(I don’t know why qd is always untitled now. But qqyd has a title.)

   This scene is not only visible to Hongye and the kings, as well as the air units high in the sky, but also the forwards of the ground units.

   This seems quite funny. Hundreds of thousands of them lined up very seriously, but in the face of an empty mountain forest, what is there to fight in this battle?

   "What happened to those arrogant treemen today, and they didn't see any of them?" Some soldiers in the tribes with less disciplined disciplines have been discussing unscrupulously.

   "This is smart. So many of our tribes are united in the attack, don't they rush to stop and wait for death?"

   "Then let's hurry up. If the first one rushes into the Demon Emperor Hall, wouldn't it be possible to get the first skill?"

   There is not only one person holding this idea. Although many people who came here were afraid of death, their desire to make a fortune began to gain the upper hand in the face of an empty enemy line.

   The demon world coalition has strict rewards and punishments. According to the order of stepping on the Mian Evil Mountain, from front to back, rewards are also from high to bottom. As for entering the Demon Emperor Palace, the rewards have been doubled.

   The troops in the front line will take advantage. However, the order is finally decided after repeated disputes among the various ethnic groups. What's more, the dispute among the clans is not to be the first, but to be ranked behind. Because the first is cannon fodder to die.

  Who would have thought that there were no enemies on the enemy line? As a result, the forward force was a little uncontrollable. There has already been a commotion in some miscellaneous military formations, and some people have already rushed up the mountain first and rushed into the woods of Mian evil Mountain.

   "Order the whole army, and if anyone dares to move unscrupulously, they will all be killed." The Night King coldly sent a ray of spiritual thought to Hongye. Hongye immediately spread the order to the entire army with the decree Yujian in his hand.

   This accident had long been expected by Gu Zhongyu. Therefore, the order of "Killing Do Not Discuss" preached by the Night King is only aimed at "anyone who dares to act rashly". For those who have already rushed into Mian'e Mountain, they will not take measures for the time being, because these people are needed to step on the trap.

   Whether someone or no one is on the enemy's defense formation can't be seen with the eyes, and the Golden Core Divine Sense may not be able to feel anything strange. Where a group of treants stood in the form of a tree, as long as they did not move, it was a forest.

   And if they want to fight such an ambush, they will definitely be prepared to interfere with the methods of the Golden Core monk's consciousness.

   Before Hongye issued a military order, at least thousands of unbranded troops as strikers had already rushed into Mian'e Mountain. They marched into the woods in groups, but nothing happened.

   But there are not many people who have the guts to continue deep into the depths of Mian'e Mountain alone, and most of them cautiously begin to stay and watch.

   The Dark Night King looked at Gu Zhongyou. At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​whether Kinobe had already escaped. Of course he knew it was impossible. Rong Qianzi would never give up the Demon Emperor Palace.

   "Clean twenty miles of woods first, take the northwest hill, and arrange fire scale beasts there." Gu Zhongyou briefly and concisely put forward his suggestion to the night king. Wu Yu didn't change a word at all, and passed it directly to Hongye, sending orders to the Quartet.

   Gu Nakayu is very cautious. Although it seems that Kinobe didn't have any guards or traps here at all, it was very likely that he was playing tricks to lure the enemy deeper.

   Since the tree man relies on the tree, his countermeasure is also very simple. Remove all the trees and occupy a hill, which will initially control the entrance to the mountain.

   After receiving the order to "clean up", Hong Ye hesitated for a moment. Because in the woods on the top of the mountain, there are still many of your own troops who have just entered the mountain without authorization. If it is to be thoroughly cleaned up, these people will also be cleaned up together.

   But she immediately thought that these people were not ghost owls of their own clan, but miscellaneous troops from various small clans. And they entered the mountain without authorization, violating military orders first. Executing them on the spot will not only not shake the morale of the military, but will form a huge shock.

   Under her military order, the flying army of the Crane tribe moved to the front of the formation in a herringbone formation, while the ghost owl army in the air moved back. Immediately after a burst of bright fire rain fell from a high altitude, it was the Fire Dragon Immortal Arrow shot by the Flying Crane Army.

   Like a torrential rain, like stars falling, countless slaughter arrows burning with bright flames even under the scorching sun, falling into the dense woods.

   Hundreds of firescale proboscis also erected one by one. The red light of the beast nucleus in these fire-scale beasts grew violently and penetrated out of the body. Even the flesh and blood on their bodies and the heavy scale armor seemed to have become transparent, and the release of the beast nucleus in their bodies could be clearly seen. The hot flames coming out.


   The red light on a firescale beast's body suddenly dimmed, and its body suddenly became pitch black. However, a hot ball of fire suddenly spit out from his nostrils, and the red flame shining brightly red the entire position, turning it into a blood-stained land.

   After the fireball was spit out, it suddenly grew to a size of tens of feet. But at the same time, it was thrown far into the sky like a cannonball, crossing a long parabola, and falling on the **** of Mian'e Mountain along with the rain of fire from the flying army.

   It’s okay if this thing doesn’t fall to the ground. Once it hits the ground, the fiery red flame will surge like a huge wave and reach a height of tens of feet. Within a hundred steps, it will be swallowed by the red flame. Where the flame engulfed, whether it was forest trees or all living beings, there was no time to burn, and it was directly turned into ashes.

   Other fire-scale beasts also showed their power one after another, and the continuous fireball cannon turned the mountains and forests within dozens of miles into a sea of ​​flames.

   Don't say those squadrons who rushed to the forefront, an ant in the mountain no longer exists. Suppose there are monks lurking, and there are no bones under the Purple Mansion. Brother Jindan might be able to resist for a while with mana.

   After a quarter of an hour, there was no vegetation on the hillside within twenty miles, only a patch of dark scorched earth, embers and black smoke.

  The coalition forces did not rush forward in a hurry. A capable army of ghost owls first flew up the hill and set up a battle. Then the army moved forward in order. About hundreds of elite men and horses stationed on the top of the mountain, with formations and three fire spirit beasts arranged on the top of the mountain.

   "Can you continue to march?" The Night King asked Gu Zhongyu again.

   Gu Zhongyou nodded and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

   Kinobe’s tactics can be said to be "difficult to know as overcast." So far, because they have not exposed any clues, even Gu Zhongyu, who has the "Universal Treasure Plate" in his hands, does not know what they want to do. In this case, his response strategy is to "stand still."

   Advance step by step, fight steadily, fortify step by step, immobile like a mountain. He arranged three fire-scale beasts on that mountain, and the coverage of the fireball cannon immediately increased sharply, immediately reaching the top of the mountain within 40 to 50 miles of Mian'e Mountain.

   His follow-up troops can advance another twenty miles. Then there was a burst of bombardment of arrows, and a scorched earth road was abruptly opened up in the Mian Ei Mountain covered by the forests~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then continued to occupy the tops of the mountains one by one until reaching the Demon Emperor Hall.

   No matter how many tricks the Kinobe has, there is almost no way to counterattack except to face the fire-scale beasts and the flying army's artillery against the hills they occupy. It is tantamount to responding to ever-changing changes!

   An hour passed, and the first hill they occupied had become an indestructible fortress under the occupation of thousands of monsters and more than a dozen firescale beasts. At this time, Hongye issued a military order and the follow-up troops went up the mountain and advanced towards the second mountain in front.

   Even if it is completely covered by his own firepower, Gu Zhongyu does not advocate underestimating the enemy, but only allocates about 10,000 troops to enter Mian'e Mountain, preparing to follow the law to take down the second mountain. The main force behind the hundreds of thousands remained unmoved.

   Some of the troops behind the palace have begun to build camps. According to Gu Zhongyou's calculations, if you proceed like this step by step, even if everything goes smoothly, it will take at least a month to reach the Demon Emperor Palace. They have to prepare for a protracted battle that may last several months.

   But at this time, the mutation happened.

  The demon cultivators who guarded the first hill first saw a strange sight, that is, countless water columns gushing out from the ground like a hot spring. But these fountains are not hot, nor do they have any killing power. It seems to be ordinary glacier melt water, but I don't know how they gush out from the ground of this mountain.

   But everything that happened immediately stunned everyone. The entire huge mountain with a height of several tens of feet is constantly pouring out of water, and the whole mountain dissolves like flooded soil. Everyone's legs and feet plunged into the mud.

   What’s more terrifying is that the entire mountain became a pool of flowing mud, collapsed suddenly, and swallowed like a giant beast toward the advancing demon world coalition forces!

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