Record of Chaos

Chapter 730: Cut the mundane to be a fairy

   (730 cuts off the mundane and the immortal body, said to break the mystery and fall into the ceiling)

   Just as the battle between Cuiyu Palace Xingtang and Danyang Pavilion was fierce, the distant Northern Frontier Chen Department was another scene.

   A woman is sitting on the snow, wrapped in a thick white flannel, completely concealing her whole body, she can't see her figure at all. I can only see her usual face, enveloped in a soft light. In the star-like eyes, sparkling waves swayed like the reflection of the water surface.

   If any sentient being sees this light, it will involuntarily generate emotions. It will melt like ice and snow when it sees the sun, as if a wandering soul has found a place of refuge.

   The soft lines of her face resemble a minimalist and beautiful outline drawn by a few light strokes on the snow-white paper with a Danqing Miao pen. It's just that there is a transparent jade-like spot on the center of her eyebrows. The blue silk scattered on the white cloak was like thick ink splashed in the snow.

   There is a person in front of her who is exactly the same as herself. She is also sitting cross-legged in the snow, and a white flame is emerging, burning quietly in the snow. That is her mortal legacy.

   "Congratulations to Sister Xue, she has become a fairy body!"

   Lan Ruoshuang wore a dark blue dress embroidered with a gorgeous jacket full of peacock patterns, stepped across the snow, kneeled down charmingly in front of Wen Ruxue, clasped his fists and smiled congratulations.

"I became an immortal body, but it is not a good thing for you." Wen Ruxue replied solemnly, "The blood bond between me and the soul wound sword has been lifted. Not only is I no longer a sword spirit, but I It will take away all the creatures in the profound ice world in the sword."

   Lan Ruoshuang turned his eyes and smiled gently, "Who said it's not a good thing? Sister Xue is sanctified. No matter where her sister goes, even if she jumps out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements, sister and I will stick light.

  Lan Ruoshuang couldn't help but smile when she saw her flattering appearance. But she immediately put away her smile: "Next, I want to teach you the way to become a fairy. You have to listen carefully."

   Lan Ruoshuang also put away his flattering smile, and sat in the snow to listen carefully. With the gurgling of Wen Ruxue's voice, a large number of snowflakes fell from the sky.

   There are countless cultivators in the world, but there are very few people who can become immortal bodies. This is because cultivating the Tao is already extremely difficult, and the way to become an immortal is different from the method of cultivating the Tao. This makes many people unable to touch the path to becoming immortal even if the cultivation of the Tao has reached its peak.

   The true way of becoming immortal is only known by immortals. And for some reason, immortals cannot easily come into contact with mortals, let alone teach the method of ascension to immortals at will.

   is usually only a few words passed down by some big sects with deep heritage. And the many masters of Taoism in later generations are just struggling in these little words, but in fact they are still blind people.

   There is not even a word in the inheritance of the Jade Palace left by Qin Zunyang. He left countless cultivating experiences in his miscellaneous notes, but did not mention a word about the achievement of the immortal body. In other words, he actually mentioned it, but he erased these before becoming immortal.

   But he left another peculiar thing, that is, the grass is as warm as snow.

   Qin Zunyang did an experiment with Jiming Grass. If this experiment is successful, he will actually leave the way to becoming a fairy. But if this experiment fails, then it doesn't matter to him whether the younger generations of Jade Palace can become immortals.

   Wen Ruxue didn't know. But after she became an immortal, her mind was clear, and there was no confusion about the cause and effect of her interactions. Of course, she got a glimpse of all the arrangements Qin Zunyang left with her.

   If a monk wants to become an immortal, he must first cultivate to the point where the golden core three flowers are consummated. At that time, the primordial infant would naturally be born in the golden core. This is the consensus of the monks of the Xuanmen in the world. But after that, Yuan Ying's growth was completely different from that of Taoism.

   The monks in history quickly discovered that no matter how to breathe in heaven and earth aura, they can only increase their mana, but it does not help Yuan Ying. It will always stay at a certain stage. Until the body dies at the end of its life, it will disappear with it.

   Brother Yuanying has a longer life than that of Brother Jindan. Brother Jin Dan has a lifespan of three hundred years, and may be able to live to five hundred years by exhausting all means. The Yuan Ying monk can live up to 800 years. However, after the end of life, it is still a hard time in vain.

   Although there are different opinions on how Yuanying grows up, there is a consensus on what will hinder Yuanying’s growth in Xuanmen. The most obvious of these is filthy karma.

   The so-called karma is anything that any creature does and thinks. If it has any influence on the heaven and the earth, then the heaven and the earth will naturally backfire on the person himself, and this effect is karma.

   If the Yuan Ying monk does anything that involves the mundane world, then this mundane world will inevitably produce karma for him. This kind of karma is filthy in the world and is called filthy soil karma. This thing will defile the Nascent Soul, causing the Nascent Soul who could have become a fairy body to degenerate into a mortal body.

   Huang Lu is the mortal body made by Huang Quan’s Yuan Ying. Reincarnation is in the red dust. Although the essence is a fairy body, its cultivation base is no different from that of a mortal.

   From the upper three realms to the lower three realms, the further you go down, the stronger the unclean karma. It is like countless invisible hands, gushing out from the abyss of the earth, pulling the cultivators in the ten thousand realms and making them fall. This is actually a part of nature.

   The monk becoming immortal is the road against the sky. It is absolutely necessary to avoid filthy karma for the growth of Yuan Ying. Therefore, after most monks attained the Nascent Soul, they would cut off the cause and effect, live in seclusion, and never ask any secular things.

   But after retiring from the world, how can Yuan Ying mature and grow into a fairy body? Few people know this.

   Although Qin Zunyang soared, he couldn't pass down his way of becoming immortal. Because this spread also involves unclean karma. If the human world becomes immortal because of the way he spreads, the more powerful this karma will be. Powerful enough to destroy his Attainment Status and make him fall into the evil way again.

   But he sealed a very likely to become a fairy grass in the transmission tower. If she becomes a celestial being, isn’t the way to becoming a celestial being passed down in the Jade Palace? And this filthy soil karma will be borne by this blade of grass, not by himself.

   Maybe he hadn't thought that Wen Ruxue's way of becoming immortal was not passed on to his disciples and grandchildren in the Jade Palace, but passed on to Lan Ruoshuang, a rebellious poisonous woman.

   But the reason why Wen Ruxue is willing to endure the poison of karma, he also passed on the way of becoming immortal to Lan Ruoshuang, because Lan Ruoshuang is the only descendant of the Xue people she knows.

  The way to become immortal is actually quite simple, that is, the food that the Nascent Infant grows up is actually a kind of thing in this world that is opposite to karma, and that is "will power."

  The so-called aspiration is the effect of the aspiration in the hearts of sentient beings. Whether the creatures of all realms fear you, hate you, love you, or respect you, they can gather aspirations. After absorbing these powers, Yuan Ying will continue to mature.

   Of course, the immortal bodies achieved by different aspirations are different. It may not even be a fairy. In addition to good aspirations, evil aspirations can also achieve Nascent Soul. After the achievement, it is called a demon. However, there is no clear distinction between good and bad, and the same is true of immortals and demons.

   is not only afraid of being involved in the common mundane and generating karma, but also requires the aspiration of mortals to become the Nascent Soul. The way of becoming immortal itself is such a huge contradiction. And the fairy is the same. The immortals have always survived in the entangled confrontation of karma and willingness.

  Longevity and happiness? That's just relative to mortals.

   Wen Ruxue didn't understand originally, there is only one obsession in her heart, that is to prevent all creatures from reincarnation. When Qin Zunyang saw her, he couldn't help but have an idea.

  If many creatures are frozen in a certain alienation and no longer enter reincarnation, perhaps they will not be involved in the mundane, nor will they produce filthy karma. And their deity-like worship of Ji Mingcao will produce a steady stream of willpower. Perhaps such a business that only makes money without losing money is a way to become immortal?

   Everyone's way of becoming immortal is different. Qin Zunyang has found his own way to become a fairy. But since he can grasp one more path, he has absolutely no reason to refuse.

   What's even better is that this road to becoming a fairy is a road that is as warm as snow. Burying this person in the human world is an excellent pawn, which has blocked him from over 90% of the karma Lan Ruoshuang will understand after listening. She is only the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion now, and it is still very early to reach the Golden Core Sanhua Consummation, and then to cultivate into the Yuan Ying. But this opportunity will make her have no barriers after Yuan Ying. As long as the method is right, she will definitely become a fairy.

   If she spread this information, even if Wen Ruxue ascends to the heavens, she will inevitably fall under the influence of karma. But fortunately, a person like her will never reveal half of her share to others.

   Moreover, Lan Ruoshuang only knows about this and does not take action. If it has a real impact, Wen Ruxue will not be involved. By the time she actually used this information to achieve the fairy body, it was already years later.

   But Wen Ruxue is about to escape from the world. The most powerful source of her Soul Wound Sword, this extremely powerful sword spirit is about to leave. This is really not a good thing for her.

   Wen Ruxue tapped with a finger. Around them, a clear, straight, criss-crossing line of inspiration emerged. Auras of various colors continue to flash on these lines like lightning that surrounds these lines. Numerous phantoms appeared in the sky, people and things, mountains and waters, making Lan Ruoshuang dizzy.

"what is this?"

   "This is the field line of the Universe Treasure Plate. Thousands of miles away, someone is using the Universe Treasure Plate to calculate this place." Wen Ruxue continued to move her fingers, like a fairy playing a piano, and the crisscrossed rays of light changed accordingly.

"You must remember that the Qiankun Treasure Plate is originally a thing of the Snow Race. Before I escape from the world, I will help you again and let this thing return to the original owner. But this thing can budget for the secret, it is an ominous thing. The Snow Race back then The owner of the clan was involved in the war in the South because of the fact that he had this thing, and eventually the whole clan was destroyed. After this thing becomes yours, you must do it for yourself."

   Lan Ruoshuang's eyes flickered and nodded obediently.

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