Record of Chaos

Chapter 588: The real thief sees the secret through the purple mirror, the fake prince borrows flow

   Whether it is an illusion or not, since no one will attack him anymore, and everyone here is blind to him, naturally it is the best policy to ignore the three-seven-twenty-one approach with the deceptive nature.

   But he has a strong feeling that murderous intent still lingers around him, only temporarily lurking. He was stared at by the gray breath, once he had the idea of ​​leaving here again, someone present would definitely jump up and attack him.

   The cultivation base of four consecutive killers is very low, and one is even a mortal. This is why he can escape from the dead. But in this box there are at least a dozen nameless pill demon cultivators, plus the Kapok City Lord of the Purple Mansion level, and the golden pill demon "Wind King" Tongfeng. If they really attack him together, he is absolutely impossible. Escaped here.

   He carefully condensed his mind, stood still, brain teased, thinking about all the strange events he encountered. Why is that? Could it be that Kapok found out that he killed the few Xudan monks under her, so he set up a bureau to take revenge?

   He couldn't help shaking his head. Is it so troublesome for Kapok to catch him? Just let the general city defense rush over with a bunch of virtual pill monks to catch turtles in the urn.

   Even if it was a banquet for him, he wouldn't call so many people, and the elder of the tree clan was present. It would not have allowed him to eat and drink for so long, it should have been captured on the spot as soon as he entered the door.

   This situation is like a formation. It is obviously unreasonable for these people to continue to eat and drink as usual, but if all this is an illusion, he is in a phantom array and barely makes sense.

   Maybe he came to the banquet, not really at Fengyue Tower, but walked into someone else's circle halfway through. Everything he saw is not true, which explains why these people behave so abnormally.

   He even felt that the phantom formation was not to target him alone, but to target the Assassin Tower, so Ji Yan, Lei Yan and him were all trapped.

   But this explanation is also unreasonable. He has the ability to see, and he didn't see any weird ideas all the way, so he just got into someone else's pockets obediently?

   When the four assassins started their hands, he did not see any abnormal lines of thought under control. The strangle mark on his neck and the sharp pain on his calf bone are still there. If all this is an illusion, how did the other party hurt him?

   It is possible that the magic array concealed his "eye array" ability with hallucinations. The eye array needs to be seen with the eyes to see through the array. The eyes can be deceived by hallucinations. However, there are not many people who have the ability of the eye array, and the magic array needs to deceive the eye array and requires extremely sophisticated and complex design. Few array masters would do this.

   Even though Ji Yan didn't have the ability to watch the formation, he had studied the formation for so many years, he was a rare formation master, and his sensitivity to the formation was definitely different from ordinary people. How could he obediently walk into the illusion formation of others without noticing it? Is it true that when he entered the battle, he was alone?

   It's just a moment, so many thoughts rushed through my brain. But in the end he focused his attention on the obscure and unclear surroundings, and the strange aura of endless murderous intent among them.

He felt that this kind of breath was not standing still, but slowly changing, like a drop of dye on paper, which was constantly infecting, slowly moving into every inch of space and everyone's heart. Stretch.

   This breath only maintains a certain sense of repulsion against him, making him always outside of this obscure breath, not blending with the strange atmosphere of the outside world. But he seemed to be stared at by one eye. Once he moved slightly, this breath seemed to control everything and pounce.

   But even if he doesn't do anything, letting this breath continue to infect everything, sooner or later it will force him to the point where he can't stand up.

   can neither escape nor wait to die... how to crack this illusion? He did not dare to use common self-injury methods. That would arouse violent consciousness fluctuations, and it might instead make all the people around him contaminated with obscure aura pounce on him.

   If these people are all hallucinations, then it is useless to kill as many as possible. He must find the enemy in this illusion and kill in one fell swoop to solve the problem fundamentally.

   Where is the enemy? He firmly believes that the opponent's strength is not very strong, otherwise there is no need to pretend to be a ghost, he would have killed him with one move.

   Gouzhu suddenly remembered that he still had that artifact named "Zi Li Jing" in his fairy lotus. Although that thing can't see the spiritual line, it can see the fluctuations of the soul's consciousness. Even if the Lan Han Spirit Puppet's divine consciousness is so weak, it can be detected.

   As long as you call that thing out for a photo, you can tell at a glance where the people around you are real or fantasy. Where the real enemies are. Because the Phantom will never have any divine consciousness fluctuations.

  The only danger is that the purple glass mirror appears, and if Kapok and Ji Yan are present, they will realize that it was him who killed Mu Yue, and this matter would definitely end with him. Even if he gets out of it, it will not be easy for him to mix in Kapok City later, he can only count on Lian Ling to arrive soon.


  Fengyuelou was not the only one who noticed the abnormality. Ji Yan sat on the banquet and watched the scuffle. Several people disappeared strangely, but the person next to him turned a blind eye. He couldn't help but twitch his old face, but he was stiff and he didn't dare to make any movements.

   The distance between his seat and the hook is no more than ten steps, and the surrounding restrictions are just a simple sound barrier for the visually impaired to prevent them from spying on their table, and it has no effect on them looking outside. Now that he saw the riot, the old Jindan monster Tongfeng at the same table and the transformation demon Kapok must have seen it too. But the two turned a blind eye.

It is the Cangstalk tribe chief Moog, the Redthorn tribe chief Huaxue, the Redthorn tribe high priest Hong Gu, and even the other two formation divisions of the protective towers side by side with him. They all pretended not to see them. .

   Ji Yan has absolute confidence in his own formation technique, and never believes that he has fallen into the fantasy formation. The only explanation he could think of was that everyone in all had reached a tacit understanding, tacitly acquiescing that something happened, only hiding it from him. This made him unable to say a word, nor dared to make any movements.

   At this moment, he suddenly noticed that a certain atmosphere in the air was changing, and a ray of murderous aura rose up. Others were chatting, eating and drinking as usual, but the patriarch of the red thorns with his naked torso and his muscles like iron dangling blood, his eyes changed suddenly, looked at him, and then stared at him coldly and laughed. :

   "Master Ji, keep admiring for a long time. Don't be surprised, Master, I am not dazzling, but I just borrowed the body of this reckless man."

He is not a voice transmission, but speaks directly in front of everyone present, and he doesn't mind that what he says is heard by others, especially the Golden Core Demon Tongfeng and Zifu female Xiu Kapok. alert.

   Sure enough, his voice is not low, but no one can hear him. Everyone on the scene ignored his existence as if they had ignored the fright.

   Ji Yan's heart was shaken. Could it be that this man's spells were so strange that he couldn't even detect Tongfeng's strength in Jin Dan and was easily controlled?

   But after all, he is an extremely arrogant master of the formation. He was not frightened, but he pretended to ask without incident: "Who are you? Why do you want to find the old man by pretending to be a god?"

  'S **** expression loosened, showing a little bit of contentment, it seemed that he was waiting for this question:

"Master Ji, the junior surnamed Mu Ming Chengsi, he is the son of the current Demon Emperor Muye. He returned from the bitter cold land just to get back the throne of the tree emperor from Mian'e Mountain, lest my tree clan continue to be trapped in this unowned chaos Suffering."

   "Mu Chengsi? Prince of the Tree Clan?"

  The story of the son of the tree emperor has been going viral in Kapok City these days. Although Ji Yan doesn't hear about the foreign affairs of the tower, it is inevitable that Lei Yan and other talkative people will tell him.

   But Ji Yan sneered more about this incident. Is this person the son of the tree king, even if it is true, what storm can he cause? Can Rong Qianzi, who sits in Mian Evil Mountain, really make him ascend to the throne?

   "What do you want to find an old man here?"

Mu Chengsi, who used his **** body to draw his hands, smiled and said: "Since I want to ascend to the throne, I naturally need the assistance of a queen formation master. Master Ji is very knowledgeable." At this point, he pointed out unscrupulously. Refers to the other two array divisions here.

   "It is far better than a few other mediocrities in the Kapok It's just that the master should succumb to a tower in a mere tower? It's better to help me rise to the throne. In the future, you can use the resources of the entire demon world. Why not worry about longevity?"

   Mu Chengsi's contempt for the other two formation masters deeply impressed him. He had long been blind to the other two divisions. Although both have the status of a great formation division, his formation skill level is much higher than the two. It is a pity that Kapok and the three of them have an impartial and balanced attitude. This made him unhappy for a long time.

   "I'm sorry, the old man is not interested." Ji Yan erected his beard triumphantly and stared at the sky, "When the master rides on the throne, come and invite the old man."

  The reason why he is willing to stay in the Assassin Tower is that it is not disturbed by others, and it has a continuous supply of blood spirit stones, which enables him to accumulate resources and refine the formation.

  His real goal is to build a super-powered spirit gathering breakthrough array to help him break through the Purple Mansion during his lifetime, and even reach the golden core, and finally rise to longevity.

   It's a pity that the resources given to him by this Assassin Tower are actually limited, so his progress is slow, and he has wasted many years of youth here. If he could really become the demon emperor's subordinate, why would he not do it? It's just that he really doesn't believe that this little-known Mu Chengsi can do it.

   "Haha, Master Ji is really ambitious. It's a pity that Master still has an inherent flaw, and he is destined to be unable to go further."

"Huh! You just mean that I don't have the ability to make eye formations, but just a hand formation master. But what?" Whenever someone reveals his shortness, Ji Yan will be furious no matter who the opponent is. .

"Master calms down. This time the younger generation is here to offer this thin gift." Mu Chengsi laughed and pointed at the fool who stood in the middle of the table. "The power of the eye formation is in this child's divine consciousness. Today. The junior wants to take it out and give it to the master, I wonder if the master is interested?"

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