Record of Chaos

Chapter 663: Feeding blood bats with the body, sowing love in dreams

   (663 feeding blood bats with the body, sowing love seeds in dreams)

   Kuang Cannibalism is not like he is just a simple green ape clan on the surface. Otherwise, it is impossible to be drawn into this layout by Wei Wuzheng.

   There is also a dream raccoon in his body. It is also a fusion school, and the fusion has been completed. He was originally a green ape monk with two Qis in the Purple Mansion, and his dream spirit is about the same Qi in the Purple Mansion. After the fusion of the two was completed, they gained a certain degree of improvement, and now they have reached the four qi of the Purple House.

   But whether he annexed Mengling or Mengling merged with him, it is impossible to judge from his name.

   Many fusion menglings gradually forget their real names. Because people always remember the name others call themselves the most. He is still called Kuang Cannibal and rarely mentions Mengling's name, which does not mean that he swallowed Mengling.

   In addition to being easy to lose themselves, a bigger flaw is that once the fusion is completed, its cultivation level cannot be improved. Because all his exercises are limited to "fusion", unless, like Wei Wuzheng, he dared to cut off a part of himself and start again.

   He can only continue to find new host fusion. But if he wants to go further, he can only look for the host of Zifu Perfection or Jindan. How easy is this to say?

   Therefore, after he was summoned by Wei Wuzheng, he put all his hopes on the Huiguang Return of the Tree Clan. As long as he can enter the Huiguang Return Realm, maybe he can improve his realm without bothering to find the host.

   As a cultivator of the Four Qi in the Purple Mansion, his reaction and speed are actually not slow. However, Muluo's physical strength is too strong, and he can't avoid the moment when he moves "Drunk Dreams".

   This incredible woman just kicked her foot slightly, and the whole person came to him like a cannonball with a violent sonic boom. The dagger in her hand was like lightning, and it pierced his heart fiercely and accurately.

   This impulse was so strong that Kuang's whole body of cannibalism burst. Especially his face cracked cleanly directly from the scar on his face, revealing the bright red flesh inside.

   As if his body was originally made up of many pieces, it was clearly divided into many squirming meat pieces. These pieces of meat were scattered in the air and turned into many squeaky blood-red bats.

   These blood bats are like skinned bats, covered in blood, with many razor-like teeth sticking out of their mouths, instead they surrounded Muluo and bit them wildly.

   The physical escape technique of Cannibalism seems to be similar to the blood-born flower of kapok. But it's actually quite different. The blood-bearing flower of Kapok is born by nature and can quickly restore the body without any side effects.

   His spell was called "Blood Bat Clone", but it was a cruel spell from the beginning of cultivation. The so-called "clone" is not the result of the differentiation of his subject. Instead, they must abandon their own flesh and let a group of blood bats eat their flesh, so it is called "blood bat clones."

   The flesh of ordinary people is eaten by a group of blood bats, and they will naturally return to Huangquan. The magical part of this magic technique is that after the body is divided and eaten, the soul is immortal, but the group of blood bats are taken away, and they are connected in some way to continue to become a whole.

   Usually, these blood bats can also be grouped together, disguised as a human form, that is, Kuang's cannibal body.

   Muluo did not pierce the air with one sword, but stabbed several blood bats to death like a skewer. At the same time, she grabbed with her left hand and squeezed several blood bats directly into meat sauce.

   But other blood bats quickly swallowed the flesh and soul of these dead blood bats, so as a whole, Kuang Cannibal suffered little loss.

   Muluo wanted to kill him and it was not impossible. Just kill all the blood bats instantly so that they can no longer recover by swallowing each other. But the purpose of her attack was not to kill the opponent.

   In the dense forest behind Kuang Cannibal, there is still a lot of breath hiding. Among them, there were even faint fluctuations in the consciousness of the Jindan monks. Muluo is not afraid of a battle with Jindanmenglu. It's just that she is too passive to be besieged by a group of enemies now with the boy attached to her back.

   Surrounded by this blood bat, she disappeared in an instant. A series of afterimages appeared from the dense forest to the small hill where she had just been. She crossed the hill like a gust of wind and walked away.

   Her plan was to escape the encirclement first, and then try to get rid of the boy who was attached to her back. As long as no one is harassing, even Jindan Mengling can get rid of it. The attack on Kuang cannibals was just a vain shot.

   If she flees with all her strength, these cavalrymen and this purple mansion green ape will certainly not catch up with her. If the Golden Core monk hidden in the dense forest pursued her, she might not be able to get rid of her physical strength.

   is really pressing, she went straight to Mian Evil Mountain, claiming to come alone to support Kinobe, it is impossible for Kinobe to shut her out, and Meng Le will never dared to chase Mian Evil Mountain.

   But the situation is different from what she imagined. Because after tens of miles, she suddenly discovered that the dark dense forest surrounded by the mountains that had just made her flee in fear had once again appeared in front of her. Only this time, it happened to stop in front of her.

   And the group of blood bats had regrouped into Kuang cannibals, and looked back at her with some triumph.

   "Has the formation been set up?" This is really troublesome for Muluo. She, like most tree people, knows nothing about formation. She did not continue to rush, nor did she try other directions. Since others wanted to capture her, naturally it was impossible to escape from another direction.

   "Then there is only one way left." The murderous look in her eyes showed, "That is to kill you all!"

   She held a short sword and slammed directly to the hiding place of the golden core monk in the dense forest like lightning.


   "Have you started fighting?"

   In the nameless rift valley, withered wood Rong sits on a pool of wet mud. He has a golden core cultivation base, which can naturally repel filth, and his clothes will not stick to muddy water. But he still disliked this situation.

   This place is not too far away from the place where Muluo fights Meng Lei, just a few miles away. Therefore, he felt the fluctuating spirit caused by the battle between Muluo and the opponent, even here.

   When Muluo was looking for wood with a blood hunting tray, she passed these rifts several times. But her eyes could only see a cold depression, she didn't know how deep it was. So Gao Lai Gao Qu has ignored its existence several times.

   The rift valley is full of water and soil, but lacks sunlight. It was cold and humid everywhere, and there was no dry place. The air was full of rancid smell. Trees cannot grow here, only the lowest plants in the eyes of tree people can survive here.

   Karaki Rong had to wait here for a while. When Mengling enters Muluo's body, Muluo will come here obediently and start the return to the world with Mu Luo.

   His original plan was much simpler than this. He knew that to open the return to the world, the tree emperor and a woman from the Lishan line could open it together. So he initially planned to go to Lishan to find a woman to cooperate with Wood to do this regardless of whether it was spending money on employment or fraud.

  As Minister Kino for many years, he has a wide range of contacts, even in the high-level Muro department. When his inner should go to do this, he got the news that Muluo was looking for the son of the tree emperor with the blood search tray alone.

   And the son of the tree king is in his hands. It is equivalent to saying that the bait is ready, he can lay a net and wait for Muluo to get the bait!

But Nei Ying also found him some secrets unique to the Muluo Ministry about opening the Huiguang Return to the It turns out that this "shuhou" who cooperated with the tree emperor was not just a Lishan lineage. The woman will do. The seal of the fairy will not only check whether the person is of the Lishan line, but also determine whether the woman has "feeling" for the tree emperor next to her.

   This is difficult for him. Whether it is spending money or being held hostage, it is too uncertain to want a woman to be moved by this dull and old young tree emperor. This uncertainty would ruin all his plans.

   He thought of Meng Lai. Dream raccoon can make people dream. In the dream, everything is controllable.

   He can make this woman dream repeatedly. Once she is not emotional, she will do it twice, and twice will not do it three times. After repeated temptations, he can always find the right way to make this woman feel emotional with wood.

   It's just that there is not enough interest for Meng Lei to get involved. In the end, he used the conditions of entering Huiguang and returning to the realm and getting Muluo as the host, in exchange for Mengluo to capture Muluo.

   Mu Mu still knows nothing about it. He didn't care about the surrounding environment like a mud puddle, half leaning against a huge rock under the cliff, sitting in the mud with his butt, snoring like thunder.

After    was caught by Karaki Rong, he never slept. Fighting and tossing, he was already tired and suffering.

   At this time, a divine thought came from the jade slip in the dead wood rong. He embodies the spirit in the jade slip. I saw the aura flowing, and Wei Wuhao's uncoordinated face appeared in the air: "Elder Ku, the person you want is already in the formation. Come and help me get someone!"

Withered Wood Rong was startled, and replied with a serious face: "Our agreement seems to be that I only lure Muluo with the son of the tree emperor. You are responsible for capturing her, and then start Huiguang return together? How come I am going to deal with Mu Luo Luo?"

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