Record of Chaos

Chapter 706: Song Xiangyi's big event turned, Mu Xuanjia was prepared for the rain

   (706 Song Xiangyi has become a major event, and Mu Xuanjia is prepared for the rain)

  On the western outskirts of Tongzhou, I looked at a bucket of dark brown on the ground, some dusty powder. These things seem inconspicuous, but they are actually pure gold dust.

   Soon they were melted and poured into the mold. It didn't take long for the bright and blind gold ingots to reveal its attractive appearance.

   After ten days of operation, the output of the Songjia Gold Mine reached 500 taels of gold per day. With money, Song Xiangyi quickly fought fiercely with various forces including the government and the Five Elements Sect.

   The most active purchase of these gold is not the other family, but the Feijiantang of the Five Elements Sect. They bought as much as Song Xiangyi produced, and the price was quite fair.

   This is certainly not because they have already shaken hands and made peace. But Feijiantang must have this batch of gold to build the molten puppet soldiers. If they go to the market to buy, it will cause the price of gold to soar.

   So they might as well sign a long contract with Song Xiangyi directly. How much you produce and how much I receive will be based on the market price. In this way, the building of the molten puppets also started step by step.

   Regarding the "Gold Mine Poling Murder" case, the same state government only took three days to approve and close the case under the nourishment of Song family money.

   They concluded that Jin Guoxia, the abandoned apprentice of the Feijiantang of the Five Elements Zong, entered the gold mine without authorization to practice breaking through the Purple Mansion. Unfortunately, he was defeated by a thousand-year-old golden soul and lost his mind. Therefore, he wanted to kill the miners, resulting in the death of eight people in the mine.

   Finally, under the joint hands of the disciples of the Jade Palace and the Xuanbing of the Tongtian Bureau, the out of control Jin Po was wiped out, and Jin Guoxia was already dead.

   The advantage of this conclusion is that everything is caused by Jin Guoxia's unauthorized actions, and the responsibilities of all parties are completely removed. Moreover, both the government office and the Tongtian Bureau received a share of credit.

   The pensions of the eight miners have also been settled. How can Jin Guoxia say he is also an Xudan Consummation monk. The relics he left in the Five Elements Sect are replaced with silver, which is more than enough to treat eight miners.

   Although Chen Ang was dissatisfied, he thought that a month later, they would completely annihilate the Danyang Pavilion of the Jade Palace and re-possess the entire gold mine of Song Xiangyi. So I can only tolerate these sections temporarily.

   All these things are temporarily over. Song Ruhai will stay in his father's gold mine for a while. Huang Lu insisted on staying in the gold mine. Gouzhu and Murongqing followed Lian Ling and others back to Cuiyu Peak.


In the spring of    Cuiyu Peak, at night, it rains and the mountain breeze calls. The simple wooden floor of Danyang Pavilion was squeaked, and the wind was like many screaming mice, gnawing between the cracks in the wall, desperately trying to get in.

   Although there is only a layer of old wooden boards, the collapse in the room is comfortable and dry. After finally letting go of the heavy exhaustion caused by practicing all day, he lay down and held Lian Ling in his arms.

   separated by a thin layer of cotton shirt, her body is soft as boneless, with a very pleasant warmth. Gouzhu was about to fall asleep groggy, when Lian Ling suddenly said:

   "From tomorrow I plan to retreat for a few days to awaken all the elevated realms in the Azure Dragon Pool."

   "You don't mean to consolidate the realm, don't rush for success?" Gouzhu suddenly lost his sleepiness. Lian Ling has always acted steadily, so hurriedly improving her realm is not like her previous style. This must be an urgent reason for her to do this.

   "I thought I was going to deal with Gui Xuanyin and the ancient family. Now it seems that the Five Elements School has to be added. The Five Elements School has too many strong players, so I should be safe."

   What she didn't say was that in the Five Elements Sect, what she had to deal with was the uncle Kong Du who was very knowledgeable about the weakness of her Aoki Changsheng Gong. If she just used the power of Jin Dan Chuhua to deal with him and his group of Mu Deyuan men, she might suffer.

   "Awakening in such a hurry, will there be sequelae?"

   "Give me your blood-stained monument and add the two hundred thousand taels of blood spirit stone, it should be foolproof."

   If someone said that it would take 200,000 taels of blood spirit stones to improve the realm, it would be so embarrassing that it would spit out a mouthful of old blood. But this is even Ling needs to use, as long as he can be sure of nothing, he has to be willing to do as much.

   What's more, Lian Ling just wanted to awaken the realm he had already reached, instead of forcibly raising the realm, so it would definitely not cost that much.

   "What if they do it first these few days?" Goujiu thought of another.

   "This is just right." Lian Ling smiled and said, "With Lin Meier's guardian, plus Lian Ping's control of the Danyang Pavilion's circle, how many people have they come to die?"

   Hook and think carefully, it is true. Neither party can do it in advance, because both the Danyang Pavilion and the Torture Tree Palace in Gui Xuan Yin's retreat have powerful restraints and guards. Even if both sides have a breakthrough in strength, it will take a long time.

   If the long-term attack does not break and causes a big trouble, not only will the Jade Palace fall into civil strife, but the King Yun behind the Danyang Pavilion, the Five Elements Sect and the imperial court behind the Xingtang line may all come out to disrupt the situation, then the consequences will be uncontrollable.

   April 16th is the ancestor worship day, this day everyone has to leave their territory to go to Taiyang Peak. So the best thing for both parties is to wait until that day. This is not a conspiracy but a conspiracy.

"Well, that's true." Gouzhu put his fingers through her hair that was as smooth as water flowing on the pillow, "Then I have been guarding the Danyang Pavilion for the past few days. I would like to see the old lunatic surnamed ghost still What tricks can I use."

   "That won't work." Lian Ling shook his head, "You have to look at the other person. I guess they might attack that person before offering to ancestors."


   "Your Aunt Mu Jia."

   In the battle between Lian Ling and Gui Xuan Yin, only Mu Jia is a strange existence. Although she was born in the same Wuyuan as Lian Ling and Huo Yun, she didn't look at both Lian Ling and Gui Xuanyin, she was maverick, and did not support either party.

   In the past ten years, her strength has been continuously improved, and she has reached the second qi of the Purple Mansion. If Gui Xuanyin and the others are killing them to seize the power of the Jade Palace, it is difficult to predict whether she will sit on the sidelines or act in anger. Therefore, for this kind of person, the best way is to solve it in advance.

   She was not as tightly guarded as Lian Ping and Huo Yun, she had already prepared for this decisive battle. It's how to live normally and how to live now. So if the other party asks her to start, there are still many opportunities.

   "Senior Aunt Mu has a weird temperament, and her cultivation base is still higher than me. How can I look at her?"

"It's okay. As soon as it dawns tomorrow, you will take Murong Qing and Miao Zhong, and take the Danyang Pavilion's warrant to the Huichunyuan. You two take turns staring at this person, where does she go and where do you go. Yes, there is that A white cat is also lent to you."

   On the second day, Gouji brought Murong Qing, Miao Zhong and White Cat, biting his head to Huichunyuan.

  Miao was originally the elder of the soul sect. After he died in Wushangshan, he was refined into a resurrected corpse by the corpse collection bureau, and he was finally resurrected by He Cangshi. This person is proficient in various spiritual arts, and has extremely sophisticated experience in the so Lian Ling asked him to assist in the deception.

   From the outside, it seemed that the couple came together with the enemies of Gochu and Kakura. Fortunately, the grievance between these two people was more than ten years ago. If they don't know each other, it's not too weird that the two people are walking together now.

   It is the rejuvenating elder Mu Jia who really feels weird. Two of them, Gouzhuo and Miao, waited a full half an hour in the Rejuvenation Institute before they were able to see this elder who was busy all day long and was extremely impatient to talk to anyone.

   Mu Jia has a delicate appearance, and a pair of bright eyes are surrounded by a faint red eye shadow. It is not the effect of makeup, but the result of constantly treating the wounded and sick.

   She has no time to spend time dressing herself up like normal female nuns. She faces the sky and her hair is wrapped directly behind her head with a bandage. Wearing a dark dress, it is said that even if it is splashed with blood, it cannot be washed off.

   "Are you sick?" Mu Jia scanned them with his spiritual sense, looked at them once, and then focused on Miu Zhongzhong. She faintly felt that this human body was a bit weird, which gave her the desire to dissect and study this person.

   "We are not sick." Gouzhu quickly put the "Danyang Pavilion Order" in both hands. Mu Jia grabbed the jade slip and meowed a glance, her eyebrows frowned immediately, and said angrily:

"Is Lian Ping crazy? She has to worry about my safety? She has sent someone to protect me? Every twelve hours must be kept at every step until the ancestor worship ceremony on April 16? What is it? When will I be with you? Danyang Pavilion's gang? She will protect herself."

   "This warrant was not written by Lianping on behalf of Shou." Gouzhu had to stand up to the limelight and said.

   "Who else can it be?" Mu Jia's anger was a little stiff. She picked up the warrant and took a closer look at the inscription. It turned out that the inscription was not Lian Ping, it was the very similar word "Lian Ling"!

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