Record of Chaos

Chapter 742: Canghai hidden Wolong, Yutai is a god

   (742 Canghai Hidden Wolong, Yutai Reveals God)

   In the present world beyond the mirror image of the fantasy world.

   In the night, the sea is not calm. After the commotion in which the Zhenhai formation was activated by the flying boat of the ancient family, the sea never completely subsided.

   I don’t know where the southeast, northwest wind is coming from, and the waves on the sea overlap. At a glance, it seemed as if the light in the air was falling down, and it was shattered and scattered on the countless waves, rippling uneasily one by one.

   A few miles away from the sea surface of Taiyang Peak, a fleet was anchored quietly, and a hidden formation was deployed around it. There is no fire here, and the fleet is inconspicuous in the dark, like a pile of pitch-black rocks. But it is obviously impossible for ordinary ships to come here.

   This is not an ordinary ship, but the Jinzhou Coastal Defense Fleet, a total of eighteen Hengtian fire ships.

   Although this thing consumes a lot of pure Yang Pill to open, it can sea and air, and the artillery is powerful. It is already the absolute main battle weapon of the Hou Tu Dynasty.

   Originally, Emperor Kun Yuan exiled King Yun to the two continents of Jin and Jade, hoping that he could stop the invasion of the sea monsters from the east and resist the monsters to the south. Throwing these troubles to him, the dynasty can deal with the two families in the north with confidence.

   Therefore, the emperor made a special order that King Yun’s Golden State Army can be equipped with Hengtian fireships.

   Unexpectedly, King Yun not only kept the Sea Demon out of temper, but also opened a business route to the East China Sea and made a fortune. Then he founded the "East China Sea Machinery Engineering Bureau", which produced a large number of Hengtian fireboats, and his military strength increased astonishingly. In a mere Golden State Guard, it was equipped with hundreds of Hengtian fire ships.

   Now Emperor Kun Yuan has strictly ordered the Donghai Machinery Engineering Bureau not to build Hengtian fireships. But it was nothing to King Yun. If you can't build the Hengtian Huoboat, you can build something else.

   This King Cloud was standing on the bow of a fire ship, looking at the moonlight on the constantly fluctuating and disturbing sea.

   The distance between him and Taiyang Peak is not far. From the bow of the ship, he can clearly see the sacred mountain shrouded in a faint halo. The dozens of flying boats in the Jade Palace are still floating in the air, and they have not entered the restriction of Taiyang Peak.

   Taiyang Peak exudes abnormal spiritual fluctuations. A strange spatial vortex formed there. Anyone with a little common sense knows that someone must have laid a spatial formation. Naturally, they will not rush in. They only need to wait for the result of the decisive battle in the enchantment formation.

   King Yun was also waiting on the bow. Theoretically speaking, Taiyang Peak and even the entire Zhenhai Great Formation belonged to the territory of the Jade Palace, a territory controlled by the monks of Xuanmen. He couldn't intervene in the battle of the profound doors in such a realm.

   This is the so-called neutral principle of the state apparatus. The five sects recognized by the state, if they have a profound sect infighting, as long as it does not affect mortals, there is no reason to use the state machinery to interfere. Because the force of the country is used to maintain the country and fight against foreign invasion, not to fight for the benefit of a certain faction.

   Although King Yun almost formed a country of his own, he is still loyal to the Hou Tu Dynasty so far. So no matter how fierce the struggle on Taiyang Peak is, he can't interfere.

   But it is not entirely without reason that he led the fleet here. This Zhenhai Array is an important coastal defense town on the East China Sea. If the fighting between the two sides affects Haiphong, then it is not a matter of internal disputes in Xuanmen. It is perfectly reasonable for him to bring the fleet to guard against the attacks of the sea monsters.

   If he really doesn't want to intervene, he won't spend a lot of money to use the entire fleet to get here.

  Whether the future Jade Palace is Gui Xuanyin as the palace owner or Lian Ping and the rest of them won, he couldn't interfere. He couldn't decide whether they would lean on the emperor or the cloud king. But if Du Li's life was in danger, he would have to interfere without hesitation.

   Just for a woman... and Du Li has never agreed with him in any cross-border relationship, they are at best close friends. He actually used the entire fleet as a deterrent, which he himself felt a bit ridiculous.

   It stands to reason that Hong Ru, a profit-seeking rogue, should try his best to block opposition. But the strange thing is that he did not object.

   Du Li is on the flying boat in the Huichunyuan. Her situation should be reported to the Yun Wang constantly. Who should be inside? Gouzhu, Huang Lu, and the large group of people in Cuiyu Palace who had become brothers with him were all his "internal response."

   He even suspects that the reason why he himself came here is to deliberately confuse this insidious kid. The deception first rescued Mu Jia and Du Li, and then dragged them into the camp of Danyang Pavilion. Then he described the risks of this battle.

   He can only eat this trick obediently, and there is no resistance.

   Hong Ru held a feather fan and sat on a bamboo chair, shaking the fan leisurely. It is said that overseas counsellors like to carry this kind of stuff to enhance their style. Moreover, his fan is not a magic weapon, it is holding a genuine chicken feather as a sword, commanding him, the King of Cloud.

   "You said that this time the Five Elements Sect supports Gui Xuanyin and Lian Ping to compete for the position of the palace lord of the Jade Palace, which one will win?" King Yun suddenly asked.

   "Naturally it will be the result that your Highness expected." Hong Ru smiled faintly.

   "I don't know why you are so sure?"

   Hong gently shook the feather fan like this, but a strong wind came and almost blew his fan away. He concealed his embarrassment and smiled embarrassingly:

  " On the surface, it seems that the Five Elements Sect of Confucianism and Profound Sect have all come out, and Gui Xuanyin has just achieved the golden core, and it should be a good deal to deal with the few purple mansion monks like Lianping and Huo Yun.

   "But they are all just monks, they only know how to calculate their strength, but they don't know how to guess people's hearts.

"Lian Ping appears to be competitive and competitive, but in fact, he is indifferent and will never be greedy for the position of an invincible palace lord. If she knew she was invincible, how could she come here obediently? Shouldn't she give up long ago? Cuiyufeng went to live in seclusion right?

  "Since the strength of the Five Elements Sect is on the bright side, Lian Ping and others should be sure of victory, otherwise they would never come to Taiyang Peak.

  " Xiaosheng dared to speculate that Biluo Saint Lian Ling might not only be alive, but also have a different strength than before. She may manipulate all of this behind the scenes, intending to wipe out Gui Xuanyin and others, and completely end the civil unrest in Jade Palace.

  "On the contrary, they are Zhou Ta, Chen Ang and others of the so-called Confucianism of the Five Elements Sect. They are a group of people who want power and want to be inferior to the power, but they just see the wind. As long as the situation is wrong, they will slip faster than the rabbit.

   "His Royal Highness, don't worry, there should be results in no more than half an hour. Doctor Du..." said Hong Ru who coughed twice and laughed, "Our lord princess, it will be all right."

   King Yun responded: "I finally know how you would be willing to spend so much money on me to bring the fleet here."

   Hong Ru Hong clasped his fists in his hands and congratulated him: "The Profound Gate forces of Jinzhou have been purged, and a hand stretched out from the wall of the Five Elements Sect has been cut off. His Royal Highness will have to help each other to contend for the hope of the world!"

   Anyway, if Lian Ping and others can defeat Zhou Ta, Kong Du, Chen Ang, and Gui Xuan Yin of the Five Elements Sect, then this force must not be ignored. King Yun had a life-saving grace to Lian Ping, so he didn't even have to win over.

  As long as King Cloud is here with the fleet, even if he doesn't do anything, it is equivalent to expressing his attitude. So even for him, a Confucianist who is not profitable and cannot afford to be early, it is extremely cost-effective.

   Not only is King Yun waiting for the outcome of this jade palace battle, the Five Elements Sect, other major sects, and even the imperial court are all waiting behind the scenes with bated breath. Because this battle also determined the ultimate position of the Jinzhou Profound Gate forces.

   pulls a hair and moves the whole body. Perhaps the bias of this medium-sized sect determined the future fate of the Houtu Dynasty.

   But in the heavens, such a small mundane thing in the human world will not arouse the interest of the heavens. Even Gu Yuanli, who was engulfed in it, just let the clone go down and didn't care about it. He put all his thoughts on the two female fairies who were about to soar to his house~www.wuxiaspot. com~ But the process is very long. The same day of the four heavens is more than 18,000 times longer than the human world. So they spent a quarter of an hour in the human world, and he waited on the reception stage for almost a hundred days.

   These two people are really dawdling. Lin Han also wanted to find Lin Meier, Lian Ling, and Gouzudao individually. And Wen Ruxue wanted to wait a while, and she would leave after the ancient family took the Universe Treasure Disk to the Hanchen Department, lest Lan Ruoshuang had any accidents.

   If they linger all day, Gu Yuanli will have to wait fifty years!

   Gu Yuan waited patiently. He couldn't find someone to replace it. Because the first celestial being they saw after the immortals of the lower realm ascended was obviously the person they trusted the most. This is irreplaceable.

   But in the transmission of golden light, what he saw was not two female fairies, but a long and thin black man walking out. The man was empty-handed, but he carried a scabbard on his back. The scabbard was also empty, and there was no sword inside.

   Although the dress of this person is simple, but the skin is like jade, the face is thin, the lines are vigorous, and the temperament is extraordinary. The only thing that contradicted was a pair of sharp eyes that swept around wisely from time to time.

Gu Yuan Li Mingming had already seen this person, but couldn't remember his face, just like the faces of the great deity he had seen. Although he could clearly see those peerless looks, he couldn't understand and couldn't. Picture it out.

   But this person actually appeared directly on the reception stage of his ancient family. He came uninvited and regarded this ancient holy place as nothing, which was enough to make him furious.

   "Who? Who dares to trespass..."

   The man seemed to have not heard his intimidation. Instead, his bright eyes flashed and he stared at his face curiously. Then he moved his head weirdly and pointed at his face and said, "Your brows are bleeding."

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