Record of Chaos

Chapter 647: People have forgotten the eclipse of the sun

   Mu Mu, a mountain-cutting axe, is unbiased, just hitting the top of Withered Murong’s head.

   The axe blade was embedded in the scalp for half an inch, but no blood flowed out. The wood feels like a piece of wood that is extremely tough and flexible, and the elasticity of this skin has eliminated at least 90% of the impact.

"Yes, good! Can be made! It is a pity that your Majesty should not first cultivate zhenqi, but should first cultivate the body of the tree clan. Otherwise, if the axe is cut off, if I don't use the defensive powers, I only use the power of the flesh, so Can't hold it."

   Withered Wood Rong praised in a leisurely manner. When the wood chopped his axe, he didn't evade at all, and he didn't even mobilize the power of his body to resist, just let the axe chop the top of his head.

   Use flesh and blood to resist the sword and axe, without using any spells, even the body of the fairy can't hold it. Of course Withered Wood Rong wouldn't live impatiently, he just wanted to try the strength of the new tree emperor. For physical training, strength is everything.

  Sure enough, although his scalp is far tougher than ordinary humans or even monsters, he is still split by a single axe by wood. He could feel Aoki's true spirit surging in the flesh and blood of the wood, and the power of his physical body instantly exploded.

   But the shortcomings are also obvious. Zhen Qi greatly stimulated his muscles, but the endurance of his own physical body did not improve. If Mu Wangdun is not stimulated, his muscles, tendons and even bones may break.

   Wooden King Shield is a defensive technique. Although it can increase the strength of his physical body, it is of no use to the offensive, but will block it. Therefore, if Mu Ye had attacked with all his strength, he would never use the Wooden King Shield.

   It was a mistake for Mumu to cultivate zhenqi from the beginning. It should start by tempering his physical body and temper him to the point of steel and iron. This steel and iron bone is not to resist the opponent's attack, but to allow oneself to unscrupulously display his own power.

   Fortunately, the wood is still young, and the tree has a long life. He has time to put the new tree emperor's spiritual path back on track.

   When Wither Wood Rong's scalp was split, he used the power of physical regeneration. The regenerating wound forcibly blocked the wooden axe.

   "The old man will naturally release them all. But your Majesty, please follow me. Otherwise, it will be dangerous if your Majesty falls into the hands of Mu Luo and Mu Meng who are ambitious."

  Kraki Rong had no intention of killing anyone. He was never an unnecessary killer. What's more, since these people are the companions of the future tree emperor, it is a foolish thing to kill him and leave hatred for him in the tree emperor's heart.

   But it is impossible for him to take these people away. To him, the future tree king is like a sapling that can be cultivated. As he grows up, anyone can influence him. He naturally wants to control all such external influences under his own control.

   In other words, whoever will be around the future Emperor Tree will be controlled by him. As for the people around him now, it is enough to remember them.

   "Go mother!" The wood couldn't be chopped, and he was angry, but he couldn't pull it out. He was helpless for a while and cursed. On the other hand, Ku Mu Rong had no expression on his face, only a ray of divine thought flew out from the center of his eyebrows like a mosquito.

   The deceptive consciousness was completely suppressed, standing blankly, looking at the top of his head, almost obscuring the huge black sun in the sky.

   For him, it was dark all around and almost nothing was visible. The sky was pitch black, and there was no mottled light and shadow falling. Not only that, but the branches and leaves of the trees that had been densely covered above were swallowed by darkness. All he saw was a darkness that couldn't tell whether it was nothingness or reality.

   If you understand this darkness as a black sphere that is so big that there is no edge, then he has a real and clear feeling that this huge black ball is constantly falling above him, falling on top of his head.

   The weird thing is that although this giant ball is always in the process of falling, it has been suspended above him and has not swallowed him.

   Gouzhu almost forgot everything, the only thing in his mind was: "When will this thing fall back to the end and kill me?"

   At the moment when the last ray of Divine Mind of Withered Wood Rong spread, the world changed suddenly. The dark day in front of him burst open like a swelling black water ball, and the incredible black waves rushed out like a monstrous flood.

   Goujiu couldn't understand how he saw so many pure black pictures flying and changing under this pure black background. But while his mind was still slowly turning, his entire consciousness was completely swallowed up by this terrifying tide of darkness. This made him lose all consciousness.

   But only a moment later, the shackles woke up. After the power of the black sun broke out to its extreme, it disappeared without a trace. And he and Tong Yao both stood in place unharmed, sane as if they had been washed.

   The sun should be slightly higher. In the gloomy dense forest, the beams of light formed by the sunlight from the gaps between the leaves above the head are obviously more vertical. All the movement around was left with the chirping birds and the rustling insects. Withered Wood Rong has disappeared without a trace.

   "What was that just now?"

   Gou Zhuo still has lingering fears about the black sun bursting above his head.

"It should be a magical technique of divine consciousness." Tong Yao swept the square with divine consciousness, and found that the strange man in the clothes had completely disappeared, and even the remaining aura was gone. "I just can't understand why this big brother wanted to attack us. . What’s even stranger is that...we were safe and sound."

   Tong Yao's beautiful face is full of doubts. Such a terrifying magical technique of divine consciousness had never even seen her, the former soul elder. If that person wants to kill them, it's easy. But the opponent's strength is extremely high, and it is impossible for him to cast such a spell without cost, and it is impossible for him to shoot for no reason.

   "Will we lose something?" Out of professional instinct, Gou Zhu thought of this suddenly. After speaking, he immediately counted all the items in the fairy lotus with the power of his spiritual consciousness, and found that nothing was missing. He looked at Tong Yao and Mu Fei again, both of them shook their heads, saying that there was nothing to lose.

   Tong Yao even inspected her spiritual consciousness inwardly, and found that there was nothing unusual in it. But then she remembered something and frowned slightly:

"This person's strength is far higher than that of our team. If you want to **** something, you don't need to use the magical magic. If you use this kind of magic, maybe the things you want to **** are in our magic... "

   "You mean, he might have taken something from our memory?" Gou Zhuo asked quickly. This made him very disturbed. If he has lost something, he can easily check it out and estimate the loss. But if someone steals some of his memory, it is difficult for him to estimate how much money he will lose.

   What he worries most is that this weird person has taken away the memory of the two hundred thousand taels of blood spirit stone in his mind. In this way, the person can rush to take away the blood spirit stone in front of him. But if the other party's purpose is for the money, why not take advantage of the trend and kill them all here to avoid future troubles?

   "Forget it, don't think about it. Hurry up and get the blood spirit stone back and rest assured." He waved his hand and motioned everyone to move on. But he doesn't need to hurry. That person is so strong, if they really rush to get the blood spirit stone, they will definitely not be able to catch up, it is better to slow down, so as not to run into that person again.

   "Well, let's go." Mu Fei stood up again and agreed in a deep voice. He himself felt very strange. He was obviously the blood purifier of the Muluo Ministry. What happened that made him defect and join the Cuiyu Palace, becoming the elder of Keqing, and mixing with these boring people to get blood spirit stones on the mountain?

In fact, Tong Yao guessed right. In addition to the powerful deterrence of God’s consciousness, Withered Murong’s "Black Sun Swallows the Sky" also has a unique function, which is to remove everything about a certain person from the memory of the attacked person. memory.

   After he confirmed that the wood is the real son of the tree prince, UU Reading immediately cast this spell, of course not without purpose. He wanted to take away the wood, but he didn't intend to kill the wood companions to provoke the future emperor. At the same time, he wanted to save these people from coming to follow him to find the wood and entanglement. The effect of "Black Sun Swallows the Sky" just met his needs.

   Gouzhu, Tong Yao, and Mu Fei were all hit by this spell, so the memory of wood in their minds was completely erased. Gouzhu only remembered to come here with Tong Yao and Mu Mu to retrieve the two hundred thousand taels of blood spirit stones in the forest, and never remember Mu Mu again.

   This technique is similar to Lin Han's "swallowing sky and blazing fire" and cutting off a certain "fact", but it's actually far inferior.

   Withered Wood Rong’s black sun swallowing the sky, it can only change the memories of the three recruits, Goujiu, Tong Yao, and Mu Fei. Others who were not there, such as Lian Ling, were not affected in any way. Moreover, if the memory is cut off in this way, it is easy to cause contradictions between memory and reality. Take Mu Fei, for example, there is no wood in his memory. He is very puzzled as to why he came here.

   And Lin Han's magic is the magic of immortals, which can break through the constraints of time and space and directly change the past facts. Once the facts change, not only the memories of these people in front of her will change with it, but all the people involved in the past, no matter whether they are recruited or not, no matter where they are, their memories will change accordingly, and there will never be a relationship with reality. Any contradictions.

   But at the moment, the three of them have indeed forgotten the wood completely, and they all proceeded carefully to the hidden treasure place. Surprisingly, despite this weird episode, they dug out 200,000 taels of blood spirit stones very smoothly, put them on the boat, transported them to Shanren Town, and deposited them in Kaiyuanbao. .

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