Record of Chaos

Chapter 571: Fire longevity tree, floating suzaku cage

   Thousands of miles away, in the lava deep in Nanming, what Lingfan Feizhou hit was not an ordinary rock. These giants are black all over, with sharp edges, like a knife and axe. Although the surface is shiny, it is not gold or iron, but a crystal jade similar to obsidian.

   These rocks are the aggregation of countless sharp flakes, forming huge stone pillars with a diameter of several feet, with no head on the top and no tail on the bottom.

   Lingfan Fengzhou began to turn to the right, and soon encountered the second and third stone pillars. All the stone pillars are the same size, stand parallel and upright, forming a row of huge fences. There is a gap of ten feet between the stone pillar and the stone pillar.

There are countless formations on the stone pillars, and an invisible barrier is drawn in the gap between the two stone pillars. The aura fluctuates in the lava, like a huge wind boat that involves countless crystal filaments in the water and is about to break into. Stubbornly stopped.

   Huang Lu tried to force through. But she found that the crystal filaments were extremely tough and extremely thin, tightly squeezed on the pure sun shield outside the big ship, making a sharp rubbing sound. Once this crystal silk pierced the pure sun shield, I am afraid that the entire ship could be cut into pieces in an instant.

   In theory, she can analyze the formation here, crack layer by layer, and eliminate these crystal filaments one by one. But this is not on the ground, the entire array is soaked in hot lava. The bright lava blocked the energy of her eyes, making it impossible for her to see the formation here.

   Lian Ling let Fengzhou park between two huge stone pillars, looking at the looming crystal filaments in the lava, stretched out his right palm. She quickly condensed a strong green ball of light in the palm of her right palm. She was thrown into the bright lava in front of her, and she said quickly in her mouth: "Mu Dun, longevity tree!"

   Countless green shoots sprout from this ball of light, and a tree just grows out of the lava. The dense phantom of branches and leaves burned in the fire, but after burning, it formed a kind of extremely high temperature resistant ash. These ashes floated in the lava, instead forming a circle of protection.

   Countless green shoots and roots are growing non-stop, and a tree with its roots and snakelike branches grows out of the lava forcibly.

   is surrounded by a circle of ashes left by the burnt branches and leaves to form an overlapping protective wall, in the middle is a powerful main trunk and countless branches. Below it is a huge root system, plunged deep into the lava, while being continuously burned by the lava, while constantly absorbing the aura of water and soil from the lava.

   Among the dense branches, a pathway through the lava is formed. It's just that these passages are not airtight. From time to time, lava dripped from the gaps between the branches and leaves above the head, like golden rain.

The branches of this big tree clung to the Lingfan sailing boat, and the other side it touched ended in a weird gray space. Huang Lu could see an enchantment that cuts off the line of sight. The line of sight ends here. Can't see through.

Although the longevity tree planted by Lian Ling had opened a path in the lava, it could not line up the sharp crystal filaments. Those crystal filaments shimmered with metallic luster, which was composed of pure gold gas. Jinneng Kemu. Longevity trees can ignore them and grow, but they cannot get rid of them.

   Fortunately, although the gap between these sharp filaments cannot pass through the Lingfan boat, it is not a problem to pass a person carefully. It's just that whether there is any danger behind the grey barrier at the end of the passage is unpredictable. Lian Ling frowned slightly, the content recorded in Qin Zunyang's travel notes appeared in his mind:

"Suzaku Palace, transformed from the remains of the small part of the sacred Suzaku. It looks like a cage, and the mystical crystal fossil is a grid. It floats and sinks every five hundred years. When it sinks, it goes deep into the polar vortex, and it is impossible to calculate it. When floating, it follows the south. The Mingji current drifts, and the depth is only a thousand feet. Follow the direction of the extreme current and reach it with the Dharma boat. However, there must be evil when entering, and it can be solved by carrying and killing."

   is attached with a map of the South Pole flow calculated by him. With this map, you can infer the time period when the Suzaku Palace rises and the position in the lava when it rises. This position is not fixed, but it can be calculated at any time based on the Astrology Disk and Earth Compass.

   At the same time when he discovered that Withered Wood Rong's blood hunting disk was pointing to this sea of ​​flames, Lian Ling roughly guessed the story.

   More than five hundred years ago, Qin Zunyang, Mu Ye and Ku Mu Rong came to the sea of ​​fire in Nanming, looking for the Suzaku Palace. Qin Zunyang had already determined the location of the Vermilion Bird Palace, but he had not calculated that he would encounter a strong enemy on the road.

   After a great battle, the ark they carried was damaged and could no longer enter the sea of ​​fire. When they got the new magic boat, they had already missed the last opportunity, and could only watch the Vermillion Bird Palace sink into the abyss of the sea of ​​fire for thousands of miles. And the next chance is more than five hundred years later.

   Qin Zunyang, Mu Ye, and Ku Mu Rong should all have mastered the method of calculating the position of the Suzaku Palace. If Qin Zunyang was still there, he would naturally not let go of the opportunity to come again in five hundred and thirty years. But Qin Zunyang had already soared, and Mu Ye died in Wushang Mountain. The only thing left who can come here is the elder Banyan who has followed Kino for many years.

   As a royalist, Kuroki Rong was hit by Rong Qianzi and others in the Muye tribe. Now that the prince returns, he needs more strength to support the prince ascend to the throne, so he came here alone to enter the Suzaku Palace to try to get the chance left by the sacred beast Suzaku.

   It’s just that he probably hasn’t read Qin Zunyang’s notes: “If you enter, you will have evil, and you will be able to solve it with killing.” The Ku elder came alone, but of course there was no exit.

   Back then, Qin Zunyang went to Beiming to find the killer first, and even after ascending, he kept it in the transmission tower, most likely because of Nanming's trip.

   It’s just that Ling Ling hasn’t figured it out yet. Qin Zunyang is notoriously inexhaustible, so he would obediently leave the good things he left with the Yin-Yang Twin Crystal Pill Seed and the Vermillion Bird Palace to the younger monks who were left in the Jade Palace five hundred years after his ascent?

   Could it be that he had planned to pick it up by himself five hundred years later, but for some reason he couldn't come, so he made it cheaper to go with her?

Lian Ling didn't think about it anymore. He walked over and took the fat cat who had eaten the dried salted fish and was licking the salty residue on the deck. He held it in his arms and caressed gently. He said, "Master said you can help you. Just go over and take a look. Don't worry, Grandpa Grandpa is perfectly fine, you will never be okay."

   Killing was so shocked that his cat's fur was standing upright, and he cried out crying, "I'm just an old cat whose teeth are about to fall out. I'll be familiar after a trip to that place!"

Lian Ling smiled and said, "Who is all right to brag about how many people have run in the burning flames of Suzaku's real body?" After saying that, he took advantage of the situation and threw the killing to the longevity tree. In the passage opened up, it fell on a thick tree root.

   Killing almost fell directly into the lava. After finally grasping the roots of the tree tightly, I suddenly felt a tingling pain behind my butt. Looking back, the sword energy densely packed like countless thorns was coming from behind. He was forced to be helpless, so he had to flee all the way, provoked a leap, and passed through the gray fog in front of him.

   "Go." Lian Ling waved. She didn't need to wait for the sound transmission to reply to her, as long as she felt that the aura was normal after the gray mist entered, it indicated that there was no danger behind it.

   Huang Lu and the nineteenth person followed her closely, and walked into the gap between the overlapping branches and roots of the longevity tree, carefully avoiding the gold crystal silk staggered on the road. Even standing on the roots of the tree, they can feel that the tree is getting hotter.

As the three of them passed by, there was a violent spatial turbulence behind them, and the ten-foot-long Lingfan sailing boat disappeared without a trace and turned into a small boat with the palm of the hand, and was taken into the fairy lotus by Lian Ling. .

   The rock sphere opened by the shield of   Feng Thursday was instantly crumpled into a small paper ball by the crowded lava, which melted and disappeared. The turbulent lava rushed towards the passage behind them, but it was blocked by the countless branches and leaves of the longevity tree growing again.

   Huang Lu followed Lian Ling and walked all the way into the gray mist. As soon as she walked in, she immediately felt cold all over, and the hot wave disappeared without a trace. But at the same time, her feet were suddenly empty, and she was about to fall without time to escape.

   Fortunately, Lian Ling reacted very quickly, his thoughts moved a little, and the wind and mist that swelled up like a flying carpet that supported her and the nineteenth.

   At this time, she saw clearly that the so-called Suzaku Palace was a huge bird cage floating in the lava of Nanming, which was a thousand feet above and below!

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