Record of Chaos

Chapter 676: Xianfan 2 is separated by mountains and ten thousand seats, heaven and earth are 1 pil

   (676 cents, two mountains and ten thousand constellations, five points of heaven and earth, one pillar country)

   If a mortal does not pass through the gate of heaven, no matter how high he flies, the sky is still the sky, the cloud is still the cloud, and the sky is empty, he will never see the sky.

   But this is not because the heavens and the heavens do not exist. It is because the flow rate of the upper and lower bounds are different. Although both the heaven and the human world share the same pair of sun and moon, the sun rises and sets at the same time every day, and the moon is also the same profit and loss every month, but the celestial world and the mortal in the human world have different feelings of a day.

   The day that a mortal feels in the human world is as long as a hundred years as a mortal feels. Conversely, it can be said that the time of the heavenly people has been stretched more than 36,000 times in Kilitian.

   In the eyes of heavenly people, mortals move too slowly. Throwing a stone in the human world, it can fall to the ground with one breath, but in the eyes of the heavenly people, it stays in the air for five hours before it falls.

   So for the heavenly people, almost everything in the human world is frozen, including the air and clouds in the human world.

  Since the air freezes and does not move, it has become an extremely solid continent, the continent of the heavens. Mortals and these human creatures are nothing more than hard rocks creeping in the depths of the soil at an incredible slow speed to them.

When a mortal looks towards the sky, the speed of the heavenly beings is more than 30,000 times faster than the normal speed that they understand. All changes in the heavenly realm, whether it is mountains, rivers, geography, people coming and going, are extremely fast, They couldn't see anything clearly, just like the misty clouds in the empty world.

  Only when they pass through the gate of heaven, and the time of the two synchronizes, can mortals see the real scene of the heaven.

   Gouzhu and Lian Ling also flew over the clouds. They have no idea where the vast world is going. If they just wander around here, they are very likely to be excluded from returning to the border within a certain period of time, so they can only fly with the only Mu Luo who has received instructions.

   Although it is said that the clouds in the sky are like the continents on the earth, it is not that simple. Because the heaven and the human world are different. The human world is either a continuous mountain or a plain river. But the heaven is a continent with multiple layers. There is a continent above the continent.

   To put it vividly, it is as if there are many mountains like thick clouds growing on the boundless snow-white continent. At the top of each mountain is a new continent. There are mountains on the continents, and continents on the tops of the mountains. This is a continuous and endless ocean of countless continents.

  Theoretically, the lower continent always has a larger area than the mountain top that grows from it. But it is not the case. Every time they leaped to a large continent, they surprisingly discovered that its area was far from the size expected in the lower continent, but more vast and boundless.

   This is like a cloud seen from the human world, but in the heavens it is a boundless continent. The law of scale is the same as the law of time. It expands as it goes higher, and it is completely impossible to infer from common sense.

   In the center of their vision, an immeasurable huge snow-white mountain stood proudly, rushing into the sky like a huge pillar, occupying almost half of their vision. Muluo is flying to this mountain.

   "What mountain is that?" Wood has never seen such a huge mountain. It is inevitable that there is a huge sense of depression that the entire universe will overwhelm.

   "This is Mount Xumi." Muluo looked up at the giant mountain, revealing an enviable expression. "The top of the mountain is the Kilitian, a place where the emperor and other heavenly people enjoy. Except for the 33 heavens on the top, the mountain is full of creatures, the hellish world of Shura!"

   As soon as the word "hell" was uttered, Muluo's fiery eyes showed a trace of bloodthirsty. She turned her head back again and continued to fly forward. Mu Mu looked at this piece of heaven, but he couldn't connect with "hell".

   Muluo didn't know why she said that. She only knew that after she arrived in this world, memories continued to flood into her mind. These memories are of course not hers, but the memories of the ancient trees.

   There are only two kinds of creatures in the heavens: Heaven and Shura. The purely human beings are devas. And all the birds and beasts, and even the flowers and trees, are Shura. All Shura are born with both original and human bodies.

  Different from the pampering heaven and human beings, the Shura world practices the law of the jungle and is in constant fighting and cannibalism. The weak and the strong eat, only the strong can survive, so it is called Shura Hell!

   But Shura has not established order. On the foothills of the Sifang Mountains in the southwest and north of the eastern Xumi Mountains, there are four powerful Asuras who have established four powerful Asura heavens, namely the Northern Xuan Emperor, the Western Bai Emperor, the Southern Chi Emperor, and the Eastern Blue Emperor.

   These four emperors and the fifth emperor of the city of Shanjian Xumishan are also called "Five Emperors of the Heavens". Only 100,000 years ago, these four countries had already perished one after another, and these four powerful Asuras were already dead.

   If the person who returned to the border was 100,000 years ago, it is said that it is not easy to return to the era of the coexistence of the five emperors. At that time, there were frequent wars between Heaven and Shura, but it was not peaceful.

   This one hundred thousand years is not only one hundred thousand years in the human world, but also one hundred thousand years in the heavens. It's just that the 100,000 years of the celestial beings are as long as 3.6 billion personal years. The amazingly long years have passed.

   The life expectancy of an average celestial being is at most 2,000 celestial years, which is 60 to 70 million years if converted into adult world years. Whether it was the heavens or the Asuras they came to in this era, they didn't know how many deaths in this world.

   Even so, the blessings of heaven and humans are really coveted. It counts for thousands of years at every turn. This is also the reason why the monks on the ground desperately pursue the ascension.

   Muluo kept flying close to Mount Sumeru. The foothills of Mount Xumi looked like a thick white cloud from a distance, white as jade. As it flew near, the five-color streamer shone out, as if the snow-white jade sculpture was suddenly dyed with color, turning into a splendid brocade hanging in the world.

   As they flew closer and closer, the magnificent and boundless beauty also showed more and more details. Mountains and running water, clouds and mists, continuous forests, birds and beasts, all appear little by little on this scroll.

In the middle of the picture scroll is a huge forest made up of countless huge trees, which looks very similar to the location of the Jade Jade Palace and Mian'e Mountain. Muluo flew there, only to see the cyan aura flowing around, restricting it all.

   They were thinking about how to get closer. A big bird with plumage like blood-red agate and a phoenix crown flew over, and on his back sat a thin old man with white hair.

   He wears a green robe, his cheeks are fleshless, a slender goatee is a few feet long, and his eyes are sunken, but his smoky eyes keep spinning in it.

When the old man in Qingpao saw the four flying in, he smiled politely, stood on the bird’s back, bowed, nodded and asked with a tree: "Old Fu Lin Hutu, you must be the fourth generation of Mian Evil Mountain Demon Emperor. One line?"

   "Don't mention that self-righteous guy to me, he has been reincarnated long ago." Muluo replied unceremoniously, "This is the fifth generation!"

   "Oh?" The old man seemed to be taken aback, and he whispered to himself, "It's weird, the fourth generation hasn't seen you for so long, but the fifth generation came directly?"

   Muluo widened her eyes and said angrily: "You control the generations. Anyway, it is the Emperor of Mian Ei Mountain. Are you picking up or not?"

The old man was frightened and said hurriedly: "Come on! Follow me, everyone." He turned his head and steered the bird to lead the way, while muttering, "Look at this hot temper. The tree behind the Lishan line cannot be faked."

   Goujiu had no interest in this old man, but he was secretly speechless at the big blood-red bird he was riding. This bird is not actually a living Phoenix-blooded kite!

   After flying through the gate, he and Mu can already fly with the wind by themselves. After the synchronization of time and space, the air in the entire celestial realm here is not thin to them, and the aura is extremely abundant. Therefore, Mu Luo is not in such an awkward state being carried by Muluo.

   But Goujiu still missed his flying magic weapon. Tang Su's destruction of his Phoenix-blooded Kite has made him resentful, but he didn't expect to see this kind of extinct bird here?

  In the present world, the Phoenix-blooded Kite only exists in the magic weapons left over from the ancient times. But if according to Muluo's statement, this is 100,000 years ago, then it is normal that there are living birds.

   "I just don't know if the things in Huiguangreturn can be taken out? If you can get a head..." This was the idea that Xunzhu was thinking about.

Where the phoenix-blood kite flies, the bans in the sky are opened layer by layer like a curtain that has been lifted. A vast and boundless huge city composed of countless towering huge tree trunks and countless branches and leaves is clear after the ban. The ground revealed.

   In addition to the prohibition in the air, there are countless patrolmen wearing green armor and flying high in the sky on various black eagles. When most patrols saw Lin Hutu, they took the initiative to avoid. Several familiar ones also shouted:

   "Elder Hutu, where did you bring your distinguished guests?"

   Lin Hutu smiled and perfunctorily, but did not reveal the identity of the four to anyone else. The crowd flew all the way to the tallest giant trees.

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