Record of Chaos

Chapter 700: The Song family spread money to open the way, Li Shan sits in the rain and listens to

   (700 Songs shop money to open the way, Li Shan sits in the rain and listens to the wind)

  Tongtian Bureau is under the Ministry of War. Almost places where there are sanitary posts are incidentally equipped with Tongtian Bureau. Tongzhou Tongtian Bureau is an affiliate of Tongzhou Health Institute. Among them are Xuanxiu recruited by the Ministry of War from various places.

   These Xuanxiu are specially responsible for dealing with cases involving Xuanmen monks and endangering the mortal world. In other words, if it is Xuanmen infighting, they don't care. But once Xuanxiu's actions affected mortals, it was time for them to take action.

   Different from the Five Elements Patrol Station, the Five Elements Patrol Station belongs to a semi-official organization built by the monks of the Xuanmen and the official default. The Tongtian Bureau is a genuine government office.

   In the territory of the Hou Tu Dynasty, the battle between the profound gates, as long as it is a simple struggle between the monks of the profound gate, the main sects make their own decisions, and the court does not care. But if it involves the loss of life and property in the world, then no matter who it is, it will be bound by the local government.

   After all, although Xuanmen has the strength, it can't rebel.

  Tongtian Bureau is not responsible for hosting the case. Regardless of whether Xuanmen or demons or ghosts are involved, the local governments and counties are responsible for any cases that occur in the region.

   When it is necessary to catch ghosts and eliminate demons, the local government assigns the Xuanmen sect to be responsible. It was necessary to investigate and arrest the Xuanmen monks, but the Tongtian Bureau obeyed the local government's appointment and dispatched.

   Except for the Tongtian Bureau, most local government offices generally do not configure Xuanxiu. But as long as the local yamen forwarded a collusion to the Tongxuan Bureau, the Tongxuan Bureau would take people according to the collusion.

   At least on the surface, Xuanxiu committed the same crime as the common people, should go to jail, and beheaded.

  As long as the local government has been dispatched in any case, the Five Elements Patrol Station can no longer intervene.

   What's worse is that the court has always liked to play with balance. For example, Xuanxiu in Tongtian Bureau of Tongzhou would basically not hire monks from the Five Elements School. Most of them are monks of Yin Yang Sect, Extreme Martial Sect and even Soul Sect sent from abroad.

   Therefore, they are temporarily unable to get involved in this matter.

   The Song family actually preemptively told an official to directly give the official yamen out, and easily blocked them from the door?

   This is of course beneficial to the Song family. Merchants like the Song family are always going to make money. Fuxian Yamen is their first target to be won. Otherwise, don't talk about gold production, it is impossible to enter the mining industry.

   It is conceivable that the state government will soon come to a specious conclusion, and then Song Xiangyi can start work.

   "Hmph, these corrupt officials!" Xue You didn't dare to speak on the surface, but secretly cursed in his heart.


   In the 36th year of Kun Yuan, the Dark Night King became the Demon King in Wanliu Valley. This also means that the five-year war between the Demon Realm Alliance and the Muye Tribe is finally over.

  The war lasted much longer than everyone expected. The main reason is that the Night King has not shortly adhered to the idea of ​​"ending the war in three months" and kept investing. After a full twenty three months, he finally realized that it would be impossible to end the war in another three months.

  Mian Evil Mountain's defense is like a huge onion, after peeling off one layer, there is another layer, as if you never know where the real core is. After five years, both sides are exhausted.

   In the end, the Night King decided to give up his enthronement in the Demon Emperor Hall. After such a consumption, other tribes, such as Mengluo, Spirit Ape, Demon Fox and even Crane tribe, may be ready to move. He might as well take advantage of the ghost owl that has already occupied a lot of territory and first call it the emperor.

   Although the Dark Night King is called the emperor, the demon world has not changed much. And his throne is only supported by some races. Many tribes still only respect the tree emperor who no longer exists. Other races respect the new emperor on the surface, but in fact they only seek some benefits from the ghost owl.

   The various tribes of the demon world have suffered huge losses in the Kinobe. This is good news for the Muluo tribe, the tree clan second only to the Muye tribe. Their territory has more than doubled in the past five years.

   March is the rainiest season in Lishan. The great prosperity of the world has also brought vitality to the growth of all things. Countless young buds sprout from the soil, and the young leaves on the trees seem to have been washed.

   The houses of the Muluo tribe grew out of trees, a huge fruit shaped like a pumpkin but hollowed out in the middle. Although the sun has dried the empty husk of this huge fruit, the dried husk is still as strong as thick wood. The fruit pedicle, which is hugged by one person, is still firmly fixed on the ancient giant tree.

The only disadvantage of    is that the shells are not completely enclosed, and they are covered with many tiny holes.

   When the sky is fine, the sun shines through these holes and forms countless beams of light with the thickness of fingers. When it rains, there are patters inside and outside the house. The rain was left in the hole above the head, and then flowed away from the hole under the foot. When the rain is heavy, a curtain of water is formed.

   Unlike humans, tree people like sunlight and water. Therefore, such a room is suitable for their cultivation.

   It was light rain at this time, and the air was full of the smell of humidity. Mu Hua, the elder of the Muluo Department, was wearing a gray and white robe and sitting quietly in the room. Although there seemed to be no expression on the old face, the crow's feet on the corners of the eyebrows were slightly deeper.

   Her heart is extremely joyful. Because her daughter Mulian made Jindan the night before! In this way, the Muluo tribe in Lishan will be stronger.

   Although the heaven and the earth are brilliant, theoretically it would be easier to achieve the golden core, but in the past ten years, only Mulian has achieved the golden core. It can be seen that even though the world has begun to mutate, it is still as difficult as ever for the tree to achieve the golden core.

   With the power of the tree people, the perfect tree people in the Purple Mansion are enough to deal with the golden core monks of other races. However, only by accomplishing the golden core can oneself be truly respected among the race.

   Apart from anything else, if you want to be the patriarch of the Lishan tribe and rename this tribe with your own name, you must have a golden core. Even the first flower of a golden core is fine.

   This is why Muluo's quirky personality, rebellious, and retired by Mu Ye, can still be promoted to the position of patriarch of the tribe even if people in the tribe are bored. Because of Muluo's younger generation, she was the only one who reached the Golden Core Realm.

   So that she has been missing for five years, she does not know her life or death, but she still emptied the position of the patriarch. This tribe is still called the Muluo Department. In fact, according to Mu Hua's idea, although Muluo's life Jane is still intact, she might have long been a puppet of Mengluo.

   Now it's different. Since the Mulian has achieved the golden core, there is no need for the position of the patriarch to hang on the Muluo tree.

   Mulian's personality is much gentler than Muluo, it's exactly what her elders would say, she would do it. It's all this time, what are you waiting for?

   Although Mu Hua sits still, he is actually looking forward to it. The meeting of elders should be held soon. Don't let a person who doesn't know whereabouts continue to occupy the position of patriarch, it's time to change the name of the tribe.

   She didn't wait too long. After a while, the low trumpet calling for the elders' council rang, much like the huge whirring sound of the whole room when a strong wind blows through her tree house.

   Her spirit was refreshed, and she immediately stood up and walked into the light rain outside. The rain rolled down on her robe. She didn't care, and walked into a hall in three steps and two steps.

   The elders, elders, and deputy elders gathered together more than twenty old women.

Mu Hua found an inconspicuous place and drenched the white hair sticking to the wrinkled forehead, and then waited hopefully for the lady sitting in the front. The upper elder talked about the achievement of the golden pill by the Mulian. But the first words she said left Mu Hua for a while:

   "Muluo sent back news from the human world."

   The elders under the stage immediately discussed. Especially Mu Hua, could not help standing up, almost blurting out: "How is it possible! Shouldn't this guy be a puppet of the dream raccoon long ago?"

   Fortunately, she did not say anything after all. She wanted to remind these elders that the existence of Muluo is no longer the original Muluo. It's a pity that Mengluo's matter is too confidential, and she simply doesn't confess when she says it casually. But the next sentence of the Supreme Elder made her sluggish for a while:

   "Muluo has returned from Huiguang and has achieved Jindan Sanhua."

How is this possible! The strongest Taishang elder in the tribe is nothing more than Golden Core Sanhua. How old is she Muluo? And how could she enter Huiguang Return? Isn’t the location of Huiguang Return only known to the King of Trees? And only the tree king and tree queen can enter together. But the next sentence from the person on the stage completely shattered her last hope.

   "Muluo has found the son of Kino and has become a Taoist couple with him!"

   That's how it is. She sat down weakly, her eyes dull. It took ten years of hard work for Manglietia to break through to the golden core first flower. And Muluo? Never practice at ease and wander around. It turned out that she was only deliberately looking for the tree emperor. Kino didn't want her, she went to post other people's son shamelessly, and even rushed to return home. There is such a shameless and sinister woman in the world?

   But she just wandered around after returning home, and easily surpassed others' ten years of hard work, and she was so far away that Mulian couldn't even see her shadow. God is not fair, God is not fair!

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