Record of Chaos

Chapter 716: The snowy night is vast and vitality is dark, the dark fire is faint and murderous

   (716 snowy night is vast and vitality is dark, underworld fire is bright and murderous)

   Even if he summoned the Meteorite Dingfang Inkstone, even if he used the most advanced escape beads, he would only be split in half. Even if his speed is far surpassing the ordinary Xudan monk, reaching the grade of the Purple Mansion, it is impossible to escape this shocking blow.

   What's more, Goujiu has already been frozen to move. The infuriating movement on his body has almost solidified. And this is not because Nan Wanci practiced the field, it was purely caused by her unscrupulously releasing Guanghan mana.

   Goujiu's strength now standing here is equivalent to that of a mortal. Even if Nanwan stays silent, he will slowly freeze to death.

   But she will definitely do it. Because the retaining monument always adopts the most effective strategy that can quickly end the battle. When it came in, it judged that he and Lian Ling were two separate souls from the same person. For opponents whose realm is far below one's own, a sword cut is the best solution.

   Although they all have chills, Guanghan mana is different from Xuanming's true energy. If Xuanming's true qi is like the water of the icy abyss of the North Ming, then the vast cold mana is like the lonely violent cold wind and the cold and cold moonlight on the high hanging moon.

   When the tip of the sword was less than a foot from the tip of his nose, he felt his body move suddenly. This is not because he is moving, but a bunch of branches of Shu Luolan have already entangled him and pulled him vigorously.

   At the same time, Lian Ling's slender figure was already blocking her, and a circle of soft green light appeared on her body, just to block the sword aura like a wall.

   But even Lian Ling could not stop this sword energy with her body protection mana. Sword Qi was like a layer of erect, transparent white light film, instantly penetrating into the green aperture of her body protection mana, passing through her body from the center.

   Before her body could even wither, she was frozen by the violent cold and split into two at the same time. But she blocked the sword's edge personally, which really gained time for deceit. The hook is pulled at least half a foot away. The sword that was going to hit his head and heart from the middle, only hit his right shoulder.

   He felt a blade-like cold air pulled from his body like a vertical thin line. My body is divided into two separate parts like a piece of frozen tofu.

   But this sword is too fast. The cut off part of his body has not fallen and separated, and this sword has already been cut over. Lian Ling's Xiu Luolan uploaded the vast sea-like greenwood mana, which partially broke through the blockade of cold air, causing a vigorous vitality in his blood, and the rapid healing that was still bridged together.

   Although Lian Ling could not stop Nan Wan's resignation, he still used the strong recovery ability of Aoki Changsheng Gong to deal with her. It's just that her Aoki mana can recover one person. If you want to regain your shame, you have to sacrifice your own life.

   But it is not important. Because Xiuluolan is her body. Even though this person was destroyed, she could still regenerate another one.

The shackles were swept away by Xiu Luolan, and the whole thousand-meter-sized floating soil rock made a strange noise, and then rumblingly split into two halves like peeled beans, revealing the sword of Nan Wan's resignation. A flat, mirror-like incision made.

   At this time, Shuluolan had dragged the Gouzhu into a hidden rock crack, and there was a small space that could accommodate several people. Shuluolan grew in the crevices, the melon ripened and the stems fell, and Lian Ling quickly emerged from the ripe fruit of Shuluolan.

   She has been in the beneficiary for two days before staying on the monument, and the battle is not over yet. Because she was a little bit bigger, she chose Nanwan's very difficult opponent. If she chose the black and white that had also appeared in Xiyang Cave, maybe the battle was over now.

   uses her own monument to awaken the realm she has already reached, no matter what opponent she chooses, it will not affect the final result. But the combat experience gained from it is quite different. Lian Ling was also very interested in this female cultivator who was the first female cultivator of the Yin-Yang Sect a hundred years ago.

   Although the realm is different, Lianling has extremely rich combat experience. It is not completely impossible to overcome the opponent by crossing a realm. She just didn't expect that she really got the iron plate here at Guanghan Goddess.

   "Her Guanghan mana just restrains Aoki's vitality?" Gouzhu saw Lian Ling's slightly pale face and immediately thought of this.

   The vitality of the Aoki Longevity Kungfu has a strong resilience, and it can never be extinct. But what vitality fears most is the cold escape technique. The blazing high temperature can directly kill all vitality, while the severe cold and low temperature can inhibit the vitality, so that even Ling's strongest spell will be greatly reduced, and it is of little use on the Guanghan goddess.

   Nanwan's resignation unscrupulously released Guanghan's mana outside, without any restraint. This seems very wasteful, but it is actually the way to victory. Because under her cold air, Lian Ling was almost directly equivalent to the falling realm, and was even weaker to compete with her head-on.

   Fortunately, Nanwan Ci did not practice the field. If she could use a spell similar to the Xuanming Cold Domain, which could not only save mana, but also freeze a huge area in the four directions, this battle would be even more impossible.

   Although it was said that even if he was defeated in the remaining battle, his true body would not be injured, but the loss was still huge. Because the staying stele reveals everything in front of him, including the chaotic stone piercing array and the goddess of Guanghan, but they all rely on the two hundred thousand taels of blood spirit stone she put in.

   If she wins, she will only be awakened once she is upgraded to a double-flower monk. The blood spirit stone will not be consumed too much, and most of the 200,000 taels can be taken out again. But once she loses, most of the money will be lost. She came back after her daughter was gone, but she didn't think it mattered, she might vomit blood if she tried to confuse her.

   So she didn't admit defeat for two days, instead relying on Xiu Luolan to keep hiding and stalemate with her. Although Guanghan mana is powerful, it cannot go deep underground. Her Asura grew up in the crevices of the huge boulders and couldn't freeze for a while. The two goddesses were in a stalemate like this. She certainly has no way to break the game. But the way she thought of it had to be combined with goblin.

   "Her weakness is that the power of divine consciousness is weaker?"

   Hook up and asked. There can be no perfect monk in this world. Nan Wanci's Guanghan mana and sword aura are so sharp, so her weakness can only be in divine consciousness.

   Lianling's Shu Luolan hid in the cracks, but she did not pursue them and killed them one by one. It is very likely that her power of divine consciousness was not strong, and she could not find the specific location of Shu Luoran. Therefore, she can only release Guanghan Mana indiscriminately around to freeze the whole world.

   "Yes," Lian Ling nodded, "but the jade bamboo umbrella in her hand is a treasure of divine sense, as long as it is opened, it can resist most divine sense attacks."

   As expected. The goddess of Guanghan also knows where her weakness lies. She is not as powerful as physical training, but she does not have the strong physical body that physical training can be used as a shield to protect the spiritual consciousness. If she was confronted with the master of the Soul Sect in this way, she would definitely suffer a big loss.

   So she always holds the polygonatum umbrella, which makes up for her biggest weakness. Even if the opponent uses divine consciousness to attack, she can also use the Yuzhu umbrella to block it.

   Although Lian Ling is not completely ignorant of spiritism, it is not what she is good at after all. It is basically impossible to use spiritism to break through Yuzhu Umbrella's defense and attack Nan Wanci's true body. In this way, attacking her spirit is basically a dead end.

"Do you want to use my Xuan Yin True Fire to deal with her?" Gou Zhuo suddenly thought that Guanghan Mana is the same as Xuan Ming True Qi, once it is decomposed, it will release a large amount of Xuan Yin It is the fuel of Xuanyin Youhuo.

   "Yes." Lian Lingxin nodded vigorously.

  Once an ordinary attack encounters Nan Wanci's Guanghan mana, it will be frozen and cause a great drop in power, but Xuanyin Youhuo will not. The deeper the yin and cold air, the more fierce it burns. As long as the tactics are used properly, it is not impossible to defeat the Guanghan Goddess in one fell swoop.

   At the same time, Goujiu also feels that the chill on his body is getting worse. If it hadn't been for Lian Ling's green wood mana to wrap him, he might have been frozen. This is because Nan Wanci is moving, and her distance from here is getting closer.

   Nan Wanci's power of divine consciousness is not strong, but it is also relative to the average Shuanghua monk. It is easy for her to find Gou Zhuo, a junior who is not yet at the Purple Mansion realm, even if Gou Zhuo has Yin Dan.

  Lian Ling's call to hook is naturally useful for her, but the disadvantage is that it makes her goal bigger and more obvious. Even if they are separated, it is useless. Because of the existence of the human puppet witch curse, as long as Nan Wanci kills one of them, the other will also lose at the same time.

   "Okay!" Gou Zhuo nodded a little daringly. He had dealt with various masters, but it was the first time he had to deal with Monk Shuanghua. At this time, he involuntarily began to deduced the scene of him and Lian Ling teaming up with the goddess Guanghan.

   Win her? How to win? It is impossible to burn her to death with his Xuan Yin real fire. The realm is too far apart. Especially the goddess of Guanghan not only carried Guanghan mana in her sword aura, but also carried a strong wind. It is impossible for his Xuanyin real fire to penetrate such violent wind to reach her body.

  Lian Ling's mana can't spur his Xuan Yin real fire, and he must do it himself.

   "Then take a gamble!" Suddenly, Goujiu's heart brightened, and he had a vague idea.

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