Linwang Mansion and sat on a wooden chair. She was about to close her eyes and rest for a while, suddenly her heart surged. She opened her eyes, and as expected, the tall jade bi in front of her brightened.

   With the Royal Palace of Lin and the status of Grand Master, she spent a lot of money to install a sound transmission wall. In places like the Cuiyu Palace thousands of miles away, the sound transmission wall must be used to transmit the information in time. Otherwise, you will have to fly pigeons to pass the book, and the exchanges will take a few days, and you may be intercepted in the middle.

   Cuiyu Palace is still under the control of Lian Ping. After all, she and Huo Yun had two bright purple houses, plus Miao Zhong and Zhu Liuhe's two dark children, no matter how powerful the Gui Xuanyin and the Gu clan were, it would not be possible to turn the sky in a short time.

   The bad news is that after Gui Xuanyin entered the Five Qi of the Purple Mansion, his cultivation progressed amazingly, and he had entered the late stage of the Five Qi of the Purple Mansion, and he was looking for top-grade Jindan foreign medicine. He even set his sights on the roots of Qin Zunyang's root cave in the Zisheng stele. But it is not easy.

   Not to mention that the cultivator of the Purple Mansion could not enter the Self-Born Tablet, even if he could enter the Root Cave, he would have already entered the Root Cave when he was building the foundation. This was the second time he entered and was greatly rejected. Moreover, his own monument is the jurisdiction of the outer court, without her reminding, Huo Yun will also forcefully prevent this.

   Lian Ling put away the broken thoughts that even bothered her, quietly waiting for the information on the other side of the sound transmission wall. This time, it was not the younger sister of Cuiyu Palace who took the initiative to inform her, but from the tree man she had been waiting for.

   The light and shadow on the sound transmission wall surged. But as a whole, it is not getting brighter, but getting darker and darker, gradually turning into a deep green. This is because the environment where the opponent is located is quite dark and should be somewhere deep in the dense forest.

"Elder Ku, Zunjia is really a dragon that sees the head but not the end." Seeing a group of vaguely humanoid shadows appeared on the dim jade bib, Lian Ling couldn't help but sigh, "You and I agreed to let me be in the twenty-sixth year and November Meeting at the Two World Monuments on the 30th. It is already twenty-eight years now."

   "Don't even make fun of fellow Daoists." The vague figure couldn't see clearly, but it made a clear and slow voice. Although it was in the native language of the human race, it was a bit jerky and not smooth.

"It's a blessing for the old man to be able to communicate with fellow Daoists here. Now Kino imperial followers have a name. The royalists who died or fled back then have been wiped out within the scope of Mianshan Mountain. The old man has also been hunted down many times, and he has been killed for a long time. He finally found a temporary place to stay and was overwhelmed by himself. How could he go to the two boundary monuments as scheduled?"

   "That's it." Lian Ling was obviously unwilling to get involved in the dispute within their tree clan. But this matter has something to do with wood. She sighed helplessly:

"In the past, Kino asked me to guard his orphan until he was an adult before he sent it back to Mt. Sleepy Hill before he died. I thought that the wood is now an adult, so you can leave it to Elder Ku, but I didn’t expect it to be so troublesome? Is good?"

"Do you think I don't want to send His Royal Highness back to the throne?" Elder Ku replied in a low voice, "If the crown prince can re-enter the throne and end my tree clan internal struggle, these thirty years of blood and blood will end, and I will be returned. In a peaceful and prosperous world, do you think I am not willing?"

   But he slowly said, "That is to say, the news that the prince is in Taibailin has not been leaked. If it is leaked, he will be hunted down!"

   "Rong Qianzi has already held the authority of the entire Presbyterian Church. As long as the tree emperor does not return, he can justify the tree emperor's power. How can he tolerate the appearance of the prince?

  "The Mu Luobe is now in the midst of the sky, and he doesn't pay attention to the Emperor Kinobe at all, and may be a queen at any time. How can she tolerate a son of the tree king going back to sleep in the evil mountain?

  "There is also the Mu Mengbu that has risen up in the past few years. On the face of it, it is clear that it is searching for the tree emperor. In fact, it is not small.

   "Now let alone send the prince back to sleep in the evil mountain, just let out a little news that they will come and razed the Taibai forest to the ground. Of course, the excuse is to find the tree emperor, but if they find it, the prince will definitely die."

  Ku elder is named Kao Mu Rong, one of the royal elders of the Muye tribe. What he said was not an exaggeration. Although the tree clan is torn apart, its strength is still unmatched by the crane clan.

   If most of the three real powers, the Muyebe, the Muluobe, and the Mumengbu, all wanted to kill the "prince" of Mumo at the same time, then the strength of the Crane clan would definitely not keep him. Plus the Jade Palace will not work either.

   There are twelve golden cores in the tree family, known as the "Twelve True Tree Clan", among which there are three golden core three-flower big monsters. If it were not for several big tribes to contain each other, it would be a matter of minutes to destroy the Crane clan.

  Unfortunately, the more than ten golden cores of the tree tribe belong to different tribes, and the same tribe is also divided into different factions. Fighting among tribes and factions was extremely fierce.

   When the tree emperor was in the first three generations, all tree people commanded the tree emperor alone, and the tree emperor was unparalleled. The reason why it is not called "king" but "" is because the tree clan is too powerful, and the tree emperor is also the "demon king".

   In the era of the four generations of tree emperor Kino, the tree emperor's power still exists. It's just that Muye is indifferent and unwilling to worry about many things. They have been entrusted to the most qualified elder Rong Qianzi, causing the Rong clan to hold power to this day.

   But even though Rong Qianzi is in charge of the Kinobe, he has a good word, but other tribes don't take him seriously. Especially the Muluo Department. After the Muye tribe lost the tree emperor, the Muluo tribe became extremely powerful, faintly replacing the Muye tribe and commanding all the tribes.

   Muluo naturally didn't want the tree emperor or the descendants of the tree emperor to really go back alive. So she spread blood purification envoys around the human world, nominally to eliminate the blood flowing out of the tree clan, but actually to find out the whereabouts of the tree emperor and his descendants. Mu Fei was one of the blood purifiers sent by the Mu Luo Ministry.

   Lian Ling originally thought that there were Koraki Rong and other royal factions at the two boundary monuments, and they sent the wood to Mian E. Then the royalists looked for an opportunity to make the matter public in the Kinobe, the tree people wanted, and the wood could take the place of the tree king.

   But now it seems that it is not so simple. Withered Murong and others were overwhelmed with their own care, and Mian'eshan was already unattended. If they go by themselves, they will be full of the taste of self-inflicted snare.

"It seems that your tree clan has no cure." Lian Ling said with a bitter smile, "I just take your prince back to the Cuiyu Palace and save a little blood for the Muye line. As for your tree clan, just look at them. If the infighting continues, whether a new tree emperor who can convince the people can be determined."

"Never!" Withered Murong shook his head again and again, "Even if Rong Qianzi, Muluo, and Mu Meng really decide the outcome, my tree clan will surely suffer heavy casualties, and the new tree emperor may not be able to convince the crowd. A plate of loose sand, my tree clan is a great river and mountain, all in the hands of others!"

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