Record of Chaos

Chapter 582: Raging beast tide attacked the pagoda, ten thousand flesh and blood spirit stone

   In the eyes of Goblin, this pure sun formation wall is not invisible, but a dense net woven by neatly reddish psychic threads. All the inspiration lines are drawn from the formation pattern on the tower, and finally they are also collected in the formation pattern on the tower.

In addition to the formation pattern on the Thorn Sky Pagoda, there are four people on each floor holding a formation pivot and sitting on one side at any time, affecting part of the spiritual line at any time. It's just that at this time, except for the pure sun formation at the top level, everyone else was idle for a while.

When    Gouzhu saw this for the first time, he thought that something was wrong with the old lunatic Ji Yan and wanted to commit suicide.

   After countless red-haired baboons were blocked, they attacked the Chunyang formation frantically with minions. These hard lines of inspiration are connected with the formation patterns on the tower, and sparks are splashed on these formation patterns with every attack.

   After the red-haired baboons in front were blocked, the ones in the back kept climbing up the stack of their kind, and after a while they piled up like a baboon wall. They continued to violently attack the pure sun formation wall, and the entire tower was constantly shaking.

   These baboons have extremely sharp claws, violently tearing the pure sun formation wall, constantly tearing out one after another.

   Although the pure sun formation wall can be continuously repaired by the Assassin Tower to absorb the heaven and earth pure sun aura, the repair speed is always limited. Under such a fierce attack, if there were more demon baboons surging from behind, this formation would most likely be unbearable.

   Gouzhu thought to himself, is this old man Ji Yan crazy? The Thorny Pagoda obviously can deploy many layers of defensive walls, but he only opens one layer? At this moment, he almost turned around and went straight to the tunnel to the city from the underground tower to escape.

   At this time, Ji Yanmian, who was sitting on the top of the tower, said without changing his color, "The eighth floor, open!"

   After getting the order for a while, the four people sitting on the eighth floor immediately injected divine consciousness into the formation. At the same time, the countless mysterious lines drawn on the eighth-story tower wall shook like sparkling waves, glowing colorfully.

  Pale red vertical and horizontal lines shoot out from the tower, countless invisible hands seem to be threading needles, and instantly weaved into a large airtight net.

The newly formed pure sun formation on this side has a larger range than the original one, and it also separates those demon baboons who rushed forward and violently attacked the innermost wall from the reinforcements behind. Come. In this way, the intensity of the attack on the innermost layer finally stabilized and no longer increased.

  At the same time, the baboons began to stack up like arhats on the new wall, and began to attack this new wall.

   Just like this, one layer, two layers and three layers, with circles of protection unfolding from the inside out. After a full half an hour, a total of nine layers were unfolded.

   Nine layers of protection also sealed up a large number of red-haired baboons, which may add up to thousands of baboons. Fortunately, the targets of so many baboons are scattered on nine different walls.

   The formation patterns and stones on the entire tower body are suffering violent impact, and the aura is shaking. But because the force is evenly distributed, this attack can still withstand a period of time.

   At the same time, although Gouzhu couldn't see the inside of the tower, he could clearly feel that some kind of powerful spirit in the tower was accumulating power, just like a huge bowstring was gradually tightening.

  This kind of energy accumulation has been continuously going on since the end of the last wave, but it has not yet reached completion. The process of accumulating energy has nothing to do with the deployment of the nine layers of protection. But Ji Yan sat alone in the lineup and controlled everything calmly.

   He must ensure that the time for all the nine layers of defense to be deployed is almost the same as the time when the Soul Tower is renewed, and no layer of pure sun formation will be broken by the monster baboon.

   From the outside, the entire Assassin Tower is surrounded by red-haired baboons piled up in nine circles. It is magnificent, just like a huge Jingguan. All the patterns on the tower wall have been bright to the limit, and the tower wall has become hot, as if it might burn at any time.

   At this moment, there seemed to be a "gu-dong" inside the tower's heart. Some heavy-bearing object in the tower seems to have floated to the highest point, embedded in a groove somewhere.

   The mechanism in this tower is completely enclosed, and I have never seen its internal structure. But Ji Yan, the leader of the formation, sat on the top of the tower and controlled everything. The bowstring has been tightened, and the endurance of the tower's defense formation has reached its limit. He didn't hesitate to move his mind, and injected a ray of divine mind into the formation.

   There was a clicking sound from deep in the heart of the tower, followed by a series of muffled sounds of friction. Every guard on the tower could feel that there was a heavy giant in the center of the tower falling from a height, hitting the base of the tower, making a heavy and muffled sound.

   At the same time as the muffled sound, the air around his body was squeezed and distorted. At this moment, not only could he not breathe, it seemed that even his heartbeat had been squeezed to a halt.

   A strange shock wave appeared directly around. As you can see with the naked eye, the ground around the Stabbing Sky Tower is like a water surface with a circle of obvious ripples.

   The wave of power rippling out from this circle of ripples, but it is not obvious when it reaches the tower. Because this force came from all directions, and when it reached the Stabbing Sky Tower in the middle, they canceled each other out, and instead there was not much power left. To hustle is to feel the air shrinking in bursts, the blood in the body surges, and the heart in the chest throbs twice.

   But the surroundings are different. The waves spread out like ripples, and the earth shook with countless baboons wherever they went.

   The sturdy pure sun wall can block all foreign objects, but it has no defense against such shocks. Not only that, the nine circles of pure sun formation also oscillated together, like nine circles of horns, concentrating the power to the point of terror.

   This kind of shaking has not much impact on the land and dense forests. However, the blood and organs in the animal's body are extremely powerful, and the violent vibration can directly blast the heart and blood vessels and shake the brain into mud.

   In a blink of an eye, all the red-haired baboons within one mile of the Assassin Tower died, and they rolled down like a fruit pile, piled on the ground.

   This shock wave continued to spread out, and the circle quickly expanded to dozens of miles away. But the farther the distance, the smaller the power. The baboons that were affected outside the wall did not die, but only temporarily fainted, and soon they would wake up and gradually recover.

   At this moment, there was a creaking noise on the nearby city wall. After the tall bamboo fence, several large bamboo bridges were put down. The Cangsuomen who had already prepared in the city rushed out pushing the wooden cart, filled with the corpses of the red baboons, and transported them back to the city.

   They have half an hour to carry. After half an hour, the tide of beasts will come again, the city gates will be closed, and the blood refiners who have no time to enter the city will be mercilessly locked out of the city and become food for baboons. During this time, the Assassin Tower will begin to accumulate its strength again, until the beast wave encircles its peak, and the Assassination Tower’s defenses reach the limit.

   Busy all day, when the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the deep gorge of the moat, the chief of the Cangsao tribe, Mug, made the last round of inspections next to the Assassin Tower. He heard a long horn sound, and decisively made all the busy Cang straw men abandon the wooden carts in their hands, and rushed into the city at a swift speed.

   The suspension bridge was retracted, and the tide of beasts rushed in, but most of them rushed to the direction of the Assassin Tower. Not many baboons really tried to jump over the moat to attack the fence. Most of them rushed to the side of the gorge and watched for a while. Except for a few of them that couldn't stop the car and fell into the deep valley, the others grinned and screamed at the opposite bank before leaving in anguish, towards the direction of the Tower of Thorns.

On the side of the city where the suspension bridge is put Cangshou people are scrambling to skin and remove the piles of red-haired baboon carcasses, remove the dirty internal organs, and put clean flesh and blood in wooden barrels. It is continuously poured into three large bronze cauldrons by means of manual transportation.

   This step must be fast. After the death of a monster beast, its body is always corrupting. The more fresh the flesh and blood, the purer the refined blood spirit stone. If those filthy internal organs and bones that cannot be refined into bleeding spirit stones are mixed into them, the whole pot of blood spirit stones will be mixed with impurities, the quality will be greatly reduced, and the whole pot may even be scrapped.

   Others are constantly using some mineral and plant raw materials to grind them into powder, and precisely mix them into so-called "auxiliary materials." These excipients must be configured on site and used immediately, otherwise their efficacy will continue to be lost. Each blood refining tribe controls a unique formula of auxiliary materials, and the refined blood spirit stones have their own characteristics.

  Beside the three big tripods, they had built a high platform and lifting pulleys. The pulleys kept turning, continuously transporting buckets of flesh and blood onto the high platform and dumping them into the bronze cauldron. A refiner instructs the young man to put in various auxiliary materials in precise steps. A strange fragrance floated from the tripod.

   After about an hour of cooking, under the command of the refiner, everyone pulled the pulley and lever mechanism to tilt the giant cauldron carefully.

   A kind of scented, red light and transparent, red as agate and thick as honey liquid was poured out and poured into many square molds that had been prepared below.

   After another quarter of an hour, the heat dissipated. If you are here, you have to stare out your eyes. They dumped the molds, and there was a sound of jade and jade, and the transparent and crystal red blood spirit stones the size of dominoes fell out like raindrops.

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