Record of Chaos

Chapter 643: A ruthless man who is infatuated with a girl

   Kapok is not unable to feel what is going on behind. She has the spirit sense of the Purple Mansion, although the sense of spiritual cultivation is relatively weak, it is not that simple to attack her from behind.

   It's a pity that when she hits a target with a single punch with all her strength, she can't help but lose some attention. Although her senses had long realized that there was a person lurking on the top of her city lord mansion and shot an arrow at her back, her divine consciousness ignored these signals intentionally or unintentionally.

   When the flames of her hatred are burning, there is no problem even if the sky falls down, as long as you can kill the guy in front of you!

   Until the life and death crisis was imminent, and her murderous revenge plan was on the verge of failure, this warning from the depths of intuition finally stopped her madness. She didn't move forward with that punch, but made a strange twist in her upper body. Although the bottom plate did not move at all, the upper body instantly turned to the rear.

The violent fist wind brought up a monstrous wave of air, like a fiery fireball held in her hand, and she swept an arc in the air, and returned to the front of her, just hitting the red shot. It must be dazzling like a golden arrow.

   Purple Mansion Slaughter Arrow! The sharp point of the arrow burst like a blazing sun. But Kapok, as the Second Qi monk in the Purple Mansion, made a punch with all his strength. This punch was hitting the center of the scorching sun, forming a huge sunspot in the scorching sun.

   Heizi broke out, offsetting part of the strength of Slaughter Arrow. The shock wave caused by the violent collision between the two formed a bright sphere that expanded rapidly, and it flew like a punch by someone. Fortunately, he was immediately protected by a soft force. Tong Yao appeared in front of him, resisting part of the impact for him.

   The ground was dented by the impact, leaving a black spherical hole. Kapok stood in the center of the big pit, her entire right arm and part of her shoulder had disappeared, and her body was covered with **** ground meat. But she did not give up. Many blood-colored flowers flew out of the ashes like butterflies, and fell on her mutilated limbs and began to recover.

   Although all this is a long story, it is only a moment of effort. At this time, the warning signs in her heart came again, and another arrow flew! Two consecutive Zifu Slaughter Arrows? How can this be?

   Encountering such a huge business worth over one hundred thousand taels of blood spirit stones, of course, you wouldn't care about the mere Purple House Slaughter Arrow with a few hundred taels of blood spirit stones. But this thing is not easy to find. At that time, he bought three of them at the auction on Limbo Island, and one was wasted by the wooden monument, and only two were left. Otherwise, it is possible for him to prepare ten or eight kapok.

   When he arranged the water mirror refraction array and intercepted Kapok and Guo Qing Guohong with Tong Yao, he let Wood go to ambush on the top of the city lord's mansion. Most people are the least wary of where they come from. Few people always feel that there are enemies lurking in their homes.

   But it's useless to shoot arrows rashly. Although he was good at archery, Kapok would only be aware of the senses and the arrow would go away before it hit her. Then the power of Zifu Slaughter Arrow would be of no use.

   There is only one chance for Mumu, and that is the moment when the devil attracts all the attention of the other party to himself and makes every effort to make a move. All this is on his budget. He even paid attention to his position, keeping Kapok always facing the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, so that the wood could shoot her cold arrows behind her.

   The two arrows are in sequence, but the time between them is very short. The power of the first arrow just blocked the coming of the second arrow. Therefore, it is hard for Kapok to avoid the surprise attack of the second arrow. But she still tried her best to jump up, trying to jump high to avoid the attack of this arrow.

   The arrow was originally aimed at her heart. After a sudden leap, she shifted slightly, but still sturdyly shot into her abdomen, a group of pure sun fire burst directly in her body, and she couldn't look directly at her miserable situation.

   After the explosion, apart from the right arm and half of the shoulder, the kapok was also crushed and missing. She only had the head, chest and left arm.

   If it were normal, even if she suffered such a severe injury, her broken body would turn into a blood flower and fly back to regroup by herself, and she would recover almost instantly.

   The power of this Zifu Slaughter Arrow has already damaged her tree core. And the power of her blood-grown flowers can only be exerted by the tree core. Therefore, such an instant recovery is impossible.

   She never thought that she would lose so badly. After all, the other party's tricks were too poisonous, and the layout was too strict, making her enter the cage obediently from the beginning without knowing it. More importantly, I was too emotional and designed by the other party always holding the nose.

   But she still did not give up. Her remaining arm is still scratching the ground hard, dragging her stump to move as much as possible, and at the same time using the power of the last divine consciousness, she constantly sends signals for help to that person.

   The other party may have calculated everything, but there must be one thing that the other party will never calculate. That is she still has the last hole card. The old Minister Kino, who is as high as the gold core and double flowers, is just underground in her city lord mansion. The genius tree repairs the dead wood Rong! As long as he receives his request for help, he will come to rescue her immediately.

   Even if she is so badly damaged, as long as the tree core is still there, the remnant body is still there, as long as it is placed in the soil, it will slowly recover. Although it is impossible to restore the strength of the Purple Mansion, it is not a problem to return to the strength of the virtual pill, get a body with sound limbs, and live freely for a thousand years.

   There is a special way of sound transmission between her and Karaki Ei. There is no need to borrow any magical artifacts, just use the weak power of spiritual consciousness, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to receive it. And he came here from that underground secret room, no more than a thousand steps away. With the power of his golden core, it can be reached instantly.

  Withered Wood Rong who is busy in the secret room is indeed a miscalculation. Because this secret room is deep underground in the city lord's mansion, and the secret room itself has various prohibitions to prevent the leakage of inspiration. So even though he used the Lanhan Spirit Puppet, he didn't expect such a big fish to be buried under the city lord's mansion.

   Withered Wood Rong was still refining his blood plate at this time. And this time, he was really about to succeed. So when Kapok sent an urgent call for help, he instinctively felt a sense of irritability.

"Morning is not early, late is not too late, it's just this time! Didn't I say that as a last resort, don't disturb me?" After a while of complaints, he noticed Kapok's divine thoughts for help, and took her own misery Also passed over.

   Withered Wood Eiichi startled. He did not expect to develop to such a point. I couldn't help but sighed: "Didn't I tell you to send me a message whenever you are in danger? How can you be so disastrous to notify me..."

   At this time, looking at the blood-seeking tray that was about to take shape before him, two choices emerged in his mind.

   One option is to save Kapok immediately. Kapok can of course be saved, but the blood-seeking disk for the King who has put so much effort into it ~ will be wiped out. Since he had failed so many times, he even had a bad feeling that he would never succeed.

   Once there is no such blood-seeking tray, he wants to find the true prince's whereabouts as a needle in a haystack, especially when he knows that Lian Ling has been sinking under Nan Ming forever.

   Another option is to finish the blood search tray first. As for whether the kapok is dead or not, it doesn't matter to put it bluntly. She is just a woman, loyal to protect him for many years of Kapok City, at a critical moment attracted the arrival of the real prince.

   But she is already like this, even if she can save her life, it will be a burden. There is no other use other than being a woman. But he is the most lacking woman.

   How can such a kapok be compared with the key thing that concerns the entire tree clan? Even with the addition of those hundreds of thousands of taels of blood spirit stones, the balance is obviously unbalanced.

   He made a decision in an instant, and ignored Kapok’s cry for help, but continued to lower his head to fiddle with the artifact he was refining.

   Anyway, in this dark underground secret room, even if Kapok died, even if the city lord’s mansion has changed hands, no one except Kapok knew that there was a secret room deep down here, and no one came back to disturb him at all. As for when he was going out after refining, he didn't believe that anyone would stop him.

   Withered Wood Rong still hesitated for a moment, but he did not hesitate for a moment. Just when the kapok was hit by the second Zifu Slaughter Arrow from the wood, the aftermath had just dissipated, and he rushed over without regard to the injuries he had suffered.

   His villain dagger was already in his hand, and he stabbed it down and took out the core of the kapok tree. This glamorous city lord who once had the boundless scenery has died since then!

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